We don't want to see anyone unhappy [so] we are busily engaged in teaching meditation. It's for our joy. - Maharishi A beautiful, complete science of totality . . . is what we want to give to the world - Maharishi It's not the Will of God that anyone suffers. - Maharishi. Press conference, 3 July 2002] Live your life to the fullest. - Maharishi Here is an invitation, a cordial invitation for you all to come and enjoy the Blissful Grace and All Powerful Blessings of my Lord the Great Swami Brahmanand Saraswati, the Great among the greats of the Himalayas. - Maharishi The real joy of life lies . . . beyond the field of sense perception. - Maharishi Asked why he brought TM to the West: "For bliss".
The Ocean of Life is inside. It could be good to gain from this knowledge. Hopefully,
contemplation develops the Ground for such gains too.
Introduction |
By the grace of my master, I have found a simple technique, a simple formula, to transform the inner man to the great height of the spiritual level, and to bring it to every man everywhere, I have come out. - Maharishi 1960] Due to a simple natural innocent process, meditators would be able to act rightly and enjoy life to the full. To gain this control over karma the practice [Maharishi] recommended was . . . Transcendental Meditation. - Paul Mason, ch. 15] Action speaks much louder than words and leaves its footprints on the sand of time much longer. - Maharishi I am now a bad example to you. Because of too busy a schedule, I have not tended to my own body's strength. You must let nothing in life interfere with your meditation. - Maharishi
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - Quotations |
I have brought . . . to the modern man . . . a simple technique of living in peace and happiness. - Maharishi If we are all strong, stable, we can set our sail with any wind in the world that comes along. If we are not strong, we are like a leaf in the wind. So we meditate, EVERY DAY, REGULARLY, and gain transcendental being in our everyday life and then we are strong. - Maharishi Why should a man suffer having God within himself? And what is the value of oneself if he keeps suffering? - Maharishi Why waste time in helplessness ...? Why suffer when you can enjoy? . . . let the days of misery and peacelessness be over. - Maharishi Many preachers of Christianity, preachers of Islam, preachers of Buddhism are practising Transcendental Meditation. - Maharishi. Press conference, 3 July 2002] Success in anything is through happiness. - Maharishi To produce a good, harmonious and healthy atmosphere . . . it is necessary that man live in happiness, peace, and abundance. - Maharishi Live full Being. - Maharishi The essence [is] to live a peaceful and joyful and harmonious life. - Maharishi Begin to enjoy, because it is the grace of the almighty - Maharishi My technique does not involve withdrawal from normal material life. It enhances the material values of life - Maharishi Those who meditate, they retire from the outside, they take their awareness from the outside and gradually go deep into the thinking process and eventually go beyond the thought. Transcend thought and then the thinking mind, the conscious mind becomes consciousness. When it goes beyond thought then it transcends thought and becomes consciousness. This consciousness is pure consciousness. The nature of this pure consciousness is bliss.---the Absolute. This is called Being. - Maharishi A criterion of natural duty ---an action which is necessary and does not produce any undue tension or strain in the doer and his surroundings is his natural duty. - Maharishi Provide facilities for the teaching of Transcendental Meditation. - Maharishi One sits down comfortably in a chair or wherever one wants, and he uses a thought that he has been given specially for himself and he starts experiencing the subtler state of thought. - Maharishi The liveliness of the infinite is cognized on the bed of the finite . . . when the conscious mind has become vibrant with the infinite value and the perception has become so refined as to spontaneously cognize the finest relative values. - Maharishi If we are not clear in our conscience then we will . . . be weak. - Maharishi Attend to your own inner health and happiness. Happiness radiates like a fragrance from a flower and draws all good things towards you. - Maharishi
Mantra ThoughtThe harmony between the vibrations of the body and the vibrations of the mantra, the harmony between them decides the suitability of the mantra to the individual. - Maharishi Life desires to be lived in the state of fulfillment. - Maharishi The experience of [the TM borne] consciousness is nothing other than the very nature of the mind. - Maharishi The natural tendency of the mind is to go to a field of greater happiness. Everyone wants more power, more happiness, and this desire expresses the tendency of life.270 - Maharishi The correct choice of the mantra is highly necessary. - Maharishi [Make sure to] select the suitable thought, suitable thought. - Maharishi Proceeding toward the subtler layers of the expression of creative intelligence within the mind, we experience a tender field of feeling. Deep within the tenderness of feeling we experience the 'Myness' of feeling. We say, 'I feel like this.' 'I feel.' 