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Kindness – King – Kiss – Knowledge with wisdom


Kindness in small matters may sometimes improve the fortune and sometimes bring opposition.

Much kindness to an intruder or expert burglar could become too grave a cross to bear in time.

Where kindness and politeness are thought to be due to some imbalance - stay away from there the best you can.


A king who has many things to fear, should have wise counsellors also.

Those who hail kings may not have poured over the tall cautions against them in 1 Samuel 8.


Some kisses go deep. They may cause a sudden revolt and even trembling, and bring success. If repeated, they can lead into examining oneself too.

Knowledge with wisdom

Rare are those who find someone gracious enough to know all, and in public.

Handy knowledge makes you tidy, at least within. [Cf. Meditation.]

It matters to know that to know about things and occurrences on the outside, the rim, is quite low, and that there is hardly time enough to learn all about the outer world anyway, can be wise and lead from contemplation to ecstatic joy.

Peace, wisdom, and joy reside within tall ones - also birds - those who have quit pretending a lot.

Knowledge well run can assist the piloting soul deep inside.

Those who use knowledge with wisdom and get a better life from it, have success in the small, and may later benefit from penetrating, great persons.


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