Magnetic resonance research has substantiated that homeopathic remedies are not plain humbug. Dr Karin Lenger has done research on magnetic photons* in homeopathic potencies. She put to use a magnetic resonance method where different high-potencied homeopathic remedies were put in a strong magnetic field, where they were found to resonate diffently - each remedy with its own magnetic resonance, or perhaps "oscillatory wave" explains it just as well. Dr Lenger informs that "a new magnetic resonance method has been developed for measuring homeopathic potencies." *A photon is an elementary particle. Photons are responsible for electromagnetic phenomena, such as X-rays and microwaves. Photons differ from other elementary particles in that that do not have rest mass. The photon is a quant, moving at the speed of light. And like all quanta, the photon has both wave and particle properties. In theoretical physics a photon can be considered as a mediator for any type of electromagnetic interactions, including magnetic fields. The photon concept has led to momentous advances in experimental and theoretical physics. Homeopathic photons are bound to their carrier molecule, either water or sugar, by their magnetic poles, she further holds. When shaking up a remedy, the water molecules do not get altered to function as a sort of remedy memory - however, water structure change is caused by various types of photons with their specific frequencies and by their energy when they are bound to the magnetic pole of water. Because photons are magnetically bound with their characteristic properties, homeopathic remedies contain "information." This information is the homeopathic magnetic photon with its intrinsic electromagnetic wave packet and different frequencies transformed by the preparation ways (succussion) into higher frequencies at higher potencies. Further, in general, each homeopathic potency contains a distinct energy level, she holds. The highest energy is found in the potiencies that have been shaken-and-diluted the most. Also, only the number of shaking steps (rounds), either by hand or by machine, and not exactly the amount of dilutions at each step (round), is the deciding factor for the energy level of the remedies she looked into. She also found that hand-shaken remedies are similar to machine-made ones. All the values she has detected, are exactly reproducible. Healing by homeopathy is achieved by a regulation of the electromagnetic field according to the principle of resonance. Each remedy carries its own resonance pattern. Hahnemann's principle of using only one remedy for total healing is doubtful. Hahnemann's law of similarity can be reduced to the similar resonance frequency between the potency and the energy terms of the pathological pathway, according to the principle of resonance. Now Dr Lenger has furnished research data that confirms some homeopathic tenets and debunks others, and has furnished hard evidence that homeopathic remedies are far from "mere sugar". Her first report: [◦Research] Also: [◦Another link]
UpdateDr Lenger's first research was by use of Tesla-flatcoils. In using such coils, each potency level needs a special magnetic frequency field for the photons to separate from their carrier substances - increasing potency levels need increasing magnetic frequency fields, she tells. She further tells in a private communication: "After 8 years we started once more trials with this method and we could see that this method is reproducible." "The magnetic fields and frequencies are important for biochemical pathways in living systems," Dr Lenger points out, and that the research of many people show that magnetic fields are working. The doctor has published more research into homeopathic remedies (references are at the bottom of the page). One shows that homeopathic potencies can be identified by magnetic resonance. Another deals with delayed luminescence of high homeopathic potencies on sugar globuli and yet another is termed "Identification of unknown homeopathic remedies by delayed luminescence". "Photons detected by magnetic resonance are efficious in homeopathy" is still another. Her later publications of research into homeopathic pellets rest on data had from a photomultiplier, that is, from an extremely light-sensitive vacuum tube. Photomultipliers are used in such as nuclear and particle physics, medical diagnostics, and medical imaging. The photomultipler that was used, was "modified by a cupper coil connected to an oscillator giving the resonating electromagnetic field of 2,06 MHz/50V. The cupper coil was winding round the measuring chamber". Thus it became possible to stimulate the saccharose remedies or ethanolic remedies by their resonance frequency at 2,06 MHz. In this constant strong field the photons separated from their carriers (saccharose or the ethanol-water mixture). Then delayed luminescence was measured. The results confirmed the results that were had by the Tesla-flatcoils. In her fourth publication (below) dr Lender describes how unknown remedies and their potency levels may be identified by delayed luminescence. Delayed luminescence, found by the modified photomultiplier, was used for measuring possible potency levels from CM to MM (very high potencies). Homeopathic remedies are produced in various concentrations of ethanol according to Homöopathisches Arzneibuch, HAB). All homeopathic factories in Germany have to produce homeopathic remedies according to the HAB, which contains Samuel Hahnemann's precriptions for how to prepare homeopathic remedies. A caveat is here: Homeopathic remedies with water as their carrier "are not comparable with those produced in ethanol [in the HAB-prescribed way], dr Lenger cautions. She also informs that ethanolic remedies lost ¾ of their photons within 1 month. How? The photons in time separate from the ethanol/water mixture, so that the potency level is lowered. As for saccharose-remedies (sugar pellets and sugar tablets), their potency levels are constant 1 ½ to 2 years, and then the potency levels is lowered.
