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Reservations | Buddhist words |
Norse gods and other beings were conceived of in Scandinavia of old. This revamped vocabulary lists a lot of the most usual terms alphabetically. Most of the information in it is the vocabulary in the Eddda-translation The Younger Edda, Also Called Snorre's Edda, or The Prose Edda (1901) by Dr. Rasmus Anderson. Additions are from Norse Mythology: Legends of Gods and Heroes (1922 and later editions) by Peter Andreas Munch (1810-63), and a few more works. NOTE: The Scandinavian vowels Æ, (quite as in English fare), Ø (as in French coeur), and Å (as in fore, four) in caps - otherwise æ, ø and å - were converted without diacritical marks by Anderson, so that Norse Á (and Å) are written as A, for example. Others do it differently. Further, the ending -er may be -ir (etc.) in other translations. Thus, Thor's Hammer, Mjolner, is also Mjölnir, Mjolnir, Mjollnir, Mjölner, Mjølner and Mjølne [see ◦WP s.v. "Mjölnir"] - TK
AAdils › A king who reigned in Uppsala. Ae › A dwarf. Aeger › The god presiding over the stormy sea (also written Æger). Alf › A dwarf. Alfather › A name of Odin. Alfheim › The home of the elves. Alfrig › A dwarf. Alsvid › One of the horses of the sun. Althjof › A dwarf. Alvis › A dwarf. Amsvartner › The name of the lake in which the island was situated where the wolf Fenrer was chained. Andhrimner › The cook in Valhal. Andlang › The second heaven. Andvare › A dwarf. Andvare-naut › The ring in the Niblung story. Angerboda › A giantess; mother of the Fenris-wolf. Annar › Husband of Night and father of Jord. Arvak › The name of one of the horses of the sun. Asaheim › The home of the asas. Asaland › The land of the asas. Asas › The Teutonic [Germanic] gods. Asa-Thor › A common name for Thor. Asgard › The residence of the gods. Ask › The name of the first man created by Odin, Honer and Loder. Aslaug › Daughter of Sigurd and Brynhild. Asmund › A man visited by Odin. Asynjes › The Teutonic goddesses. Atle › Gudrun's husband after the death of Sigurd. Atrid › A name of Odin. Aud › The son of Night and Naglfare. Audhumbla › The cow that nourished the giant Ymer. Audun › A name derived from Odin. Aurgelmer › A giant; grandfather of Bergelmer; the same as Ymer. Aurvang › A dwarf. Austre › A dwarf.
BBafur › A dwarf. Balder › Son of Odin and Frigg, slain by Hoder. Baleyg › A name of Odin. Bar-isle › A cool grove in which Gerd agreed with Skirner to meet Frey. Bauge › A brother of Suttung (qv). Odin worked for him one summer, in order to get his help In obtaining Suttung's mead of poetry. Beigud › One of Rolf Krake's berserks. Bele › A giant, brother of Gerd, slain by Frey. Bergelmer › A giant; son of Thrudgelmer and grandson of Aurgelmer. Berling › A dwarf. Bestla › Wife of Bure and mother of Odin. Biflide › A name of Odin. Biflinde › A name of Odin. Bifrost › The rainbow. Bifur › A dwarf. Bikke › A minister of Jormunrek; causes Randver to be hanged, and Svanhild trodden to death by horses. Bil › One of the children that accompany Moon. Bileyg › A name of Odin. Bilskirner › Thor's abode. Blain › A dwarf. Blodughofde › Frey's horse. Bodn › One of the three jars in which the poetic mead is kept. Bodvar Bjarke › One of Rolf Krake's berserks. Bol › One of the rivers flowing out of Hvergelmer. Bolthorn › A giant; father of Bestla, mother of Odin. Bolverk › A name of Odin. Bombur › A dwarf. Bor › Son of Bure; father of Odin. Brage › A son of Odin; the best of skalds. Breidablik › The abode of Balder. Brimer › One of the heavenly halls after Ragnarok. Brising › Freyja's necklace. Brok › A dwarf. Brynhild › One of the chief heroines in the Niblung story. Budle › Father of Atle and Brynhild. Bue › A son of Vesete, who settled in Borgundarholm. Bure › Grandfather of Odin. Byleist › A brother of Loke. Byrger › A well from which Bil and Hjuke were going when they were taken by Moon.
