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2. Ayodhya Part

1. King Dasaratha is inclined to resign his throne to Rama and summons a council

2. The elders and councillors willingly accept Rama as regent

2. The elders and councillors willingly accept Rama as regent

3. The king resolves Rama shall be installed

4. Rama and Sita prepare for the ceremony

5. On Vasishtha's advice they observe a fast

6. The city of Ayodhya is decorated for the proclamation

7. The hunchback maid, Manthara, informs Queen Kaikeyi of Rama's coming installation

8. Manthara persuades the queen that Bharata should be regent and Rama banished

9. Queen Kaikeyi is resolved on her evil design

10. The king is deeply afflicted at the sight of the weeping queen

11. She asks for the two boons promised her by the king

12. The king suffers bitter agony at the thought of sending Rama into exile

13. Kaikeyi disregards the king's immeasurable distress

14. The king is overcome by grief, the queen summons Rama

15. Sumantra hurries to Rama's palace

16. Rama in his chariot drives swiftly to the king

17. He advances to the palace in the middle of the eulogy of his friends

18. He sees the king full of anguish and speechless; Kaikeyi utters the cruel words

19. Rama shows no sign of distress and prepares for exile

20. Queen Kaushalya is afflicted and helpless with sorrow

21. Rama, in spite of the laments of the queen and Lakshmana, prepares for departure

22. He appeals to Lakshmana not to grieve

23. Lakshmana offers to defeat all those who obstruct Rama's installation

24. The queen realises she has no power to restrain Rama's resolution

25. The queen gives her blessing and the brahmins their benediction

26. Rama acquaints Sita of his resolution

27. She entreats Rama to allow her to accompany him

28. Rams seeks to dissuade her

29. Sita continues her entreaties but the prince is unwilling to consent

30. Seeing her fixed resolve Rama grants her request

31. Lakshmana is resolved to accompany them

32. Rama bestows his wealth on the brahmins, his friends and servants

33. He goes, with Sita and Lakshmana, to King Dasaratha's palace

34. The king gives his blessing while the whole palace is filled with lamentation

35. Sumantra arraigns Queen Kaikeyi

36. She disregards the words of the chief minister and the king

37. Despite the instruction of Vasishtha, Sita still desires to enter the forest

If a person is gifting away his elephant but his heart is set on the rope used for tying the elephant, of what use is his attachment to the rope when he is giving away the elephant itself? (37.3)

38. Rama requests the king to protect his mother during his absence

39. As they prepare for departure the palace resounds with grief

40. All Ayodhya is distressed to see Rama's chariot depart

41. Many grieve for Rama

42. Without Rama the king's heart can find no rest

43. The lament of Queen Kaushalya

44. She finds peace in the consolation of Queen Sumitra

45. The lament of the brahmins who follow Rama

46. Rama, with Sita and Lakshmana and the charioteer, drive on alone to the forest

47. Those who have followed Rama find themselves alone

48. Ayodhya without Rama is bereft of beauty

49. The chariot crosses the boundary of Kosala

50. They reach the river Ganges and meet the chief of ferrymen, Guha

51. They pass the night on the bank of the sacred river

52. Sumantra is ordered to return; Rama, Sita and Lakshmana cross the holy river

53. Determined to follow their destiny they enter on exile

54. They spend the night at Prayaga in the hermitage of the sage Bharadwaja

55. They cross the Yamuna and travel on

56. They reach the mountain Chitttakuta and build a hermitage

57. Sumantra returns to the stricken city of Ayodhya

58. He delivers Rama's message to the king

59. The king bewailing the absence of Rama is drowning in a sea of sorrow

60. The charioteer attempts to console Queen Kaushalya .

61. Queen Kaushalya reproaches the king .

62. The king is overcome with grief

63. He recalls a former evil deed which is the cause of his present distress

64. Overcome by grief the king yields up his life .

65. The palace is filled with the sound distress

66. The inhabitants of Ayodhya mourn for their lord

67. The elders recommend at a member of the house of Ikshwaku be appointed king

68. Messengers are sent to Bharata

69. Bharata's inauspicious dream

70. The message is delivered, Bharata and Shatrughna leave the palace

71. Prince Bharata sees Ayodhya filled with unhappy people

72. Queen Kaikeyi begins to relate what has occurred

73. Prince Bharata reproaches his mother

74. He laments the death of his father and the exile of Rama

75. He seeks to console Queen Kaushalya

76. The prince commences the performance of the funeral rites

77. The ceremonies are continued

78. The hunchback, Manthara, incurs Prince Shatrughna's displeasure

79. Prince Bharata decides to go to the forest and bring back his brother

80. A royal highway is constructed for the prince

81. Vasishtha summons the royal assembly

82. The chiefs of the army prepare for departure

83. The whole army reaches the river Ganges

84. Guha, the chief of ferrymen, is filled with apprehension

85. He is filled with joy on hearing Prince Bharata's intention

86. Guha tells of Rama's stay by the sacred river

87. How Rama spent his first night of exile

88. Prince Bharau sleeps on the same spot where Rama had rested

89. The army crosses the holy river

90. Prince Bharata with Vasishtha visit Bharadwaja's hermitage

91. Bbaradwaja entertains the whole army

92. Prince Bharata with the army departs for Mount Chittrakuta

93. They behold the hermitage of Rama

94. Rama decides to spend his exile on the mountain

95. He points out the beauties of nature to Sita .

96. They see the army approaching and Lakshmana vows to destroy it … 362
97. Rama cannot believe Bharata comes as an enemy

98. Prince Bharata goes on foot to meet Rama

99. The four brothers meet with tears of joy

100. Rama enquires of Bharata about the discharge of his royal duties

101. Rama hears the account of his father's death

102. They are all afflicted with grief

103. Rama greets the queens

104. He requests Bharata to ascend the throne

105. Prince Bharata appeals to Rama to return and rule the kingdom

106. In spite of entreaties Rama remains steadfast in his vow

107. He instructs Bharata to return and be installed

108. A brahmin utters words contrary to dharma

109. Rama replies in words based on the Vedas

The one who speaks truth obtains the highest position in this world [advances essentially upwards, then]. (2.109.11)

110. Vasishtha proclaiming the tradition of the dynasty, calls on Rama to return

111. Prince Bharata still entreats Rama who is resolved to follow his father's command

112. Following the advice of the celestial sages, Prince Bharata is reconciled to becoming Rama's deputy

113. Prince Bharata commences the return journey

114. He finds Ayodhya desolate

115. Prince Bharata retires to Nandigrama and rules the kingdom from that city

116. The holy men of Chittrakuta depart, fearing the coming oppression of the asuras

117. Rama decides to leave the hermitage and comes to the ashrama of the sage Atri ..

118. Princess Sita receives gifts of love from the sage's wife

119. The holy ascetics bless the exiles who enter the forest


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