The Gold Scales Portal Page The Gold Scales The Gold Scales
Site Map

Most pages come with a 'Section' link on top and bottom to signal their place in this Site Map. A number after 'Section' shows where the page is put in a section. [Examples]

For Young and Old
1➭1. Folktales and Other Tales
Nordic Tales
  1 Norwegian Tales TOC
  2 Swedish Tales TOC
  4 Danish Tales TOC
  6 H. C. Andersen TOC
  7 Icelandic Tales TOC Rev.
  8 Finnish Tales TOC
  9 Shetland Tales TOC

Irish and British
11 Scottish TOC
12 Irish TOC
13 Celtic TOC
14 English and Welsh TOC
15 Celtic Fairy-Faith TOC

Belgian and French
16 Belgian Tales TOC
17 French Folktales TOC
19 La Fontaine Fables TOC
20 Mme d'Aulnoy Tales TOC
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Gold Eggs
User's Guide

 1    2    3 
 4    5    6 
 7    8    9 
10  11  12


Austrian and Farther
21 Fairy Tales of Ludwig Bechstein TOC
22 Grimm Tales for Young and Old TOC
23 German Folktales TOC
27 German Legends TOC
28 Czechoslovak Tales TOC
29 Swiss Folktales TOC Rev.
30 Austrian Folktales TOC
31 Wonder Tales of Old Tyrol TOC
32 Tales from Tyrol TOC
33 Italian Folktales TOC
34 Sicilian Folktales TOC
35 Folktales of Spain and Portugal TOC Rev.

Rhymes and Some More Tale Collections
37 Rhymes and Jingles of Mother Goose
38 Folktales Put Together TOC Rev.
39 Fairy Tales and Folktales TOC

Fables and Tales
44 Fables in Europe TOC
45 Fables by Many TOC
46 Indian Fables TOC
48 Tibetan Tales TOC
49 Buddhist Tales TOC
50 Tales of India TOC
54 Chinese Tales TOC
55 Russian Folktales TOC
58 Dear Fun TOC
63 Uncle Saps: Trickster Tales
64 Wise Men of Gotham
65 Inuit Tales TOC

European of Old
66 Tales of Troy by Andrew Lang
67 Jason and the Golden Fleece
68 Greek Heroes by Charles Kingsley
69 Old Greek Stories by J. Peabody

1➭2. Imagination, Nature and Animals
  1 A History of Nursery Rhymes and Lullabies Rev.
  2 Ducks
  3 A Few Old Riddles
  4 Cats, Cows, Horses, Pigs, Tigers and Walruses TOC
  8 Tales TOC
10 The Bobbsey Twins, 13 Books TOC
12 Sahara Beavers and Sahara Crocodiles
13 Woodpeckers
15 Reynard the Fox TOC
17 Bear Tales and Harangues
18 Pun
20 Wonder-Beasts TOC
23 Greek Myths

1➭3. Works of Taoists
  3 Tao Te Ching Wisdom Rev.
  5 The Complete Chuang-tzu (Zhuangzi), tr James Legge TOC
  6 11 Chapters from the Chuang-tze (Zhuangzi), tr. Lin Yutang TOC
  8 Later Taoist Classics. From James Legge's translations
  9 The Lieh Tzu in Lionel Giles' translation
10 The Quiet Way
12 I Ching, tr James Legge

1➭4. Getting to Grips with Things
  2 The Oracle Study
  5 Beaver Wisdom
  9 The Absent Carpenters

1➭6. Complementary
  2 Acupuncture, How and Why
  4 Bach Remedies
  5 Homeopathy Writings TOC

Hits and Classics
2➭1. Poems
  3 Poetry and a Poem Generator
  5 Poetry If You Find It
  8 Tang Fragments
10 Plastic Flute Poems
12 Poetry, Mirth and Pleasure

2➭2. Buddhism
  1 Buddhist Heritage TOC
  4 Buddhist Living and Haikus TOC
  6 Thoughts of Buddha TOC
10 Mahayana TOC
12 Tibetan Buddhism TOC
14 Zen TOC