DDain › A dwarf. Dain › One of the stags that bite the leaves of Ygdrasil. Dainsleif › Hogne's sword. Day › Son of Delling. Daybreak › The father of Day. Delling › Daybreak. Dolgthvare › A dwarf. Dore › A dwarf. Draupner › Odin's ring. Drome › One of the fetters with which the Fenris-wolf was chained. Duf › A dwarf. Duney › One of the stags that bite the leaves of Ygdrasil. Durathro › One of the stags that bite the leaves of Ygdrasil. Durin › A dwarf. Dvalin › One of the stags that bite the leaves of Ygdrasil. Dvalin › A dwarf.
EEikinskjalde › A dwarf. Eikthyrner › A hart that stands over Odin's hall. Eilif › Son of Gudrun; a skald. Eimyrja › One of the daughters of Haloge and Glod. Eindride › A name of Thor. Eir › An attendant of Menglod, and the best of all in the healing art. Ekin › One of the rivers flowing from Hvergelmer. Elder › A servant of Æger. Eldhrimner › The kettle in which the boar Sahrimner is cooked in Valhal. Elivogs › The ice-cold streams that flow out of Niflheim. Eljudner › Hel's hall. Elle › An old woman (old age) with whom Thor wrestled in Jotunheim. Embla › The first woman created by Odin, Honer and Loder. Endil › The name of a giant. Erp › A son of Jonaker, murdered by Sorle and Hamder. Eylime › The father of Hjordis, mother of Volsung. Eysa › One of the daughters of Haloge and Glod.
FFafner › Son of Hreidmar, killed by Sigurd. Fal › A dwarf. Falhofner › One of the horses of the gods. Farbaute › The father of Loke. Farmagod › One of the names of Odin. Farmatyr › One of the names of Odin. Fenja › A female slave who ground at Frode's mill. Fenris-wolf › The monster wolf, son of Loke. Fensaler › The abode of Frigg. Fid › A dwarf. File › A dwarf. Fimafeng › Æger's servant. Fimbul › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Fimbulthul › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Fimbul-Tyr › The unknown god. Fimbul-winter › The great and awful winter of three years duration preceding Ragnarok. Finnsleif › A byrnie belonging to King Adils, of Upsala. Fjalar › A dwarf. Fjolner › A name of Odin. Fjolsvid › A name of Odin. Fjorgvin › The mother of Frigg and of Thor. Fjorm › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Folkvang › Freyja's abode. Form › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Fornjot › The ancient giant; the father of Æger. Forsete › The peacemaker; son of Balder and Nanna. Frananger force › The waterfall into which Loke cast himself in the likeness of a salmon. Freke › One of Odin's wolves. Frey › Son of Njord and husband of Skade. This god of fertility is the son of Njord, and rules over the weather and the harvest, happiness, peace, and prosperity. He rides a wonder-boar (or hog) through the air and on water. The collapsible boat Skibladne that can sail on land and sea, and always has fair wind, can be carried in his pocket. He also owns a sword that strikes even by itself. (Munch 1981, 43-46) Freyja › The daughter of Njord and sister of Frey. Fridleif › A son of Skjold. Frigg › Wife of Odin and mother of the gods. Frode › Grandson of Skjold. Froste › A dwarf. Fulla › Frigg's attendant. Fundin › A dwarf. Fyre › A river in Sweden.
