OpeningIf you want to learn about art, see what famous artists have said too. Some artist words on what artists deal with, could be rewarding for artistic development and sensible schooling. Art is what is intended and presented as art. Art can be appreciated as that. The way to attain artful productivity includes keeping "fresh eyes" alive, and tending to the artistic process for years.Art is a wide concept, and fairly often consists of some forms or facets of communication. Art is further understood as the process or product of arranging or composing things. Both works of art and artistic processes (productions) belong to the realm of art. By catering to the processing, products may abound in time if fairly welcomed. But by giving lots of attention to just one kind of product, or to no products at all, the art production process may suffer and even dry out. To keep the flame of letting art express emotions throughout one's life, or keep that flame aglow longer, one is to cater to the process mainly, and be aware of the traps involved. This said, art contains goals beyond pure creativity and self-expression, the "creation" of something - and may encompass such as purposeful, creative interpretations and poise, beauty, patterns, also, to name a few of the options. Storytelling is a form of art, and painting another. Symbolic meanings may go into the presentations. Art has its uses. People indulge in art:
What do artists say?Try to discern between what people say, do, and are established inside. For example, what artists say about art and how they go on about life an art, may not be perfectly aligned. The fate of outstanding art is to be bought by collectors, museums, the rich and wealthy, so many young artists-to-be dream of such a fare - even though they may look different. This page brings terse sayings about art from many artists and others. Their views differ a lot. By sifting through the compressed maxims given you could come up with art guidelines that are real help. Art quotations and other sayings have been arranged in a way that is quite easy to learn in the right hands. [More] Besides, much in life boils down to: Keep up good things and be well prepared. Dealing with a variety of outlooksFeel free to enjoy the tenets one by one, as quotations and proverbs. You may also come to learn how to assemble selected ideas into training programs - merge selected sayings that help you to manage and compete. Such programs are intended to enrich your life in the long run, if not before. This is to say that after you have given your skeletal program of selected sayings a fair try, you should be able to note their benefits, if any. Living up to good things is not always easy or cheap; it takes what it takes. And "The way from thought to proper, fit action may be long and arduous." A genuine friend along the road tends to help. We can deal with sayings that contradict one another by keeping a lofty attitude or trying to remain calm. Prefer nice ideas that resonate deeply in you, if that can be. Besides, be alert to that different outlooks may give rise to different schools in time too. There are many roads to Rome; many forms and processes of art. Fit for the art of loving? PerhapsMaking love is quite an art in its ways too. The sayings on art below may apply to it as well - more or less so, one might add. Sift art sayings according to taste or need or whatever.Artistic incubation is to be reckoned with. Outcomes of the artistic incubation and its inner, hidden processings, may be quite like a fruit that grows in man, like a child in its mother's womb. Art can be a nice supplement to the reality of nature, placed alongside it for special reasons instead of surrender. Fine fruits need to be handled delicately to be appreciated over and over for some time.
1. You give vent to what you need and strive to appear elegant ☼1. Artistic activity or development may go against some nervous problems and major diseases, by its effects on the libido system in manNo one should drive a hard bargain with an artist. - Ludwig Van Beethoven The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease. - Voltaire There is an art of reading . . . and an art of writing. - Isaac Disraeli Art is like a lie that makes us realise somewhat better, here and there. - Cf. Pablo Picasso ◇ The most beautiful thing we can experience is the . . . source of all true art. . . . He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. - Albert Einstein 2. To meet a harsh-looking woman and faint from the sight only, rests on lack of reserves well inside, and can at best rise only to a dubious art If my husband would ever meet a woman on the street who looked like the women in his paintings, he would fall over in a dead faint. - Mrs. Pablo Picasso 3. One may try to find out where, how often, to what extent and under what conditions public schooling is your enemy and enemy of the art of learning as well The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike at him as hard as you can and as often as you can, and keep moving on. - Ulysses S. Grant To know how to suggest is in the art of loving, art of conversation, art of upbringing, and so on. (#2.2) So: "Art - at bottom there may be a need to look elegant and all right." So many who take part in amusements dress up to look elegant, and some after appearing dubious in the first place. This has been the case of many arts earlier too. There is a tip here: Many who strive to look elegant might have been dubious in the first place - upstarts, status seekers, the nouveau riche, for example. Some buy art for investments, but also to appear elegant or more palatable by bought feathers (art), so to speak.
