Gold, GoldHappy-making GoldVery little in the bulk of homeopathic writings consists of scientifically acceptably, confirmed findings. A positive strain exists as well . . . and optimism can be good for health, according to research. [Smith et al, 2003, 522-23] Some remedies are said to foster or encourage good assets - just look: For pure gold (Aurum metallicum) William Boericke (1927) tells it is supposed to counteract: |
Boericke means that homeopathic gold may counteract such dread states of mind as listed. Others may add that behind the supposed, harmonising work comes an addition: some remedies have directly uplifting influences, and may stimulate cardinal qualities in man and animals. To the degree that is so, the subtle influence of homeopathic gold could be uplifting in itself. Hard evidence is missing, though. Anyway, If you want to cheer up others, you may give them some gold. If that gold is mixed with silver - well, that is most common. Besides, silver is appreciated to . . . as well as described in homeopathic literature (further down). GleaningsOne stark goal of homeopathy is to select and rank the most outstanding guiding symptoms of the preparations in use, and rank the symptoms according to some system or plan, which is followed in the next chapter (below). To the degree the effects of non-substantial gold are directly helpful, it may be taken orally to preserve a happy mood. One more idea is that the main effects of different minerals are different. Crystal variants of metals are talked of as gems too. Crystal forms of gold and silver exist. A gem (crystal) variant of gold may be suspected to share some properties with the homeopathic gold preparation, and work together with it. UsesOne of the finest uses is to wear gold is on your body - next to your body as a bangle, or bracelet, or pendant and so on. According to Indian teachings, there is to be a minimum amount (weight) of gold, and a minimum of 40 g pure gold may be suggested. And as gold that is sold is mixed with silver, you can get almost 40 gram silver in the bargain too. Good for you! Here is an old Indian tradition described by a guru: Why don't you get an astrological armlet? . . . Ages ago our yogis discovered that pure metals emit an astral light which is powerfully counteractive to negative pulls of the planets . . . our rishis . . . found helpful not only a combination of metals, but also of plants andmost effective of allfaultless jewels of not less than two carats. . . . For general purposes I counsel the use of an armlet made of gold, silver, and copper." [Link] Also, when you make a homeopathic preparation from gold, you suck sugar pills called Aurum metallicum with a potency to it. And when you use gold as a gem (crystal) preparation, you sip a little water or some other fluid that has been "soaked" with the gold influence, as it is said. There is homeopathic "replica gold" too, in at least two variants. Malcolm Rae's replica Aurum metallicum is one. Be allied with placebo effects if you like
A reminder: No attempts at diagnosis and cure are to supercede the diagnosis and treatment of medical expertise. What could gold be good for? Taking the lack of hard evidence (proof) into account, it is at least related to a sort of optimistism. How far placebo effects are into it, there is no hard evidence about, to my knowing. The word 'placebo' comes from Latin, and means "I shall please". When preparations aretested, a placebo is a pill (something) thought to be without effect; it is used to compare the effect of the other substance to be tested. The placebo (preparation) may be a sugar pill and things like that. Mecical doctors may also prescribe placebos more "for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder". Thus, placebos can soothe some, by "good optimism", or faith tied to pills. Quite large and coloured pills tend to evoke more faith than others, and so on. ❖ I won't say that subtle gold influences don't exist and don't affect a person, even deeply. I for my part would find it fine to sleep in a bed of gold, or maybe brass is good enough . . . I just point out some ways of using metals and crystals, and also that hard proof of how they affect humanoids is missing today.
Homeopathic Gold and SilverDr John Henry Clarke on Homeopathic Gold
Gold and silver have many uses. Below are John H. Clarke's complete lists of symptoms associated with homeopathic gold and homeopathic silver. A point worth noting is that homeopathic gold and silver are thought to be capable of counteracting or "lifting" the bad and sad states that are listed by the good old homeopaths. Clinical. — Alcohol, effects of. Amenorrha. Angina pectoris. Asthma. Bone affections. Breath, offensive. Corpulency. Depression. Ears, affections of. Erethism. Erysipelas. Eye, affections of. Fevers. Gonorrha. Haemorrhages. Haemorrhoids. Hemiopia. Hydrocele. Jaundice. Leucorrha. Locomotor ataxy. Melancholy. Melanosis. Mercurial poisoning. Naso-pharyngeal catarrh. Night terrors. Ozna. Paralysis. Phthisis. Pining boys. Scrofula. Smell, disordered. Syphilis. Testicles, affections of; undeveloped. Tongue, nodules on. Tumours. Uterus, induration of. Vertigo. Vision, disordered. Characteristics. — Gold affects profoundly the entire organism, exercising a solvent action on the tissues, producing ulcerations and the disappearances of new growths. Hence it is one of the best antidotes to Mercurial over-dosing, and especially in cases of syphilis. Scrofula and caries of bone also find in Aurum a remedy. It also produces rushes of blood and haemorrhages. Boring pains and burning stitches predominate. No drug produces more acute mental depression than Aurum, and in any case where this profound melancholy is found, Aurum must be well studied. There is a condition of melancholy, hoplessness, profound depression, tendency to suicide and longing for death. Anthrophobia. Aggravation from emotion. Complaints after grief, fright, anger, disappointed love, contradiction, reserved