2➭5. Quotations
  2 Quotations, First Series TOC
  4 Quotations by Authors TOC
  6 Quotations by Topics TOC
  8 Kinnes BitesTOC
  9 Quotations of Lin Yutang TOC
10 Slim Quotation Collection TOC
12 Assorted Sayings TOC

2➭6. Norwegian, Norman, Norse, and Older
  3 Norse Stories (H. W. Mabie) TOC New
  4 Norse Mythology: Gods and Heroes (P. A. Munch) TOC
  5 Tales of Thor and Others
  9 The Orkneyingers' Saga (tr G. W. Dasent)
10 Snorri's Heimskringla (tr Samuel Laing) TOC
11 Norse Poetry Sampled TOC
14 Norse Voyages, also to America
15 Rollo of Normandy Rev.
19 Norman History
21 Norman History Tales TOC
22 William I of England
24 Beowulf (Anon.)
27 Alternative Beings Around Abound

Winsome Words and Fertile Tales
3➭1. Of Learning
  4 Study Nuggets TOC
  6 Idea Maps TOC
  8 Scholarly Independence TOC
10 Learning Theorists TOC
12 Develop Sound Skills TOC
13 Biblical Criticism TOC
14 Ogre Lookouts TOC
16 At Close Range TOC

3➭2. TM, Meditation, Yoga and Deep Coping
  2 Buddhist Meditation and Transcendental Meditation, TM
  4 Transcendental Meditation Secrets
  6 Teachings of Guru Dev
  7 TM Roots
  8 Transcendental Meditation, TM
10 Maharishi's Vedic Teachings
12 Maharishi Quotations
13 Maharishi and Love
15 Maharishi in a Hollywood Home
17 Sorting Stress Factors
18 Bhrigu
20 Meditation Tips TOC
22 Yoga Teachings for Handling Life
23 Integral Yoga
24 Vedanta TOC
25 Kriya Yoga (Ujjayi) and Deep Yoga Breathing
26 Yoga Nidra Suggestions
27 Tantra
28 Vedic Astrology
29 Findhorn People
31 Befriend Yourself
35 Yoga Coping, Health and Sex

3➭3. "An eel held by the tail is not yet caught"
  1 Dieting and Fasting
  4 Considerations TOC
  5 Buddhist Tantra Teachings TOC
  6 Michel de Notredame
  7 Selected Proverbs TOC
  9 Proverbs and Adages TOC
12 Japanese Proverbs TOC
15 Turkish Proverbs TOC

3➭4. Gold Eggs of Tao
  1 The Gold Egg Model
  3 Cycles and Their Effects
  5 Hagar the Horrible and Thinking
  6 Threads of Gold: Tao Work TOC
  7 Gold Egg Quotations TOC
  9 Tao Te Ching and Its Influence
11 Lao Tzu

3➭5. Wonderment
  2 Hindu Riches
  3 Sri Krishna TOC
  4 Vyasa
  5 Shankara
  6 Yajnavalkya
  8 Ayurveda
  9 Gods and Symbol Animals
10 Some Vedic Gods
12 Delhi and King Croesos
14 The Enneads by Plotinus TOC
15 Humorous Stories

3➭6. Rudolf Steiner
  1 Rudolf Steiner Survey - Introductory TOC
  4 Steiner Basis - Foundational Writings TOC
  7 Steiner Oasis TOC
  9 Steiner Education, Waldorf Education TOC

For Grown-Ups
4➭1. Hindu Works
  1 Guru Dev Darshan TOC
  2 Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
  3 Bhagavad Gita TOC
  5 Uddhava Gita TOC
  6 The Upanishads TOC
  7 Avadhut Gita by Dattatreya
  8 Shankara. The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom
  9 Brahma-Sutras
10 Manu Samhita, Laws of Manu
11 The Institutes of Vishnu
12 The Rigveda TOC
14 Minor Upanishads TOC
18 Elsa Dragemark's Story
19 Elsa Dragemark's Strivings
20 Quotations of Charles Lutes
21 Hinduism Primer

