Book 1: Ch. 1 - 2 -
3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8
There are two primary versions or samhitas, collections, of the Yajurveda: Shukla (white) and Krishna (which can mean black and also dark brown). Both collections contain the verses necessary for rituals. The Black Yajur Veda is also called Taittiriya Samhita. Samhita, or sanhita, means collection. Based on the translation by Arthur Berriedale Keith from 1914, here are lightly modernised highlights.
Kanda 1Prapathaka 1
1.1.1Food gives strength. Try to get full of strength through milk. Let no thief and evil worker have control over you. Protect your cattle well.
1.1.2You are impelled by (old) gods. Divine straw, rise with a hundred shoots.
1.1.5There is a filter that has no flaw. Let the rays of the bright sun purify you. May we be victorious in contest.
1.1.7Make expiration firm, make inspiration firm.
1.1.9You are broad, and wealthy are you.
1.1.10As wife with my husband I am united. / United be my spirit with my body.
1.1.13With elevation he has lifted me up. Guard me from bondage, from evil food, from ill deed.
1.1.14May Pusan further our every prayer. Pusan or Pushan, a "prosperer", that is, a Vedic deity who causes people to thrive. The name is said to derive from the verb 'pusyati', 'to cause to thrive'. Pushan is praised in eight hymns in the Rig Veda, where he is a guardian of flocks and herds. His chariot is pulled by goats. He is a Vedic solar deity, the nourishing facet of the sun god, the god of meeting, responsible for marriages, journeys, roads, and the feeding of cattle. He protects men from being exploited by other men, leading his adherents towards rich pastures. His bounty is often mentioned.
Prapathaka 2
1.2.2Every man prays for wealth, let him choose glory that he may prosper.
1.2.3Let us rejoice in fullness of wealth, in sustenance.
1.2.4I have mounted the eye of the sun. The ancient yoga talks of a pranic eye between the eyebrows and calls it the third eye etc. To this day methods are handed over for seeing it (jyoti mudra).
1.2.5May I not be separated from abundance of wealth.
1.2.7With us be the gold.
1.2.8He has placed strength in horses, milk in kine; has set skill in the heart. Not only horses are strong, not only cows produce milk; in fact, all kinds of mammal mothers do: rabbits, goats, sheep, horses, females, and so on. There is no reason to get "culturally limited" of outlook.
1.2.9Let not the evil-working wolves (find) you. Who are the howling and preying and blood-thirsty wolves? You know someone who takes to yelling and heeds lamb's blood very much? She might tell, or maybe not - We have reached the path which leads to bliss, without a foe, whereby a man defeats all his foes and wins wealth.
Make your comrades to swell with wealth and skill; with good fortune
1.2.14Under your leadership, let us gain strength; fulfil both our desires, truthful one; All things does Agni reveal by his might. Prapathaka 3
1.3.1May these our songs . . . be dear delights.
1.3.7Anointed with ghee, produce a male. Prapathaka 4
1.4.44With glory, with milk, with ourselves, are we united, with auspicious hearts.
The sage by the sage, the good by the good, the comrade by the comrade, are kindled. Prapathaka 5
The very vigorous, all-conquering,
Prapathaka 6
1.6.1For splendour I take you.
May I be secure among my equals, wise.
You are joy, give joy to us.
1.6.4May we milk offspring and food.
1.6.5Real, be real for me.
The best of rays are life-bestowing. Prapathaka 8
1.8.6Make us prosperous, increase our wealth, make us rich in cattle, embolden us.
1.8.13To earth hail! To atmosphere hail! To sky hail! To the sun hail! To the moon hail! To the waters hail! To plants hail! To trees hail! To moving creatures hail!
1.8.16Good fame! prosperity! true rule! Hail!
Grant riches to the generous giver.
Kanda 2Prapathaka 1
2.1.11May I attain the light without fear. Prapathaka 2
2.2.8Indra goes straight forward.
2.2.10"Too much splendour is produced", they say, "he is liable to become a leper." :)
May I be a gainer of wealth; secure among my equals.
Accept gladly our songs, Prapathaka 4
2.4.1He who has foes should in conflict offer a cake to Agni the overcomer.
Vritra enveloped these worlds. Indra feared him. Tvastri dipped his bolt for him; the bolt
was fervour; he could not restrain it.
Kanda 3Prapathaka 1
May he, the purifier, grant us wealth. Prapathaka 3
3.4.8(Words) he offers . . . should be offered in inverse order by one who is practising witchcraft.
Health be you for our bipeds, health for our quadrupeds.
May we be comrades, effectual, joyful, and proceeding well. Prapathaka 5
We have come, noble ones, to the share of the nights that are yours,
3.5.5May Surya, the god, protect me from the gods.
Kanda 4Prapathaka 1
4.1.4Come here, for enjoyment.
4.1.9Let every man choose right companionship, wealth; glory that he may prosper; what is firm and enduring. Prapathaka 2
The plants I celebrate Prapathaka 3
The east; the spring of the seasons with wealth of holiness; the calf; and the east
Favour us in kindliness, Prapathaka 4
4.4.5The over-sky atmosphere penetrated by holy power - And the sky, penetrated by ambrosia, the unconquered; may it be my protection and my refuge.
Let Prajapati place you on the ridge of the sky, full of light, for every expiration, inspiration;
support all the light, the supreme lord is your overlord. Prapathaka 5
Homage to him of the sharp arrow, and to him of the weapon. 4.5.8
Homage to the auspicious, and to the more auspicious. Prapathaka 7
Lord of the good, the wise;
4.7.14I have been made sky reaching.
Kanda 5Prapathaka 1
5.1.5Vayu is breath.
Prapathaka 4The Piling of the Fire Altar (continued)
5.4.5The sacrificer delights the gods who eat and those who do not eat . . . the sacrificer. :) Prapathaka 5
5.5.8He finds support in the seasons - and brilliance; he reverences with the heart. Prapathaka 7Indra is yonder sun.
What has flowed from purpose, or heart,
Know him in the highest firmament.
5.7.19Joy with the delighter.
Kanda 6Prapathaka 1
6.1.7"Indra the guardian!" Prapathaka 2
6.2.9The dwelling is the house; (verily it serves) for atonement. Prapathaka 5
6.5.5Sukra is brilliance, and bestows brilliance. Prapathaka 6
6.6.1Go on by the path of brilliant gifts.
Kanda 7Prapathaka 1
7.1.5This was in the beginning the waters, the ocean. In it Prajapati becoming the wind moved. Prapathaka 4
7.4.4Prajapati went to the world of heaven. But with whatever metre the gods yoked him, they did not achieve him.
Let the healing wind blow on our cows,
7.4.18(They call) the Brahman the highest realm of speech. Prapathaka 5
7.6.16I take you dear to Prajapati. The sky is the greatness, the sun the splendour. |
Keith, Arthur Berriedale, tr: The Veda of the Black Yajus School: Entitled Taittiriya Sanhita. Vols. 1 and 2. Cambridge MA: The Harvard University Press, 1914.
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