Harold Saxton Burr's Measurements into Fields of LifeFor decades professor Harold Saxton Burr (1889-1973) at Yale University conducted experiements that went to show there is an electromagnetic potential of bodies - living organisms, including eggs - and that this field is responsible for such as growth and repair of tissue. Through controlled experiments it was seen that electro-dynamic fields of all living things may be measured and mapped with standard voltmeters, and these fields mould and control each organism's development, health and mood. Dr Burr named these fields fields of life, or L-fields. There is a book that sums up his findings, it is called Blueprint for Immortality: The Electric Patterns of Life (London: Neville Spearman, 1972). So by instruments Harold Burr detected that all living things – from men to mice, from trees to seeds – are moulded and controlled by electro-dynamic fields that could be measured and mapped with standard voltmeters. These fields are basic blueprints of all life on earth, and measurements may reveal physical and mental conditions - that is, they can be used for diagnosis. They may also be harnessed for attempts at cure. Dr Burr writes of the human body: "Its molecules and cells are constantly being torn apart and rebuilt with fresh material from the food we eat. But, thanks to the controlling L-fields, the new molecules and cells are rebuilt as before and arrange themselves in the same pattern as the old ones." And "the electro-dynamic field of the body serves as a matrix or mould which preserves the 'shape' or arrangement of any material poured into it, however often the material may be changed." "When the L-field in a frog's egg, for instance, is examined electrically, it is possible to show the future location of the frog's nervous system because the frog's L-field is the matrix which will determine the form which will develop from the egg." "A 'battered' L-field - that is, one with abnormal voltage patterns - can give a warning of something 'out of shape' in the body, sometimes in advance of actual symptoms. For example, malignancy in the ovary has been revealed by L-field measurements before any clinical sign could be observed." - "There were a hundred and two cases where there was a significant shift in the voltage gradient, suggesting malignancy [in the generative tract of women]. Surgical confirmation was found in ninety-five of the one hundred and two cases." Dr Burr finds "it should be possible to determine the polarity and direction of of the flow of energy transformations in the living system. The organism, as a whole, depends on such directives for its continued existence; so also does atypical growth." Dr Burr: "The organism possesses a field as a whole which embraces subsidiary or local fields, representing the organism's component parts. We assumed, then, that variations in the subsidiary fields would be reflected in variations in the flow of energy in the whole system – as we had found in ovulation and malignancy." He could detect when ovulation took place too, by the voltmeter. Dr Burr likewise became able to measure the changes taking place in the L-field as wounds would be healing. Dr Burr went on to conduct many experiments in neurological and psychiatric fields with Dr. Leonard J. Ravitz, Jr., on the staff of the Department of Psychiatry at Yale at that time. Ravitz found that they could establish baseline voltage gradient measurements for individuals who had normal mental functioning. By voltmeter measurements Ravitz decided which patients could be discharged from hospital care and which should not. The basically "objective" electro-metric findings tallied closely with the psychiatric diagnoses. The results of Dr Burr's research can be utilized in many ways and assist greater health, among other things. I see a connection between Dr Burr's concept of a Life field and the famous homeopath Dr James Kent's more traditional concept of the Vital Force. I even think Dr Burr was able to measure more directly the inner divergences of the orgamism that homeopathic note-taking approaches through manifested symptoms only.
Two sources: Wikipedia, s.v., "Harold Saxton Burr", and excerpts from Blueprint For Immortality, by Harold Saxton Burr in an article by World Research Foundation, 1997-2009.
