Setting Mind Parts"In the mind. That's where it starts," says Mae West in an abridged quotation. What the mind is and what starts there, is far from easy to lay bare in just a few words above "What is matter? Never mind." A go: Deep mind: deep inwardness. In addition to that, mind means several things, such as what enables us to be aware of the world that humans perceive and experience, meanings, experiences, to note, think, and feel. It also means a person's attention. The subtle influences one may call "Mae surprises", include potentised preparations, flower remedies, essences, homeopathic remedies, and so on. They are able to influence the minds (read: mentalities) of mice and other animals, children and grown-up humans too; that is a typical claim on behalf of such remedies. For example, a remedy called Chestnut Bud, is said to carry vibes from that part of the chestnut tree. Standing beside a chestnut tree in bud or in a field of blossoms, influences artists, children and many others. Claimed mind-effecting remedies are many in a field that is seldom free from speculation and laughter and challenges. The Said Influence of AlfafaVery little in the bulk of homeopathic writings consists of scientifically accepted, confirmed findings so far. Yet, some books are held in higher homeopath esteem than others. William Boericke's Homeopathic Materia Media is called "the little Bible of homeopathy". It seeks to describe many hundreds of homeopathic remedies in the light of mental and physical irregularities and disease symptoms. Now, there is a constructive-aimed side to many homeopathic remedies. Some books aimed at parents, prescribe certain homeopathich remedies to "help you child" in their development. Apart from that harmonising effort, a few books suggest there are remedies that encourage good qualities, such as being clear and bright. Here is an example: Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa) is thought to induce "mental exhilaration of buoyancy, ie., a general feeling of well being; clear and bright, so that all blues are dissipated." (Boericke and Boericke, 1927. Seeing is believing.
Look to the bright side of things if you canLooking to the bright side of things is probably good for one's health. Studies confirm that, too (Smith et al, 2003:522-23). Now, for over 180 remedies Boericke tries to draw a picture of various mental states that may be helped or counteracted. A British doctor, Edward Bach, followed up such a strain and developed a set of flower essences, and focused on their positive aspects (below). Dr. Bach had been introduced to homeopathy first. Some of his chosen remedies also exist as regular homeopathic preparations, but with some significant differences: In Bach essences it is most often the flowers that are used, and the homeopathic way of preparing remedies is abandoned. But the point for now is that it is possible to focus on said, positive sides to remedies, and administer preparations more or less with such ends in view. If you want to "live the day", for example, there are seven Bach essences to choose among:
Bearing these and more reservations in mind, let us look into the assertions of what different homeopathic preparations may do for you independently of placebo effects (good faith, coincidence, and so on). GleaningsDoctors of homeopathy do not necessarily agree about which symptoms go with a preparation, and which symptoms are the most important or carry the most weight when a preparation is to be selected. An example of the latter: Dr. William Boericke ranks the guiding symptoms in two groups (strong indications in italics, and the rest in normal writing), and Dr. John Henry Clarke does not grade the symptoms in his Dictionary. One stark goal of homeopathy is to select and rank the most outstanding guiding symptoms of the preparations in use, and rank the symptoms according to some system or plan. Such a general ranking system exists already - but there is more to it as well.
