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Twisted Bangles in SRF

Surface is surface, and useful as such.

If a person's horoscope is true, it is supposed to be in step with the most significant life happenings of an individual. When a person is old, then, we have a good chance to see how far the birthday chart (birthday horoscope) was a good, general (wide) indicator of the person in earlier life phases, before changing for better or worse or conformity at large.

Bear in mind that most people are a conform bunch in some group or other, and that conformism may bar many individual seeds from sprouting.

What should help anyone is to prepare for individual progress, in part by not getting all too involved in unrewarding, enervating, and too tedious daily happenings. Refraining from getting involved in a big town council as a representantive of a political party, can be a good example of time saved for possibly more rewarding pursuits, for example making a million dollars in a classy way. It has worked for some.

Yogananda Wore Bangles

The SRF guru wore three bangles.

The nun Gyanamata (Mother of Wisdom) about her guru Yogananda: "He's my God!". And he wore bangles for protection.

In SRF (Self-Realization Fellowship) they learn to wear astrological gold bangles, like their guru. That wisdom is hard-won, it is held.

Judged from pictures, its former president, Daya Mata (1914-2010), has been wearing one too. There is an Indian tradition in SRF for such things, to set out to "kid" the universe by wearing a bangle of intertwined gold, silver and copper strands - available on ◦request. Neither Yogananda nor his guru Yukteswar were the inventors of such gadgets; they wore them, and Yognanda always.

And if you choose not to wear it next to your skin but put it in a drawer in the bedside cabinet, it is just a gold, silver and copper investment.

Interestingly, a manufacturer of this bangle writes, "The body may rebel against this . . . My body hated the thing." He eventually came to believe "the bangle acts like an umbrella." [◦Link]

You are perhaps right to wonder, "If I use such a "lightning rod" to make the universe less hostile or me less vulnerable as if wearing an umbrella when it pours, and more invigorated or whatever, while considering that Yogananda teaches so often that the universe is illusory, does it really work?"

It is a good question, although Yogananda teaches the universe is real too . . . somewhere. [See that]

Here is a chance not to make do with just confusing tenets, but to get a bangle and try it out. If thousands try to sort out their experiences with it by adhering to a design like "before I started wearing it" as compared to "after I started wearing it", interesting data might surface, depending on the research methods and the quality of the research and responses, and on the funding, for the bangles are costly. They may be had from a craftsman who has not paid for this link: [◦Bangles Link]

Wearing Three Bangles - Yogananda's Birth Chart

A Birthday Chart is like a somewhat "Tentative Portrait" of all females born - for example those born on 31 January 1914 in (or near) Salt Lake City, Utah, Mormons or otherwise. Such a chart could perhaps be thought of as a Surface Gate. But Daya Mata's fare, like that of Yogananda, is helped by "swindling the swindle" (universe), in their opinion. And to swindle a swindle, is that a swindle in all cases? It could depend on what we mean by "swindle" and "swindle" . . .

Suppose a birthday chart and birthday cake are blind alleys for some who are set on swindling the universe (that first swindle, if any). Martin Schulman writes about Yogananda's birth horoscope and concludes that - oi! - it was negative. But at the time Schulman wrote that, based on Yogananda's birth horoscope, the already famous yogi had been wearing three bangles for quite some time - one of nine gems, one of gold, silver and copper, and one of lead. Basing his conclusions on on the guru's autobiography and his reputation, Schulman came to conclude that the guru's history might not be negative after all. Was that a wise verdict of the astrologer Schulman? Or are there deeper issues here, including "lightning rod help" from bangles of fit sizes, designs and worn in some prescribed ways? [Kaf] An astrologer can use Yogananda's birth horoscope to detect how his primal urgers are designed to run. Other forms of astrology are used tentatively in attempts to forecast what changes time-and-space will bring, if things go as half-guessed (Schemes, tables and patterns need interpretive standards and an interpreting touch also.).

Yogananda Yogananda's horoscope - He was born Mukunda Lal Ghosh, 5 January 1893 in Gorakhpur, India, at 8:38 PM. The h in Ghosh is silent: say /gosh/. (Click to see his birth chart)

Yogananda was born with a Capricorn Sun, Virgo Ascendant and Leo Moon. That is, these three markers in a horoscope had these star-sign (zodiac) backgrounds then. A primary identification of the child and possibly youth: Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Venus, and possibly Mars, along with the North and South nodes in their star signs, if not constellations (in that case called Rahu and Ketu in Indian astrology).

Yogananda had severe problems with the Self (as Sun), his autobiography and his attempts at annililating himself illustrate. Compare the Sun squares in his horoscope for an astrologer's elaboration on that. Perhaps some ideas from the astrologer Robert Hand might put some of us on the track to his primary or some of his most primitive urges.

