Positive Thinking QuotationsThink positively about positive thinking - that's a lot. There is a swarm of quips, one-liners and other sayings about positive thinking, at least thousands. But just what is meant by positive thinking? There are explanations on the site. [More] Positive thinking and optimism are related in some ways, but not in all ways. Stupid optimism and folly are friends, and unseasoned optimism can bring severe hardships. It is not stupid optimism that is good for a life. Fit and fair realism had better be the backbone of it too. With that in mind, here are selected quotations and greatly modified 114 thoughts on positive thinking. Sayings with no mention of authors, can be credited T. Kinnes
A little bird sings because it has a song and a way of looking at things. And what about you? A few encouraging words, or motivation, do not last long. Neither does bathing daily. A place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own mind. A very significant day in your life is the day you find out what you were born for. [With Mark Twain] A wise man may know how to create opportunities. [With Francis Bacon] Attitude may make much difference at times. [With Winston Churchill] Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. Believe in yourself with a seasoned, reasonable confidence in your own powers. Breakups have a way of shaking us to see what we are not willing to settle for. By consistently maintaining a positive frame of mind, don't become known as a problem of complainers first and foremost. [Cf. Joseph Somerville] Change before you have to. [Jack Welsh] Consider if someone who was strong enough to cross over a river, is strong enough to cross back. Dare to keep asking, "Where is happiness involved?" Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but also by the seeds you plant [With Robert Louis Stevenson] Don't forget to accomplish things that can make you come alive somehow, too. So many need that. Don't let inspiring words control all of you. Set yourself free from inspiring words if you are up to it. Don't let unsound positive thinking dwarf you. Instead stay as classy as you can. Don't waste time cementing roadblocks to sound success. Instead, try to focus on succeeding as long as it's right for you Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning. [Gloria Steinem] Encouraging words need to be true too, to work deeply enough. Enemies may signify you've stood up for something in your life. [Cf. Winston Churchill] Enjoy losing weight . . . Take as much happiness and joy as you can from your weight loss journey," says Harry Papas. Do better than that; specify how it is done, for example. Enjoy the little things in life also, for you may come to realize one day that they were the big things. [Cf. Robert Bruit] Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realise they were rather big. [Cf. Robert Breault] Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see. [Kung Fu Tzu] Focusing is a lot for manifesting your desires. Freedom is right now in part the result of your own making. Get good enough reasons to let positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of your mental landscapes. Go for staying realistic and classy, and not just a sorry and dreamy victim of commonplaces by all sorts of guys. Happiness depends more on the inward disposition of mind than on outward circumstances. [Benjamin Franklin] How many of us have considered if it's possible to stay healthy or cure various maladies with the positive use of the mind? And if we have, have we done much more than simply consider the idea?" [With H. E. Davey] How we deal with all sorts of folk and things, takes part in shaping our destiny too. How we relate with other people is dependent on our regard of them, and the other way round. I can sum up much I've learned about life: it goes on. [Cf. Robert Frost] If good dreams die, very much fine in life little by little slides away. If you are living in the wrong country, you could have harboured other major plans for a long time. If you can't quit, stop complaining – this is also a choice. If you love what you do, you may accomplish great work one way or the other. If you make excuses, see to it that none of them can lock your inner genius and block further success. It is in the art of living. If you want success, start thinking of yourself. It is wise to invest time and energy in yourself and your dearest pursuits. Keep doing right, and your thinking may come right also. Keep on being generous and true, but stay away from violent, cruel types also. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do. [Leonardo da Vinci] Learn to apply good thoughts and be better off. Learn to rise above confused thinking in deep meditation, and in that delicate state focus a lot on delicious aims the wise endorse. It is part of good meditation training. Let great happiness come from your own actions. [With Dalai Lama] Life happens to bring the responsible attitude of giving something back to its flow. Life on Earth seldom seems fair, but full of turmoil. Many good things in life are unseen, so we may close our eyes when we meditate, kiss and dream. Many limitations may be changeable . Little limitations might be used as stepping-stones. Maybe ninety percent of success is showing up. [Cf. Woody Allen] Maybe you can change yourself, but make sure it is for the better. Money and happiness can exist together; it is not an either-or for most part. Not to decide where you are heading, and standing still, may not be the worst thing you can to, not the worst kind of management. Nurture your mind with great thoughts and guard your bank accounts, or you risk losing much. One must see and deal with the emotional aspect of the issue or the emotional side may surface in unwanted ways. Only in part plan the unchartered future by the past. Overoptimistic