Cayce HumourThe application of the knowledge must be construed within [one]self. - Edgar Cayce [Reading 264-56, F 50, 8/15/41] Explanation: Cayce's use of "self" for "oneself" and similar is also quite typical, and Biblical-oldfashioned use of "thy" and "thee", "ye" and so on. Terms like "the entity" and "the body" - meaning "this one" or someone or soul, single individual, and so on, are typical Cayce ways of referring to people coming to him or writing him and plying him with questions about thousands of things. And "same" is loosely for "the same thing" and similar. The language in the quotations that follow, is a tad modernised, and some of the words are changed into British. "Cayce himself was known for his sense of humor and love of story-telling," writes Elaine Hruska. "Harmon Bro in his doctoral disssertation wrote that Cayce wanted to tell stories and talk to people, but they wanted him to keep quiet, go to sleep, and give a reading!" she also writes. Further, Cayce, ahead of his time, was humourous even in deep sleep. Then several witticisms came up when he answered questions in such a state. Many of the answers may seem inconsiderate to a bystander, if not offensive. Better be warned it sometimes happens. For all that, almost all of them are removed below.
Warming UpTip: Humour and counsel in a proper place, at a fit time, in a good way and well received, can "save the day" in many cases, for example among friends. Among enemies humour and good counsel may not work out well. We generally do well to discern about the public, what is not transgressing limits and taboos, and think well too. Cayce, in a sleep state, talked of interesting themes such as the destiny of humanity, astrology, reincarnation, Atlantis, ancient Egypt, earth changes and much else. Further, the psychic Astoria Brown finds that Edgar Cayce's "dietetic and health advice was often decades ahead of its time . . . Many of his holistic treatments are widely used today." I render: There are tens of thousands of Cayce students today. Most of them are in the United States and Canada. The Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.RE.), headquartered in Virginia Beach, promotes interest in Cayce. Cayce got questions while in a self-induced sleep. Such a session was led by one person, and another person recorded what he was asked and what he came up with. Such sessions of questions and answers came to be called "readings". At first they dealt mainly with the physical health people. Later in his life, readings on past lives, business advice, dream interpretation, and mental or spiritual health were also given. With time, many New Age themes emerged, and prophesies. Cayce believed his deep-sleep statements should be taken into account to the extent that they led to a better life for the recipient: "Does it make one a better husband, a better businessman, a better neighbour, a better artist, a better churchman? If so, cleave to it; if not, reject it." Further, he invited his audience to test his suggestions rather than accept them on faith. Edgar Cayce gave over fourteen thousand "readings" during a period of forty-three years (1901 to 1944). When waking from his sleep-state, he usually said he did not remember what he had said during the reading. He also said - Carl Jung is into similar thinking -, that the unconscious mind has access to information which the conscious mind does not have. Most records come from the period after 1925, when his secretary Gladys Davis recorded the readings, and his wife Gertrude Evans Cayce conducted (guided) the readings. The readings are customarily divided into different groups, such as physical readings, also called health readings: there are 9,603 extant readings. There are fewer extant life readings (1,920), business readings (747), dream readings (630), mental and spiritual readings (450) and other readings (954). The last group of readings cover such as buried treasure, psychic abilities, auras, prophecy, and other topics. The number of readings in each category show that health readings dominate the vast material when it comes to amounts of readings. Yet there are different set of topics. Cayce readings consist of numbers and letters. The first numbers represents the one the reading is about. The second number (after a hyphen) which reading it is if a person gets more than one reading. These gleanings are had from a compilation of Cayce humour, from A.R.E. The dates and other discrete data is also furnished. (And see book list at the bottom of the page for the compilation).