4➭2. Development Nurtured
  1 Opening It
  3 Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Svatmarama
  6 Uddhava Gita Contracted
  9 Teachings of the Black Yajur Veda School
12 Agni Purana Teachings
13 Brahma Purana Teachings
14 Brahmanda Purana Teachings
15 Garuda Purana Teachings
16 Kurma Purana Teachings
17 Linga Purana Teachings
18 Markandeya Purana Teachings
19 Matsya Purana Teachings
20 Padma Purana Teachings
21 Siva Purana Teachings
22 Vayu Purana Teachings
23 Vishnu Purana Teachings
26 Yoga Vasistha Teachings
27 Philosophy of the Upanishads (Deussen)
28 Introduction to Hinduism (Gavin Flood)
32 Athena
34 Savoury Life

4➭3. Some Gist
  1 Mind Work
  2 Lojong - Training the Focus
  3 Srila Prabhupada's Teachings TOC
  6 Yoga Powers
  9 Shibendu Lahiri Messages
 11 Narcissism

4➭4. Bonny Attentions
  1 Kriya Gurus and Kriya Yoga TOC
  2 Meditation at a Glance TOC
  3 Essays on Meditation and More TOC
  4 Discourses TOC
  6 Food TOC
  8 Maya in Hindu Teachings
  9 Sai Baba of Shirdi
10 Near Death Adult
11 Subtle Light and the Third Eye Adult
12 Yoga Psychology by H. Chaudhury
13 Sathya Sai Baba Sayings
14 Shyama Lahiri Study TOC
17 Stories TOC
19 Fables for Adults
20 Uncustomary Sides to Life TOC

4➭5. Yogananda Stuff Exposed
  2 Paramahansa Yogananda Lore TOC
  3 Yogananda Inspection TOC
  4 Jack of Many Masters TOC
  7 Autobiography of a Yogi Digest TOC
  9 Yogananda's Rubaiyat Commentary TOC
15 The Sidelights TOC
17 Yogananda Book Reviews TOC
18 Yogananda and the Walrus TOC
20 Norman Paulsen and Sunburst
21 A Yukteswar Book TOC

4➭6. Grass Fire
  2 Grass Fire - Opening
18 Grass Fire - 1st TOC
19 Grass Fire - 2nd TOC
20 Grass Fire - 3rd TOC
21 Grass Fire - 4th TOC
22 Grass Fire - 5th TOC

Neat and Ancient Texts
5➭1. Forming Connections
  1 Shankara Teachings
  2 Patanjali's Yoga Sutras Explained
  4 Yoga Yajnavalkya
  5 A Post-Vedic Bhagavad Gita
  6 Flying in the Air and Levitation
  7 Discoursing
  8 Vedic Tapas
  9 Bhagavad Gita Self-Lifting
10 Simple Loving
11 Satyananda's Teachings
14 Briefing on Mantra Meditation
20 Teachings of a Heavy Sleeper

5➭2 Confucian Writings
  3 Confucian Analects, Lun Yü
  5 The Doctrine of the Mean
  6 The Great Learning
  7 Confucian Concepts
  8 Fragments of Confucian Lore
  9 Confucian Analects. Quotations

5➭3. More Ancient Works
  1 This Archive Section
  2 Old Egyptian Sayings: Ptahhotep, Ke'gemni and Amenemhet
  3 Amenemope Instructions
  5 The Papyrus of Ani
  7 Maat, Age-Old Views
  8 Wisdom of Babylon
  9 Hymns of Zoroaster
10 Zoroaster Lessons
13 The Iliad by Homer
14 The Odyssey by Homer
17 Atlantis in Plato's Timaeus and Critias
19 Heracles
22 Argonautica

Development Costs
6➭1. Herbal
  5 A Herbal: Generals
  6 A Herbal: Herbal Products
  7 A Herbal: Ailments and Herbs
  8 Herbs in Latin and English

