Rose LifeA historian is taught not to be based mainly on mere gossip. What is good proof? And what is good proof that good proof really is good proof?
To survive is in part like tending a rose while pests attack. One has to guard it from all the things that may destroy it. Moving on or notIt is tragic how the large society is served more by mobility than nobility - Much mobility tends to take down idyls, and make uprooted. Better be warned while you can go against the bad sides to mechanical-progress and adaptations to it, at the expense of a human fare fit for thriving. Partir, c'est mourir un peu. "To part, that's to die a bit." - What have humans parted with along the road of technical progress the world over? It is exploiting, which means victims are made and impoverished. Rooted. It may be likable to use the past as many trees use the soil - to draw nourishment and anchorage from it for "the present and possible future unfolding". Yet humans find it fit to cut down large forests and trees. There is no quiet place in the white man's cities. No place to hear the unfurling of leaves in the spring, or the rustle os insect's wings. . . . And what is there to life if a man cannot hear the lonely cry of the whipperpoorwill or the argument of the frogs around the pool at night? — Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. If man spit upon the ground, they spit upon themselves. This we know — the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to earth. . . . All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. - Chief Seattle, 1856, upon surrendering his tribal lands. (Highlighting added)
Towards the fit processes - environmentalistsNot just environmentalism, but fit sorts of environmentalism. "No shade tree? Blame not the sun but yourself." - Chinese proverb "We must protect the forests for our children, grandchildren and children yet to be born. We must protect the forests for those who can't speak for themselves such as the birds, animals, fish and trees. - Chief Edward Moody, Qwatsinas, Nuxalk Nation] "The act of planting a tree is, yes, a simple one. But rich. Rich in symbolism, rich in personal satisfaction, rich in the exercise of responsibility. - Michael Fisher, Sierra Club] "Each generation takes the earth as trustees. We ought to bequeath to posterity as many forests and orchards as we have exhausted and consumed." - J. Sterling Morton The tree usually is firmest near the bottom bottom, and somewhat flexible further up among tender twigs, for example. One hardly needs exhortations to fulfill one's intrinsic designs fairly well. Along with unfoldment of branches and leaves, there is a need for deepening and broadening roots. And the boat of your handling and skills probably cannot afford having big holes or many small holes beneath the water surface. Things like these matter figuratively too. Rather much depends on how well we live up to what we perceive, and our strategic skills, but that is not all there is to successful living. How we treat plants and others, may reflect a blend of our accommodations and how we are within beneath the veneer and surface too. Are we stunters and exploiters only, or are we glad to let fair others thrive and enjoy life as we do? A tree that is often uprooted, may not thrive but get much more rootloose-footloose than those who tend to their tender and think roots and also the larger parts underneath the surface. But "the beet must be uprooted," says Roland Freisler. If you could choose, prefer to be the tree with good roots in good soil (company, environment), instead of a beet that is first uprooted and made use of or "eaten up" by companies and the like. Prefer health, and a healthy environment if you can could choose, and preferably long before dire difficulties set in. Flower PowerOr: "Let them speak for themselves" and see what you get. What do you think different trees and little plants have told Dorothy Maclean (1920-)? She says she has communicated with beings that oversee the development of forms, for example of plants. She also wrote down impressions that arose in her while in said rapport with various flowers and herbs, and termed the thoughts she got in such a way, angelic messages. She started on this road in the years 1963 to 1973 while living at Findhorn, Scotland, and later she often maintained there is an intelligence in nature that goes beyond our concept of the survival of the fittest and ecological diversity. Dorothy first got impressions from a pea - from its essential form-builder, she tells us. Translating the impressions into thoughts, she wrote down: "Humans generally don't seem to know where they are going, or why." [◦Dorothy Maclean] A few more quotations follow from the pieces in her book Seeds of Inspiration (2004), and one from The Findhorn Garden (2008). Garden RoseYou find the way the petals of a rose grow around each other graceful and outstanding. Remember, we all are different, just as each of you is different. You liken me to a princess . . . as you cannot find words to express the impression of fine, graceful beauty. . . . Yet, I also seem retiring. Our beauty we express in apartness. Yes, apartness. Some flowers are best in a merry medley; we hold court alone. The wild roses are my cousins . . . Remember, I am a sort of shy cousin to all of you as well, and if you claim relationship, I will come to you. I thank you for your thanks. - Dorothy Maclean in the Garden Rose piece (2004, 8-9)
Wild RoseYou wonder what connection I have with the hundreds of new varieties of roses developed in the last century. Each variety establishes its own deva as it establishes its type. As a different arrangement of forces is repeated often enough, an entity develops. That entity is like a daughter to us, yet it is closer than that; it is part of us. This is difficult to explain to you because . . . in our worlds all is living, changing force without a sense of separation, without a "self" which individualizes itself from its fellows. We are rather like a breath, we come and we go. Sometimes joy bubbles up without reason - so do we. - Dorothy Maclean in The Findhorn Garden (2008), its Rose Deva piece.