Indelicate Cayce Jokes? ☼1. Treatment Readings Q. Rub that on the outside? A. You can't rub it on the inside. [34-7, M adult, 6/9/1911] Q. If this treatment is followed properly, what period of time will be necessary to bring this body to its normal state? A. One year, one month, one day, one hour, and 10 minutes from now. (4681-1) Sometimes the readings have a definite sense of humour and what sounds like a fund of common sense. A reading for a woman in Maine opens, "Why do you ask us to comment on your doctor's diet sheet when you have not yet read it yourself?" 2. An approach to lots of work: Advertise what you don't know (yet) Q. Is the prediction true that I will die suddenly, at the age of 80, in Tibet? A. If you go to Tibet and live to be 80, you may die there! This depends upon many, many, many circumstances. You will not die in Tibet, unless you go there; and there's not the prospect now of going there! (2067-3) Q. Should any publicity be given the study of this work at the present time? A. . . . Individual seeking knowledge does not desire to advertise that he has NOT knowledge! [254-39, 12/1/27] The shortest reading on record is for Edgar Cayce himself, given one day when he was feeling miserable. "You haven't done what we told you to the last time. We are through." Q. Which shoulder should be taped? (A) The one that's hurt! (1710-5) 3. Finally fit for restive thinking Q. Any further advice on the body in general? (A) You better take a rest if you don't want a long rest. (3436-3) So To get normal is an individual matter somehow, and individuals are unique - hence different from all others. Add "more or less" if you care. This suggests that so-called normal people, average Joe's or conform ones, if you like, are not truly healthy: that is what Abraham Maslow concluded. However, persons who deviate from the average in positive ways are the ones toset the standards for health. It all boils down to: "Not all who are thought to be sound, are sound anyway." (See Maslow 1989, chap. 11). Anecdote![]()
The composer Paul Hindemith was once conducting a rehearsal of one of his more dissonant orchestral compositions. At one point, he rapped his baton and said, "No, no, gentlemen; even though it sounds wrong, it's still not right!" (Fadiman, 1985, 280) Good humour is encouraged"In the Edgar Cayce readings there are hundreds of references to the importance of joy, laughter, and mirth that come from having a good sense of humor." - Elaine Hruska "Cayce often encouraged individuals in their personal readings to cultivate a sense of humor, . . . to read the comics, and to appreciate the joking, optimistic side of life." - Elaine Hruska Employing a sense of humor at appropriate times and in appropriate ways . . . can also defuse an unpleasant situation. Several times the readings advised seeing the ridiculous in even the most sacred things. - Elaine Hruska Cayce himself had a good sense of humor and enjoyed and appreciated it in others as well. - Elaine Hruska "The sense of humor . . . to work with, cultivate and develop . . . can be of tremendous value." - Hugh Lynn Cayce, "Healing with Humor". "Edgar Cayce taught us to smile, even if it takes the hide off of us." - Hugh Lynn Cayce, "Healing with Humor". Hugh Lynn Cayce is Edgar's son, and has edited many books about his father's work.
Cayce Quotations on Humour ☼1. Don't let Old Nick get the best of you Don't let even Old Nick make you mad! Laugh at it! [303-39, F 56, 3/11/43] Q (Question). Could a Life Reading be obtained through these sources for Aunt [268]'s little dog Mona? A (Sleep saying). Maybe. [But:] It may not be understood, unless you learn dog language! [406-1, M 14 (Student), 9/11/33] Apropos dog language SMILE and laugh often. Seek to find and read those things that are of humorous natures, rather than those that are morose. [1306-2, F 23, 12/13/40] Keep things about the body that are not of a depressing nature. No excitements, but rather the genial, wholesome surroundings. Plenty of laugh, yes. Plenty of those things that make for a buoyancy to the whole disposition. [480-35, F 25, 4/24/37] It's time somebody had an ideal! even in commercial businesses! [270-30, M 48 (Accountant, Protestant), 2/13/33] Analyze [your]self. Know that there must be the ability to laugh under the most straining circumstance. There must be the ability to see the sublime as well as the ridiculous. [1823-1, F 5 (Artist Representative, Protestant), 2/18/39] (1) Q. Movies? A. . . . but rather those that are funny. [5562-3, F 12, 2/24/30] One who is at all times inclined towards good humour and might at times well be called a wit. At TIMES the entity sees so