InfluencesWhat They AreThe Essence Preparations talked about in this article, can be termed mind preparations. "Mind" in ancient Buddhist terminology signifies deep mind and "Essence" too. [Link]. "In the mind. That's where it all starts," is a Mae West quotation for the occasion, one that apparently holds a similar view-point, and one of the main principles of complementary healing practices is that the cure (often) comes from within out. Yet, it would depend on the nature of the disease too. The preparations in question consist of:
Essence Preparations may be tried for other purposes than healing: Coping well and better, for example. (a) Homeopathic PreparationsThe production methods of homeopathic preparations consists of shaking and diluting substances many times according to fixed procedures (there are alternatives among them). One round of shaking and diluting is called a succusion round in a series; and such a round adds one more "potency level". A D12 "potency" of a substance signals that it has been subjected to 12 rounds of succusion (dilution-and-shaking), each dilution in the proportion of 1 : 10. How to make potencies is described in details elsewhere. You could even prepare your own preparations if you get specified the details. Otherwise it is best to aquire them from a pharmacy or similar. Further, in homeopathic dilutions above ca. D30, none of the above preparations have any direct physiological effect: Avogadros Law explains why: there will be no molecules of the original substance after almost 30 rounds of dilutions of the D scale. However, in actual Danish pharmacy practice, nosodes have been found in D30 dilutions. Therefore it is best to have many further dilutions of them to be on the safe side. With the necessary precautions, homeopathic preparations are safe in use and very peculiar, stemming over 200 years back to a German doctor called Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). He experimented on himself, on friends and others, and in the end established a bit shaky therapeutic system that has managed to survive and that is becoming increasingly popular and accepted, also among medical doctors. By way of example, there are currently well over 200,000 homeopathic doctors in India. [Facts] [1]. (b) Dr. Bach's Gentle PreparationsThe British medical doctor Edward Bach (1886-1936) devised the Bach Flower Preparations in the 1930s. He had learnt the art of homeopathy before that, and even devised his own nosode. The differences between the Bach Essences and homeopathic preparations are mainly: (1) The Bach preparations are not shaken and stirred; but extracted in one of two ways: by being exposed to sunlight for several hours; or being boiled for some time. Both methods are in use. (2) The Bach preparations come in only one potency, and it is a low potency too. According to the radionic investigator Malcolm Rae (1913–79), inventor of the magneto-geometric (simulated) preparations and other equipment, Bach essences have a 9C potency (give and take), depending in part on production conditions. The Bach's preparations are thought to work by stimulating the living organism's own capacity to heal itself, and perhaps helping you to take control and feel good about yourself. An attempt at comparisonThere is a homeopathic preparation of Mustard (Sinapis arvensis) and a Bach flower preparation made of the Mustard flower. Do the two remedy descriptions have much in common, and do the one contradict the other somehow?
More research on the remedies will be needed before we can compare well, based on main research standards. This is quite a common conclusion in research reports, by the way: "The evidence is inconclusive. More research will be needed" - to discern better, for example. As for other "remedy cousins", a proposed difference is that the flower essence preparations often are milder, more sanft if they are derived from a very gentle plant part, and the majority of homeopathic preparations are not taken from the flowers of plants. Maybe. One has to ask: "Is there anything gentler than water diluted in water (many homeopathic remedies are like that)? The necessary answer: "Tenable proof is so often lacking in these waters". And then again, much depends on practice and skills and notions that are had from that. It is so for both common medicine and alternative treatments. It leads to inklings and gives rise to preferences as to what to choose if there are alternatives to choose among. A rule of the thumb: "The mildest preparation first" is to avoid unnecessary harm and problems, etc. There are exceptions to that rule anyway. Now for a scenario: A person feels "Confusion. Headache on awakening. Brain feels dull. Memory loss. Horse and choking. Cough on coming into the open air. Stiff neck (etc.)" The data is from Boericke's homeopathic red clover (Trifolium pratense), some of the remedy's guiding symptoms, as he calls them. One may wonder how he arrived at them. If we think a Bach essence of Red clover is milder and go to the pharmacy to get it, we may not find it for sale. What to do? We may set out to prepare our own Red clover remedy one sunny day, at our own risk and a few expenses. Mind that