'I feel my feelings.' So the I in the seat of all my myness is more tenderly located within the feeling. Deep within the I is a more tender level of creative intelligence which is 'I-ness'. The 'I-ness' is almost the abstract value of individual existence, intelligence. And deep within, that individual 'I-ness' is boundless - the unmanifest, non-changing, immortal, eternal reality. - Maharishi Nourish the [inner, central] feeling [found in TM]. - Maharishi mod.] Action should be to nourish the fine feeling developed in the practice of the TM sidhi program. - Maharishi The self-fulfilled state, which we call transcendental consciousness, is the source of all activity. We call it the unified field. - Maharishi The kingdom of heaven is like electricity. You don't see it. It is within you. As a result of regular practice, [the state of unbounded awareness] is maintained more and more . . . as though we were to take a white cloth and dip it in yellow dye. We bring the cloth out and put in the sun and the yellow fades away. Then we put it back again and again into the color and back again and again into the sun. It keeps on becoming yellow and yellow and yellow, then fading, fading, fading. But over time the color becomes permanent. . . . [Thus, likewise,] through regular practice that unbounded awareness, that pure consciousness becomes ingrained in all activities of the mind [and] Unity Consciousness becomes a living reality. - Maharishi mod.] Transcendental Meditation ranges from active mind - or performing mind - to quiet mind - or resting mind. - Maharishi
Practical LivingTranscendental Meditation makes the active mind fully silent, . . . that silence remains when one comes out of meditation. - Maharishi It may take a little self-discipline - be simple, be kind, stay rested. Attend to your own inner-health and happiness. - Maharishi Pick something great to do and do it. - Maharishi Speak the Truth but see that you are speaking delicately. - Maharishi Naturalness is the basis of effectiveness. - Maharishi The centuries-old medicine-predominated approach to health has failed to eliminate sickness and suffering; this is because medicine alone is too superficial . . . A holistic approach . . . an be successful in handling health. - Maharishi on Vedic health care] The present health care system is not only incomplete, but it has been found to be dangerous. - Maharishi, Vedic Approach to Health] The state of being from which nature's intelligence functions . . . is where we find the principle of least action . . . it is the fundamental level of life. - Maharishi The factor of time is very vital in life - Maharishi Problems are not solved on the level of problems . . . the solution lies in watering the root [the Deep Mind inside though the art of contemplation] - Maharishi We are raising a voice against suffering - Maharishi Anything we know of Natural Law, we want to implement it. - Maharishi, Press conference, 11 September 2002] Life aspires to be lived on the level of abundance, on the level of affluence. - Maharishi No man engaged in the field of change should ever be allowed to remain there all the time. He should be given the opportunity, his body and mind should be cultured so that imperishable state of eternal Being permeates all these changing phenomena in the relative world. - Maharishi Human concepts, no matter how grand they may appear, have limitations. - Maharishi God grants us the faculty to open ourselves to peace. - Maharishi If we are weak, we will always put ourselves at the whim of others. We do not base our lives on the opinions of others. - Maharishi Just behave in a natural way. Don't make moods . . . wondering what anyone thinks of us. - Maharishi Veda is enlivened in one's awareness. . . . by having the intelligence be itself. - Maharishi Naturalness is the basis of effectiveness. If one poses to be something else, one loses the charm of naturalness. - Maharishi It is the responsibility of the older generation to advise the young, to tell the child what is right and wrong. Even if they do not want to listen to follow our direction, it is right to tell them. - Maharishi The factor of time is very vital in life. Those who have accomplished great things have valued time. - Maharishi, abr.] Anyone who is seriously interested and will not disturb, is welcome to come to Switzerland and see for themselves whether my students can levitate. - Maharishi to physicists] Transcendental experience awakens . . . divinity in man. And when you kill a man you deprive him of that birthright of his. - Maharishi abr.] Nature knows best how to organise. - Maharishi I am digging deeper and deeper into Vedic Science here in India with the Vedic Pandits . . . each day I am busy enjoying different values of Vedic Science. - Maharishi It is our joy to be considered impossible - and it is our greater joy to make the impossible a living reality. - Maharishi If one is enjoying, it is more of the Will of God; and if one is established in total possibilities, then it is absolute Will of God. - Maharishi An uneducated man - he will get tired everywhere. - Maharishi An educated man knows how to do things so that he doesn't get tired. - Maharishi Two requirements - regularity in meditation and leading a good life in society, day-to-day a good life. - Maharishi I lack only 1 billion dollars to make a world - better world . . . Capitalist country, in their own fog, unless they get something privately themselves, they'll not indulge into it. - Maharishi [Do] not put anyone to a hard-work direction. - Maharishi A good teacher will appreciate the good qualities of his students - Maharishi If one loses the charm of naturalness . . . one accumulates stress. - Maharishi Major problems are not solved on the level of problems. The solution lies in watering a root. - Maharishi, mod. And in tune with acupuncture theory] - Maharishi Nature knows best how to organise. - Maharishi It is a great science of life which does not require hard work. - Maharishi I recommend to people organic agriculture, Vedic organic agriculture. - Maharishi