Yoganda Sun

He recognised the seriousness of life, but he also escaped. When he grew up, he wanted to be important and achieve something. He asked what good something was.

He wanted to be him-Self [there was a dire need] and he took life seriously in that he wanted his life to be "huge", that sort of successful performance [In one of his little books he taught we are actors on a scene, for example - it passed in Hollywood].

If he tried, he might get into serious conflicts with others who had similar drives as himself [Before he entered Yukteswar's ashram, after he had tried and failed to live in another one, where he got into conflicts. At home, he had grave conflicts with Ananta, his brother, and so on.]

Yogananda ascendant - Virgo Rising

He might demand that others lived up to the standards for clean and upright living that he set. [In time he "clipped wings" of freedom for many disciples by hundreds of do's and don'ts, should's and shouldn'ts, if it was not thousands of such guidelines (Gosh). His soft demands intruded into the sex lives of followers, for one thing. Guidelines of his are found in some of his books.]

Yogananda Moon

He considered himself important, but most of all he must be proud of himself [He was gently knocked into a higher state by his guru.]

In groups, he tried to be the outstanding person, as he took his feelings very seriously and was inclined to emphasise or exaggerate them. [Years in Yukteswar's ashram confirm the drives, methinks.] He did not easily act as other people wanted him to. [He ran away, and showed conflicting views when he talked with yogis he met, like a "perfume saint".]

He needed love and affection [as most of us do]. His performance was to show off and brag [his kriya hype, for example]. He liked to fantasise and daydream [and said the world was unreal].

Through his autobiography, he became able to appeal to the feelings of the public at large (Gosh, again).

He would be able to get along quite well with women [secretaries, editors], who might bring him several benefits, including money to buy a run-down hotel and make it the SRF headquarters in Los Angeles. It is well kept now. However, he might become quite emotionally demanding, and ought to have tried not to be jealously possessive [and demand to be the guru of disciples for lifetimes].

Yogananda Venus

He was fond of nature [His Whispers from Eternity illustrate it well]. He might collect art or other objects [Although he had to hand them over to his fellowship - Gutenberg bible, cars, and much else in advance of a sad court case that was impending when he left America in 1935. (He came back in late 1936)]

Being loved by his parents was important to him. [When his relationship with his mother ended, he became desperate. His relationship with his father got more difficult afterwards; he did want to obey him and study, would not get a wife, and so on. His relationship with his guru suffered too.] He indicates he was more hurt psychologically than most people.

Yogananda Mars

One of his great problems was learning to cooperate with others [for example his guru Yukteswar, but their relationship ended on a sad note, according the Yogananda biography].

He was also inclined to be rash and impulsive and to act without thinking [and was disciplined because of it]. He had strong desires. It was difficult for him that others have a right to what is theirs.

He could have learnt to be moderate in the"nows", even from his early years, so that he wouldn't have to wear scars later, and would not have had to change so much later [He also begged his way].


These capsules based on a birth horoscope, with light mentions from his life, are not wildly accurate, but even scratching the surface of Yogananda (basic Yogananda impulses or desires) they sum up pretty much all the same. What was beneath that surface? That is often what matters the most, according to Indian astrologers, who take into account such as the Moon's Nodes, placements in constellations (too, behind the star signs), and patterns of the birth chart (horoscope) and much else.

A quick glance at Yogananda's birth chart could also incorporate the placements of the north node (company) and south node (basis), considerations of angles to them and what planets appear in angles to them. For arriving at a synthesis, the whole pattern of heavenly bodies, their placements in houses and star signs matters too. Some themes may stand out. Further, trines (angles of 120 degrees) may have a beneficial impact, as we say, while squares suggest great opportunities for wrongdoings or wise handling and designs - so squares may be taken to represent challenges, and maybe solutions to some of them - or areas to make little of, as the case may be. They could also be thought of as working areas, while oppositions suggests tensions, and so on. In short: red lines: difficult; blue lines: easy - at least on the surface of things.

Grand trines (triangles of trines) are considered great good things, or some specified "things" "well oiled".

Lesson: If you find no angels in the sky, there are sky angles.

I do not share Martin Schulman's views on the nodes, for that matter. The node theory is from hoary Indian astrology, relating to Ketu and Rahu, the placements of the nodes in "constellations". I am unsure of how well founded the Rahu and Ketu astrology is, considering that the constellations in the sky are of different shapes and lengths, and one constellation of the zodiac, Ophiucus, seems to be totally missing in such calculations [Zae].

There is almost certainly more to explore in this field. In Your Sun Sign as a Spiritual Guide, Yogananda's disciple Kriyananda treats the constellations as if they were of equal length, which they are not. They are of unequal length, and the problems that are involved, are not all clarified, I should say [Ssg].

About the Author from Some Horoscopes

"You may acquire success through pioneer work. Your life will be remarkable in many ways. You will be courteous. Go for convenience and comfort.

