Bear up with a Right Way- since there are so many low things not to believe in. Human Nature![]() George Cheyne, a Scotch physician, when a person was talking about the excellence of human nature, exclaimed: "Hoot, hoot, man. Human nature is a rogue and a scoundrel, or why should it perpetually stand in need of laws and of religion?" (Fuller, 1970, 1) ◎ All religions are not alike, though. A fit and high way consists in dropping foolish poverty and self-maiming, for Jesus said about himself, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." (Mark 2:17; Matthew 9:12-13). By 'sick' he meant morally depraved too, and by 'doctor' he meant himself. That stands out. Jesus said many things contrary to getting and being sound, wealthy, of decent morality, and make precious use of time - all are of skilful life-handling, where we can stay as healthy as we can and go for endearing or solid gains, such as moral ones, proficiency, affluence, solid and harmonious relationships. At least we may try as we steer along the road of living. Jesus said many things contrary to this, for he was in favour of self-maiming and keeping the Canaanite a slave forever and fulfilling "Law and prophets" somehow (Leviticus 25:46; Matthew 5:17). Jesus also launched sour decrees of self-maiming, self-inflicted poverty, and goof non-violence in various gospel passages (Matthew 5, passim). But, again, Jesus says in two places that his teachings, kingdom and salvation are for Jews only (Matthew 15:24; 10:5-8), and in other places for ill ones among them only. [More about it]. A great hope there! Yes, in the first church all the apostles and their Holy Ghost decided there are only four requirement for Gentile followers - that is, non-Jewish Christians (Acts 15. It is called the Apostolic Decree - the basis for all later-added Christian churches. Non even one original command of Jesus is among the four requirements, and note it well. If you are not of this target group, you might still try go by the Apostolic Decree. No's to blood food and to wrangled poultry are one of the four requirement. But you are not called by that Apostolic Decree, a corner-stone of Christianity, to abide by the teachings of Jesus - living in poverty and non-planning ahead and still dare to call him "Lord, Lord" without doing as he commands his Jews to do. Won't you be healthy instead of sick? If you are healthy Jesus is not needed for you, he says. (Mark 2:17; Matthew 9:12-13) Gospels and gospel sayings were added to the churches as they grew up, in part invented sayings, often different, maybe forged. In the course of time four of all the contending gospels were chosen and edited. It means there are no verbatim, absolute reliable quotations of Jesus. He did not write anything himself, and some of his first disiples were simple people. The health-concerned non-Jew or Jew of good standing has not need of forgeries in the mouth of Jesus. No to blood food is still "good Latin" among followers in the Orthodox Church, for one thing (Also Acts 21:25). There are not good enough reasons to think that the various statements of Jesus and the crucifixion of him were intended for others than Jews either, for that is what the gospels state. ◎ Along the road, all the apostles and the Holy Ghost agreed on an easier life for Gentile followers than for Jews, says the Bible (Acts 21:25). God Sacrificing Himself - OohSpeaking of God sacrificing Jesus for the sake of stubborn scoundrels (his people), a couple of goats sacrificed each year should have taken all the sins away from the people yearly, according to a God's ordinations that were to last "forever" (Leviticus 16), like the goat tent services around the ark. "This is to be a lasting ordinance among the Israelites for the generations to come." (Exodus 27:21; 28:43; 29:9; 30:21; etc.) And what about eating fat and blood? There is a "lasting ordinance" against such things too. (Leviticus 3:17). Resting on Saturdays and "denying yourself" on Saturdays [i.e., Sabbaths] is also a lasting ordinance, by the way (Leviticus 16:31). "Lasting" in the sense "disabled anyhow" - is not that God's word for you? (cf. Leviticus 16:14-39) It also stands out that God's alleged sacrifice of Jesus for the Jews was in vain and remains so till this day. And was it needed in the first place, when two goats would do the trick, according to some Bible chapter (Leviticus 16)? And as for most other people, they have not been interested in Christianity, and that is still how it is around the globe. Say thanks for that, for it suggests the end of the world is not near Not all peoples have heard of or read about Jesus yet, and doomsday is not to come till then, says Jesus. "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14) ◎ Is eating fat and blood less terrible today than in Bible times? Offer great thanks for Native American nationsAs good luck will have it, several Native American nations do not seem to have been in contact with white men yet. If it remains that way, the planet might have been saved if the words on Jesus in the matter were not forged. The critical issues would be "make disciples of all nations" and "to the very end