WELL the humour in SO MANY situations as to appear to see the ridiculous rather than that which is the creative force in humour. DO NOT lose this sense of humour; it will often be a means for saving MANY an unseeming situation. [2421-2, M 35 (Musician, Protestant), 2/7/41] [Keep] the joyousness, the loving kindness, the wit and humour, the gladness and laughter, and the little things that give greater expression and hope in the experiences. [2648-1, F 11, 1/14/42] One that should cultivate more the humorous side of life; see some wit, some humour. Not that which is at the expense of another; that is, never laugh at anyone, but laugh WITH others often. [2327-1, M 37 (Advertising Salesman, Catholic), 8/21/40] Q. Well, we are asking for guidance and will follow it. A. Well, it's been given about forty times that you should do it and you haven't done it yet! [257-168, M 43 (Sales Mgr., Hebrew), 7/2/36] Q. How can a sense of humour in this body be developed or cultivated? A. It is natural . . . The deeper sense of humour is not always appreciated by those conditions as exist in the surroundings. But if there is the health, if there are the resistances, this is a NATURAL DEVELOPMENT . . . But it is a subtle sense and not that of a hilarious nature. (773-13) Whatever the disturbance, do not lose the sense of humour. (4005-1) Use . . . the turmoils and discouragements as a means to keep the wit sharp. (2421-2) Do read comic papers. Do study those things pertaining to the humour of all the wits, and learn to repeat them and say them; not merely as something as an entertainment but in which there is a story; and they may be a helpful force, not only in the life of self but as an entertainment, and as an attraction to others by and for the entity, in its abilities to raise the hopes of others. And in raising hope, in inspiring others, the entity may succeed the most in inspiring and in raising the vibrations in self; not only for the material but the social, the economic and, most of all, the spiritual-mental life of the entity. [3197-1, F 65 (Housewife), 9/6/43] Never lose your humour, and you will not get mad as often. [3006-1, F 63 (Widow), 5/17/43] First find self. Awake to the joy . . . Manifest it in your life, rather than the sorrow. This will need cultivating. (2647-1, M 39 (Organist and Voice Teacher), 1/13/42] Do not see the dark side too often. Turn it over - there's another side to every question. Cultivate in self humour, wit. You enjoy it in others, others enjoy it in you. BE OPTIMISTIC! At least make three people each day laugh heartily, by something the body says! It'll not only help the body; it'll help others! [798-1, F 48, 1/23/35] Cultivate the ability to see the ridiculous, and to retain the ability to laugh. . . . even when clouds of doubt arise, or when every form of disturbance arises. (2984-1, M 55 (C.P.A. & Attorney at Law), 4/28/43,] One, then, full of wit, vim, vitality. Keep that wit. For, as you have experienced, it has often saved your face in many a questioned circumstance. [3299-1, F 47 (Secretary to Bank President), 10/18/43] [Here is] One given to a great deal of wit, and a great deal of wisdom in the wit, who tells a story or a tale - or that which would be as a story with a moral, or a parable � even better than most men would . . . [4041-1, F 5 (Housewife; Cake Shop Owner, Manager), 3/31/44] If the man who raises and cares for [vegetables and fruits] does it with love, it makes all the difference! Don't think a grouchy man can ever raise a headed cabbage or a tomato that will agree as well as those raised by a man who laughs and tells a good joke, though it may be smutty! [470-35, M 52 (Construction Engineer, Christian, Theosophist), 6/22/42] [Being] matter of fact and at other times the ability to see ever the funny side of an experience. Cultivate these - for these are MOST helpful. [1751-1, M 33 (Foreman, Unemployed, Catholic), 11/18/38] See some wit, some humour. Not that which is at the expense of another; that is, never laugh at anyone, but laugh WITH others often. [2327-1, M 37 (Advertising Salesman, Catholic), 8/21/40] Q. Should the entity [this one] in general pay heed to astrological advice or seek only within himself and from THIS source? A. Seek rather ever from within self! Those that may be given from without as astrological or as merely interpretations are but signs along the way! . . . this may be done in jest, though it may be done in mirth, though it may be done in rhythm, though it may be done in reasoning with the inner man - they are one! (849-17, M 29 (Writer, Catholic), 11/23/36] To laugh often is well. Cultivate same [= Cultivate it]. (2788-1, M 