the herb Red clover might need to be used with caution if you mean to make infusions (tea) of the flower. (See Wikipedia, "Red clover > Medical uses of the plant") Or we decide to make the homeopatic remedy Red clover - to make homeopathic Red clover by diluting-and-shaking it up by hand, for example in the 6C potency. Then it is time to try it out, to start an attempt to see whether taking homeopathic Red clover is followed by changes or not. Before you start and after a couple of months, it helps to write down and grade the symptoms well, if there are any changes. And then there is a figurative bitter pill to swallow, or two or three: First, if you get much better, it could be due to other things, the remedy or you could have got even much better without it. If you notice no changes, the remedy could have helped you against a "downwards spiral" of health, or hindered an upward spiral, or been ineffective. We do not have to go further into these theoretical topics here; they serve to show that there is little academic proof-value in single cases. It is fit to say it if you get better, but do not claim too much. Usually, many cases are needed to give evidence of the efficacy of a remedy, for then averaging statistics can be used to decide in the matter, far better than for single cases. That is how it is. It is fit to try out a remedy in chronic cases for a couple of months, and then adjust. That is typically done by homeopaths. An aunt of mine let the homeopath prescribe remedies for her for five years before she noticed she got better. Hopefully, most cures are shorter, with many factors involved. As for dosages and intervals, see other pages for it. There are different approaches. (Voegeli 1976) (3) Gem EssencesA reputation is either well earned or not so well earned. Gem essences have a reputation for working deeply in the mind, and may be a trifle stronger than the Bach essences as far as potencies are concerned. Different gems are said to effect us differently. As with homeopathic "cousins" there are lists of what the preparations might be good for and what (discordant states etc.) they could possibly work against. However, these descriptions differ from one source to another, and may be linked to glossy talk of guardian angels, rays, and much else. "Semiprecious and precious stones are used for the purpose of enhancing mental, spiritual, and physical well-being". That is not to say the stones work as it is said. If or how they function as remedies, may be another matter. A conclusion: "The evidence is inconclusive. Better mainstream research is called for." Crystal variants of metals are talked of as gems too, and can be made use of in regular homeopathic preparations. For example, the homeopathic preparation Aurum metallicum is made from pure gold. A crystal form of gold exists too. If there is any difference between the common homeopathic Aurum metallicum (Gold) and its crystallised counterpart, the difference could be neglible. Thus, the gem (crystal) variant of gold may be suspected to share these properties with the homeopathic preparation, by way of example: Aurum metallicum: The mental symptoms include such as: Despondency. Great depression, as in victims of syphilis. Confusion. Ennui. Self-abasement. Disgust of life, and thoughts or talks of committing suicide. Great fear of death. Vehement at least contradiction. Anthropophobia (afraid of people). Mental derangements. Constant rapid questioning without waiting for reply. Cannot do things fast enough. Oversensitiveness (etc.) As mentioned above, there are many ways to use gold as a preparation, and who knows, one or some or all of them may work. (a) One of the finest uses is to wear it next to your body as a bangle, or bracelet, or pendant and so on. According to some Indian yogi teachings, there is to be a minimum amount (weight) of gold, and a minimum of 40 g pure gold may be suggested. And as gold that is sold is mixed with silver, you may get almost 40 gram silver in the bargain too. "Insubstantial gold" counts too in these waters: (b) When you make a homeopathic preparation from gold, you suck sugar pills called Aurum metallicum with a potency to it, (c) and when you use gold as a gem (crystal) preparation, you drink water or some other fluid that some gold filings have been "soaked" in overnight. (d) And then there is "replica gold" too. Malcolm Rae's replica Aurum metallicum is derived from applying a side to magnetism that the scientific community has known little of. What could gold be good for if the remedy might work as homeopaths think? A try is: "Quite the opposite of depression, thoughts of suicide, disgust in life, mental derangements, confusion, and so on in the list of mental symptoms above", and it could be true. At least, that is the idea of it in the homeopathic choir, where the bass voices of scientific testings of effects is much missing. Another option: It could become true if you have that sort of "gold optimistism"; compare the placebo effect and "Make use of it," as Dr. Olof Lindahl (1979) suggests. Placebo comes from Latin, and means "I shall please". When preparations are tested, a placebo is a pill without effect; it is used to