▢ Primary outlines. Vatican-endorsed knowledge
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Charaka-Effected 1 ☼Charak(a) (born ca. 300 BCE) was one of the principal contributors to the ancient Ayurveda, a system of medicine and lifestyle developed in Ancient India. The Charaka is a text on Ayurveda, "life-knowledge," a system of medicine with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. (Cf. Wikipedia, "Ayurveda") Currently, Charaka Samhita has been used as the basis for a modern Western textbook: Ayurveda: A Comprehensive Textbook of Traditional Indian Medicine for the West (Praeger Press, 2008) by the Yale School of Medicine psychiatrist, Frank John Ninivaggi MD. (WP, "Charaka Samhita") Shyama Lahiri (1828–95) made remarks joined to the Charaka. Besides, Maharishi Ayurveda was founded in the mid-1980s by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Maharishi Ayurveda gives more weight to the role of consciousness and positive emotions than many older Ayurvedic attempts at healing. (WP, "Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health") Lahiri rendered and quoted: 1. The Performer without a beginning is not for relative knowledge The ultimate Self is not for relative knowledge. (191) Vayu, or breath, is the Lord. (To clarify: Vayu (Bayu), the deity of life, is wind too, and then sometimes known as Prana and breath.] [180) 2. The undecaying Self is the Ultimate The Knower is the eternal undecaying Lord. (184) One should protect the body and the atma [soul and being]. (180) Well
The finest performer has an undecaying poise and a good programme. Don't get emotional if your breasts and behind are sagging in time.
Charaka-Effected Material ☼Be on the outlook for good counsel.1. Do not indulge in grave mistakes. What are they? Do not sit in the shade of trees near water. (203) One who has realized himself does not accept unrighteous things. (188) Do not raise sticks to strike old persons. ⚶ Do not lose the proper time. (205) Give up excessive emotionalism. ⚶ Protect the body always. [180) 2. Be attuned to constructive sayings, associates, and outlets and skip ghastly ones Be one who increases wealth and longevity. Perform everything for the benefit of these two. (180) Note. Living long is secondary to living well; get the perspectives in order if you can. Disease grows [in part] due to false, excessive, and loose connections. (189) Give hope to the servants. (203) The doctor prescribes his treatment on the basis of past, present and future. (187) One should not associate with one's wife . . . if her sex changes. [204) One should not urinate on the streets. One should not bring mucous from the nose in the midst of many people . . . during study (etc.). (204) Note. To blow your nose in your handkerchief in public, may be deemed a righteous doing anyway. 3. If perfect amounts of platitudes help you on and up, find the fair ones. Maybe you do not have to be a politician or guru of seemingly common sense to thrive by such devices Do not waste time. ⚶ One should not study without proper lighting. (205, 204) The loss of intelligence, and emotional outward involvement, are causes of disease and sin. (188) Different from the eternal being, Nitya Purusa, is transitory Purusa. Nitya Purusa in His own form and righteousness is without beginning, inexplicable, and unthinkable. (184) Note. By saying it, he has got thoughts about it. While walking, focus attention downwards, six feet ahead. ⚶ Use an umbrella. ⚶ Have a family. ⚶ Be enthusiastic and an expert in actions or performance. (203) Note. Much depends on skilfulness, is the teaching. So Grave mistakes take your heart away. Soap operas, bitter entertainment, horse-sports - all made for a paying public - a conform idiot or washed-up fellow adjusts to what the public or niche in it desires without considering higher and better outlets. Face the facts - what we do and maintain at home can be serious matters in the long run. Home-development and self-development could go hand in hand.