44 (Farmer, Theosophist), 7/27/42] Keep ever the sense of humour throughout all the relationships with things, conditions or individuals. [2285-1, M 16 (Student), 6/24/40] Keep the faith in self, yet do not let it rise to the egotistical. Keep the ability to see the humour in [al]most any situation, but do not let it become of such a nature as to make fun of the unfortunate in their karmic experiences being unfolded in any particular period or activity. [3205-1, M 13, 9/10/43] Read the comic papers; not as to become sarcastic. (3440-2, F 29 (Protestant Background), 1/4/44] Cultivate . . . humour, or the funny side of an experience and not become morose, self-centred, nor to that extent as to only see the serious side of experiences, associations or the like. Cultivate reading comics, wit and humour, those stories or visualizations of activities that have the humour in same [in them]. [2648-1, F 11, 1/14/42] It would be WELL for the entity to cultivate humour and wit, the ability to see even the ridiculous, but not to such extent as to make for those things that are so overburdened with the ridiculous as to lose hold on the real and true things in the experience. For know that the life, the body, the mind is as much or more for enjoyment. . . . Then, cultivate cheerfulness. . . . in your own daily experience. [1900-1, F 52, 5/29/39] (2) Hold . . . to that ability to be witty, to show proper wisdom. [3685-1, F 29, 2/20/44] If you lose that ability to laugh, you lose that ability to be joyous. [3003-1, F 61 (Widow), 5/16/43] Do not allow [your]self or people to become burdens on [your]self - see? [992-2, M 45 (Hotel Manager, Hebrew), 7/16/31] Actions speak louder than words; and yet he that speaks not for himself is seldom spoken of. (2385-1, M 34 (Telephone Co., Protestant), 10/23/40] [Here is] One whose sense of humour has and will often save many an unpleasant situation. Keep that humour! Rather cultivate same [= it]. Entertain it, and use it also. [5262-1, F 36 (Teacher, Vedanta Society), 5/30/44] What effect does it have on you to even get mad, to laugh, to cry, to be sorrowful? All of these activities affect not only yourself, your relationships to your fellow man, but your next experience in the earth! [281-38, Male, 10/27/37] Seek to find and read those things that are of humorous natures, rather than those that are morose. [1306-2, F 23, 12/13/40] Yet, as will be seen, and as from the symbols indicated, it is well that the entity cultivate that of humour, or the funny side of an experience and not become morose, self-centred, nor to that extent as to only see the serious side of experiences, associations or the like. Cultivate reading comics, wit and humour, those stories or visualizations of activities that have the humour in same. [2648-1, F 11, 1/14/42,] A. Any other advice for the body at this time? A. Keep in as cheery and as active a mood as possible. Always see the funny side. Laugh at every condition that comes. For this will make for a great deal better environment for the whole of these changing influences and forces. [480-30, F 24, 12/18/36] Even though there may be the study of very serious problems, learn to use laughter . . . that there may be kept these opportunities . . . (3360-1, M 67 (Osteopath), 11/12/43] Thus may the wit and the humour of the entity in the present be used to advantage. [2986-1, M 41 (Secretary), 4/30/43] Cultivate the ability to see the ridiculous and retain the ability to laugh. For know only in those God has favoured is there the ability to laugh, even when clouds of doubt arise, or when every form of disturbance arises. (Edgar Cayce Reading 277-1) Do read comic papers. Do study all those things pertaining to the humour of all the wits, and learn to repeat them and say them; not merely as something as an entertainment, but in which there is a story; and they may be a [very] helpful force . . . to raise the hopes of others. And in raising hope, in inspiring others . . . and in raising the vibrations in [one]self." (3197-1) A. Are all the suggestions which are given to the body before and after the readings, the best for the physical and mental forces of the body? A. When regularly given as has been outlined, and in the proper places, they are correct . . . but do not attempt to make for such changes as to meet an emergency unless you know what the emergency is! You wouldn't borrow a butcher knife to shave with! (294-171, M 56, 2/1/34] Don't forget . . . making three people laugh every day! (798-1) To be able to see the fun, the ridiculous, in the most sacred experiences . . . is an attribute . . . seldom found in many individuals. [2775-1, M 