BiomagnetismBioelectromagnetism refers to the electrical, magnetic or electromagnetic fields produced by living cells, tissues or organisms. Bioelectromagnetism is an aspect of all living things, including all plants and animals. Biomagnetism is a subset of bioelectromagnetism. A living human body produces a magnetic field. In the 1970s, an increasing number of researchers began to measure the magnetic fields produced by the human body. Biomagnetism arises from electrical currents, such as ionic current generated by brain or heart activity, and from magnetic materials, such as iron compounds in the liver. The first valid measurement was made in 1963. The levels of the body's fields, whether they are fluctuating or steady, can be measured and recorded, although they are biomagnetic signals are weak. Non-invasive magnetic methods of measurements and diagnostics can provide important information about bodily functions. Further, they offer several advantages as compared with other practical biomedical methods. Health is determined by the electromagnetic vitality of cells, and magnetism has a significant biological effect on human beings. A properly designed biomagnetic field can dynamically manipulate the electrical charge of the cellular tissue back towards a normal, healthy condition. Resonance Patterns and DiseasesAccording to the late Malcolm Rae's (1913-79) investigations, well-chosen homeopathic remedies can alter and adjust the body's biomagnetic field, and thereby effect betterments and even cures. Some of this work is described in detail in the book Dimensions of Radionics (Hengiscote: Health Science Press, 1977), which was written by David V. Tansley in collaboration with Malcolm Rae and Aubrey T. Westlake. The emphasis is on diagnosis work and attempts at treatment. It may be postulated that resonance remedies effect the body-mind through psychosomatic routes, and that remedies may alleviate stress of an organism - take the top of it, in the first place. What later happens, depends on other factors, including the skills of the therapist. The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) provides codes to classify diseases and a wide variety of signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances, and external causes of injury or disease. It is recommended reading. [◦Link]. In the light of the foregoing, there appear to be several troubles that homeopathy might work against, to the degree the remedies really influence the mind and that mind sets co-forms troubles also and the remedies are well-chosen - that their resonance patterns tackle those of the biomagnetic disturbances in the individuals, that is. [More] That is how I see it. Cyril W. Smith's Summary of 2010Physicist Cyril W. Smith, one of the world's leading experts on the biological effects of subtle energies, writes to the British Medical Association about physics inroads into homeopathic potencies. He summarises: Homeopathy involves frequencies and their effects on living systems. Homeopathic potencies involve the memory of water for frequencies [frequency signatures of chemicals that have been put in water, are retained there]. A theory based in quantum physics is supported by experimental evidence. [◦Source] More: Several techniques have been applied to the objective measurement of frequencies in water and homeopathic potencies. They can be made to work over a limited range of frequencies (Smith, 2008).
Malcolm Rae's RemediesFirst, do homeopathic remedies work - all of them? It seems to depend on how long they have been stored, and in what - sugar, ethanol or water, says Dr Lenger. It is also a matter of matching disease aspects and remedies. But generally speaking, based on physics research and its inroads into homeopathic pellets, homeopathic remedies differ markedly in some ways from the lactose (the sugar that is found in milk and used for homeopathic pellets and globuli). Refined methods of research take us into a lot Second, do the remedies that Malcolm Rae developed, work? He tells they are similar to homeopathic remedies (1977). How can it be proved? By their resonance and other features one may discern through devices developed for physicists or their labs. There is something about homeopathic remedies that seems capable of influencing the subtler fields of humans, in ways that could effect the health too. Many thousands of health practitioners use the equipment Malcolm Rae devised, and for many seemingly good reasons. Malcolm Rae lays them bare thus:
To sum up: Remedies made from special cards by using special equipment, are said to be consistently stable, cheap, and easy to make. The great question is, however, must we believe it all? Not necessarily. For example, Karin Lenger should be able to detect the photons of the remedies and compare them. It would be good if she tried to do that. I hope she or someone else will do it. If we do not have any hard evidence that remedies made by magneto-geometric patterns are equal to homeopathic remedies, or match them, then we may get in trouble if we use the novel remedies. For example, some years ago a pharmacy in the United States started to produce homeopathic remedies using Rae equipment, that is, by magneto-geometry. After some time a court judged the pharmacy out of business in the US state where the pharmacy was established at the time, and the reasons were odd. The verdict was that since Rae remedies were not produced like common homeopathic ones, they were not homeopathic. What could be wrong with that conclusion? A story may help to see it: It is said that all roads lead to Rome - the Chinese say to Peking. Well, suppose that someone travels to Peking from the north along a well established route. He gets to Peking, then. another travels to Peking from the south, by another route. In Peking, he jubilates that he got there till some magistrate tells him, "No, because you did not go to Peking by the northern route, you are not here anyway, and you cannot prove it." In other words, it is not exactly the way a remedy is produced that determines how it is and how it works. And that was the fallacy