compare the effect of the other substance to be tested. The placebo (preparation) may be a sugar pill and things like that. Mecical doctors may also prescribe placebos more "for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder". Thus, placebos can soothe some, by "good optimism", or faith tied to pills. Quite large and coloured pills tend to evoke more faith than others, and so on. As for the propensities (or properties) of various stones, don't believe everything you are told as you try out things with your "gem optimism". For most part the information on pages on gem effects is much too general ("wide"), and descriptions vary from page to page too. Also, the placebo effect is a factor that mars small studies. (4) Malcolm Rae's essences Made from "Simulator" Cards and Equipment |
Malcolm Rae first invented a "geomagnetic potentiser" and then developed it further into what is cursorily described in its simple form as a "box of perspex containing one circular magnet, one potentiometer, a brass cup, and wires". One wire goes from the magnet to a cylindrical brass "well" set in the apparatus. To make this equipment work as intended, a card with certain geometric patterns [the input, or software part] needs to be into the slot in front of the round magnet and the apparatus is turned on. The originator, Malcolm Rae, holds that specific homeopathic remedies have specific geometrical interaction patterns, which can be generated through the equipment he gradually developed. By putting a card with some partial radius design into a slot in his potentiser, what is termed a magneto-geometric influence is had, according to Rae. The said influence is transferred to the cylindrical well, where some receiving fluid in turn gets filled with it and may be termed a remedy carrier from then on. In other words, the claim is that a fit carrier fluid - like tap water - in the apparatus "well" can be influenced by an informative kind of magneto-geometric influence pattern that the devices generates, if all goes according to plan. Two questions arise: Does it? And is the result of such a process a homeopathic preparation? A third may also appear: How can these things be documented? Does it work? An investigation on bacteriaI got the MGA remedy called "Diamond" tested on bacteria by a town veterinary who had all it took to count bacteria growth. Three times he was given samples, and all the three times there were more bacteria in the samples that had been exposed to the said influence. But here is a caveat: All who may want to replicate the bacteria experiment need to know that for some of the samples the MGA card "Diamond" was used, and for other samples a substantially improved "Diamond" card. It was indeed indicated by bacteria growth. A third group of samples consisted of non-handled tap water from the same source as the others. Thus it is the average of MGA Diamond and "Bettered Diamond" that is over 16 times higher than the control samples. Further, the average difference was substantial, in that the geometric mean* was way over 16 times higher. The number 16 is actually misleadingly low, since the bacteria in some of the samples had multiplied so much in their Petri dishes that the veterinary dropped counting the bacteria where there were over 1,000 in a dish, and just marked them with "more than 1,000". *Geometric mean or geometric average: A measure calculated by multiplying a series of numbers and taking the nth root of the product, where n is the number of items in the series. It is different from the arithmetic mean (arithmetic average), which is the sum of a series of numbers divided by the count of that series of numbers. [More: see Wikipedia]
Will a ◦MGA devise produce homeopathic preparations?Malcolm Rae holds it does, in that a fit card may generate a fixed wave patterns that yield a perfect homeopathic preparation repeatedly and in standardised ways. However, where is the evidence? Hm. What is more, in the United States a pharmacy started to make "homeopathic preparations", using the Rae instruments, and was taken to court. It was decided by the judge that a homeopathic preparation was to be understood by a long process of shaking and dilution, and not by its said effect. So whatever the MGA-instrument produced, was not homeopathic, was the verdict. That decision ought to be questioned on the grounds that it is not the steps and stages of production that define a thing, but the thing in itself. Accordingly, measurements are called for. Dr. Karin Lenger has produced data that confirms there is something to homeopathic remedies, although not exactly as old homeopathic theory has it. Interestingly, differences among homeopathic remedies can be measured by too by a magnetic resonance method where remedies are put in a strong magnetic field, where they resonate diffently - each remedy with its own magnetic resonance, or "oscillatory wave". [Dr. Lenger's findings so far] To sum up somewhat: It is the preparation effects that count, and they may not be different (or significantly different). One can say that homeopathic preparations hold hidden mind-influences (oscillatory waves), as a result of very good research. Also, the