of the age" (in Matthew 28:18-20 NIV). Or "until the end of the world" in a few versions (KJV, ASV, etc.) and "unto the end of time" in the ABPE version from Aramaic. A critical word in Greek is aión, a space of time, age, world. An optimist sees a simple chance to save the planet by not letting all nations learn all that Jesus had taught Jews only. According to the bible passage, the end of the world is not to come so long as that is guaranteed . . . As someone who wants to preserve the planet from disaster and distress, discard Bible publishing for the sake of this rare planet and its wonderful atmosphere. You can breathe; there are many opportunities that go along with it, and some for sound progress too. ◎ There are Native American nations in South America too. Isn't there something?Do not be taken in at every turn. The Bible was written by Hebrews or Jews and seriously redacted over centuries too. It is not so consistent either. Some customs and ceremonies keep many people tied to marring or religious ideas of no or little use. Consider the value of tough sports and foolish entertainment shows in such a light. Dare to ask such as, "What is of real value? Isn't there something better to do?" Suppose there is, uppose you may glimpse it and suppose you may find too. Even if you see glimpses of something better to spend time on and with, you have to go against many degenerate currents; it might happen. Do not brag and make it harder to advance upstream by showing off. Look to the salmon swimming up a river, and try to make little of the good things you are doing when moving upstream somehow. Conformist consumerism, when it turns into common living it is not much to boast of either, even though it contains many common fares in life. ◎ Do you want to go upstream from here and live as a decent, healthy human, self-controlled, artistic, and not abandoned? Do something rewarding about it if you can. As long as you can breathe, you may learn to. As long as you can think a little sound many times repeatedly, you may too. Such yoga features could start you off. Do something - learn biodynamic gardening and how to live in higher ways than erring along in conformity, for exampleThe goings of the king of Jew is not much to boast of (1 Samuel 8), but boasting happens anyway - for example in this form: God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore. Solomon's wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the men of the East, and greater than all the wisdom of Egypt. He was wiser than any other man (1 Kings 4:29-31). For what happened? Despite this altogether unfair and untrue hype, Solomon gave in to such idolatry that he lost God's favour and the dynasty fell asunder too. Ask yourself: "Is that wise?" At the time of Jesus, Jews kept waiting for an earthy king, another Messiah (oil-anointed one), and an ancestry line back to David and Solomon through Joseph appeared in two versions, as if it was him and not God or an angel who was the father of Jesus. The belief that vicarious sacrifices of animals - and of Jesus - truly helps, should be debated along with the faith that the God behind sacrifices of innocent victims is righteous. To sacrifice innocents for the sake of nasty rascals equals corruption, at least on a human level. Do not be fooled by the demagoguery who calls a vendetta-fond, sacrificing, victim-making being righteous when he was about to sacrifice him (John 17:25). Not "righteous," but "doing-things-in-vain" makes sense. Also, see for yourself to what degree "corrupt" is fit. According to Matthew 5:17-20, Jesus said the Law of slavery, ritual circumcision, enforced Saturday rest, bloodshed and ruthless executions was valid. By that saying he holds that ritual handling of two goats each year may have done all that Jesus was aiming at, but in vain. He failed in doing what he said he was set to do for Jews. Let the goats roam may be better still. Affirm: "Morbid is morbid" and do something fit about it. ◎ Sacrifice is ruthless, for one thing. The first king of Jews was found hiding among baggage
Do you? After some time the word of the Lord came to Samuel: I am grieved that I have made Saul king, because he has turned away from me and has not carried out my instructions." (1 Samuel 15:10). Why grieved? Saul had not wiped out the Amalekites, and thus he had disobeyed God [1 Samuel 15:18). The bible tells he went insane after "an evil spirit from God" began to torment him. (1 Samuel 16:15), after he did not kill others at God's command. (1 Samuel 10. Extracts). ◎ God chose someone who did not kill as much as he wanted, and who later went insane. "Better than Jesus"If you turn the other cheek and no one arrests the robber and gang criminal who hits defenceless ones, you passively favour crime and fiends. Do we want that, or do we want life to be fit? Jesus says that healthy ones do not need him, and that it is better to be healthy than a sick sheep. ◎ If you turn the other cheek to "Ruthless executions of many innocents is not fine," the prospect of being a coward may rise. Is there a fifty percent chance that the heaven-door will not be opened, no matter how hard you knock?