GGagnrad › A name of Odin. Galar › A dwarf. Gandolf › A dwarf. Gang › A giant. Ganglare › A name of Odin. Ganglate › Hel's man-servant. Ganglere › A name of Odin. Ganglot › Hel's maid-servant. Gangrad › A name of Odin. Gardrofa › A horse. Garm › A dog that barks at Ragnarok. Gaut › A name of Odin. Gefjun › A goddess; she is present at Æger's feast. Gefn › One of the names of Freyja. Geirahod › A valkyrie. Geirrod › A giant visited by Thor. Geir skogul › A valkyrie. Geirvimul › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Gelgja › The fetter with which the Fenris-wolf was chained. Gerd › A beautiful giantess, daughter of Gymer. Gere › One of Odin's wolves. Gersame › One of the daughters of Freyja. Gilling › Father of Suttung, who possessed the poetic mead. Gimle › The abode of the righteous after Ragnarok. Ginnar › A dwarf. Ginungagap › The premundane abyss. Gipul › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Gisl › One of the horses of the gods. Gjallar-bridge › The bridge across the river Gjol, near Helheim. Gjallar-horn › Heimdal's horn. Gjallar-river › The river near Helheim. Gjalp › One of the daughters of Geirrod. Gjuke › A king in Germany, visited by Sigurd. Gladsheim › Odin's dwelling. Glam › The name of a giant. Glapsvid › A name of Odin. Glaser › A grove in Asgard. Gleipner › The last fetter with which the wolf Fenrer was bound. Glener › The husband of Sol (sun). Gler › One of the horses of the gods. Glitner › Forsete's hall. Gloin › A dwarf. Gna › Frigg's messenger. Gnipa-cave › The cave before which the dog Garm barks. Gnita-heath › Fafner's abode, where he kept the treasure of the Niblungs. Goin › A serpent under Ygdrasil. Gol › A valkyrie. Goldfax › The giant Hrungner's horse. Gomul › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Gondler › One of the names of Odin. Gondul › A valkyrie. Gopul › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Got › A name of Odin. Gote › Gunnar's horse. Gothorm › A son of Gjuke; murders Sigurd, and is slain by him. Grabak › One of the serpents under Ygdrasil. Grad › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Grafvitner › A serpent under Ygdrasil. Grafvollud › A serpent under Ygdrasil. Gram › Sigurd's sword. Grane › Sigurd's horse. Greip › One of the daughters of Geirrod. Grid › A giantess visited by Thor. Gridarvol › Grid's staff. Grim › A name of Odin. Grimhild › Gjuke's queen. Grimner › One of the names of Odin. Grjottungard › The place where Thor fought with Hrungner. Groa › A giantess, mother of Orvandel. Grotte › The name of King Frode's mill. Gud › A valkyrie. Gudny › One of the children of Gjuke. Gudrun › The famous daughter of Gjuke. Gullinburste › The name of Frey's boar. Gullintanne › A name of Heimdal. Gulltop › Heimdal's horse. Gullveig › A personification of gold; she is pierced and burnt. Gungner › Odin's spear. Gunlat › The daughter of the giant Suttung. Gunn › A valkyrie. Gunnar › The famous son of Gjuke. Gunthrain › One of the rivers flowing from Hvergelmer. Gwodan › An old name for Odin. Gylfe › A king of Svithjod, who visited Asgard under the name of Ganglere. Gyller › One of the horses of the gods. Gymer › Another name of the ocean divinity Æger.