2. Thinking sharply and learning fairly well in time ☼1. The artistic process consists in allowing the usual blunders a lot of times, to look impressive on others eventuallyGood art consists of limitation. Tune in to this: the most beautiful part of any picture that Gilbert K. Chesterson ever was allowed to see, was the frame. - Cf. Gilbert K. Chesterton Art makes something a lot more visible or audible. - Cf. Paul Klee The artistic temperament looks a bit like the diseases tuberculosis and syphilis mingled: It can become the direct organisation of more highly evolved sensations. Culinary artistry lies in no-nonsense too - at times. - Cf. Gilbert K. Chesterton and Guy Debord Most experts know of no substitute whatever for the artistic process. Its outcomes hint at what it actually feels like to think subtly and feel nobly. - Cf. Henry James and Aldous Huxley Art! Who comprehends her? With whom can one consult concerning this great goddess? - Ludwig Van Beethoven To serve grand ideas with a major work is not bad, nor is it all there is to art. - Cf. Vaclav Havel Every great work of art has a face toward eternity. - Cf. Daniel Barenboim Art is about getting accomplished. In America the successful writer or picture-painter can turn into one of the decent-looking businessmen. Those sides of art can come as a revelation to some. Art itself can be a revelation of man. - Cf. Sinclair Lewis and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ◇ Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere, and politics is the art of preventing people from sticking their noses in things that are properly their business. Politics is also the art of preventing people from sticking to much that was formerly their business. - Gilbert K. Chesterton and Paul Valery Art . . . can become the direct organisation of more highly evolved sensations. - Guy Debord Few things turn so poor and melancholy as art that is interested in itself and not in its subject. - Cf. George Santayana The artist must know of how to impress on others the truth of his airy lies - they include the perspectives that are made use of too. - Cf. Pablo Picasso Wherever good art appears, pointless to geese and perhaps too beneficial to some, sordid conditioning in life happens to get less. - Cf. Günther Grass and Francis Picabia The more minimal the art, the more needs for savoury explanations. - Cf. Hilton Kramer The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing, in so far as it stands ready against the accidental and the unforeseen, and is not apt to fall. - Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Those who write or make love for mink or sudden fame, they take a lot, and the public history of modern art and a current marriage-divorce roulette is one of not knowing exactly what one is dealing with for a long time. - Cf. Edward Dahlberg and Robert Motherwell 2. The whole world turns into a slipshod mess where mankind rules and burns down good forests: good art is significantly different Science and art should encompass the whole world, allowing for nationality. Besides, deft cat bathing is a little martial art, and no creature of nature is inferior to art. - Cf. von Goethe One of the stiff distinctions of the artist is that he must actively cultivate a state that most men try to avoid: the state of being alone. Another distinction is that if he has a genius for painting, poetry, music, architecture or philosophy, he could make a bad husband and an ill provider. - Cf. James Baldwin and Ralph Waldo Emerson The work of art must seize upon you if it is to spell into your whole world. It is the means by which the artist conveys some confluent je ne sais quoi ("I know not what"). It is the current which he puts forth in his slipshod passion. - Cf. Jules Renard 3. Set the artist free to be without directions from over his head, and at long last old ladies of another generation welcomes his efforts Society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him. - John F. Kennedy (partial) Pointless to old ladies and yet good for something, new, good art is too serious to be taken just literally and seriously. - Cf. Günther Grass and Ad Reinhardt (#3.1)
