ATU numbers are used to classify types of folktales in the international folktales catalogue. The many types of tales are described there too, along with other information. [More]. (See Uther 2004 below). Below, all the best known Grimm tales are given type numbers, that is, one or more ATU-numbers, for studying them better. Where the ATU type-title is as in the title of a translated, common Grimm tale, the title is left out after the ATU number. Besides, apart from all the tales in the final Grimm edition, data for two more tales is supplied on one of these pages: "Puss in Boots" from the Grimms' first edition, and the legend "The Children of Hameln" (See Grimm, 1981). - Tormod Kinnes
The Hare and the HedgehogATU 275A*, The Race between the Hedgehog and the Hare. Compare ATU 1074, A Race Is Won by a Look-Alike Helper. [Omitted]
The Peasant and the DevilATU 1030, Man and Ogre Share the Harvest. [Omitted]
The Thief and His MasterATU 325, The Magician and His Pupil.
The DrummerATU 400, The Quest for a Lost Bride; and ATU 313C, The Girl Helps the Hero Flee; the Forgotten Fiancée. Includes an episode of the ATU type 518, Quarreling Giants Lose Their Magic Objects. [Omitted]
The Giant and the TailorATU 1049, The Heavy Ax; ATU 1053, Shooting Wild Boars; and ATU 1051, Springing with a Bent Tree. [Omitted]
The NailATU 2039, The Lost Horseshoe Nail.
Simeli MountainATU 676, Open Sesame. [Omitted]
Going TravellingATU 1696, What Should I Have Said? [Omitted]
Household ServantsATU 1940, Extraordinary Names. [Omitted]
The Little Lamb and the Little FishATU 450, Little Brother, Little Sister. [Omitted]
The Iron StoveATU 425A, The Animal Bridegroom. [Omitted]
The Lazy SpinnerATU 1405 [Omitted]
The Singing BoneATU 480 [Omitted]
Brother and SisterATU 450 [Omitted]
The Blue LightATU 562, The Spirit in the Blue Light. [Omitted]
The Wilful ChildATU 779, Divine Rewards and Punishments. [Omitted]
Frederick and CatherineAT 1387, A Woman Draws Beer in the Cellar; ATU 1385*, A Woman Loses Her Husband's Money; ATU 1291B, A Fool Greases the Cracked Earth with Butter; ATU 1291, Sending One Cheese after Another; ATU 1653A, Securing the Door; ATU 1653, The Robbers under the Tree; ATU 1383, A Woman Does Not Know Herself; ATU 1791, Dividing Up the Dead. [Omitted]
The Two BrothersATU 567A, The Magic Bird Heart; followed by ATU 303, The Blood Brothers. Includes an episode of type 300, The Dragon Slayer. [Omitted]
Mother Holle (Frau Holle)ATU 480, The Kind and the Unkind Girls. [Omitted]
The Crystal BallATU 552A, The Girls Who Married Animals. Includes episodes of ATU-type 302, The Giant Whose Heart Was in an Egg, and ATU-type 518, Quarreling Giants Lose Their Magic Objects. [Omitted]
The Rooster BeamATU , False Magician Exposed by Clever Girl. Includes an episode similar to ATU type 1290, A Fool Mistakes a Flax Field for a Lake. [Omitted]
The Old Beggar-WomanATU Unclassified [Omitted]
The True Bride [The True Sweetheart]ATU 510, The Persecuted Heroine; followed by the ATU-type 884, The Forsaken Fiancée. [Omitted]
The Jew in the ThornsATU 592, Dancing in Thorns. [Omitted]
Eve's Unequal ChildrenATU 758 [Omitted]
The Juniper-TreeATU 720, My Mother Killed Me; My Father Ate Me. [Omitted]
The Shoes that Were Danced to PiecesATU 306, The Danced-Out Shoes. [Omitted]
The Six ServantsATU 513A, Six Go through the Whole World.
The TurnipATU 1960D, The Giant Vegetable; and ATU 1689A, Two Presents for the King. Includes an episode of the ATU-type 1737, Trading Places with the Trickster in a Sack. [Omitted]
The Lord's Animals and the Devil'sATU Unclassified [Omitted]
Brothers Grimm. The Complete Fairy Tales. Tr. Jack Zipes. Extended 3rd ed. London: Vintage Classics, 2007. ⍽▢⍽ The book contains a translation of the tales in the seventh edition of the Grimm tales from 1857, plus thirty-two more tales that the Grimms shaped and refined and published in earlier editions of the work. Dr Zipes' critically acclaimed, large book (over 1000 pages) contains much of relevant information. Besides, the language of the tales reads well. Better be warned: there are violence-ridden tales among many others. Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Karl. The German Legends of the Brothers Grimm. Vol. 1 and Vol 2. Ed. and tr. Donald Ward. Philadelphia: The Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1981. Hunt, Margaret Raine, tr and ed. Grimm's Household Tales with the Authors' Notes. 2 vols. London: George Bell and Sons, 1884.
Uther, Hans-Jörg. The Types of International Folktales: A Classification and Bibliography Based on the System of Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson. Vols 1-3. FF Communications No. 284-86, Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 2004.
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