HHabrok › A celebrated hero. Hallinskide › Another name of Heimdal. Haloge › A giant, son of Fornjot; also called Loge. Hamder › Son of Jonaker and Gudrun, incited by his mother to avenge his sister's death. Hamskerper › A horse; the sire of Hofvarpner, which was Gna's horse. Hangagod › A name of Odin. Hangatyr › A name of Odin. Haptagod › A name of Odin. Har › The High One; applied to Odin. Harbard › A name assumed by Odin. Hate › The wolf bounding before the sun, and will at last catch the moon. Heide › Another name for Gullveig. Heidrun › A goat that stands over Valhal. Heimdal › The god of the rainbow. Heimer › Brynhild's foster-father. Hel › The goddess of death; daughter of Loke. Helblinde › A name of Odin. Helmet-bearer › A name of Odin. Hengekjapt › The man to whom King Frode gave his mill. Hepte › A dwarf. Heran › A name of Odin. Herfather › A name of Odin. Herjan › A name of Odin. Hermod › The god who rode on Sleipner to Hel, to get Balder back. Herteit › A name of Odin. Hild › A valkyrie. Hildesvin › A helmet, which King Adils took from King Ale. Himinbjorg › Heimdal's dwelling. Hindfell › The place where Brynhild sat in her hall, surrounded by the Vafurloge. Hjalmbore › A name of Odin. Hjalprek › A king in Denmark; collects a fleet for Sigurd. Hjatle the Valiant › One of Rolf Krake's berserks. Hjordis › Married to Sigmund, and mother of Sigurd. Hjuke › One of the children that accompany Moon. Hledjolf › A dwarf. Hler › Another name of Æger. Hlidskjalf › The seat of Odin, from where he looked out over all the world. Hlin › One of the attendants of Frigg; Frigg herself is sometimes called by this name. Hlodyn › Thor's mother. Hlok › A valkyrie. Hloride › A name of Thor. Hniker › A name of Odin. Hnikud › A name of Odin. Hnitbjorg › The place where Suttung hid the poetic mead. Hnos › Freyja's daughter. Hoder › The slayer of Balder; he is blind. Hodmimer's-holt › The grove where the two human beings, Lif and Lifthraser, were preserved during Ragnarok. Hofvarpner › Gna's horse. Hogne › A son of Gjuke. Honer › One of the three creating gods; with Odin and Loder he creates Ask and Embla. Hor › A dwarf. Horn › A name of Freyja. Hrasvelg › A giant in an eagle's plumage, who produces the wind. Hreidmar › The father of Regin and Fafner. Hrib › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Hrimfaxe › The horse of Night. Hringhorn › The ship upon which Balder's body was burned. Hrist › A valkyrie. Hrodvitner › A wolf; father of the wolf Hate. Hron › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Hroptatyr › A name of Odin. Hrotte › Fafner's sword. Hrungner › A giant; Thor slew him. Hrym › A giant, who steers the ship Naglfar at Ragnarok. Hvergelmer › The fountain in the middle of Niflheim. Huge › A person (Thought) who ran a race with Thjalfe, in Jotunheim. Hugist › One of Odin's ravens. Hugstore › A dwarf. Hymer › A giant with whom Thor went fishing when he caught the Midgard-serpent. Hyndla › A vala visited by Freyja. Hyrroken › A giantess who launched the ship on which Balder was burned.
IIda › A plain where the gods first assemble, and where they assemble again after Ragnarok. Idavold › The same as Ida. Ide › A giant, son of Olvalde. Idun › Wife of Brage; she kept the rejuvenating apples. Ironwood › The abode of giantesses called Jarnveds. Iva › A river in Jotunheim. Ivald › The father of the dwarfs that made Sif's hair, the ship Skidbladner, and Odin's spear Gungner.
JJafnhar › A name of Odin. Jalg › A name of Odin. Jalk › A name of Odin. Jarnsaxa › One of Heimdal's nine giant mothers. Jarnved › The same as Ironwood. Jarnvidjes › The giantesses dwelling in Ironwood. Jord › Wife of Odin, mother of Thor. Jormungand › The Midgard-serpent. Jormunrek › King of Goths, marries Svanhild. Joruvold › The country where Aurvang is situated. From there come several dwarfs. Jotunheim › The home of the giants.
KKerlaugs › The rivers that Thor every day must cross. Kile › A dwarf. Kjaler › A name of Odin. Kormt › A river which Thor every day must cross. Kvaser › The hostage given by the vans to the asas; his blood, when slain, was the poetical meed [poet-making meed] kept by Suttung.
LLading › One of the fetters with which the Fenris-wolf was bound. Landvide › Vidar's abode. Laufey › Loke's mother. Leipt › One of the rivers flowing out of Hvergelmer. Lerad › A tree near Valhal. Letfet › One of the horses of the gods. Lif and Lifthraser › The two persons preserved in Hodmimer's-holt during Ragnarok. Lit › A dwarf. Ljosalfaheim › The home of the light elves. Loder › One of the three gods who created Ask and Embla. Lofn › One of the asynjes. Loge › A giant who tried his strength at eating with Loke in Jotunheim. Loke › The giant-god of the Norse mythology. Lopt › Another name for Loke. Lovar › A dwarf. Lyngve › The island where the Fenris-wolf was chained.
