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Facade Prudence

NT SIGN "Let no man deceive you by any means." [2 Thessalonians 2:1-7].

To be prudent is to be "sensible and careful when you make judgements and decisions; avoiding unnecessary risks," says the Oxford Dictionary. It is also captured by "Ain't misbehaving", which is being prudent in a moral or karmic long-range perspective: it can be both.

There is high prudence and low, grunting prudence, and prudence to save face, no matter what is behind that mask, and a prudence that aims at being straight, fair and not immoral. Some might thing, "not too immoral", but there is a risk of deterioration in that. In yoga, ahimsa, non-harm, calls for prudent evaluation to avoid harming oneself, precious others, valuable things and further. It applies to thoughts, words and deeds. One is to take care to be truthful and fair all over. If that is violated severely, it is beyond repair, and some facets of our inner selves rot. This outlook is generated by many dharma and karma teachings.

Holistic health has many levels, and there are many sides to it. High prudence seeks to avoid things that hurt a mature conscience, for the sake of health, moral, wellbeing and one's future fare.

Some deceptions could hurt and harm you for the remainder of your life on earth. Which are they? Directions that ruin your own path through life and your good sense of orientation, are rather obvious ones. Directions that slowly and "authoritatively" take you away from your source and footing, are much harmful. If we find ourselves in such circumstances, it should help to adjust to the old, success-giving patterns that are still open to us.

To advance (proem)

To advance in life, try to see and seize and use good opportunities given, or
perhaps stop and halt to get a good fortune.
Confidence may work well for a while, and a decent armour too. There is much value in a brick wall, thus.

A close relationship tends to lead to a shared setting, and then walls and a roof and more, much more. The idea is that good relationships lead to much enjoyable in time, but also demands for money to educate the children, get them clothes and food and see if their comrades are fair.
You may assure yourself of opportunities for success while being conscious to possible dangers.
It could be best to proceed cautiously so as to remain.

Be prepared that setbacks may occur too.
Remain attuned to: Who can move ahead confidently, may all the same advance cautiously.
Remain attuned to things of worth that have not become worn out,
check beneath surfaces,
if you are up to it.

If you have no good choices by adhering to old patterns,
it may pay to break at least some of them -
going carefully then and not acting by whim.

And it may be no mistake to strip away something rotten and rotten parts or things either,
after due consideration.

Deception is not without rot.
And makes some people rotten inside, that is, corrupt.
That is no small matter.


Learn to inspect well in first-hand encounters and matters.

Some deceivers get famous.

Too little genuineness may kill you in time.

A wolf in sheep's clothing could later manifest self-aggrandisement.

Deceived or Not

Many are told untrue things, and the faith induced in them, keep many bound as payers some way or other.

Facades to get at people's money, assets and influence, often use soap rituals and creed - the need to dominate may be glimpsed there.

Try not to welcome deceivers. Tenseness could be a sign of high facade-work. Often it goes into roles and striving for status, and stress too. Stress makes many ill and many dead.

Destress in time against distress. Boldness deep inside may also be needed against such strivings and plots that cunning deception and facade-work may lead into.


Prudence, deceptions, living on, Literature  

DuBrin, Andrew J. Impression Management in the Workplace: Research, Theory, and Practice. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2011.

Goffman, Erving. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, 1953.

Marcel, Gabriel. Man against Mass Society. South Bend, IN: Gateway Editions, 1978 (and later editions)

Symbols, brackets, signs and text icons explained: (1) Text markers(2) Digesting.

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