You cannot punch your way into heaven - i>Sicilian proverb "To him who knocks, the door will be opened (Luke 11:10)." Some cling to clichés like that, but not that the door will remain shut to half of those who knock in another passage (Matthew 25:1-13). So do not succumb to be fooled, all in all. ◎ "Don't believe everything you are told" is an old lesson. Swindling Ones Are Not Kind for ItJesus ignored significant items of that Law, yet told the Law was to be fully valid (Matthew 5:17-20). That law would have his mother killed for getting pregnant out of wedlock, killed on the doorstep of her father's house with the foetus that became Jesus in her belly. And that law would have had Jesus killed as false prophet for foretelling about the end of the world when it did not come as he foretold. (Ehrman 2001). Apostles spread those bad news too. Bad because wrong. Could it be that Jesus warns against himself too as one of the ravenous wolves in Matthew 7:15-20? Know him and his rumour-spreading apostles by their fruits. The law that Jesus vouches for totally, would have false prophets killed. A prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death. Jesus was executed as a blasphemer. It stands out he did not live to be executed as a false prophet. His mother was not stoned on a doorstep with her foetus in her belly, but canonised - ◎ Victims of great boasts are in for getting disappointed, if not just dumb. After Jesus was executed as a criminal or maniac, the faith in him as the Son of God and God too, took off. Some Bible passages have been forged, perhaps to tally with such grandiose vistas. Consider the MessDo not be content with evil companions and conditions. ◎ Do not try to talk mountains with endangered species into the sea so ruthlessly that it make dangerous waves - It stands to reason . . . See what they say and compare with what they do, and do not be all taken in by mere words or translations. Rather confused hypocrites or whatever we have to name them, call Jesus "Lord, Lord" without doing what he commands, without knowing it could be well enough if they just drop calling Jesus 'Lord'. Why? Because Gentile followers got an easier path with only four requirements, and one of them was no to blood food, says Acts 15:19-29. There are no commands of Jesus among the four requirements for Gentile (non-Jewish) followers in the Apostolic Decree, which is the foundation of Christianity. The gospels were hardly put down in writing then (ca. 50 CE). We don't have to do everything Jesus commanded his Jews, or ill sheep. Better be healthy, as he is into. (Acts 15:19-29; Matthew 9:12-13). ◎ Only four requirements are enjoined on the non-Jewish followers. (Cf. Matthew 5:37; Matthew 26:63 ff)
Always painful fools are not good companyBuddha's counsel, found in several texts, and also in the Dhammapada chap 5; includes "if a man does not see fools, he will be truly happy," we read in verse 206, and, "He who walks in the company of fools suffers a long way; company with fools, as with an enemy, is always painful; company with the wise is pleasure, like meeting with kinsfolk." (verse 208). "It is better to live alone, there is no companionship with a fool; let a man walk alone, let him commit no sin . . ." (Dhammapada 330) Moreover, "Who keeps company with wolves, will learn to growl and howl with them. (cf. Fergusson and Law 2000, 29)" Get companions that go for fair play, fair deals, rather. And leave Christian baptism, sacraments, the speaking of tongues, the forged, added missionary command (Matthew 28:18-20; cf. Mark 16:14-19) - and why? Because that command looks like a later forgery. And the four requirements for Gentile followers do not even mention Jesus (Acts 15; 21:25). ◎ Fair deals should not be without a rudder. "Keep the Canaanite slave forever"The Old Testament regulates slavery (Exodus 21 ff), and neither Jesus nor Paul go against it. Paul: "Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. (Ephesians 6:5)." Paul also calls his converted slaves to God (Romans 6:22), and mentions that "I beat my body and make it my slave" (I Corinthians 9:27). He wrongly tells that "the heir child is no different from a slave (Galathians 4:1, extracted) - along with other statements for and against slavery. If you look for consistency, look elsewhere. The Old Testament commands such as, "Keep the Canaanite slave forever (Leviticus 25:46)," and Jesus behind "Whoever wants to be first must be your slave (Matthew 20:27; Mark 10:44)," insists that the law is to be valid and that he came to uphold it. "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets . . . but to fulfil them." (Matthew 5:17). Jesus thereby stands for grave mistreatment of