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Briefing on Mantra Meditation
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Charity has many forms. Tipping others of something that may be good for them, is OK. Yet, there is often not maximum good in telling of a next or third best method or way when a best method or way is found. For such reasons, large parts of what went into this article are removed, but some basic points remain. I hope you don't mind. Here we go:

Where good evidence is lacking, faith tends to get involved. Look out into the world and see how many different faiths there are, and by that alone find that many faiths and persuasions and creeds are wrongly based. Applied to an individual: "What makes you think that your cult has a fit faith, if good faith matters? And what are the odds for it, considering all the other faiths around?" [Compare]

We do not have to get involved in faith to meditate in a TM way, the best researched mantra meditation today.

Prefer organic food if you can.

You have to check a lot and compare on your own. Not everything yogis say is essential is truly so.

Charity to worthy and deserving ones is usually quite good.

Yogic rules that Sivananda sets up, can make one feel trapped.

Be alert that any metaphor halts.

Sound moral advice, like "Refrain from stealing" or "Avoid stealing", may work better than a Biblical commant "Thou shalt not steal," after breaking it.

While meditating, various extraneous thoughts could flare up. If so, it is common.

It should be good to meditate regularly in the TM way, for benefits accummulate over time, ◦TM research shows.

Mantra Yoga

Repetition of any mantra (syllable or set of syllables) is called japa. Dhyana (Zen) is meditation.

Repeat a suitable, classy mantra mentally as well as you can - preferably the one your teacher (guru) has given you.

Sivananda teaches that those without a very good knowledge of the Sanskrit language and who have been directly initiated by a guru, should not approach basic mantras, seed mantras. A bija is a "seed-letter". Sivananda lists such mantras in his work, "Japa Yoga". There are variants of some of them.

By silent repetition of the letter vibrations, or seed mantras, it is fit not to overdo anything. In the light of that, is HUM the sound you prefer to mull over? Hm-hm!

How to get to the all right meaning of picturesque symbolism that goes with mantra after mantra? We could ask where the evidence that a sound-wave is interpreted well, or well enough. To provide such evidence is no small matter, for simple faith has misled many. For that reason the seed mantras that were listed here before, have been removed by me.

Deep Meditation

Hamsa is a basic and common meditation method. I don't recommend it. I can recommend TM after taking many a look into research findings on it, including Dr. Jaan Suurküla's Swedish findings.

Buddha tells that to get great results, employ great methods. The difference between great and great-looking is found through research. TM surfs on research findings as well as celeb talks. What is wrong with that? Nothing, really.

TM Mantras

TM mantras are secret, so you won't get any of them here. The good mantra you use, keep it much secret. You may also come to see that guidelines for doing TM are beneficial. TM requires that we add meditation to our lives, at least 20 minutes twice daily. That's it. Results may surpass expectations, but that would depend on the expectations. You do not have to expect anything, or believe a thing, just practice well enough.

The basic TM technique. [◦TM, Official Site]

Mantra meditation of Sivananda, yoga standards, yogi guidelines, Literature  

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