positive thoughts may not help you out the the troubles they could engender. Part of the problem with positive thinking [is the] desire to reduce big questions to one-size-fits-all self-help tricks or ten point plans. [Oliver Burkeman, The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking] Paying attention obviously works better if there is a lesson or three there. Perspective can be your own choice, and likewise acknowledging and appreciating the outlooks that could serve your highest good in life. Positive thinking affects your decision making and possibly your relationships with family and friends too. Positive thinking might let you do many things better than negative thinking could, but you may still be unable to prove it somehow unless you have statistics on your side. Positive thoughts should go hand in hand with positive feelings and achieve. Post-positive thinking, what could its sobering-up sides be like? Three options come to mind. They are: Fall in step with harmonious scientific folks who build, investige qualify and modify hypotheses, and tear down so many also; Get forgetful of all things you did not tackle; and Get truthful instead. Reading inspiring quotes can uplift the mind; there is that chance. Realism rises higher than a singing lark. Recognize your progress, and why not chart and plot main accomplishments? It may help, along with mature self-rewarding. Reluctance about working . . . it may be possible to coexist with it for a great long while here on earth. Remain keen on noticing positive things in life. Right thoughts and right efforts should bring about fine results if others let you. See past the clouds of inspiring words alone. Seek not to let anyone rob your joy. How? By guarding it, being guarded. Some encouraging people bring a lot of work along with them. Sound success is within reach if you can breathe well enough to realise the power within you. Stick to your innermost dreams and desires, to avoid the regrets of being hired to follow all sorts of current, rather mad and exploitative desires of the community. Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. [Albert Einstein] The best and most beautiful things in life also need to reach and touch the heart. The deeper the belief in something, the more alarming disappointment you get if the good things do not happen. The fit nuisance can inspire and motivate you into greater things by just how you respond. The fit nuisance can inspire and motivate you into greater things by just how you respond. The hands that hold the cradle can empower entire generations. [Cf. Amy Leigh Mercree] The people who talk and write about the power of positive thinking, are they always successful? The pessimist sees an opportunity to be clever-mouthed in every difficulty. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have. [Louis E. Boone] There is nothing as practical than a good theory. [Kurt Lewin] Thinking is at times most of all a forerunner of taking action. To attain to easy work could be long and hard work. To be optimistic is but a hopeful view for the present moment, and should not overshadow and disregard facts, givens and strongly likely trends. To feel that what you simply do matters could make for more fun. To the degree you don't take control of your own life, others may cut in on you if you don't live alone in a forest. [Cf. To touch hearts in a positive and meaningful way may be a noble service to them. Very kind words are able to create ripples of caring around us. We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses. [Abraham Lincoln] We can't realise positive choices for the rest of our lives without an environment that suits one's inner accomplishments. Well, if it can be thought, it can be done, and also overcome. We've all met individuals who perceive themselves as positive people but don't communicate it through sober and fair words. When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion. [Abraham Lincoln] When nothing much happens in your life, it can be awfully hard at times to act positively. When pain is your teacher, don't forget to ask what makes you come alive also. So many need that. When pain is your teacher, don't forget to probe into what sorid things seem to follow, so as to be ahead of the game too. When the world pushes you to your knees, you're in the perfect position to say a prayer or three. When you have control over your thoughts, you have that control over your life; maybe more. Who does much, may also accomplish much. Why not go where you are celebrated and keep away from those who call you bad names and seek to kill you? Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible. [Frank Zappa] You are here to celebrate life and encompass the world. You can make mild memories each day if you are up to it. And why not take up painting? You had better not waste your time on what doesn't matter, but most people seem to do just that. You may be doomed if sharks are your teachers. Business sharks also. You may be doomed if wrong tenets of positive thinking leads you unarmed into battle. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. [Buddha, attributed] Your emotions, attitudes, and thoughts affect your bodies, sometimes to the degree of life or death.
Anthony, Robert. Beyond Positive Thinking. Rev. ed. Garden City, NY: Morgan James, 2004. ⍽▢⍽ Dr. Anthony, a leader in the self-help field, offers positive visualization techniques and step-by-step methods aimed at helping readers to get beyond former limitations. Glickman, Rosalene. Optimal Thinking: How to Be Your Best Self. New York: John Wiley, 2002. Hansard, Christopher. The Tibetan Art of Positive Thinking: Skilful Thought for Successful Living. Mobius Paperback ed. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1985. ⍽▢⍽ Good ideas.
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