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Solid Worth

There is true worth and feigned worth. True worth is not of feigning. The latter is fit for parades.

Through several sorts of ranking, men are divided. Two takes are: "The most worthy is a child, a servant". Some hold they believe it - but their actions tend to show what they really believe it, which is what they adjust to after all.

Ramakrishna: "The Paramahansa (patent spiritual) is like a five year old child." [Tas 207]. Then you are free from holding public office and much else all at once.

"When one considers this, it is clear how the old masters looked down on those who sought advancement". Awakened means nothing much outwardly unless and until manifested outwardly, which is not needed. - Eihei Dogen (in Dog 52)


It is a worthier thing to deserve honour, than to possess it. - English proverb.

A wife of noble character . . . is worth far more than rubies. - Proverbs 31:10

True worth is in being, not seeming. - American proverb.

A single fact is worth a shipload of argument. - English proverb.

Late is worth more than never. - French proverb

A live dog is worth more than a dead lion. - French proverb

Praise from the worthless is worthless. - English proverb.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. - Proverb.


Solid worth, true worth, worth proverbs, Literature  

Dog: Masunaga, Reiho, tr. A Primer of Soto Zen. A Translation of Dogen's Shobogenzo Zuimonki. Honolulu: University Press, 1975.

Tas: Ramakrishna. Tales and Parables of Sri Ramakrishna. 5th ed. Madras: Ramakrishna Math, 1974.

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