displeasure. Hysteria, laughs and cries alternately. The head is giddy, full, hot. Rush of blood to the head. Vertigo as if turning in a circle when stooping, gs off on rising. As if drunk when walking in the open air. Sensation as if a current of air were rushing through the head, if not kept warm. Bones of skull painful, especially lying down. Vertical half-sight. Fiery sparks. Caries of mastoid process of bones of nose. Ozaena. In the abdominal region, as with Merc., there is swelling of liver, jaundice. Hernia, inguinal or umbilical; and in children. Onanism. The sexual organs are markedly affected. Induration of testes. Undeveloped testicles in puny boys. Swelling or neuralgia of testicle (r). Uterus prolapsed and indurated; the weight of it causes prolapse. (The chloride of gold and sodium acts more powerfully in these conditions.) Shelton has recorded as effects on girls working with gold leaf the occurrence of a "thick leucorrhal discharge, not offensive, white or yellowish, occasionally profuse, invariably < by walking." Suffocative attacks, with suffocative oppression of chest. Anxious palpitation from congestion to the chest. Palpitation, with anguish and tremulous fearfulness. Pain in heart region extending down left arm to fingers. There are boring pains in bones, < at night. Over-sensitiveness to all pain. Hysterical spasms, with laughing and crying alternately. Great ebullitions with congestion to the head and chest, and palpitation of the heart. Frightful dreams; he sobs aloud when asleep. Chilliness predominates; shivering in open air; coldness of hands and feet, sometimes lasting all night. Heat, only in the face. Perspiration in the morning hours; mostly on and around the genitals. Ulcers which attack the bones. Warts, scrofulous, syphilitic, mercurial. "< From Sunset to sunrise" is a leading Condition of Aurum. Paralytic drawing in the limbs in the morning when awaking; and on getting cold. < At night; in morning; on getting cold; by rest. Shivering on getting into bed. > Moving; walking; getting warm. Suited to sanguine people with black hair and dark eyes, olive-brown complexion. Also light-haired scrofulous persons. Pining boys, girls at puberty, and old age. Syphilitic and mercurial patients. Relations. — Compare: Luet. (syphilis); Am. c., Arg. met., Arg. n., Ars.; Asaf. (pains about eyes; but Asaf. has > from pressure; mercurial caries); Bell.; Caps. (caries of mastoid, corpulency); Calc. c. (night terrors; leucophlegmatic; Aur. has more over-sensitiveness and erethism); Calc. ph.; Coccul. (empty feeling); Chi. and Coff. (hyper-excitation) Cup. (asthma); Dig., Fer.; Glon. (Hyperaemia of lung from heart) Hep., Iod.; Kali bich. (deep ulcers, scrofulous ophthalmia, ozaena, syphilis); K. ca.; K. iod. (syphilis); K. bro. (anguish at heart and desire to move about); Lach., Lyc., Merc., Nit ac.; Nux v., (hernia; prolapsed uterus); Pallad., Platin., Puls., Spigel., Sol. nig., Sil., Sep., Sul.; Tarent. (heart as if turned round); Thuj., Ver. v. Antidoted by: Bell., Chi., Coccul., Coff., Cup., Merc., Puls., Spi., Sol. nig. Antidote to: Merc., Spigel., Chronic effects of alcohol, Kali iod. Causation. — Mercury. Alcohol. Iodide of Potassium. Effects of grief; fright; anger; disappointed love; contradiction; reserved displeasure. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind. — Melancholy, with inquietude and desire to die. — Irresistible impulse to weep. — Longing to see one's relations, resembling nostalgia. — Imagines he has lost the affection of his friends; this makes him weep. — Sees obstacles everywhere. — Hopeless. — Suicidal; desperate; inclined to jump off heights; to dash himself into a chair. — Sad, feels that all is against her and life is not desirable, and the thought of death alone gives pleasure. — Great anguish, which even induces a disposition to suicide, with cramp-like contractions in the abdomen. — Excessive scruples of conscience. — Despair of oneself, and of others. — Ill-humour and aversion to conversation. — Grumbling, quarrelsome humour. — The least contradiction excites his wrath. — Alternate peevishness and cheerfulness. — Anger and passion. — Alternation of gaiety, or of irritability with melancholy. — Hypochondriacal humour. — Weakness of the intellectual faculties. — Weakness of the memory. 2. Head. — Vertigo: when stooping, as if turning in a circle; > on rising; as if drunk when walking in open air; feels as if he would fall to l.; must lie down, even then for some time it returns on slightest motion. — Fatigue from intellectual labour. — Sudden stupefaction, with loss of sense. — Pain, like that of a bruise in the brain, esp. in the morning, or during intellectual labour, and sometimes inducing confusion of ideas. — Pain in the head, as if the air passed over the brain, when it is not kept very warm. — Acute drawing pains in the head. — Beating and hammering pain on one side of the head. — Congestion of blood to the head. — Congestions to and heat in the head, with sparks before the eyes, and glossy bloatedness of the face, aggravated from every mental exertion. — Buzzing in the head. — Pain in the bones of the cranium, esp. on lying down. — Exostosis on the head; on the r. vertex, with boring pain. — Falling off of the hair. 3. Eyes. — Pain in the eyes aggravated by touch, as if the ball of the eye were pressed inwards. — Tension in the eyes, with diminution of sight. — Burning pain and redness in the eyes. — Obscuration of the sight. — Black spots before the eyes. — Eyes very prominent. — Flames and sparks before the eyes. — Vertical half-sight. — Hemiopia; objects are seen cut in horizontal lines. — Eyes better by moonlight and after violent muscular exercise. — Objects seem smaller and more distant. 