SOURCES (B) = Bach, (C) = Clarke, (/) = Kinnes, Unmarked = Boericke |
- Salix alba - White willow
- Salix hastata - Halberd willow,
Halberd-leaved willow
- Salix lanata - Woolly willow catkins
- Salix vitellina - Willow, Golden willow,
Yellow-twigged basket willow B
- Salvia officinalis - Sage
- Sambucus nigra - Elder B
- Sanguinaria tartaricum - Tartrate of Sanguinarine
- Sanguisorba officinalis - Great burnet, Garden burnet
- Santolina neapolitana - Cotton lavender B
- Sardonyx G
- Satureja acinos, Acinos arvensis - Savory, Basil thyme
- Satureja thymbra - Barrel sweetener, Roman hyssop B
- Saxifraga albertii -
- Saxifraga burserana -
- Saxifraga cochlearis - Encrusted
Saxifrage, Silver Saxifrage B
- Saxifraga nivalis - Alpine saxifrage,
Snow saxifrage
- Saxifraga tridactylites - Rue-leaved
- Saxifraga x 'Kellereri' -
- Scheuchzeria palustris -
- Scleranthus annuus - Scleranthus B
- Sedum oreganum - Creamy stonecrop
- Sedum pulchellum - Widowscross, Lime
stonecrop B
- Senega - Snakewort
- Senna - Cassia Acutifolia
- Sepia - Inky juice of cuttlefish
- Silphium cyrenaicum, Silphion cyrenaicum - Laserwort, Cyrenaic silphion (!)
- Sinapis arvensis - Mustard, Wild mustard
- Sinapis arvensis - Wild mustard, Mustard B
- Sisyrinchium gramineum - Grass-leaved sisyrinchium
- Smodingium argutum - African poison oak
- Solidago odorata - Sweet goldenrod
- Solidago virga - Golden rod B
- Sphagnum girgensohnii - (White) Bog
- Spinel G
- Stachis palustris - Woundwort B
- Stachys byzantina (= S. olympica - Lamb's ear, Betony
- Staphysagria, Staphisagria, Delphinium staphysagria - Stavesacre
- Streptococcin - Streptococcin (a nosode)
- Strychnos nux-vomica - Poison-nut flos B
- Strychnos nux-vomica - Poison-nut
- Strychnos toxifera - Woorari (Curare) B
- Strychnos toxifera - Curare
- Sulfamic acid - Sulfamic
acid, Amidosulfonic acid; Amidosulfuric acid; Sulfamidic acid; Aminosulfonic acid (H3NO3S)
- Syzygium jambolanum - Jambol seeds
Blend 4
AIMED AT (possibly): Contact troubles. Severe allergic contact reactions, such as itching, rash. After many long hours in poor working conditions.
Go for it
Confident and frank (Norw. frimodig), artistic too. Endure home living somehow. Advancing while artistic and frank. /
Wish adieu to
Contact troubles. Refusing the wavelengths of listeners far too easily. Obsolete characteristics. Contact-emotional. Submitting emotionally.
Little stimulation - Remains in the background (obsoletely) - Hears prophetic messages and holds back (withholds) that stuff.
Overconcerned with attractiveness. Submitting to arse authority ever so often. Belittling. Daydreams fussily about new things to have.
- Throat: Food can barely pass. Strives to clear the throat. Loss of voice.
- Chest: Breathes noisily out of dyspnae.
- Skin: Severe allergic reactions with rash and itches. Smarting
- Sleep: Restless
AIMED AT (possibly): Lacerated skin Lacerated sphincters Rheumatism Arthritic nodes Compressive pains Tumours Clean-cut wounds Operations Great chagrin from emissions sexual misconduct.
Go for it
More boldness /
Wish adieu to
Peevish Gloomy Refuses offerend things Very sensitive in sexual matters
Agitated, allowed no rest Confused and embarrassed
Very dull intellectual life Spiteful Cannot think full well any more.
- Head: Very pressing headache Feels as if bones would be
pressed out Pain in left side of head Head becomes more pulled down Vertigo
- Eyes: Very dry Affections of angles of eye Incised
wounds of cornea Burning sensation in eyes when writing Black flashes and luminous sparks before eyes.
- Ears: Perforated tympana Deafened a bit.
- Nose: Obstruction of nasal fossae (pit)
- Face: Burning stitches
- Mouth: Osteitis after tooth extraction Gnawing pain in
carious teeth Dentition: child very sensitive Ulcers White-coated tongue
- Throat: Swollen tonsils Chronic winter throats
- Stomach: Sea-sickness Tension and pressure in stomach
Nausea, with inclination to vomit Salt and bitter risings after eating meat
- Abdomen: Enlargement of the abdomen in children
Cutting in abdomen Frequent expulsion of fetid wind which smells like rotten eggs
- Urinary: Frequent urination Frequent emission of red
urine Involuntary emission of urine when coughing Very frequent micturition at night Constant urging in young married women
- Male: Coitus-sensitive Coitus impossible Sore
testicles Itching in the scrotum provokes emission
- Female: Parts very sensitive Extreme sensitiveness
Nymphomania Prolapsus Irritable bladder Pressing-drawing of the ovaries Profuse menses.
- Respiratory: Cough
- Chest: Glowing hot/ Itching
- Heart: Palpitation in the region of heart
- Back: Stiff neck Shoulders sore to lie on Lumbar
- Limbs: Crural (femoral) neuralgia Very painful limbs
Painful inflammations of bones
- Skin: Incised wounds Unhealthy skin, easily
suppurating Eczema Scaly eruptions Violent itching Night-sweats Encysted tumours
- Sleep: Sleepy at daytime, awake till well into night /
Lascivious dreams, with emissions
- Fever: Chilliness and coldness predominate
- More: To be tried after mechanical injuries from
sharp-cutting instruments Great pains of cancer.
MODALITIES: Better: warmth in the morning after rest after urinating.
Worse from standing.
AIMED AT (possibly): Folks that hate raw fog and cold, damp weather Persons who
are in good spirits only if the sun is shining.
Go for it
Keep one's place, or keep the place (standing one's ground) Lovable
Wish adieu to
No longer wishes to act for oneself Nervous debility No longer wishes to think for oneself No longer wishing to live /
- Paralysis of respiratory muscles
- Debility of the aged
- Muscular paralysis
- Loss of fluids (aged)
- Diabetes mellitus
- Head: Pains all over head Brain feels full of fluid
- Eyes: Pains over right eye
- Ears: Unbearable earache
- Nose: Tubercles on nose.
- Face: Tongue and mouth drawn to right
- Respiratory: Threatened paralysis of respiration Short, dry
cough that provokes vomiting, followed by fainting Dyspnoea
- Extremities: Down-spine pain Weakness of hands and fingers Legs give way in walking
- Skin: Leprosy Dirty-looking skin Boils Liver spots
MODALITIES: Worse in cold weather.
Blend 4
AIMED AT (possibly): Diabetes mellitus B.
Go for it
Decide (judge) in time Maintaining blood sugar at normal level in diabetes mellitus B.
Wish adieu to
Great thirst Conceited Crank: appears strange, even unnormal to petty bourgeois Halfway comical, halfway serious Reserved and troublesome in a way Too much distrust Often poor returns and no adequate remuneration Afraid of sects and similar closed groups Without conscience Held up to scorn undeservedly Subjected to unjustified crawling
- Nose: Frequent sneezing C
- Face: Red spots C
- Mouth: Violent thirst C
- Urinary organs: Large amounts of urine
- Generalities: Vein inflammation (phlebitis) Biologically shocked
- Skin: Diabetic ulceration B - Warts