IntroductionSathya Sai Baba was born as Sathya Narayana Raju (Sathyanarayana Rahu) in 1926 or nearby, and passed away in 1911. He was a popular Indian guru, spiritual figure and educator, and described by his devotees as an avatar, godman, spiritual teacher and miracle worker. Wikipedia (WP) writes of him: On 8 March 1940, . . . Sathya was apparently stung by a scorpion. He lost consciousness for several hours. Within the next few days there . . . were "symptoms of laughing and weeping, eloquence and silence." "He began to sing Sanskrit verses." Doctors believed his behavior to be hysteria. His parents brought Sathya home . . . Concerned, they took him to many priests, "doctors" and exorcists. Sathya took the name of Sai Baba, and claimed to be an avatar (divine descent). He lived in the village of Puttaparthi in Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh. He was confined to a wheelchair since 2005 and reportedly his failing health forced him to make fewer public appearances in the following years. The number of active Sathya Sai Baba adherents was estimated in 1999 to be around 6 million. Estimates range from 6 million to 100 million followers. However, there are no formal ties of membership, so the actual figure may never be known. He attracted presidents and prime ministers from India and beyond to become devotees of his. From Sai Baba's teaching: "My objective is the establishment of sanatana dharma [i.e., eternal, righteous fare], which believes in one God." There is no published formal doctrine or set of rules for the Sai Baba movement, although the guru's organisation holds up five values: truth (integrity), proper conduct, non-violence, allround love, and peace. Sai Baba taught four meditation techniques: mantra repetition; visualising something good; sitting in silence, and jyoti (a method for seeing subtle light). Conditions around him on earth were not always heavenly; in 1993 four young devotees, all close to him, entered the ashram armed with knives. Six persons were killed, but Sai Baba escaped through a back stairway. The police soon came, and afterwards the four young devotees were all shot dead. According to The Times, "Suicides and suspicious deaths have long marred his reputation. Still, many around the world believe in miraculous powers of Sai Baba." And the guru himself said that fortunate ones are not detracted from sensing his inward reality by displays of miracles. He told the role of miracles is trivial as compared to his subtle majesty. "Therefore, when you speak about these 'miracles,' I laugh within myself out of pity that you allow yourself so easily to lose the precious awareness of my reality," said Sai Baba. The Sathya Sai Organisation was founded by Sathya Sai Baba "to enable its members to undertake service activities as a means to spiritual advancement", and has over 1,200 Sathya Sai Centres (branches) in 126 countries. Through the organisation, Sathya Sai Baba established a network of free hospitals, clinics, drinking water projects and schools. His death triggered an outpouring of grief from followers from a broad spectre in society. Most remembered him as one who worked to help others with the billions of dollars donated to his charitable trust. India's Prime Minister at the time, Manmohan Singh, said the country would remember Sathya Sai Baba as someone who "inspired millions to lead a moral and meaningful life."
Teachings of Sai BabaIt is your very own life you are. There are not many! The one spirit remains the one tall self forever. You mistake it as many. The fault is in you. Remove your delusion. In the dark you mistook the rope to be a snake but it remains a rope. I often tell you not to identify even me with this particular frame. There's no name I don't bear and there is no body which isn't mine. After long searches here and there at last you come back completing the circle from where you started, and find that what you were looking on as the mystery of all mysteries, is your very self and the reality of your own life. Manifest it! You as frame, soul are a dream. But you are the spirit of this world. You're creating this whole world and drawing it in. Follow the heart. A pure heart seeks beyond the intellect. The body, the mind, the intellect. All these are simply manifestations. Above all these you are. You appear as the smiling flower, as the twinkling stars. [Based on sayings in the Sai Baba Gita [◦Compare]. Abridged teachings involving some substite keywords as substitute hints.] So: A much common fault is long searches outside of one's own heart.
Earn money and don't get cut downYou can earn money, you can gain wealth and property, you can attain honour and prestige, you can gain position and power. All these are rewards you can attain from your worldly endeavours. But . . . these are but temporary fruits. They . . . have no lasting value." [Sai Baba] Suppose good, blessed wealth helps you against floundering and falling - thus you may escape derangements and hell - even tortures and death in that place - that is from things the fisher-fond Jesus said. Further, what if prestige and position do follow some to the other side and are carried along somehow? Have such stuff now, just in case - put that to use. You know what the fisher-fond Jesus said?
Good fruits (good karmas) mean a lot. You do what you can for it.
MementosIn the heart dwells the Atman, the Self. - Prasna Upanishad You go far about seeking the nearest. - English proverb Adjust against stagnation and downfall of mind. Good people shouldn't believe that mere words and some canonical duping can develop a mind well enough. May life go to immortal life. - Isa Upanishad Bosses can gain an enormous and prestigious influence. |
Drucker, Al, comp. Sai Baba Gita: The Way to Self-Realization and Liberation in this Age. Crestone: Atma Press, 2000. Pasti, Stefan, comp. Quotations from Sathya Sai Speaks, Vols. 1-15. Rev. and enl. eds. (1997). Prashanthi Nilayam, Puttaparthi: Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust, 1997. —— The quotations are from discourses by Sathya Sai Baba during the years 1953-1982. Sai Baba. Sathya Sai Speaks: Discourses by Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Vols. 1-42. Prashanthi Nilayam, Puttaparthi: Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust, 1953-2009. —— All the volumes are on-line : [◦42 volumes]
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