4. Ears. — Hearing too sensitive. — Pain in the ears, like internal tension. — Caries of the mastoid process. — Flow of fetid pus from the ears. — Oversensitive to noises, but music >-Annoying dryness in ears and nose with difficult hearing. — Hardness of hearing from hypertrophy of the amygdalae, with embarrassed speech. — Humming in the ears. — Roaring in the ears. 5. Nose. — Pain in the nasal bones on being touched. — Gnawing prickings. — Inflammatory swelling and redness of the nose, followed by desquamation. — Caries of the bones of the nose. — Nasal cavities ulcerated and covered with thick crusts. — Running from the nose of a fetid greenish-yellow matter. — Stoppage of the nose. — Fluent coryza. — Nose red, swollen; tip knobby, red. — Cancer. — Furfuraceous desquamation of the epidermis of the nose. — Increased sensibility, or absence of smell. — Sweetish putrid smell, or smell of brandy before the nose. — Fetid odour from the nose. 6. Face. — Face puffed, and shining as if from sweat. — Inflammation of the bones of the face. — Parotids swollen, painful to touch as if pressed or bruised. — Swelling of the cheeks. — Swelling of the bones of the forehead, of the upper jaw, and of the nose. — Red eruption, which peels off, on the forehead and on the nose. — Traction in the jaws, with swelling of the cheeks. — Tensive pain in the upper jaw. — Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands. 7. Teeth. — Odontalgia, with heat and congestion in the head. — Looseness of the teeth. — Ulcers in the gums, with swelling of the cheeks. — Toothache < at night, < drawing cold air into mouth. 8. Mouth. — Fetid smell of the mouth, like rotten cheese. — Piercing pain in the velum palati. — Tongue swollen; with scirrhus-like hardness; after biting tongue in sleep. — Tongue coated; dry; ulcerated. 9. Throat. — Caries in the palate, with ulcers of a bluish colour, esp. after the abuse of mercury. — Tonsils swollen and ulcerated. — Drinks find a passage through the nostrils. — Stinging soreness in throat only when swallowing. — Dull, pressive pain, either with or without swallowing, in a gland below angle of jaw. 10. Appetite. — Milky or sweetish taste. — Loathing of food, and esp. of meat. — Great desire for coffee. — Excessive hunger and thirst. — No appetite for plain food in pining boys. 11. Stomach. — Pain in the stomach, as if proceeding from hunger. — Immoderate appetite and thirst, with qualmishness in the stomach. — Sensation of indescribable uneasiness in the epigastrium. — Swelling of the epigastrium and of the hypochondria, with shooting pains on being touched. — Burning at stomach and hot eructations. — Burning, drawing, and cutting pain; pressure. — Pressure to l. of scrobiculum, below cartilages of upper false ribs; < during expiration. 12. Abdomen. — Burning heat and cutting pain in r. hypochondrium. — Colic with sensation of great uneasiness and inclination to evacuate. — Tensive aching and fulness in the abdomen. — Abdomen inflated. — Exostosis in the pelvis. — Tendency of hernia to protrude, sometimes with cramp-like pains and incarcerated flatus. — Swelling and suppuration of the inguinal glands from syphilis or the use of mercury. — Windy colic by night, with pinching, grumbling, and borborygmi. — Frequent emission of very fetid wind. 13. Stool. — Copious evacuation. — Nocturnal diarrha. — Nightly diarrha, with burning in the rectum. — Constipation; stool very large in size, or very hard and knotty. 14. Urinary Organs. — Painful retention of urine, with urgent inclination to make water, and pressure on the bladder. — Frequent emission of watery urine. — Urine turbid, like butter-milk, with thick mucus-like sediment. 15. Male Sexual Organs. — Sexual desire greatly increased. — The whole genital system is strongly affected. — Nocturnal erections and pollutions. — Flow of prostatic fluid, with flaccidity of the penis. — Swelling of the (lower part) of the testicle (r). — Swelling of the testes, with aching pain on touching and rubbing. — Induration of the testes. — Testes mere pendant shreds (in pining boys). — Hydrocele. — Bubo. — Chancre. 16. Female Sexual Organs. — Pains in the abdomen, as if the catamenia were coming. — Prolapsus and induration of the matrix. — Uterine affections with depression and tendency to suicide. — Menses too late; and scanty or absent. — Drawing pain in pubes; r. inguinal region sore to touch. — Before menses: swelling of axillary glands. — During menses: colic; prolapse of rectum. — Leucorrha: profuse and corroding, yellow; thick white, not offensive, < by walking. — During pregnancy: suicidal melancholia; jaundice. 17. Respiratory Organs. — Accumulation of mucus in the trachea and in the chest, which is expectorated with difficulty in the morning. — Voice nasal. — Cough from want of breath at night. — Cough with tough yellow sputum on awaking in morning. 18. Chest. — Great difficulty of respiration at night, and on walking in the open air, requiring deep inspirations. — Paroxysms of suffocation, with constrictive oppression of the chest, falling, loss of sense, and bluish colour of the face. — Pain, as if there were a plug placed under the ribs. — Continuous aching in l. side of the chest. — Incisive pain, and obtuse shootings, near the sternum. — Great weight on chest; esp. heavy weight on sternum. — Much congestion in the chest. 19. Heart. — Anxious palpitation of the heart, from congestion to the chest. — Beatings of the heart, irregular, or by fits, sometimes with anguish and oppression of the chest. — Pain in heart region extending down l. arm to fingers. — Floundering heart. — When walking, the heart seems to shake as if it were loose. — Sensation as if the heart stood still. — Palpitation compels him to stop. 20. Neck and Back. — Swollen cervical glands. — Tension in neck as if muscles too short, even at rest; < stooping. — Stinging pains in small of back. — Gressus gallinaceous (in spine disease). — Pain at lower part of spine. — Pains, generally passive, or drawing and acute, in the back, chiefly in the morning, and sometimes so violent as to prevent any motion of the limbs. 21. Limbs. — Limbs go to sleep; numb, insensible on waking; more when lying than moving. — Has to seize hold of l. arm during attack of palpitation. — Limbs swollen, painful, almost anchylosed. 