"Besides formal education, you will have your interest in some other fields. You will do well in engineering or technology.

"A born wanderer who will have many changes in life.

"You will make a fortune. A lover of music and arts, you will realise your ambitions, and all your aspirations will be reasonably fulfilled.

"You will be a supporter of benevolent measures, gentle humanness, traditional culture, devotional wisdom and a searchful intellect. You express yourself in unique and inspiring ways.

"If you per chance have any ailments, natural and herbal restoratives and remedies will be the most effective wonder drugs for you.

"You generally use a step-by-step approach to problems.

It may be good to have something to look forward to . . . T. K.

Constellation whereabouts
Name Star sign dates* Constellation dates* (2000) Days/ degrees
Aries Mar 22–Apr 21 Apr 18–May 13 25
Taurus Apr 22–May 21 May 13–June 22 40
Gemini May 22–June 21 June 22–July 21 29
Cancer June 22–July 21 July 21–Aug 10 20
Leo July 22–Aug 21 Aug 10–Sept 16 37
Virgo Aug 22–Sept 21 Sept 16–Oct 31 45
Libra Sept 22–Oct 21 Oct 31–Nov 23 23
Scorpius Oct 22–Nov 21 Nov 23–Nov 29 6
Ophiuchus*   Nov 29–Dec 18 19
Sagittarius Nov 22–Dec 21 Dec 18–Jan 21 34
Capricornus Dec 22–Jan 21 Jan 21–Feb 16 26
Aquarius Jan 22–Feb 21 Feb 16–Mar 11 24
Pisces Feb 22–Mar 21 Mar 11–Apr 18 38

Rooted in a table by David Hasenauer in the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Or: []

The dates given in the column of "star sign dates" may vary with a day or at most two in a leap year cycle of 4 years. They are approximate, then.

Birth chart considerations

To the degree such a bangle offers real help as a "lightning rod", in Yogananda's words, you should take care not to create more bad karma under such an "umbrella of protection", and why? You cannot carry with you the physical gold from life to life - or maybe you can?

In astrological theory, the birth chart (aka. birthday horoscope, radix) indicates an inner stamp on life, designed for balancing a lot for a life. It is a graphic chart of how the solar system looks like at the moment of birth - all placements viewed from the earth onto the zodiac belt.

One seeks to understand the horoscope by key parts of it, and patterns. Trines are "good marks" or tokens of mind ease. Trines in a birth chart (and birthday chart) are 120 degrees with some leeway. The birth chart's trine aspects can be thought of as "heavenly oiled". It suggests that "things" (occurences, developments, phenomena) harmonised with them, may run well along, smoothly, basically, unless off-set . . . Textbooks in astrology lists up what such aspects (angles) are generally taken to signify. In interpreting them, one is to take into account the placements (in sign) of each of the planets involved, and the sun (which is a star, not a planet).


It is not full well to forswear the non-harmful effects of horoscopes, astrological bangles, and anything without good evidence, thinking, "Good eye-glasses would work better."

What is good evidence? You may notice that in SRF and similar organisations they wear bangles out of belief and a guru's word. You may also notice that that manufacturer above uses single cases to back up that his bangles are useful. Such cases, when recorded in reliable ways, are called anecdotal evidence, but that is not high-ranked in science. However, if much anecdotal evidence - many single cases - are classified, that could change the value of the single pieces for the better somehow, to the end of making findings more reliable. It depends on how well such investigations are done.

Finally, it is good to subject the uses of such as bangles to the scrutinity of double-blind research of two controllable, much similar groups of persons. The double-blind testing procedure is designed to eliminate biased results by this: Neither those who hand out real bangles and fake ones, know which subjects get the "real stuff" to wear till after the study is completed.

To my knowledge no such tests have been done on the SRF astrological bangle. In the meantime, there is good reason to say, simply, "If you want to try wearing one, it may not harm you. To note down the changes in your life after you started wearing it, could be fine too, for it could be used for future studies."

There is more to wearing well designed and calculated bangles, stones, gold, silver and copper than meets the eye. It is an investment. Those who seek progress and adhere to good and safe ways at the same time, may benefit for some reasons or others.


SRF bangles, SRF, me, Literature  

Cno: Burk, Kevin. The Complete Node Book: Understanding Your Life's Purpose. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn, 2003.

Evb: Sutton, Komilla. The Essentials of Vedic Astrology: The Basics. Bournemouth: The Wessex Astrologer, 1999.

Kaf: Schulman, Martin. Karmic Astrology, Vol. 1. New York Weiser, 1978.

Ssg: Walters, James Donald (Swami Kriyananda). Your Sun Sign as A Spiritual Guide. Nevada City: Ananda, 1971.

Zae: Wandahl, Finn. Indisk astrologi (Indian astrology). Copenhagen: SphinX, 1989.

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