MMagne › A son of Thor. Mannheim › The home of man; our earth. Mardol › One of the names of Freyja. Megingjarder › Thor's belt. Meile › A son of Odin. Menglad › Svipdag's betrothed. Menja › A female slave who ground at Frode's mill. Midgard › The name of the earth in the mythology. Midvitne › A giant. Mimer › The name of the wise giant; keeper of the holy well. Mist › A valkyrie. Mjodvitner › A dwarf. Mjolner › Thor's hammer. Mjotud › A name of Odin. Mode › One of Thor's sons. Modgud › The may who guards the Gjallar-bridge. Modsogner › A dwarf. Moin › A serpent under Ygdrasil. Mokkerkalfe › A clay giant in the myth of Thor and Hrungner. Moon, brother of Sun › Both children of Mundilfare. Moongarm › A wolf of Loke's offspring; he devours the moon. Morn › A troll-woman. Mundilfare › Father of the sun and moon. Munin › One of Odin's ravens. Muspel › The name of an abode of fire. Muspelheim › The world of blazing light before the creation.
NNa › A dwarf. Naglfar › A mythical ship made of nail-parings; it appears in Ragnarok. Nain › A dwarf. Nal › Mother of Loke. Nanna › Daughter of Nep; mother of Forsete, and wife of Balder. Nare › Sod of Loke; also called Narfe. Narfe › See Nare. Nastrand › A place of punishment for the wicked after Ragnarok. Nep › Father of Nanna. Niblungs › Identical with Gjukungs. Nida mountains › A place where there is, after Ragnarok, a golden hall for the race of Sindre (the dwarfs). Nide › A dwarf. Nidhug › A serpent in the nether world. Niflheim › The world of mist before the creation. Niflungs › Identical with Niblungs. Night › Daughter of Norfe. Nikar › A name of Odin. Nikuz › A name of Odin. Niping › A dwarf. Njord › A van; husband of Skade, and father of Frey and Freyja. Njord lives close by the sea, rules over sea, fire, and wind, and is a wealth-giver. (Munch 1981, 41-43) Noatun › Njord's dwelling. Non › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Nor › A man. Nordre › A dwarf. Norfe › A giant, father of Night. Norns › The weird sisters. Not › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Ny › A dwarf. Nye › A dwarf. Nyrad › A dwarf.
OOder › Freyja's husband.
Odin ›
(Germanic: Woden etc). Son of Bor and Bestla; chief of Teutonic gods, and with some shamanic hallmarks too. In the Norse pantheon, he is equipped with a magic eight-legged horse for riding everywhere, the gift of poetry, along with spear and cover, and a sword. (Munch 1981, 33-37) Odrarer › One of the vessels in which the poetic mead was kept. Ofner › A serpent under Ygdrasil. Oin › A dwarf. Oku-thor › A name of Thor. Olvalde › A giant; father of Thjasse, Ide and Gang. Ome › A name of Odin. Onar › A dwarf. Orboda › Wife of the giant Gymer. Ore › A dwarf. Ormt › One of the rivers that Thor has to cross. Orner › The name of a giant. Orvandel › The husband of Groa, the vala who sang magic songs over Thor after he had fought with Hrungner. Oske › A name of Odin. Otter › A son of Hreidmar; in the form of an otter he was killed by Loke.
QQuaser › See Kvaser.
RRadgrid › A valkyrie. Radsvid › A dwarf. Rafnagud › A name of Odin. Ragnarok › The last day; the dissolution of the gods and the world; the twilight of the gods. Ran › The goddess of the sea; wife of Æger. Randgrid › A valkyrie. Randver › A son of Jormunrek. Ratatosk › A squirrel in Ygdrasil. Rate › An auger used by Odin in obtaining the poetic mead. Regin › Son of Hreidmar. Reginleif › A valkyrie. Reidartyr › A name of Odin. Rek › A dwarf. Rind › Mother of Vale. Rogner › A name of Odin. Roskva › Thor's maiden follower.