22. Upper Limbs. — Boring in l. shoulder. — Aching pains in the arms and in the forearms. — Cramp-like and acute drawing pains in the bones of the carpus and of the metacarpus. — Acute drawing pains and paralytic weakness in the bones and joints of the fingers. — Palms itch; herpes; nails turn blue. 23. Lower Limbs. — Coxalgia. — Sharp pains in the thighs, esp. morning and evening. — Paralytic and painful weakness of the knees, as if a bandage were tightly compressed above them; they are feeble and give way. — Drawing pains and acute pullings, with paralytic weakness, in the bones and the joints of the ts. — Nodes; caries. 24. Generalities. — Pain, like that of a bruise, with acute pullings, and paralytic weakness in the limbs in general, and chiefly in the joints, esp. on uncovering the part affected, in the morning, on waking and during repose, disappearing on getting up. — Darting pains in the limbs, with great dejection. — Inflammation of the bones, with nocturnal pains. — Exostosis on the head, on the arms and on the legs. — Great acuteness and delicacy of sensation, with excessive sensibility to the least pain. — Over-sensitiveness to all pain, and to the cold air. — Hysterical spasms, sometimes with alternate tears and laughter. — Great sensibility to cold, or strong desire to go into the open air, even in bad weather, because it is found to be a relief. — Great ebullitions, with congestions to the head and chest, and palpitation of the heart. 26. Sleep. — Weary, but cannot rest or sleep. — Drowsiness after meals. — Nocturnal sleep till four o'clock in the morning only. — Awakened by bone pains; in despair. — Fatigue and weakness in the morning on waking. — Restless sleep, with anxious dreams; of thieves. — Nocturnal mumbling in the form of questions. 27. Fever. — Pulse small, but accelerated. — Febrile shiverings over the whole body, while in bed in the evening, followed neither by heat nor thirst. — Cold of the entire body, with bluish colour of the nails, nauseous taste, with inclination to vomit, sometimes followed by an increase of heat. — Heat of the face, with cold in the hands and feet. — Copious general perspiration early in the morning; mostly about genitals. Dr Clarke on Homeopathic SilverClinical. — Blepharitis. Brain-fag. Caries. Chlorosis. Cough. Diabetes. Enuresis nocturna. Epilepsy. Epithelial tissue, affections of. Exostosis. Heart, affections of. Hit-joint, disease of. Hysterical joint. Joints, affections of. Laryngitis. Ovaries, affections of. Phthisis. Pollutions. Rheumatism. Uterus, cancer of; prolapse of. Voice, loss of. Characteristics. — Argentum affects all the cartilages, and hence all joints and bones, with tearing and bruised pains, tenderness and weakness; painful, so-called "hysterical" joint, articular rheumatism without swelling; pain in rib cartilages and especially the left. Exostosis on skull. The muscular system is also affected with cramps in limbs; calves feel too short on going downstairs; stiffness; numbness; electric-like shocks in joints and limbs; painless twitchings. The heart is specially affected; frequent, spasmodic, though painless twitchings in whole heart muscle, < lying on back; fears apoplexy. Sensation as if heart stood still followed by trembling, then irregular violent throbbing. Palpitation, at night; during pregnancy. Systemic convulsions. Epileptic attacks followed by delirious rage, jumping about, striking those near. In society disinclined to talk; discouraged. (Reaction from this: great inclination to talk, mind very clear.) Vertigo on entering a room after a walk. Vertigo on looking at running water. As if drunk. Frontal headache of business men. Headache increasing gradually and ceasing suddenly, at acme as if a nerve being torn, usually l. side. Viscidity of saliva and mucous expectoration, which is easy. From the mucous membranes generally there is secretion like boiled starch; or there may be thin and at the same time a thick yellow or greenish discharge. Great hunger even after a full meal. Extreme dryness of mouth, tongue sticks to palate. (This symptom with the polyuria points to diabetes, in which Arg. is particularly indicated if there is swelling of the ankles.) Spasmodic enuresis nocturna. Effects of onanism: impotence; atrophy of penis; bruised pains in testicles. Pains in left ovary; feels enormously swollen; with this, prolapse of uterus (scirrhus). Metrorrhagia, large lumps with violent pains, < by every motion. Arg. met. acts more on the left side than the right; left ovary is affected: "Prolapsus uteri with pains in left ovary." It corresponds to deep-seated insidious disease. In the mental sphere it affects the intellect more than the affections. Headache of business men. Left-sided headache as if in brain substance. Headache and dyspepsia induced by mental agitation, nursing the sick, mental exertion. Suited to thin patients with hollow eyes, pale skin, tendency to tubercle, caries, cancer, deep ulcers, imbecility. The more deeply seated the troubles are the more likely are they to be painless. Tenderness is prominent in Arg. met. Tearing pressure and pains in the bones. Articular rheumatism without swelling. Parts feel bruised when pressed on. Hoarseness of singers and speakers, < speaking or singing. Laughing causes cough. Restless sleep; electric shock through body wakens her. Symptoms < in sleep; nausea in dreams; seminal emissions. On waking, limbs powerless. Paralytic weakness. < By touch; pressure riding in carriage; lying on back; sitting; stooping. At noon at night (profuse urine). Uncovering (chills before midnight). Entering warm room. Sun. Relations. — Zinc (itching in canthi — Zn. more in inner canthi and acts more on muscular system and skin). Pallad. (ovaries; Pall., r., Arg., l.). Stan. (cough excited by laughing). Follows well: Alum., Plat. Is followed well by: Calc., Puls., Sep. Antidoted by: Merc., Puls. (an occasional dose of Puls. favours action of Arg. nit. in ophthalmia). Teste classes Arg. met. with Merc., and with Arsen. Causation. — Onanism. Sunstroke. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind. — Restlessness, which forces one to walk quickly. — Ill-humour and aversion to talking. — When pleased, excessively merry, but cries a long time about a trifle. — Delirious rage (mania; after epilepsy). 2. Head. — Dulness, and sensation of emptiness in the head. — Confusion, as if caused by smoke, and sensation of intoxication, with tingling in the head. — Dizziness, with obscurity of vision, or with drowsiness, and falling of the eyelids. — Pressing, tearing pain in the skull, principally in the temporal bones, renewed every day at noon, with soreness of the external head, aggravated by pressure and contact, ameliorated in the open air. — Migraine (l.) as if in brain substance, coming gradually to a great height; ceasing suddenly. — Drawing and pressive pain in the occiput, as if caused by a foreign substance, with a sensation of stiffness in the nape of the neck. — Numbing pressure in the sinciput. — Compression in the brain, with nausea and burning in the epigastrium, on reading and stooping for any time. — Cramp-like pains and shootings in the head. — Pain, as of excoriation in the scalp, on the slightest pressure. — Cramp-like and pressive pains in the bones of the head. — Painful dartings in the temporal muscles, and in the forehead. — Pimples on the temples, with pain, as of ulceration. 3. Eyes. — Itching in the eyes, and principally in the angles. — Swelling and redness of the edge of the eyelids. — Stricture of lachrymal duct. 4. Ears. — Shootings in the ears, with incisive pain, which extends to the base of the brain. — Gnawing itching in the external ear, causing the part to be scratched till it bleeds. — Itching of the lobes of the ears. — Sensation of stoppage of the ears. 5. Nose. — Epistaxis, after blowing the nose, or preceded by itching and tickling in the nose. — Stoppage of the nose, with itching in the nostrils. — Violent fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing. — Flowing of purulent matter, mixed with clots of blood, from the nose. 6. Face. — Redness of the face. — Pale and earthy face. — Gnawing, cramp-like, and pressive pains in the bones of the face (in the r. zygoma, sometimes in the L; a violent pain in the bone of the r. lower jaw). — Swelling of the upper lip, immediately under the nose. 7. Teeth. — Pain in the teeth, as if the gums had receded. — Painful sensibility of the gums on being touched. — Gums loosened, and readily bleeding. 8. Mouth. — Dryness of the mouth. — Sensation of dryness on the tongue, though it be moist. — Accumulation of a viscid saliva in the mouth, with shuddering (sometimes the teeth seem coated with it, maybe sticking them together, the lower with the upper, making talking difficult). — Vesicles on the tongue, with burning pain of excoriation. 9. Throat. — Soreness in the throat, as if there were a tumour in the gullet, with difficulty of swallowing. — Hoarseness (or complete aphonia in singers, speakers, &c.) and scraping in the throat. — Inflammation of the throat, with sensation of excoriation on swallowing and on breathing. — The throat feels more sore from coughing than when swallowing, although the food passes with difficulty. — Yawning gives pain in the fauces. — Pricking and tingling in the throat. — Accumulation of greyish and viscid mucus in the throat, with easy expectoration. 10. Appetite. — Repugnance to all food, even to the thought of it, with prompt satiety. — Appetite much increased, he is hungry after eating a full meal. — Desire for wine. — Gnawing hunger, which cannot be appeased by food. 11. Stomach. — Pyrosis. — Hiccough on smoking tobacco. — Constant nausea and uneasiness. — Burning in the stomach, ascending to the chest. — Inclination to vomit, and vomiting of acrid matter, of a disagreeable taste, and which leaves in the throat a sensation of scraping and of burning. — Pressure in the epigastrium. 12. Abdomen. — Violent pressure on the entire abdomen, extending to the pubis, appearing as soon as one begins to eat; aggravated by breathing, and mitigated by rising up. — Pressive and painful inflation of the abdomen. — Cutting pains. — Tension in the abdominal muscles. — Contraction of the muscles of the abdomen on walking. — Loud borborygmi. 13. Stool and Anus. — Frequent inclination to go to stool, with scanty evacuation of soft matter. — Dry, sandy stool after dinner. — Vomitings during the stool. — Pain of contraction in the abdomen, after a stool in the morning. 14. Urinary Organs. — Frequent inclination to make water, with abundant emission (diabetes). 15. Male Sexual Organs. — Pain, as from a bruise, in the testes. — Pollutions. 16. Female Sexual Organs. — Prolapsus uteri, with pain in the l. ovary. 17. Respiratory Organs. — Pain of excoriation in the larynx, esp. on coughing. — Accumulation of mucus in the trachea, which detaches itself on stooping, laughing, or going upstairs, and which is easily expelled by expectoration. — Abundant accumulation of mucus in the chest. — Cough excited by incisive pain in the trachea, with expectoration of serous matter. — Sensation of rawness or soreness of the larynx. — Cough, caused by stinging, cutting in the trachea, with mucus in the chest, and expectoration of transparent mucus, like boiled starch. — Paroxysms of coughing, short and rattling, during the day, with easy expectoration of thick and whitish matter. 18. Chest. — Stitches in the (r.) side of the chest, when inhaling and exhaling. — Pressure in the chest. — Pressure and shooting in the sternum and in the sides of the chest. — Pain in the lower (l.) rib cartilages. — Incisive pain in the sides of the chest, on breathing and on stooping forward. — Cramp-like pain in the muscles of the chest and in the sides. 19. Heart. — Painless twitching in cardiac muscle, < lying on back; with feeling that he would have apoplexy. — Sensation as if heart stood still, followed by trembling, then irregular, violent throbbing. — Palpitation: at night; during pregnancy. — In evening, in bed, quick pulse with thirst. 