of the verdict in the US state. On the other hand, so long as we lack hard, accepted proof that the two ways of preparing remedies end in the same product, we may be somewhat foot-loose. Something should be done about it. I for my part should perhaps confirm Malcolm Rae's claims about his remedies, for I have tested them for many years. For what it is worth, I concur. I have also subjected bacteria to the "remedy influences" by being put in bottles that were put in Rae instruments, and got a nice difference between those who were "influenced" and the control groups. Three different measurements by a neutral agency (the town vet) said there were over 16 times more bacteria from the "influenced" stem (a geometrical average). That means my remedies had a marked biological effect. I have kept these research papers too. Buddha's WisdomThe main thing in Buddhism is to tackle dukkha, which is a bit difficult to translate into English, because there is not one word that carries all the meanings of the Pali word. Dukkha is often translated into suffering. It also means stress, pain, discomfort. And to deal with stresses and pains and various forms of discomfort is a main thing in many a life. What matters is to focus on fulfilling the basic needs and drives of individual souls, to make the general conditions suitable for it. Another side to the art of living is to reduce or remove the main stresses of living - to bulwark against unwelcome troubles, to prevent others, and to heal troubles at hand, if that can be done. By such basic filtering much is gained, and the joy of living can be retained for long, even to death's door. More than these givens are needed too. Buddha advocates a gentle self-help way, such an approach. Proficiency and moral regulations are integral parts of it. A Plethora of BooksGood research into homeopathic remedies and their proposed effects is no easy matter. There is a need to grasp the essence of homeopathic treatment too, how to diagnose troubles, how to single out the pellets with the (most) fit names - as doctrinated in homeopathic books: materia medicas and repertories. Then one has to come up with research designs that document to which degree homeopathic remedies seem to differ from ordinary sugar or alcohol, and in what way. And the most valuable research is done on living organisms of the type "before - after". Before undergoing a treatment based on possibly well selected remedies, and after the cure. Changes can be measured or subjectively reported. The measured changes yield the best evidence. To eliminate falsifications and the life, a good research design is of the "double-blind" type. Other designs have to deal with the possible placebo effect - which ascribes changes to "chance, accidents, faith, and/or a good talk". Individual cases carry next to no weight scientifically speaking: they are so-called anecdotal evidence. A good enough design yields data from a great many persons in at least two groups, and compares the groups, using good and fit statistical measurements to judge if the changes between the groups are due to anything else than random chance. If so, the findings are termed "statistically significant". That is good. To grasp the thinking and practice of homeopathy, go on to study one hundred selected books if you have the time. In the light of the newest research findings (above), some parts of older attempts at explanations is thought to hold good, and other parts hardly - or not. It depends. The sensible approach to homeopathy further is to consider and weigh the evidence, both pros and cons, for example, and readjust theoretical claims in the light of staunch research findings - which already tend to confirm some ways of thinking and practice, and debunk some others. For example, stop thinking that the pellet who has been on the shelf for five years, works just as its label potency indicates, It may be much weaker. So the long-term results of that process might well lead into revised practices and ways of handling homeopathic remedies. You may want to read through the present article collection too, to get some updated views along with other topics you may find interesting. |
Burr, Harold Saxton. Blueprint for Immortality: The Electric Patterns of Life. London: Neville Spearman, 1972. Rae, Malcolm. "Homoeopathy up to Date." Journal of the Research Society for Natural Therapeutics. Spring 1977. Tansley, David. Dimensions of Radionics. Bradford: Health Science, 1977.
Dr Karin Lenger's Research1. Lenger Karin, Homeopathic potencies identified by a new magnetic resonance method. Homeopathy – an energetic medicine. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine 2006, Vol 15, Nr. 3:225-243. 2. Lenger K, R. P. Bajpai, M. Drexel. Delayed luminescence of high homeopathic potencies on sugar globuli.Homeopathy2008; 97, 134-140. 3. Lenger Karin, A new biochemical model of homeopathic efficacy in patients with chronic diseases. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine 2010, 19(3), 9-41. 4. Lenger K, R. P. Bajpai, M. Spielmann. Identification of unknown homeopathic remedies by delayed luminescence. CBB 2013 , DOI: 10.1007/s12013-013-9712-7. 5. Lenger K. and G. Lang. Photons detected by magnetic resonance are efficious in homeopathy. A critical review. OA Alternative Medicine 2014 Febr 22;2 (1):4
From Other Homeopathic ResearchDana Ullman, M.P.H. ◦Scientific Evidence For Homeopathic Medicine. Excerpted from The Consumer's Guide to Homeopathy. New York: Jermey Tarcher / Putnam, 1995. Iris R. Bell, MD PhD. ◦Homeopathy Research Evidence Base: References. 2007. National Center from Homeopathy. The Guardian. "Homeopathy not effective for treating any condition, Australian report finds."
Two more works on biomagnetism
H. Coetzee, Ph.D. Biomagnetism and Bio-Electromagnetism: The Foundation of Life. The Academy for Future Science. Los Gatos, CA. 2000-2009.
Christoph Baumgartner. Biomagnetism: Fundamental Research and Clinical Applications: Proceedings . . .. Vol. 7 of Studies in applied electromagnetics and mechanics. IOS Press, 1995.
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