SSahrimner › The boar that the gods and heroes in Valhal live on. Munch writes: "The Heroes . . . their number is never so great that they do not have enough to eat from the flesh of the boar Sæhrimnir. The cook, named Andhrimnir, each day boils the boar in a kettle called Eldhrimnir; but at evening the beast is just as much alive and unhurt as before. The Heroes drink ale and mead poured out for them by the Valkyries." [More]. It could look like a bit one-sided diet, but after all they were dead anyway. Sad › A name of Odin. Saga › The goddess of history. Sager › The bucket carried by Bil and Hjuke. Sangetal › A name of Odin. Sekin › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Sessrymner › Freyja's palace. Siar › A dwarf. Sid › A stream flowing from Hvergelmer. Sidhot › A name of Odin. Sidskeg › A name of Odin. Sif › Thor's wife. Sigfather › A name of Odin. Sigfrid › The hero in the Niblung story; the same as Sigurd. Sigmund › Son of Volsung › Also son of Sigurd and Gudrun. Sindre › A dwarf. Sigtyr › A name of Odin. Sigyn › Loke's wife. Sigurd › The hero in the Niblung story; identical with Sigfrid. Silvertop › One of the horses of the gods. Simul › The pole on which Bil and Hjuke carried the bucket. Sinfjotle › Son of Sigmund. Siner › One of the horses of the gods. Sjofn › One of the asynjes. Skade › A giantess; daughter of Thjasse and wife of Njord. Skeggold › A valkyrie. Skeidbrimer › One of the horses of the gods. Skidbladner › Frey's ship. Skifid › A dwarf. Skifir › A dwarf. Skilfing › A name of Odin. Skinfaxe › The horse of Day. Skirner › Frey's messenger. Skogul › A valkyrie. Skol › The wolf that pursues the sun. Skrymer › The name assumed by Utgard-Loke; a giant. Skuld › The norn of the future. Sleipner › Odin's eight-footed steed. Slid › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Slidrugtanne › Frey's boar. Snotra › One of the asynjes. Sokmimer › A giant slain by Odin. Sokvabek › A mansion, where Odin and Saga quaff from golden beakers. Sol › Daughter of Mundilfare. Son › One of the vessels containing the poetic mead. Sorle › Son of Jonaker and Gudrun; avenges the death of Svanhild. Sudre › A dwarf. Sun › Identical with Sol. Surt › Guards muspelheim › A fire-giant in Ragnarok. Suttung › The giant possessing the poetic mead. Svade › A giant. Svadilfare › A horse, the sire of Sleipner. Svafner › A serpent under Ygdrasil. Svanhild › Daughter of Sigurd and Gudrun. Svarin › A dwarf. Svartalfaheim › The home of the swarthy elves. Svarthofde › The ancestor of all enchanters. Svasud › The name of a giant; father of summer. Sviagris › A ring demanded by the berserks for Rolf Krake. Svid › A name of Odin. Svidar › A name of Odin. Svidr › A name of Odin. Svidre › A name of Odin. Svidrir › A name of Odin. Svidur › A name of Odin. Svipdag › The betrothed of Menglad. Svipol › A name of Odin. Svol › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Svolne › A name of Odin. Sylg › A stream flowing from Hvergelmer. Syn › A minor goddess. Syr › A name of Freyja.
TTangnjost and Tangrisner › Thor's goats. Thek › A dwarf; also a name of Odin. Thjalfe › The name of Thor's man-servant. Thjasse › A giant; the father of Njord's wife, Skade. Thjodnuma › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Thok › Loke in the disguise of a woman. Thol › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer.
Thor ›
Thor's name derives from the Germanic term for "thunder". The German
Donner is derived from that too. He, a thunder-god, is essentially the
Champion of the gods, and is related to the ancient Vedic king of gods Indra, and the
Greek Zeus. Thursday is named after him. Place-names, personal names, poetry, and
prose show that he was widely reckoned with. Some (perhaps added) myths tell he is
One of the sons of Odin and Fjorgyn. Anyway, he is of great strength and fertility.