20. Neck and Back. — Cramp-like pains in the shoulders and in the shoulder-blade. — Pains, as of bruising or of drawing in the loins. 22. Upper Limbs. — Tension and acute pullings, cramp-like and pressive pains in the arms and hands. — Cramp-like pressive pains in the bones, and in the joints of the hands and fingers. — Contraction of the fingers. 23. Lower Limbs. — Shooting, pressive, and, as it were, paralytic pain, in the coxo-femoral joint, when walking. — Jerking in the muscles of the thighs. — Cramp-like, acute, and incisive pains in the knees and in the ankle-bones. — Cramp in the calves of the legs, with sensation of contraction of the muscles, on going downstairs. — Pain, as of bruising and throbbing, in the joints of the feet. — Cramp-like pain in the bones and in the joints of the feet and ts. — Tearing in the bones of the feet and ts. — Sensation of numbness in the heel and in the tendo Achillis. — Feet dematous (diabetes). 24. Generalities. — Pressure, cramp-like, pulling, principally in the limbs and in the bones. — Bruising pain, chiefly in the sacrum and the joints of the lower limbs. — Boring pain in the joints. — Sensation of soreness in the joints. — Strong effects on the secretions of the mucous membranes. — Sensation of excoriation in the skin and internal organs. — Sensation of numbness arid stiffness in the limbs; as if asleep. — Epileptic attacks. — Aggravation of the symptoms every day, in the afternoon. — Burning itching in different parts of the skin. — Eruption of pimples, with burning pain, as of excoriation. — Anxious dreams. — Shuddering and cold, esp. in the afternoon and at night. — Nocturnal sweat.
Gems and Gemstones"Don't value a gem by its setting (American proverb)." |
Gems may be expensive. Also, one is to refrain from endangering anyone by getting awkwardly in the way for proficient medical diagnoses and fair and fit attempts at cure. In such cases, gems may be part of the complementary strides. The Influence of Gold and GemsOver 1,500 precious and semi-precious stones exist. The 38 above could help healing and wellness-promotion (although hard evidence could be hard to find). There are a few practical ways of trying to benefit from gems: (1) wearing the gem or metal next to the skin or very close to it, as for example set in a ring, or as a bangle. (2) Making a homeopathic remedy of the gem or something akin to Bach remedies: these two approaches exist. There are traditional uses of gemstones for therapy and prevention of diseases. Ayurveda uses gems. In homeopathy, gold and silver are among metals that are used to make remedies from. Thus, uses exist. How useful they are, remains to be documented - along general lines and for the specific remedies or remedy blends, as the case may be. That should be clear. How may the influence of gems on a body or body-mind be felt or sensed? One way is that of homeopathy, where proposed effects of such as gold may be tested on persons who seem to match the postulated symptoms. In homeopathy effects of silver and gold have been studied in its way, and these metals have crystal variants. Dr. William Boericke (1927) writes that gold is used homeopathically against such as: Feeling of self-condemnation and utter worthlessness. Profound despondency . . . thorough disgust of life, and thoughts of suicide . . . Great fear of death. Peevish and vehement . . . Anthropophobia [fear of people]. Mental derangements . . . Oversensitiveness [etc.]. [Link] Boericke holds that homeopathic gold may counteract such dread states of mind as listed, in other words that the influence of gold is uplifting . . . If you want to cheer up others, give them gold, is one lesson that stands out. The fact is, many get uplifted by gifts of gold - This is not an explanation, but a further hint: Gems contain minerals, and the effects of various minerals on a human body may be known more or less. Dr. John H. Clarke lists up too much (unverified) in his large work Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica about gold and silver [Link]. Clarke's work contains entries about gold, silver, copper, other metals, and other compounds. The three-volumed set contains a homeopathic view of about a thousand homeopathic remedies. That view is likely to be condemned as totally lacking in hard evidence by sceptics and scientists alike. Others describe the said effects of gem stones by colours. We do not know if there is any serious research to substantiate such colour-ray-based claims. As for the possible, subtle influences ascribed to gems, many descriptions of such said influences may seem diffuse and too general. Besides, just as with birth stones, opinions vary too. Here is a yogi outlook: [Link] Thus, statements as to who should wear what stone for what ends, may differ. And having this basic knowledge may come in handy some day. Powdered GemsIn antiquity it was thought that gems could cure if powdered and ingested. In ayurveda the practice has continued to this day. This practice has given rise to misuses throughout Western history, at the very least. (Bariand 1992, 3) Gemstones placed on the body accompanied by beliefsIn what is called crystal healing, stones are assigned various properties, though healers have different ideas about which stones possess which properties. During a treatment session, a crystal healer may place various stones or crystals on your body on the forehead, on the throat, on the chest, on the stomach, on the gut, and on the genital area. The stones used and their positioning may be chosen for the symptoms reported by the patient. This is all influenced by the healer's knowledge of, and belief in a therapy on shaky grounds, one that is largely dismissed by practitioners of Western medicine. Crystal healing also involves the use of crystals and stones worn on the body or placed under pillows to ward off sickness, shed negative energy or absorb positive energy.