3. The solid, relevant art of living could suit us ☼1. Art is at best a friend of lifeI know of no substitute whatever for the force and beauty of an accomplished artistic process. ⚶ Wherever sound art appears, a lo oft life disappears. - Cf. Henry James and Francis Picabia Art is [at times] on the side of the oppressed. . . . If art is freedom of the spirit, how can it exist within the oppressors? - Nadine Gordimer Through art we express our conception of what nature is not. ⚶ Were art to redeem man, it could do so only by saving him from the seriousness of life and restoring him to an unexpected boyishness. - Pablo Picasso and Jose Ortega Y Gasset Art never improves, but it can be some objectification of feeling. - T. S. Eliot and Suzanne K. Langer The finest works of art make it possible for us to know, if just for a little while, what it actually feels like to think subtly and feel nobly ⚶ I have seen and heard much, but never expected to hear a coxcomb ask two hundred guineas for flinging a pot of paint in the public's face. - Cf. Aldous Huxley and John Ruskin Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises. - Samuel Butler ◇ I am not mad. ⚶ The public history of modern art is the story of conventional people not knowing what they are dealing with. - Salvadore Dali and Robert Motherwell ◇ The artistic temperament is a disease that affects amateurs . . . in artists of less force, the thing becomes a pressure, and produces a definite pain. ⚶ The reward of art is not fame or success but intoxication: that is why so many bad artists are unable to give it up. - Gilbert K. Chesterton and Cyril Connolly The dignity of the artist lies in his duty of keeping awake the sense of wonder in the world, himself striving against a continual tendency to sleep. ⚶ Art is not be coquetted with, and she repays with grand triumphs. - Cf. Gilbert K. Chesterton and Charlotte Saunders Cushman The progress of an artist can look like a continual self-sacrifice, a continual smoldering of the individual assets. ⚶ Art is a bland mistress: if a man has a genius for painting, poetry, music, architecture or philosophy, he makes a bad husband and an ill provider. - Cf. T. S. Eliot and Ralph Waldo Emerson 2. There is much work at the bottom of seemingly effortless work in art and encounters The effort of art is to keep what is interesting in existence, to recreate it in the eternal. - George Santayana There is no need to get crucified if you know how to live. ◇ 3. Copying a lot may turn into beginner's mistakes in the artistic development It's a beginner's mistake to assume that art which is rooted in copying, can be very elevated. It's not even very serious art. (#4.3)
So: There is work at the bottom of seemingly effortless work. |
Contributor ListAmiel, Henri-Frédéric – Anderson, Lindsay – Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius – Arp, Jean – Baldwin, James – Bangs, Lester – Barenboim, Daniel – Beethoven, Ludwig van – Berra, Yogi – Butler, Samuel – Cather, Willa – Chesterton, Gilbert K. – Connolly, Cyril – Cushman, Charlotte Saunders – Dahlberg, Edward – Dali, Salvadore – Debord, Guy – Disraeli, Isaac – Dreiser, Theodore – Einstein, Albert – Eliot, T.S. – Emerson, Ralph Waldo – Faulkner, William – Gasset, Jose Ortega Y – Gide, Andre – Goethe, Johann von – Gordimer, Nadine – Huxley, Aldous – Grant, Ulysses S. – Grass, Günther – Havel, Vaclav – Hockney, David – Huxley, Aldous – Ionesco, Eugene – James, Henry – Kennedy, John F. – Klee, Paul – Kramer, Hilton – Langer, Suzanne K. – Lewis, Sinclair – Longfellow, Henry W. – Matisse – Menzies, Robert – Motherwell, Robert – Murrow, R. Edward – Nietzsche, Friedrich – Picabia, Francis – Picasso, Mrs. Pablo – Picasso, Pablo – Pound, Ezra – Reinhardt, Ad – Renard, Jules – Ruskin, John – Santayana, George – Schiller, Friedrich von – Valery, Paul – Voltaire.
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