Valiant and brusque, Thor rides through the air in a cart drawn by two he-goats.
Thunder is thought of as the sound of his chariot. He owns remarkable tools, such as a belt that increases his strength, great working gloves for protecting the hands, and a
boomerang-like hammer which he uses to smash the heads of enemies. He has human friends. Thorin › A dwarf. Thorn › A giant. Thride › A name of Odin. Thro › A dwarf; also a name of Odin. Throin › A dwarf. Thror › A name of Odin. Thrud › A valkyrie. Thud › A name of Odin. Thul › A stream flowing from Hvergelmer. Thund › A name of Odin. Thvite › A stone used in chaining the Fenris-wolf. Thyn › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Tyr › The one-armed god of war.
UUd › A name of Odin. Ukko › The god of thunder in Tshudic mythology. Ukko-Thor › A name for Thor. Uller › Son of Sif and step-son of Thor. Urd › The norn of the past. Utgard › The abode of the giant Utgard-Loke. Utgard-Loke › A giant visited by Thor; identical with Skrymer.
VVafthrudner › A giant visited by Odin. Vafud › A name of Odin. Vafurloge › The bickering flame surrounding Brynhild on Hindfell. Vak › A name of Odin. Valaskjalf › One of Odin's dwellings. Vale › Brother of Balder; kills Hoder. Valfather › A name of Odin. Valhal › The hall to which Odin invites those slain in battle. Vanadis › A name of Freyja. Vanaheim › The home of the vans. Var › The goddess of betrothals and marriages. Vartare › The thread with which the mouth of Loke was sewed together. Vasad › The grandfather of Winter. Ve › A brother of Odin › (Odin, Vile and Ve). Vedfolner › A hawk in Ygdrasil. Vegsvin › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Vegtam › A name of Odin. Veratyr › A name of Odin. Verdande › The norn of the present. ["Becoming"] Vestre › A dwarf. Vid › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Vidar › Son of Odin and the giantess Grid. Vidblain › The third heaven. Vidfin › The father of Bil and Hjuke. Vidolf › The ancestor of the valas. Vidrer › A name of Odin. Vidur › A name of Odin. Vig › A dwarf. Vigrid › The field of battle where the gods and the hosts of [the fire-giant] Surt meet in Ragnarok. Vile › Brother of Odin and Ve. Vilmeide › The ancestor of all wizards. Vimer › A river that Thor crosses. Vin › A river that flows from Hvergelmer. Vina › A river that flows from Hvergelmer. Vindalf › A dwarf. Vindlong › One of the names of the father of winter. Vindsval › One of the names of the father of winter. Vingner › A name of Thor. Vingolf › The palace of the asynjes. Vingthor › A name of Thor. Virfir › A dwarf. Vit › A dwarf. Volsungs › The descendants of Volsung. Von › A river formed by the saliva running from the mouth of the chained Fenris-wolf. Vor › One of the asynjes.
WWodan › A name of Odin.
YYdaler › Uller's dwelling. Yg › A name of Odin. Ygdrasil › The world-embracing ash-tree. Ylg › One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. Ymer › The huge giant out of whose body the world was created.
ÆÆger › The god presiding over the stormy sea.
Boberg, Inger M.: Dansk folketradition i tro og digtning og deraf afhængig skik. (Danmarks Folkeminder; 72) Munksgaard. Copenhagen, 1962. Munch, P. A.: Norrøne gude- og heltesagn. Rev. ed. Universitetsforlaget. Oslo, 1981. Munch, Peter Andreas Norse Mythology: Legends of Gods and Heroes. Rev. Magnus Olsen, tr. Sigurd Bernhard Hustvedt. New York: The American-Scandinavian Foundation, 1926 . On-site
Sturlason, Snorre. The Younger Edda, Also Called Snorre's Edda, or The Prose Edda. Tr. Rasmus B. Anderson. Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1901.
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