A twisted study with wide-reaching, overgrown conclusionsWe are told that in 2001, Christopher French - then head of the anomalistic psychology research unit at the University of London - and his colleagues at Goldsmiths College at the University of London presented a paper at the British Psychological Society Centenary Annual Conference in Glasgow. In it, they outlined a study they had conducet of the efficacy of crystal healing: It is a flimsical study with wide-reaching, overgrown conclusions. 80 participants had been asked to meditate for five minutes while holding either a real quartz crystal or a fake crystal that they believed was real. After meditating, participants answered questions about whether they felt any effects from the crystal healing session. The researchers found that the effects reported by those who held fake crystals while meditating were no different than the effects reported by those who held real crystals during the study. That is not how the long-range effects of a therapy are measured. "There is no evidence that crystal healing works over and above a placebo effect," French told Live Science, and that results "depends upon your attitude to placebo effects." That is not so sure, and that is a valid conclusion as far as the five-minutes comparisons go, for grasping a stone and holding it for five minutes and report of sensations in the hands, is NOT how proficient testing of possible healing effects of a treatment is done. Neither five minutes or four sessions may do for it either. That ought to be made crystal clear . . . It could take weeks and months of gem contact for possible effects to manifest. Five-minutes-French violated that idea. Long-range effects of prolonged gem contact were not studied, and what may be called medium-range effects were not studied either. Even short-term effects (for a week and a half, for example) were left out for the five-minutes grasp. Haynes and Haynes go briefly into how to administer doses: With acute prescribing . . . three times daily for up to 7–10 days . . . In chronic conditions frequencies of once or twice a day or less . . . for 4–6 weeks may be more appropriate. After the time scales indicated the case would normally be reviewed and a decision made on follow-up action . . . (Kayne and Kayne 2007, 35) The French research design is abortive. Very broad conclusions from an inadequately designed study is not good enough. French should have made better efforts to make his study valid and relevant to healing efforts that typically take more time than five minutes. Be that as it may for now, some medical doctors see so-called crystal healing as a therapy that can induce relaxation, which ultimately is therapeutic for stress management. If so, it has its uses too, as a complementary avenue. Dr Oluf Lindahl points that out very well in Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet (1978). [Some of the material above is based on "Crystal Healing: Stone-Cold Facts About Gemstone Treatments" by Elizabeth Palermo. In Live Science, 23 June 2017] Holding gems and similar in one's hands for five minutes is hardly a good basis for talking of healing effects of gems if it takes weeks and months of contact for possible effects to manifest. Long-range effects of wearing gems has not been not studied, and what may be called medium-range effects has not been studied either. Even short-term effects (for a week and a half, for example) seem lacking. Your Gem HelpThe first rule of the thumb is: "Don't believe everything you are told." Ask for good evidence. If that seems to be lacking, you may of course try out things with your "gem optimism", but being circumspect at the same time could pay. For most part the information on pages on gem effects is far too general; and it needs to be specific to be of much help. As an example, where some hold that opal enables you to "see all the possibilites in a situation", that may not be true to fact. There is a difference between influences that assist enlargening one's visions in all sorts of ways and in some specific ways. Some claim too much on behalf of their remedies. Another piece of advise is: "Add "more or less" or "somewhat" to the list of descriptions of what states and conditions a gem remedy is said to help against, and learn to try out things well to be on the safer side. Speaking of safer side, the next counsel is "Don't ruin yourself on gems with unproved effects if you can let be." Some weeks ago I assisted a friend who tried to buy a two carat emerald or two for a friend of his in his home country. His friend wanted to wear it on his body for "astrological protection", and that is very, very common in India. A page on gem therapy says, "Gemstones should be very high quality and . . . natural [and not] heated, dyed, and chemically altered. Also, the stones should touch the skin, if at all possible . . . Most importantly, gems should be large, two carats or more if possible, and devoid of flaws and imperfections. If this is not possible, one should consider . . ." [◦More] The emerald gems would cost some hundred thousand dollars in Norway. My help was to assist him in ascertaining just that, and I also suggested a few less expensive alternatives. Fit solution: Get a guarantee against humbug.
GemstonesRichard Liddicoat observes that while a stone must be rare to be thought valuable, it can also be too rare to be valuable. He cites tanzanite as an example of the latter, too rare sort. A hard stone may be fit for jewellry, and hence for being found precious. Many have heard of gems like ruby, emerald and sapphire, but there are lesser-known and just as beautiful gems (Bariand 1992, v). Lustrous and glistening gems tend to be cut and/ord polished to look attractive to humans, men and women. (Bariand 1992, vi). There are treasure hunters that dream of getting rich quickly. Good luck to them [Bariand 1992, vi). One should be aware that not a few gems are counterfeited gems. (Bariand 1992, vi). From the Symbolism of GemsColour imparted symbolic meaning to stones and gems. Rubies and red garnets suggest blood and fire, and were taken as symbols of life-strength. Sapphires and lapis lazuli recalled the blue of the sky - and gods of the sky - became symbols of mediation with the gods. Gold and amber, recalling the sun and warmth, were selected as tokens of divine protection, and so on. (Bariand 1992, 1) Thus, gems became tools of displaying various or so-called powers of humans. Regents have used crowns ornate with sapphires to represent the guessed up union of the regent and the divine side (sky), while rubies were tokens of the regent's fierceness in battle, and so on. (Bariand 1992, 2). Jewels on the hat also became tokens of rank. (Bariand 1992, 2) Many came to regard gems as talismans of some hidden protection. In ancient Egypt, for example, a green stone in which a scarab beetle was carved, symbolised the sun and eternity. (Bariand 1992, 2) Throughout the ages certain gems were thought to protect those who wore them or owned them from misfortune and certain harms. (Bariand 1992, 2) Christian Symbolism of Certain GemsYahweh instituted a breast piece with twelve stones on it (the great priest pectoral) to be used among answer-divining priests and kings (Exodus 28:17-20). Later there are twelve stones in the Revelation of John 21:19-20.
