Tarot 1 ☼Italian: Il Folle, Il Matto - The Fool, The Crazy Guy. Harlequin is one of the derivates, and Jester (Buffoon, Clown, Joker) might perhaps apply too [Agrell 63-66]. The bag tied on the stick, the walking staff, the dog, and the clown-like costume are ancient parts of the picture, and go back to at least 1500 in Northern Italy. But in the oldest surviving Fool picture from about 1450 there are no dogs, and he is standing still. Instead of a clown costume, he is dressed in white rags and has feathers in his hair. Also, the Fool of southern Italy is a quite carefree entertainer of children, perhaps a simple-minded person associated with childlike love of fun and games - without money, but all right to be with. 1. The quick learner is hardly boring to be with Living is had by gaining enough as one gets along. The more you look for art, the less you may find it, if Lao-Tsu's ancient conclusions were right. Against some attacks she may profit from pinpointing things. The suggestive artist may paint a portrait and dip into points of view at times. She may dress well, but see what happens! Her cunning can be master-like. She can be well equipped to work with young people and very young children, also without too much study for it. Great inspiration could come her way thanks to lovely scenery, but some dangers of falling might appear. The day ahead of her ought to foster renewal. Much depends on those conform guards and "dogs" we get associated with on the journey throughout the long life. Without much hesitation she's quite creative in smart, handed-over ways. The one of quick wit and temper may rise above wasting much time on what is called common sense of others. The reason why a good artist of clothing and other outlets provokes good dogs, mongrels and too bitter critics around, could lie in a very bright mind and a surplus of nerve energy arousal. The strenuous approach on and up is hardly good for the one who is attacked from behind. She isn't one to waste any time getting into a project. For a pure idealist it may not pay to be outspoken, not yet in any case. She can be headstrong and frivolous, and greatly reluctant to ask for help. It's best to survey her reasons for taking the long trip. An artist suggests, in part through word-paintings, in part through action-comedy, in part from taking part in some way involved. ◇ The road may give way to not very idealised encounters. Better attain to active interest in the individual's home setting. Even the best find themselves heading for trouble as time goes by. Not every sort of encounter requires bartering or involves any likeable competition. Behind a straightforward or bold outlook may be a spirit that knows how to be so cunning that it's hardly ever found out. Fortunately, she gets over anger as quickly as it comes. If not very much and politely welcomed, she becomes frustrated. When the time for deep relaxation at hand, not much should be harvested in the outer fields of life. Not everybody feels positively attracted to her, and she may have to live with that. Others don't always want to be good dogs against someone that plays her own music, harps her own chords, and practises her fiddle in the open. She could profit from planning her days much better. Merely repetitive practice may come to an end through the boredom it gives. Leaders in the Martian arts find out how to rise to the challenge and combat as the opportunity arises, or solid conform ways may eventually get into the flock like canine teeth from behind. There is one more danger for those rare individuals that perhaps appear over-bold and strangely assertive, and that may be to be shown. Those who know her well realize she has a quick temper. Some appropriate backward glances may work far better than getting fooled and ridiculed. She may like to bore into this and that like a little beaver. Her romantic nature is impatient and careless at times. She may be fond at heart. 2. Those who won't fight brashly, may profit from bulwarking more and better She goes on without dealing much with bother her at her behind. A little forethought and planning shouldn't hurt us. It happens that both men and women jump into action based on quick feelings rather than reasoning a lot. It could be good to soar above competition and fights. Have your own fair way in the start if, ideally, you are designed for it. Conform old 'dogs' around may not appreciate a newcomer. There may be imbroglios in her alley unless she attains an airplane. In an unchartered terrain, both forethought and inspections may help, also against animalistic attacks or back-biting which is truly beneath us. The best stay open to new ideas and master self-motivated activity too. The bold woman may prefer to be left alone now and then, to savour life. As she grows older, things should change for the better somehow, no matter how. Get good projects sorted. Maybe your temper got you into trouble - Briskness as deep-seated self-esteem could be half the battle won. Even fools can do damage if biting from behind. A fairly astounding self-starter have not attained complete control of all natural urges. 3. The terms are "Grudges or delight" She seldom or never holds a grudge for long. It is normal to love being outdoors if well enough protected. Let the little darling delight to play. So The quick learner who is not pleased to fight, might take up Transcendental Meditation, TM, to delight in living too. |
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