AyurvedicRather little is scientifically proven so far as to effects of treatments. There are benefits all the same. Yet, with some Ayurvedic medicines, beware of toxic levels of heavy metals. Charaka Charak(a) (born ca. 300 BCE) was one of the principal contributors to the ancient Ayurveda, a system of medicine and lifestyle developed in Ancient India. Health may be improved and life may be prolonged by human effort and attention to lifestyle. Prevention of diseases should weigh more than treatment, and aligning the life style somehow to the flow of nature and the seasons can work well too. Compare: "If one regulates life in accordance with the rules of the seasons, then longevity increases and the body remains free from disease." - Lahiri Mahasaya [205) Now, ask yourself just how to regulate your life for ample benefits, and whether this is all it takes to remain free from disease, including epidemics. Modulated sayings from tenets that are attributed to Acharya Charaka: Physician, enter the body of a patient with the lamp of knowledge and understanding for the sake of treating diseases. First study all the factors - including environment - that influence a patient's disease and then prescribe treatment. Charaka, the first known physician to present the concept of digestion, metabolism and immunity, teaches that a body contains three dosha or principles, namely movement (vata), transformation (pitta) and lubrication and stability (kapha). In Ayurvedic Medicine, it is held that illness from within, so to speak, is caused when the balance among the three dosha in a human body is disturbed. To restore the balance Charaka prescribes something related to these outlooks and may round it off with selected herbs in attempts to remedy matters. Ayurveda holds that of all types of evidence the most dependable ones are those that are directly observed by the eyes. Further, successful treatment depends on these four: the physician, substances (including diets), nurse and patient. The physician needs a clear grasp of what he is into, including theoretical knowledge, practical skills, cleanliness, and having a range of substances available. The nurse should know her work too, its skills, methods, cleanliness and care. The patient should be able to remember the instructions his doctor has told him, do as informed, and be able to describe his symptoms, also embarrassing ones. (WP, "Charaka")
Charaka SamhitaCharaka's famous Ayurvedic treatise Charaka Samhita contains many such remarks. They are held in high honour even today. The extant Charaka Samhita text has eight sections and 120 chapters. Truthful words about God and the divine side may be helpful up to a point, and after such a level is reached, more words may be more or less useless for getting Self-realised, maintains Adi Shankara. It is a side to the ancient teachings that the Self is told to transcend the realms of many words, categories and such stuff. But otherwise study by words and craft has its values - as a means towards a living too. For getting better health and keeping it, diagnoses and many remedial measures amount to help many. Lahiri: "One should not say anything unworthy, beyond the scriptures, outside the science of medicine, unexamined, unmeditated upon and unknown." (p 221) In such a light one may question teachings that on the one hand tell you the Self is not explainable, and on the other hand go on talking about it, at times adding that only kriya (pranayama) is true, all else is false. Final reminder: That is to say, fruitless and useless up to a point or level. |
Satyeswarananda, Swami, tr. Inner Victory: With Lahiri Mahasay's Commentaries. The Sanskrit Classics. San Diego, 1987. Van Loon, Gabriel, ed. Charaka Samhita: Handbook on Ayurveda, Vols 1 and 2. Morrisville, NC: Lulu Press, 2003.
Books on AyurvedaFrawley, David, Subhash Ranade and Avinash Lele. Ayurveda and Marma Therapy: Energy Points in Yogic Healing. Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press, 2003. Lad, Usha, and Vasant Lad. Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing. 2nd ed. Albuquerque, NM: The Ayurvedic Press, 1997. Lindahl, Olof, and Lars Lindwall. Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet (Science and Proven Experience). Stockholm: Natur och Kultur, 1978. ⍽▢⍽ When definite research findings are not at hand, some may "try and see" for themselves. In this book, the Swedish professor Olov Lindahl explains one way of fit ("longitudal") self-testing and much else. (p. 109-16). Sharma, Hari. Awakening Nature's Healing Intelligence: Expanding Ayurveda through the Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1999. Sharma, Hari, and Christopher Clark. Ayurvedic Healing: Contemporary Maharishi Ayurveda Medicine and Science. 2nd ed. London: Singing Dragon, 2012. Svoboda, Robert E. Ayurveda: Life, Health, and Longevity. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Ayurvedic Press, 2004. ⍽▢⍽ Dr Svoboda offers useful information for those who seek a first overview. Thomas, Helen. Effortless Ayurvedic Living: A 21st Century Guide to the 3,000 Year Old Science of Health and Longevity From Ancient India. Santa Rosa CA: Helen Mary Thomas, Nd (2013?). Online. ⍽▢⍽ Dr Thomas has furnished a good introduction the philosophical background and practical handling that marks Ayurveda, such as how to deal with foods as they are categorised into types; lifestyles; and balancing guidelines. Recommended. Tentative (?) findings: a link: www.mapi.com/ayurvedic-research/index.html
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