The passage suggests that some stones are part of a heavenly environment. You may start gathering the right sort of stones right now, if you care. Gem-adorned nobility has not waited. Why wait? Nice and polished stones come at lower prices. What do you think of that? The gems mentioned - in addition to gold and pearls - are:
At the same time, think that what is mentioned in the Old Book hardly ever mentions animals, plants and minerals found very far from Egypt, to put it simply. So it could be wise to keep an eye open for other, valuable stones. Some will be cheaper too. Emeralds, diamonds and rubies are among the most expensive ones, at any rate. Surely, one may soon find out that there are about 1500 more gemstones on earth, and that quite many were unknown to the ancient Jews of Palestine. You may assert, "In antiquity, Bible writers knew about some stones and did not know about the vast amount of other stones, such as tanzanite: it was made known in the West the 1800s and since has been extremely popular in the United States (cf. Bariand 1992, 213). Hunting for the right sort of "Bible stones" you may also well ask: "When the ancients said "sardonyx", could other sorts of sard and onyx be included too? What are the differences between sard and sardonyx and between sardonyx and onyx?" Definitions that are used now, where not used among the ancients. There is much confusion, as a matter of fact, and there was much confusion in ancient times too: What is onyx and what is sardonyx has not always been clear-cut. One the one hand we may learn that onyx is a black agate (i.e., chalcedony, SiO2), and that onyx denoted a number of chalcedony varieties before taking on its present restricted meaning during the late Roman empire: Today onyx designates a sard so dark that it appears black. Onyx may also denote an agate with black and white layers. More generally, onyx is applied to any agate with highly contrasting layers of colours other than browish red. And there is black onyx and layered onyx. Sard is a brown chalcedony. Originally the term designated the brown and red varieties of translucent chalcedony. In the 1700s CE the name was restricted to the reddish brown to dark brown varieties coloured by iron oxides. Sardonyx is agate (chalcedony) with alternating reddish brown and white planar layers. To complicate matters a bit more, in ancient Rome sardonyx apparently designated all varieties of zoned agates imported from India. (Bariand 1992, 201-2) As for what the ancients meant by carnelian and chalcedony, I am not sure. Today carnelian is red and translucent chalcedony. Carnelian was first used as a synonym for sard . . . In other words, there is room for heavy confusion as to what specifications the heavenly gems could have. But as for the 34 selected gems in the list almost at the top of the page, their propensities are as defined by the gemmologists, so as to eliminate any lingering doubt as to what is meant. Later Uses of ConformityIn the middle of the 1700s the Jewish community in Poland re-interpreted the Bible and assigned a stone to each of the twelve signs of the zodiak, and then to each of the twelve months. Thus, many seem to fondle the idea that this and that birthstone brings luck - at least to the sellers. Various trade associations devised different lists of birthstones, in part out of commercial motives. You can believe that. (Bariand 1992, 3-4) Gems and CurrencyIn some quarters or circles gems became regarded as good investment objects, or currency. This is presently the case with diamonds, but not with jade. (Bariand 1992, 4) Nice OrnamentsHaving a certain gem to display indicates the wearer belongs to a given sociocultural group. By its size and rarity a gem indicates social esteem or rank of its owner. "A gem should complement the person it adorns . . . in unison with her or him". (Bariand 1992, 4) |
Bariand, Pierre. The Larousse Encyclopedia of Precious Gems. Translated by Emmanuel Fritsch. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992. Boericke, William, and Oscar Boericke. Homoeopathic Materia Medica. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Boericke and Runyon, 1927. Clarke, John Henry: A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica. 3 vols. London: The Homeopathic Publishing Company, 1900 (vol 1) and 1902 (vols 2 and 3). Garmo, Torgeir T, & Walter Schumann: Mileral- og bergarter: Ei felthandbok med fargebilete. Oslo: NKS, 1979. Hamilton, W. R., A. R. Woolley, & A. C. Bishop: Bergarter, mineraler, fossiler: En felthåndbok.Gyldendal. Oslo, 1975. Hochleitner, Rupert: Edelsteiner og smykkesteiner. Oslo: Cappelen, 1996. Kayne, Steven B., and Lee Kayne. Homeopathic Prescribing: Pocket Companion. London: Pharmaceutical Press, 2007. Lindahl, Olov, och Lars Lindwall. Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur, 1978, p. 109-20. Mieder, Wolfgang (main editor), Stewart A. Kingsbury, and Kelsie E. Harder: A Dictionary of American Proverbs. (Paperback) New York: Oxford University Press, 1996:248. Schumann, Walter: Smykkestener. Oslo: Aschehoug, 1978. Smith, Carolyn D. (ed) et al. Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology. 14th ed. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth, 2003.
Voegeli, Adolf. Homoeopathic Prescribing: Remedies for Home and Surgery. Tr. Geoffrey A. Dudley. Wellingborough: Thorsons, 1976. ⍽▢⍽
Home manual. Adolf Voegeli (1898–1983) was a Swiss classic homeopath and writer of textsbooks. After studying medicine in Switzerland and four neighbouring countries he set up his practice in Zurich. The University of Zurich offered him a professorship he declined. He contributed to the spreading of homeopathy in Switzerland and Germany through his teaching activities and writings, and left behind an extensive work. With his Heilkunst in eine neuer Sicht: Ein Praxisbuch (1955, 7th edition 1991) he became known in Germany in specialist circles. At the end of this work, he presents the basic principles of homoeopathy in 33 points.
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