SOURCES (B) = Bach, (C) = Clarke, (/) = Kinnes, Unmarked = Boericke |
- Lachesis muta - Bushmaster
- Lachnanthes tinctoria - Lachnanthes, Red-root
- Larix decidua - Larch, European larch B
- Larix leptolepis - Japanese larch B
- Larynx (Rae) - Larynx
- Lathyrus sativus - Chick-pea, Grasspea, Indian vetch
- Lavandula spica - Old English lavender B
- Leucojum vernum - Spring snowflake (Newly added)
- Ligustrum ovalifolium - Privet, California privet, Ligustrum ovalifolium B
- Lilium maculatum - Thunberg lily B
- Lilium maculatum - Thunberg lily, Lilium elegans (etc.)
- Lilium tigrinum - Tiger-lily
- Limbic system (Rae) - Limbic system
- Linaria dalmatica - Dalmatian toadflax
- Linaria vulgaris - Yellow toadflax
- Lindane - Lindane (C6H6Cl6)
- Linnea borealis - Twinflower
- Lithium metallicum - Lithium
- Lonicera caprifolium -
Honeysuckle B
- Lycopus virginicus - Bugle-weed
- Lysimachia nummularia - Creeping-Jenny B
Wish adieu to
Great drowsiness
Stupid feelings Feels confused
- Abdomen: Hepatic and splenic hypertrophy Griping soon
followed by stool Diarrhoea
- Heart: Cardiac fainting
- Chest: Stitches in chest
- Sleep: Irresistible sleepiness