49 (Farmer), 7/1/42] See the humorous side of every situation. Read humour that is of the nature to cause one to enjoy life. [3234-1, F 24 (Music Teacher), 9/23/43] 2. See the funny side of the street too See more of the ridiculous or the funny side of every activity. And keep the constructive thoughts in creative activity always. [2298-1, M 46, 7/3/40] (3) [Here is] One that sees the comic or humorous side of most every situation . . . These abilities may be used for weal or woe. [2986-1, M 41 (Secretary), 4/30/43] A good laugh, an arousing even to what might in some be called hilariousness, is good for the body, physically, mentally, and gives the opportunity for greater mental and spiritual awakening. (2647-1) Be optimistic! At least make three people each day laugh heartily by something the body says! It will not only help the body; it will help others. (Edgar Cayce Reading 798-1) The greater saving grace of the entity may be said to be its ability to laugh at adversity when others would cry; to be able to make a joke of the most sacred things as well as those that are in the realm of the ridiculous. [1999-1, F 31 (Divorcee, Religious Preference: "None"), 9/13/39] Keep those abilities to see the funny side of everything. (2572-1, F 11 (Protestant), 8/10/41] One without a sense of humour or the ability to get mad is not worth very much. [2576-1, M 56 (Writer, Widower, Protestant), 8/22/41] "A swallow - summer?" Gina Cerminara's letter: Mr. [2986], New York City 12/24/46 Dear Mr. [2986] As you will no doubt recall, in April 1943 you received a life reading from Mr. Edgar Cayce. We are at present engaged in extensive research on these life readings, with a view to presenting our findings in book form. It would be of great value to us to be able to check on the accuracy of the character analysis in certain cases, your case being among these. The reading characterized you as a "happy, whole-souled, well-met individual, capable of making friends easily; one that sees the comic or humourous side of every situation; .a good personnel man." It would be helpful to us to know, in connection with the problem of introversion and extroversion, whether or not this correctly describes your character. Would you be so good as to write us briefly, indicating whether or not the characterization is accurate? We would also appreciate knowing if the reading was helpful or not to you in any way, and whether it gave you any increased insight into yourself. However if time presses and you must be brief, write us just a note with regard to the characterization, and it will satisfy our purpose. . . . Sincerely yours, [signed] Gina Cerminara] (Report OF READING 2986-1, adult man, 12/24/46 (12/30/46 [2986]'s letter: Miss Gina Cerminara Dear Miss Cerminara: This is in reply to your letter of inquiry dated December 24, 1946. The analysis of my character as incorporated in the reading given by Mr. Cayce in 1945 is accurate. And while I am a "happy, whole-souled well-met individual" and I do make friends easily, I am more of an introvert than an extrovert. And with this in mind, it may be of interest to you to learn that while I do not care for people "en masse" I entertain groups for money as a magician and manage to do so quite successfully . . ." CommentsInteresting? Here is a seeming hit confirmed, provided the self-report is right. That would depend largely on self-understanding, indicates Abraham Maslow. Self-actualising persons understand clearer and better than lots of others. One seeming hit does not say all the other readings are verified, or right, or of use. And counsel given to one persons may not be valid for all persons. Moreover, sleep-counsel given has to be acted on to bring results (by that sort of testing) - whether they seem negative, unnoticeable or positive. But it could be erroneous to say that a counsel acted on, has been harmful if the condition gets worse after a while. Why? You could have got much worse without it - or much better. Or the counsel and/or remediy had no effect whatever, and you just got worse "on your own", so to speak. Let us face at least this: You could have got much worse (or better) if the counsel or remedy had not been taken. One must have some leeway of this type for getting a "probably-verdict" that is better than "The patient died, but the fever left him." Or "The patient got worse after taking the counsel and/or prescribed remedies, but should we feel all sure the counsel and/or remedies are the causes or only causes of the worsened condition?" Often, one single case offers poor evidence for researchers. However, if you get well, it might well be at least partly due