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Not for ordinary men: Love of God

Great love for great persons, medium love for medium people, and so on downwards - who loves to be taught the way into great love other than great lovers?

Below are Ramakrishna sentiments about heavenly child behaviour. You can work on what is hinted at, in your own way too.


Suppose a man is grasping the thorny branch of a plum-tree. His hand bleeds profusely; but he says, "There is nothing the matter with me; I am quite well." (Ramakrishna, in Gupta 1942, 690, abr.)

Love of God: Such love . . . is not for ordinary men. (Ramakrishna, in Gupta 1942, 679)

Bhakti (love of God): It is to adore God with body, mind, and words. Meditate and think of His lila (play) and glories. (Ramakrishna, in Gupta 1942, 680, abr)

The Master exclaimed "Anandamayi!" and went into samadhi. He continued, saying, "I don't seek anything else: only pure love." (Ramakrishna, in Gupta 1942, 682, passim)

One's inward Self may be addressed in the cage of the heart as the finite Personal God. [cf. Ramakrishna, in Gupta 1942, 684)

One day as Ramakrishna plucked a leaf, a bit of the bark came off. He felt grieved because he had hurt the tree. Then he tried to pluck some durva grass, but had to force himself to pluck it.

He said, "I cannot cut a lemon. The other day I managed to cut one only with great difficulty . . . and cut the fruit as they slaughter an animal . . . One day I was about to gather some flowers. I could not pluck them. (Ramakrishna, in Gupta 1942, 687-88, abr)

Compare: "You should not cut down grass or trees." - Buddha to his monks. [◦Link]. - Your task may be to find out the reasons why, for there are many who want you to think otherwise and mow the lawn weekly and well too.

One cannot see God unless one has a vision of Him. Such a man gets the nature of a child. For God is like a child. He who sees God becomes like a child. (Ramakrishna, in Gupta 1942, 688, mod)


Mirrors and the Tao Te Ching

Can landscape elements be reflections of your soul or what is good for you, ultimately? If so, attune to them. That is part of the Taoism of Lao Tzu. But what if you don't fit in? Then you may get in trouble later on, if not earlier -

Mirrors may be of many kinds and may be judged too. Some at least may be ascertained and made use of for one's benefit. It matters to find out which and how.

From Tao Te Ching

Tao models itself after Nature. (Tao Te Ching, Ch 25)

He who becomes the model for the world, returns to simplicity. (Tao Te Ching, ch 28, passim)

When cultivating a firm grasp on things, be allied to carefully modified and ascended ancestor disciplines, and the goings could be some to give thank for. So cultivate, elevate and apply your best and modified ancestor ways and means - Jobs, routines, accomplishments orTao know-how - That should be rewarding for any individual - Impregnate your lifestyle with what tends to being suitable, and gain net prowess from that. (Tao Te Ching ch 53)

Delve into how "well structured, planted or formed" some things that are instituted seem to be. Do it by delving back through own conscious stages (cf Tao Te Ching, ch 54)

As for ships and carriages, let there be none to ride. (Tao Te Ching, ch 80)

Also see Ch 51.

Ramakrishna Reflections

Krishna is knowledge! Is the body! My life! My soul! (Ramakrishna, in Gupta 1942, 556, passim)

God is far, far away from the crooked heart. (Ramakrishna, in Gupta 1942, 557)

The anahata sound: "It is a spontaneous sound constantly going on by itself. It is the sound of the Pranava, Om. It originates in the Supreme Brahman and is heard by yogis." (Ramakrishna, in Gupta 1942, 416)

Pride of scholarship is due to ignorance. (Cf Ramakrishna, in Gupta 1942, 899)

If a mirror is covered with dirt, it won't reflect one's face. (Ramakrishna, in Gupta 1942, 581)


Aeolic, aeolian love, eolic, eolean love, Literature  

Gupta, Mahendranath. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna- Vivekananda Center, 1942.


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