Vedic Living"In Thy presence, my Lord, . . . I feel Thy grace." - Maharishi We have an infinite number of reasons to be happy, and a serious responsibility not to be serious. - Maharishi With the practice of deep meditation (Transcendental Meditation) the mind contacts the Bliss Consciousness of the Spirit and becomes more peaceful, happy, creative and powerful. This state of mind enriches - - Maharishi [On India:] Such a beautiful country . . . It's waking up now. - Maharishi Be as delicate as possible. - Maharishi Enlightenment is the basis of knowledge. - Maharishi We have been teaching the knowledge that we received from Guru Dev, our Master. - Maharishi "Guru Dev, had studied, not under a Shankaracharya, but under Swami Krishnanand Saraswati a swami of Shringeri Math. One could reasonably infer from this that it was he who passed on the knowledge of the mantras to Swami Brahmanand(a)." [Paul Mason, ch. 18] Religion covers the individual, family, nation, international, world, God, Creator, Almighty, Omnipresent. - Maharishi Consciousness is the basis of all life and the field of all possibilities. Its nature is to expand and unfold its full potential. - Maharishi Something else I am going to do from the level of the Vedic wisdom of life, which proclaims man is divine. - Maharishi So many preachers of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism-they all practice Transcendental Meditation and find a correlation with this theme of perfection in life through higher consciousness. - Maharishi The Pope, of course, will never be happy with the violence on earth. - Maharishi Killing is sin in every religion. - Maharishi Somebody told me that during the lifetime of Buddha 500 people got Nirvana, 500. So he must have made a great impact on the masses during his lifetime, otherwise he wouldn't survive till today. - Maharishi Vedic astrology - the jyotishis [Vedic astrologers] calculate the whole of life from the past and they calculate the whole of life in future . . . some Vedic performances (yagyas) . . . can avert [future, impending] danger. - Maharishi Transcendental Meditation is completely opposed to what self-hypnosis is. - Maharishi The good that he has done to others . . . comes back to him. - Maharishi This Vedic education [TM and corollaries] is not through reading, or studying, or remembering of anything, but waking up within oneself and spontaneously having a natural authority over the total organizing power of natural law [i.e. Cosmic Mind inside etc.]. - With Maharishi Anything that is helpful to life, anything that will save life from pains and suffering and all those difficulties, that is - that is our intention, to have a better world created. - Maharishi I have promoted a program which is practical, positive, and simple for every individual. . . . I learned it from my master . . . Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, in the Himalayas in India. - Maharishi |
Briggs, Barbara. The Contribution of Maharishi's Vedic Science to Complete Fulfilment in Life. New Delhi: Sagar Publications, 2009. Katz, Vernon. Conversations with Maharishi: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Speaks about the Full Development of Human Consciousness. Vol 1. Fairfield, IA: Maharishi University of Management, 2011. Mason, Paul. The Maharishi: The Biography of the Man Who Gave Transcendental Meditation to the World. Rev. ed. Lyndhurst, Hampshire: Evolution, 2005. [◦About]. [MaharishiMahesh Yogi] claimed his life only truly began . . . when [as a young student] he learned the secret of 'swift and deep meditation' . . . Swami Brahmanand had instructed him in a technique of meditation. - Paul Mason, in the 1st edition of the book (Element Books, 1994). Sands, William F. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and His Gift to the World. Fairfield, IA: Maharishi University of Management Press, 2012. Sands, William F. Maharishi's Yoga: The Royal Path to Enlightenment. Fairfield IA: Maharishi University of Management Press, 2013. Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Bhagavad Gita: A New Translation and Commentary with Sanskrit Text. Chapters 1 to 6. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1972. Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh. Maharishi Speaks to Students: Mastery over Natural Law. Vols 1-4. Napier Town, Jabalpur: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic Viswavidyalaya, 1997. Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh. The Science of Being and Art of Living. New York: Signet/New American Library, 1968. Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh. Transcendental Meditation with Questions and Answers. 3rd ed (a reprint of the 1st ed. of 1967, with new appendices). India: Spiritual Regeneration Movement, Maharishi Foundation International, Maharishi Vedic University, 2011. Internet sources, including All TM.org; Maharishi Channel: Maharishi Open University; Maharishi's Programmes in India; Maharishi Press Conferences at globalgoodnews.com; and Maharishi's Programmes for Every Area of Society.
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