correspondence between many specific, shaked-up, traditionally produced remedies on the one hand and remedies produced in a "black box" of some kind is testable in this way. It may be more difficult to assess whether all of these variously produced remedies each have oscillatory waves that correspond well to main remedy descriptions in homeopathy books. Until such evidence is forthcoming and is well received in the circles that deal with remedies or compete with them, one may say that homeopathic remedies made in ◦MGA instruments (from simulator cards) are top replicas without furnishing hard evidence. How do some people solve this dilemma? They learn to use a pendulum (Nielsen and Polansky, 1987) and may hope that when it starts working, fits answers are had. The quality of the answers depend on the quality of the pendulum user. The deeper, calmer, fairer and more unbiased he or she is, the less unbiased and the more relevant the answers may be. Also, some technical skills and tools may come in handy. [More on pendulums] More on Rae-devised preparationsAn MGA reference card contains ready-made concentric circles and a number of partial radii (five is the most common). When applied, such a card is thought to form a pattern of standing waves that matches the subtle (hidden) influence of a specific homeopathic preparation (or something else decided on). There is a very great array of possibilites of the designating design of partial radii. The terse description above applies only to the very simplest model. There are other models that operate four cards too, and so on. According to Malcolm Rae, the instrument are excellent for making homeopathic preparations. Among the rules for using a Rae potentizer are these:
That is it. Once prepared, the liquid preparation may be taken orally or otherwise. It is held to influence the biomagnetic field (aura) of living beings in certain ways. Accordingly, magneto-geometrically patterns of the highest potencies had better be handled with care, like high-potency homeopathic preparations, hand-shaken or machine-produced. Storage, a few hintsThe storage life of a preparation may depend on many factors, including exposure to sunlight and warmth. [See Dr Lenger's research findings]. How toOne may say, "I intend to produce a magneto-geometrically simulated homeopathic preparation". Whether that one preparation works as intended, is another matter, and proving it well enough for acceptance in science journals is a third matter. Also, one may buy cards of any of the preparations known in homeopathy and many never proven or described. One may also get a card made up from a sample for some British pounds (contact the supplier and inquire about current prices). If a remedy is free from any obvious, physiological elements except its carrier, for example sugar, it is not more poisonous than its carrier. Magneto-geometric cards with nosode designs yield no toxic effects. With this and much else in mind then it is possible to experiment and try to do some top-notch research. Many more resources may be called for after that. For example, the sailing boat might be sold to cover unexpected expenses. What They Can Do for SomeInfluences into our biomagnetic field may adjust our beings. That is a given in psychosomatic understanding of how many illnesses develop and dwindle. In this line of thinking, many common diseases could be eased by aligned MGA remedies or homeopathic remedies. There is much literature on stress and how to combat it. Transcendental Meditation, TM, helps. That is well documented. It suggests that the health improves with TM, and there is research that proves it well. It actually happens. All who take homeopathic remedies may not live as long as members of the British royal family. Dr Margery Blackie was homeopath to Queen Elizabeth. In 1979, Dr Blackie was appointed a Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, for her services to the royal family. Tact and skills may work hand in hand, and sometimes only tact will do. Good coping may in itself be good against stress and its repercussions and dangers to health and long life. According to what was earlier termed psychosomatics or psychosomatic medicine (now: behavioral medicine in some circles), there is much to gain from better coping and reductions of emotional stress (Smith et al, 2003:505). There are (a) mental troubles; (b) bodily troubles and hazards; and (c) social problems. (d) Grave spiritual issues, problems or conflicts, including those of conscience, faith, existential meanings, moral standards, great indifference and so on, are not to be ignored either, for they play a significant role in the lives of many. Finding meaning is at times related to the course of physiological disease, and mental attitudes affect health [Smith et al, 2003:512-13, 509]. Speaking of faith, few stop to think that "unrealistic optimism . . . keeps people happier, healthier, and more likely to recover from illness," but that is what Shelley E. Taylor writes (Smith et al, 2003:523). In the light of that, could there be anything hazardious about housecalls to one's homeopathic doctor into ripe old age? Yes, that is possible. If naïve optimism does