AppleAs from the seed a tree grows, so from the seed idea a pattern of force issues forth from the Center, . . . growing in strength and size, becoming brighter in pattern . . . Its force field is steady and brilliant. . . . A miracle? You need a greater word, you need to go beyond words. The fruits of the earth are produced through the unsung and dedicated service of these many forms of life . . . you do little of the work. - Dorothy Maclean in the apple piece (2004, 8-9)
AzaleaVery attached to the conditions of our homeland . . . all of us are. . . . It might be that if the humans who transplanted us, so to speak, gave us enough love, this would overcome our homesickness . . . This matter of home conditions is a very deep one. - Dorothy Maclean in the azalea piece (2004, 14
GorseWe stand as . . . guardians of encroaching waste . . . We keep vigil on this plane . . . We are . . . ground to dust as you machine us out of the way . . . it is not right. . . . No part of creation should be taken for granted. You wonder if you are merely writing down your own thoughts, if we would really speak in this vein. Why should we not? Sense behind me the Landscape Angel, and higher and higher hosts in direct line of ascent to the Highest. They have much to do . . . Yet as you use the results of their doing, how often do you acknowledge or consult or thank any of us? This becomes more and more urgent as more and more the Earth is despoiled. Yes, despoiled. You . . . must think in larger terms. You must think of the whole of the Earth, and not undermine it and give so little. You should be helping the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms, not using them. . . . Our realms have much of our consciousness to pass on [for] we are part of the One Life. We do our bit in bringing heaven down to earth. - - Dorothy Maclean in the Gorse piece (2004, 18-19)
ClematisI am here . . . I come to you in your consciousness of me, and to that consciousness I bring myself. . . . I set up my standards and nature sends her sprites, and together we build, grow, bend and blossom here and there, all one simultaneously. All is within my consciousness, all is used to forward life, to wield and move and further manifest the more pliant beauty of the inner realms in what you call gross material. . . . You, humanity, have the power to make good and evil. We stay above, our little plants stay below, so to speak . . . You and other factors can distort us, but we remain in our knowing and unknowing, patterned to perfection. [I] am not in limitation of consciousness though I may be limited in the energies available to me. Like you, I too grow into greater consciousness, higher energies and greater unity. - Dorothy Maclean in the Clematis 1967 piece (2004, 23) |
Findhorn Community. The Findhorn Garden Story. 4th ed. Findhorn, UK: Findhorn Press. 2008. Lavelle, Christine and Michael. The Organic Gardener: How to Create Flower, Vegetable, Herb and Fruit Gardens Using Completely Natural Techniques. London: Southwater, 2004. ⍽▢⍽ Gardens to grow up in - there are lots to take in. "Much of the current interest in organic gardening began in the 1960s, when there was increasing concern about the growing levels of environmental damage caused by pesticides and other agrochemicals." It has got much worse after that. However, the modern organic movement has a long and variously rooted history. "Ancient writers, among them Pliny and Virgil, commented on the importance of "good husbandry to the health of the land". Thomas Tusser in 1580 advocated "crop rotation to maintain good health". John Evelyn describes in the 17th century how to enrich the ground in mid-winter with "horse and sheeps dung especially, that you may have some of two years preparation". (p. 7, all) It is worth thinking of that "The cost of not adopting an organic approach may be seen all around us . . . fields and open spaces bereft of butterflies, bees, birds and other wildlife with very little diversity of plant species . . . Perhaps a garden free of "bugs" may sound attractive to some, but the long-term cost to the environment may be felt for generations and in the worst case may even be permanent." (p. 10) Maclean, Dorothy. Call of the Trees. Everett, WA: Lorian Press, 2006. ⸻. Come Closes: Messages from the God Within. Everett, WA: Lorian Press, 2007. ⸻. To Hear the Angels Sing: An Odyssey of Co-Creation with the Devic Kingdom. Everett, WA: Lorian Press, 2008. ⸻. Seeds of Inspiration: Deva Flower Messages. Issaquah, WA: Lorian Press, 2004. Sciberras, Colette. Buddhist Philosophy and the Ideals of Environmentalism. Doctoral Thesis, Durham University, 2010. ⍽▢⍽A study of Mahayana doctrines and possible future adaptations to a sort of luminocity of light and protection of diversity (p. 226). Environmentalists revere a wider picture and physical well-being, she also finds (228-29). She says about whales and other natural beings:, "Allow them to develop and unfold." (p. 230). Buddha stands for letting grasses, other plants and trees remain uncut, to fulfil or realise themselves. That is a proper attitude for Mahayanists too, as all forms of Buddhism revere Buddha and his teachings (his dharma). She suggests that it is "likely that if more people put its teachings into practice, this would have an appreciable beneficial effect on nature." (p. 231).
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