to the counsel or remedy you got. To a patient, it is getting better or well that is most important, of course. Be that as it may, a major theoretical drawback with stray confirmations of readings is that such evidence is classified as anecdotal only, and not likely to be accepted as scientifically valid. That is a main point in the proverb: "One swallow does not make a summer." (If you see one swallow flying around, it does not necessarily mean that it is summer.) These reservations are well to keep in mind. They are in part in tune with what Cayce himself said (above). A. Since I have complied with the instructions as given in the last reading - A. (Interrupting) Partially. [257-151, M 42 (Sales Mgr., Hebrew), 6/22/35] (4) A. What should we do to rejuvenate our Study Group organization program? A. WORK LIKE THUNDER! [254-86, 6/27/35] Cayce's readings addressed the ways in which humour aids spiritual development: "If you lose the ability to laugh, you lose that ability to be joyous. And . . . life is [from its bottom] joyous! (3003-1) A. Any other advice for the body at this time? A. Always see the funny side. Laugh at every condition that comes. For this will make for a great deal better environment for the whole of these changing influences and forces. [480-30, F 24, 12/18/36] That the entity [i.e. this person] has a sense of humour has often been a saving grace, in not only this experience but in others. (Edgar Cayce Reading 2788-1) 3. Gracious humour has its benefits in life A research study reveals that a sense of humour prolongs life for people under seventy. After that age, genetics and biological aging apparently get more of a say. Yet, as Professor Sven Svebak of NTNU [a university in Norway] holds, a sense of humour has a positive effect on our mental health and social life even after passing 70. "Humour will continue to be very important in everyday life [even then]. Mirth makes life cosier. Grandparents have an important task in teaching the young ones "friendly humour." A. What can the mother do to aid in restoring body to normal? A. Pray like thunder! [161-3, M 11, 7/7/30] (5) Do keep your wit, do be able to cry - but be most able to laugh. [3374-1, F 35 (Housewife), 11/23/43] A. In just what type of life work can I find the opportunity for the greatest possible soul development? A. . . . In . . . cartooning; not as comic strips, but as educational strips. [1089-3, M 20 (College Student, Catholic), 1/23/36] Not that there is never to be wit, nor that which makes for the smile or the buoyancy of the PASSIONS of life; for those are EXPRESSIONS OF the soul, as are the SPIRITS that would make alive the efforts in any direction of expression. [2134-1, F 31 (Singer, Hebrew), 11/4/31] The entity should attempt seriously, prayerfully, spiritually to see even that as might be called the ridiculous side of every question, the humour in same. Remember that a good laugh, an arousing even to what might in some be called hilariousness, is good for the body physically, mentally, and gives the opportunity for greater mental and spiritual awakening. (2647-1) Is well to cultivate patience and humour. Remember, man . . . is given the ability to laugh, . . . to make [relationships] creative and individual - by choice. [2995-1, F 35 (Secretary), 5/10/43] Thus the ability to see the funny side of every nature should be greatly cultivated in the experience of the entity in the present; not merely the ridiculous but the many sides and many approaches to every experience - and see them, analyze them from all. Find the good . . . in every experience. Cultivate the finding of beauty, grace, loveliness in every experience. [2706-1, M 42 (Radio Manager), 3/24/42] Mercury and Mars bring the MENTAL abilities and the quick judgments, as well as a sense of humour that has often been and will often be the saving grace, in which many escapades of a nature have been a part of the experience and escaping at times only through the sense of the ability to see the ridiculous as well as the sublime. Hence that pronouncement, that there should be a tempering of the too-quick judgment of others. [2051-5, M 69 (Farmer, Carpenter, Protestant), 1/31/42] (6) So
Don't let the best of you get discarded after you see the funny side of something. Humour can benefit in its place, and so can hard work, politeness, being pretty to look at - at different times and places. Try to discern how and when and where and what too. The main source of these humour quotations is Edgar Cayce Foundation's Humor: A Compilation of Extracts from the Edgar Cayce Readings. (1971, 1993-2015) |
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