Cayce on EducationBelow are extracts and quotations from the book Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation by Noel Langley, Page references are to that book throughout, with a few exceptions. And what Cayce calls the Entity, is called "the soul" further down.
Cayce's views on upbringing consistently emphasised 'the need for absolute honesty with the child. He condemned pampering as firmly as he condemned insecurity and lack of self-esteem. A child's insecurity and lack of self-esteem [really] urge the parent always to explain the reason for proper discipline, never to apply it autocratically "because I say so." Thus, always appeal to the child's faculty for reasoning. [p 108] To force his own fears and prejudices down the throat of the young soul [tends to be greatly disturbing]. [p 108] Parents would have to shoulder their own share of the responsibility to souls in their keeping. [p 102] The child must be reasoned away from its own weaker characteristics, not bribed away from them. [p 109] Music used for creative purposes is helpful. [p 109] Question: "How can the mother best cope with [her child's] temperament for the best development?" - Edgar Cayce: "It isn't so much 'cope with it' as just meet it!" [p 110] Do not scold. [p 111] Self-EducationOne is to: Make a positive effort to balance. [p 40] Keep a high standard of conduct. [p 100] Refrain from being jealous of another's glory [count your own blessings instead]. [p 141-42] Reap the benefits of good conduct, as rewards await the soul for consistently proper conduct. [cf p 17,. [p 64] Take advantage of the times. [cf p 19] Stay honest and forthright. Sincerity - honest with ourselves. [p 61, 210, 273] Seek wisdom by going for spiritual advancement. [cf p 142] Be content to do your own [work] correctly. [p 269, 270] Make constructive use of present abilities with proper determination. [cf p 21, 96] Go for ability to judge; clear insight. [p 26, 19] One is to adapt to the conditions -Adhere to positive potentialities equanimity and longevity. [cf p 133, and p 209, 253] Overcome timidity by having something particular to say! [p 86] "Do not be subdued by others who try, or have tried, to impress you with their importance . . . anyone can act the fool by appearing to be important. [p 85] Some may develop a rational and logical acceptance of deeper truths. [p 263 ] Keep yourself physically, mentally and spiritually fit. [p 22] Refrain from leaving here with much unfinished business. [p 249] Allow for the latent abilities to progress throughout this lifetime, also in terms of practical application. [cf p 24] Great understanding is applicable to man's secular life just as much as to his mental or spiritual. [p 27] Guard against all those who seek for selfish ends. [cf p 137] One is to progress also to make certain compensations possible - to settle soul debts, and work off accumulated debts. [p 38, 52] Go fitly against self-indulgence and excesses. [p 92] Work to evolve yourself to a sufficiently enlightened outlook. [p 40] Indwelling in the spirit, the soul enjoys exhilaration. [p 42, 44] The soul can sometimes advance itself by methods that need not be immediately apparent. [p 47] There must be harmony in self: therefore heed the still small voice. [p 66, 45, 84] You are permitted to accumulate much of the word's goods. [p 101] Acknowledge it if you are broken in purpose and gone astray. [p 50] Confused is not smart enoughEvery soul is personally answerable. [p 128] Sorrow comes from the soul's own misuse of the free will. [p 125] Among the leaders of the world are extremists. Relinquish the idea of this earth is the venue of the perfect society. [cf p 136, 278] Prudent souls refrain from mixing without respect for another's freedom. Moreover, experienced souls tend to get tempered. [cf p 134, 137] Some are confused even deep in their minds. And some apparently belong together as a couple. [p 214, 208] One had better be is smart enough not to attempt a futile retaliation, and rather incarnate with safety. [p 156, 134] Good souls who have suffered, will learn how blessed it is to abide in the intelligible world and will more plainly perceive the excellence of a superior state. [p 167-68] Cayce Teaching: The modernistic along with the Phoenician and Egyptian combine beautifully through their simplicity and decorativeness. [p 88] Until individuals are in their thought, purpose and intent . . . constructive - they are subject to [the law]. [Johnson 102] Cayce ReadingsAll work and no play is as bad as all play with no work. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 2597-2 As the understanding comes more and more, never, NEVER does it make the ... entity other than the more humble, the more meek, the more long-suffering, the more patient. . . . But leave much of the results with Him. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 2441-2 Bring hope, . . . joy . . . bring a smile again to those . . . bathed in tears and in woe. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 987-4 Do not attempt to force . . . thy knowledge upon another. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 5753-2 Do not be excessive in anything! - Edgar Cayce, Reading 340-29 Do not become a crank on any subject. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 342-1 Do not gain knowledge only to thine own undoing. . . . Do not obtain that which you cannot make constructive in thine own experiences and in the experience of those whom ye contact day by day. He that contributes only to his own welfare soon finds little to work for. He that contributes only to the welfare of others soon finds too much of others and lost the appreciation of self, or of its ideals. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 3478-2 He that hath great knowledge, understanding and experience, of him much is required. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 2708-1 Honest doubt is not a sin. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 2519-8 Honest skepticism is a seeker. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 254-95 Hope and faith are living – Living – things. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 1504-1 It is not what the mind knows but what the mind applies about that it knows, that makes for soul, mental or material advancements. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 444-1 Just as great a sin to over eat as to over drink; to over think as to over act! - Edgar Cayce, Reading 341-31 Keep a normal balance, not being an extremist in any direction, – whether in diet, exercise, spirituality or morality. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 2533-3 Knowledge may not be put on as a cloak, but must be an internal growth toward that which has been determined as an ideal. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 256-5 [L]ife must be well-balanced life . . . to bring contentment. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 349-6 Make for a more evenly balanced body – physical and mental. Know how to apply the rules of metaphysical operations to a corncob, or to fence rail, or to a hammer, an axe, a walking cane, as well as the theories of this, that, or other mind, that in nine cases in ten is seen to become a storehouse for mental deficiencies of physical energies! Remember that overenthusiasm is as bad as dilatory activity. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 1151-21 Showing mercy, showing grace, showing peace, long-suffering, brotherly love, kindness – even under the most trying circumstances. sure. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 281-31 Take specific definite exercises morning and evening. Talk is well. Action is wise. Deeds are golden. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 254-35 The more knowledge, the more responsibility. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 281-23 Cooperating with nature, cooperating with spirit, cooperating with mind, to make that which will be . . . - Edgar Cayce, Reading 1527-3 [To t]hose who would teach . . . shoveling dirt, raising cabbage, extracting square root, or making drinks . . . Only those things that are just, those things that are beautiful, those things that are harmonious. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 1776-1 When the wheel of life, that is given to each soul, becomes lopsided . . . to become lopsided in any direction is to make for discontent . . . Do not allow any discouraging forces and disorders in the lives of others, or loss of confidence in others, to disturb the equilibrium. - Edgar Cayce, Readings 315-4 and 4406-1 While one must think highly of self do not be over-democratic; neither too self-sufficient. There is the medium ground. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 3474-1 Who seek knowledge is seeking the greatest gifts of the gods of the universe. 254-17 Without knowledge there is not the comprehension; and without understanding it does not become practical. - Edgar Cayce, Reading 518-1
Bro, Harmon Hartzell. Edgar Cayce: A Seer out of Season. Wellingborough: The Aquarian Press, 1989. Bro, Harmon Hartzell. Edgar Cayce on Dreams. Reissued ed. New York. Warner Books, 1988 (1968). Cayce, Edgar. Auras: An Essay on the Meaning of Colors. Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E. Press, 1973.
Cayce, Edgar. Edgar Cayce on Past Lives. Edgar Cayce reading # 5753-1 of 16 June 1933. Online. Cayce, Edgar. The Children of The Law of One and The Lost Teachings of Atlantis. Alamosa, CO: Network, 1987. Cayce, Edgar. The Essenes: A Compilation of Extracts from the Edgar Cayce Readings. Virginia Beach, VA: Edgar Cayce Foundation, 2006. Cayce, Hugh Lynn, general editor: The Edgar Cayce Collection: Four Volumes in One. Wings Books, New York, 1986. ⍽▢⍽ Hugh Lynn (1907-82) was the son of Edgar. The four books included here are: Edgar Cayce on Dreams (1968); Edgar Cayce on Healing (1969); Edgar Cayce on Diet and Health (1969), and Edgar Cayce on ESP (1969) Cayce, Hugh L., ed. Edgar Cayce on Atlantis. Reissue ed. New York: Warner Books, 1999. Edgar Cayce Foundation. Humor: A Compilation of Extracts from the Edgar Cayce Readings. Virginia Beach, VA: Edgar Cayce Foundation, 1971, 1993-2015. Cerminara, Gina. Many Mansions. Introduction by Hugh Cayce. New York: Signet, 1950. Hobson, J. Allan. Dreaming: A Very Short Introduction. Paperback. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Horne, Jim. Sleepfaring: A Journey Through the Science of Sleep. Chap 16. Paperback. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Johnson, K. Paul. Edgar Cayce in Context: The Readings, Truth and Fiction. Ill ed. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1998. Karp, Reba Ann. Edgar Cayce Encyclopedia of Healing. New York: Warner Books, 1986. Langley, Noel. Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation. New York: Warner Books, 1967. Little, Gregory L., Lora Little, and John Van Auken. Edgar Cayce's Atlantis. Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E Press, 2006. McGarey, William A. Edgar Cayce on Healing Foods for Body, Mind, and Spirit. Rev. ed. Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E Press, 2002. McGarey, William. Edgar Cayce on Healing Foods for Body, Mind and Soul. Rev. ed. Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E. Press, 2002.
Melton, John Gordon. Edgar Cayce and Reincarnation: Past Life Readings as Religious Symbology. Syzygy: Journal of Alternative Religion and Culture 3 (1-2): 1994. Online.
Morgana's Observatory's "Edgar Cayce's Prophesies" ⍽▢⍽ The page draws on chapter four in the Australian Armageddon: Doomsday in Our Lifetime? by Bob Leaman, originally published in 1986 by Greenhouse Publications, and no longer in print. Stearn, Jess. Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet. New York: Doubleday, 1967. Sugrue, Thomas. There Is a River: The Story of Edgar Cayce. Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E. Press, 1973. Vermes, Geza. From Jewish to Gentile: How the Jesus Movement Became Christianity. Biblical Archaeology Review (BAR) 38:06, Nov/Dec 2012. Vermes, Geza. The Real Jesus: Then and Now. Minneapolis, MI: Fortress Press, 2010. Willner, John. The Perfect Horoscope: Following the Astrological Guidelines Established by Edgar Cayce. New York, NY: Paraview Press, 2001.
[1] A. R. E. Edgar Cayce on Dreams. 2002.
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