6➭2. Tales
  1 Deep into Folklore TOC
  2 Folktales and Other Tales TOC
  4 Metamorphoses by Ovid TOC
  5 The Chaucer Story Book
  6 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales in Verse TOC
  8 Shakespeare Plays as Tales
10 Decameron Tales TOC
11 Gesta Romanorum Tales TOC
12 Till Owlglass (Till Eulenspiegel)
13 Sorting the Writings
16 Verse Patterns

6➭4. Jung, Boss, Maslow and Others
  3 Jungian Expressions TOC
  5 Medard Boss
  8 Maslow Ideas TOC

6➭5. The Love-life's Goings of Seizing One's Opportunities
  4 Erik Erikson's Epigenetic Scheme

6➭6. Best Parts as Skimmed
  2 Good Thinking
  4 Big Global Issues
  8 Karmic Matters New
  9 On Bhakti
13 L. Ron Hubbard, Dianetics and Scientology

A Horn of Plenty
7➭2. From the German
  1 Till Eulenspiegel TOC
  2 Ludwig Bechstein Märchen TOC
  3 Deutsche Sagen (Grimm) TOC
  5 Ludwig Bechstein. Deutsches Sagenbuch TOC
  6 Havamal. (Übersetzer: Karl Simrock)

7➭3. Outlets of Ancient Cultures
  2 Vedic Sayings TOC
  3 Riverside thinking
  7 Garibaldi and Messiah
  9 Ancient Egyptian Gardens and Garden Living
10 Assamese Lifestyle
12 English Traits
13 Acem
15 Sides to Tibetan Culture

7➭4. On Art
  4 Art Travesties

7➭6. Blunt Arguing May Be Useless
  6 Starting Early: The Cow Says Moo
  8 Ramayana Survey TOC

The Good Day
8➭1. Humanistic Approaches
  2 Transactional Analysis, TA
  3 Transactional Analysis for Parents (Muriel James)
  5 Transactional Analysis - Ego States
  8 Sound Welcomes
13 The Panchatantra TOC
15 Tarot Study: Pictures and Sayings TOC
19 Étoile sagesse TOC
21 Edgar Cayce TOC
22 Superficial and Savoury, i.e. Tactful

8➭2. Anecdotes
  2 Alfred Hitchcock Anecdotes and Quotations
  3 Albert Einstein Anecdotes
  4 Horse Anecdotes
  6 The Scream of Edvard Munch
  7 Some Anecdotes
  9 Anecdotes, What They Are
10 Slapstick

8➭4. Odd Stories
  7 Apocryphal Tales
11 The Köpenickiade
14 Peer Gynt: A Play by Henrik Ibsen

8➭6. Sides to Living
  1 Eternity, with Quotations
  2 Don Juan and "Eggs"
  3 Dreaming of Mysteries
  4 How to Maintain Yourself
  6 Due Care
  8 Proxemics of E. T. Hall
10 Scientist Tales
11 Navel Teachings
12 Norway: Facts and Assessments

9➭2. Adjusting
  2 Educational Matters TOC
  4 OCEAN Considerations of Modern Psychology
  8 Seth Material

9➭5. Ramakrishna and Vivekananda
  2 The Gospel of Ramakrishna TOC
  3 Ramakrishna TOC
  6 A Hinduism Course
  8 Vivekananda

Feeding More
10➭6. Artistry
  3 Grandma Moses
  4 Rubens
  6 Picasso
  7 Cartoons TOC
  9 Charles M. Schulz and Peanuts
10 Carl Barks, Cartoonist, Storyteller, Painter
11 Artistic Development and Creative Growth
12 Folk Arts
13 Lady Godiva
14 Life, Alignments and Architecture
16 On Nudes in Art

11➭1. Emerson
  3 Emerson Quotations and Extracts TOC

11➭6. Thinkers
  5 Aristotle Works TOC

Of Abodes
12➭4. Halcyon
  4 Halcyon

12➭5. Architects
  2 Le Corbusier
  4 Gaudí

12➭6. Norwegian-American
  1 Norwegian-American Humor TOC
  3 Ole and Lena Joke Book
  8 Norwegian-American Information TOC


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© 1995–2019, Tormod Kinnes, MPhil [Email]