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Beaver Wisdom



Let lovely friends bring useful gifts

Wisdom of beavers Getting old tends to require a "good flow" of id and its outlets. In this series 'beaver' represents human id.

LoHatred can keep you wide awake and alarmed, instead of better things

DON'T gloat when your timber tree falls; to show partiality in judging is not good.

Don't love sleep or you'll grow poor; stay awake and you'll become a maniac. [A suitable middling route should be found.]

Better a meal of cabbage where there's lusty, all right love than a fattened calf filled with hatred.

LoStupid interpretations fairly often stiffle the good flow of instructions

The beaver who leaves the path of beavers before him, could be in dire trouble before the end of the day.

Don't exploit the poor because they're friends of beavers, living in huts and sheds like them.

Stop listening to absolutely stupid instruction and interpolation, or in the end it could damn your fare.

LoMenial work tends to wear out and not bring best fruits

DON'T be satisfied to do menial work; go for great results, rather. Read such messages that bring out something "best" in you, or help you to identify or confirm this and that as tied in to your own deep experiences, if you can. Thus, perceive what you need and favour little apart from it till you are well and safe, at least seemingly.


  1. Hatred can keep you from better things in life, like anger.
  2. Don't exploit true friends, as they don't hamper your fare.
  3. Menial work is fit toward being well and safe. Educate yourself along with it, if you can manage it.
IN NUCEHatred and rancour hardly makes good enough use of hard ones; educate yourself to get a good grip on more things.

Wise beavers - TO TOP


If you're too weak, you'll groan even if you wade

LoNear the end of your life, the tongue should be used well!

Let the works of sound beaver wisdom bring lots of praise.
     At the end of your life you are likely to groan anyway.

LoTricky speech can bewilder. Don't believe crazy jokes. Ask for evidence, rather

THE WICKED lover hearts harbour deceit though their speech could be charming. Don't believe such ones. Who are they? Hearts can tell.

LoDo the work you can, embrace work that counts, and ask to be shown the way - try that

VERY significant ideas that rise "out of the ocean inside" have to be welcomed, taken care of and nourished. Thereby what emerges from inside can get good chances to manifest in the open, and further.

It could work well to embrace significant understanding and bring it to work in one's life.


  1. Lots of insincere praise is hardly more than frank groans.
  2. The wicked may not believe what they tell so as to profit on gullible others.
  3. Do the work you are up to, and bring it to some well-rounded completions in time too. That is good.
IN NUCESome fall victims to insincere praise, and are taken away from working for their own homes by it. Guard against it.



Transmitting lips should be clean and tidy, and also not merely blowing soap bubbles

LoSpend what is needed to find truths that count. Here you may learn to compose them too

THE BEAVER who conceals his hatred has not friendly lips.

Even a beaver young is known by his actions; you do well to avoid a beaver who talks too much.

LoOf fleeting moments, those spent in straight frivolity may count among the best

Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful virgin bride.

A beaver who gains the path of understanding pursues righteousness and finds the good loom also.

LoSimplicity and frivolity are like cousins, love to find things beautiful too

GOOD frivolity is a kindred of learning. What is imagined inside may come to your rescue and bring wisdom from on high.

Your mind soars and imagines things "up there".

To associate with bad ones may ruin your reputation.


  1. Listen well if friends talk.
  2. Feel free to pursue the good bride if you manage.
  3. A good reputation and a good harbout may both rescue, and may ease some sorts of frivolity too.
IN NUCEListen well, for the good bride-to-be may be basically alert to reputation.



Don't join crushing and lying tongues where they are

LoGuarding your heart is plenty to do, and wise too

Don't join those beavers who drink too much grape wine or become the food of others.

Guard your heart, for it's the wellspring of life.

A deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.

LoGet favoured in any way you can. Even disgrace may favour sound knowledge, illness too at times - but don't go for negative experiences. It works better to learn on top of mistakes and errors of others. Good schooling is like it

Maintain discretion and preserve knowledge.

The beaver who bluntly refuses and despises his beaver neighbour could get into trouble and disgrace.

LoFirst offended, then unyielding for a great long while too - and what comes next is fairly open in general

There should be a middle way somewhere.


  1. Guard your heart and attune to it for things to go well, even though surrounding by deceivers.
  2. Preserve good knowledge against trouble and disfavour.
  3. A well-rounded middling way helps.

IN NUCEGuard your heart and keep your channels to its good knowledge open, and balance carefully along. Adhering to main points of the Middle Way of Buddha, is fit for many.

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