not work well, the gap between the expectations and the results may be too hard to bear for some, and hence unreasonably high expectations may turn out to be risky for one's health. Disappointments are not good for happiness, and here is the sombre side to faith healing in general: for each person who stands up and shouts she is healed by faith there and then, the majority tends to get disappointed, and some of them get serious doubts about their worth and so on in consequence. Besides, a suggestions-based faith healing may not last a long time for what we know. It could pay to think about it. And on the other hand, it is also possible that the faith generates psychosomatic cures or betterments too. That often happens: It is evidenced by placebo findings, among other things. And as a medical doctor writes, in that case one should learn to mobilize the astute placebo effect. Faith in preparations and optimism may both help some people. There is statistical evidence of it; see for example how helpful the "empty" sugar pill can be: [cf. Lindahl och Lindwall, 1978] [◦Link]. Boasts may evoke better health through the faith - at times, in some. Stress affects health. Great dependence, isolation, competition, and internalised strict moral standards may in time ruin health. (Smith et al, 2003:493, 497). There are ways of managing stress. Engaging in a healthy lifestyle is wise, and meditation may help a lot as well, to name a few of the things that combat stress (cf. Smith et al, 2003: 493, 505, 510, 520). Even "unrealistic optimism can be good for your health" (Smith et al, 2003:523). Conflicts may arise when two inner needs or motives are in opposition. Optimism and HealthIs unrealistic optimism always benficial for your health? No. (Cf. Smith et al, 2003:522-23= But even though some maladaptive reactions to certain events and persons occur, "most optimists are "constructive optimists" who take active efforts to protect their health and safety. But a few optimists are "naïve optimists" (avoidance copers) who believe that everything will turn out all right without any active efforts on their part [Smith et al, 2003:523]. Yet one is also to live well - to practice better health habits and take preventive action - (Smith et al, 2003:523)
Non-energetic PreparationsIt is thought that it matters a lot to get a good match between predominant symptoms and the symptoms of a preparation. Symptoms are graded and classified. [More] Homeopathic preparations above the potency C6 consist of sugar or alcohol. The sugar or alcohol may be looked on as the carriers of the influences that the remedies are said to be. Thus, a remedy is a good influence of a sort. They are favourable influences. Some affect us deeply, as a lovely sunset may do to many, and birds singing and other sounds of nature. "New research suggests that women who live in areas with more nature might enjoy greater longevity." Granted that, "even if you've only got one tree on your street, but you live a few blocks away from a park, make use of it frequently so you can still reap some health benefits, writes Baseline of Health Foundation. Plant influences . . . How to Get (Some of) ThemSuppliers vary.
Boericke, William and Oscar: Homeopathic Materia Medica. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Boericke and Runyon, 1927. Clarke, John Henry: A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica. 3 vols. London: The Homeopathic Publishing Company, 1900 (vol 1) and 1902 (vols 2 and 3). Kent, James Tyler. Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Reprint ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers, 1991. Lindahl, Olof and Lindwall, Lars: Lægevidenskaben i nyt perspektiv. Copenhagen: Reitzel, 1979. Nielsen, Greg, and Joseph Polansky. Pendulum Power: A Mystery You Can See, a Power You Can Feel. Rochester, VM: Destiny Books, 1987. Rae, Malcolm. "Homoeopathy up to Date." Journal of the Research Society for Natural Therapeutics. Spring 1977a. Rae, Malcolm. Contributions in David Tansley. Dimensions of Radionics. Bradford: Health Science, 1977b. Smith, Carolyn D. (ed) et al. Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology. 14th ed. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth, 2003. Stephenson, James Hawley. A Doctor's Guide to Helping Yourself with Homeopathic Preparations. 6th impression. Wellingborough: Thorson's, 1983. Voegeli, Adolf. Homoeopathic Prescribing: Remedies for Home and Surgery. Tr. Geoffrey A. Dudley. Wellingborough: Thorsons, 1976. ⍽▢⍽ Home manual. Adolf Voegeli (1898–1983) was a Swiss classic homeopath and writer of textsbooks. After studying medicine in Switzerland and four neighbouring countries he set up his practice in Zurich. The University of Zurich offered him a professorship he declined. He contributed to the spreading of homeopathy in Switzerland and Germany through his teaching activities and writings, and left behind an extensive work. With his Heilkunst in eine neuer Sicht: Ein Praxisbuch (1955, 7th edition 1991) he became known in Germany in specialist circles. At the end of this work, he presents the basic principles of homoeopathy in 33 points.
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