people, which everybody should know. Here is a funny streak: It may be that the majority of Jews were Canaanites themselves. There is archelogical support for that view - and divided opinions. ◎ Whoever wants to be first should be the first to ride his figurative horse back home. Consider the good teachings of Buddha a lot, so you can grow in themYou probably cannot help swine much if you make yourself into one. It can work well to visualise that we can amount to much and get better, and then practice toward the goal performances and goal circumstances visualised. There is evidence that judo-like visualizations work well. "Jews will not be oppressed"The Bible's God who had found the people living on earth corrupt and violent, broke his own oaths and promises, says the Old Testament. (cf. Exodus 32:9-10; 2 Samuel 7:8-10)." After Aaron had made a calf of gold and the whole people had worshipped it, God wanted to burn and destroy them (Exodus 32:9-10). But Moses said to him: "Remember . . . you swore by your own self: 'I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and I will give your descendants all this land I promised them . . . forever.'" The Euphrates terrain and very much else remains to be given to this day. And the stars in the sky are many. If there is place on this planet for 35 billion billion Jews put on top of each other all over the earth for two hundred storeys? Where is the fun in that? And where should all those stacked Jews get their food from? Jehovah is also reported to have told the prophet Nathan: Tell my servant David, "This is what the Lord Almighty says: . . . I will provide a place for my people Israel and . . . they can have a home of their own and no longer be disturbed. Wicked people will not oppress them anymore . . . (2 Samuel 7:8-10). So far it may not have come true in all respects. There are other mock guarantees too for those who care to look up: The Lord himself will establish a house for you: . . . I will raise up your offspring to succeed you . . . I will establish his kingdom.. . . I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever . . . He will be my son . . . my love will never be taken away from him . . . Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever (2 Samuel 7:11-16). No throne, no fulfilled promise. And forever is taken to be such a long time, but "phoney forevers" are not . . . See what happened to God's Forever-Kingdom too. It broke and did not last. [A source: WP, "Observable universe"] ◎ "Jehovah says one thing and something different happens". We have to accept for our own good that several Jehovah-promises in the Bible have not come true. Are they in line with false prophesies? ◎ There is much good to say for the jolly pig. When he squeals, he seldom or never leads innocents astray by furtive demagogy. To reach out to sheep - is that fit?Sheep bleat in a herd and in the wild follow a leader, and when taken slaves of a sort, follow those who herd or feed on them, although not perfectly. That is to be expected - Stay firmly rooted in dear facts; life could work better that way. Adjust to basic facts of life as profitably as you can. ◎ Main Indian astrology seek to help good living, and foster spiritual advancement.
Hoot to the Law of Slavery and of Sacrificing Innocents ☼1. A good gardener is not sulking and imposing faulty rules on any living beings he tends to Jesus stands for grave mistreatment of people (through Matthew 5:17-20 etc.). In Matthew 5 Jesus accepts the Law of slavery, ritual circumcision, enforced Saturday rest, bloodshed and ruthless executions as valid, as things he came to uphold, he says. Further, Jesus was not a good gardener, letting thistles overcome the wheat, cursing a fig tree for not bearing fruit out of season. How selfish is that! (Mark 11:12–14; 11:20–25 NIV). It is fit to drop merely waiting for Doomsday to come, and instead plant a fit tree, such as a fruit tree of a good sort. Also, drop sacrificing or victimising yourself as a result of terribly unwanted and unneeded commands for Jews only, and only depraved ones among them. To drop foolish poverty, self-maiming, and slovenliness is fit for the proficiency fare. ◇ 2. Non-dwarfing teachings are found in the Dhammapada too All forms of Christian self-maiming are not alike. Some Catholic monks have used to flog themselves and wear chains that gnaw into the flesh. Consider the goodness of teachings that tell us not to sacrifice animals or others or yourselves. Such a teaching is truly wanted. [Apannaka Sutta] It is not perfectly fit to teach that the Bible says no to slavery when it is institutionalised in it, is told to be valid by Jesus, is accepted by Paul, and so on: See the whole picture, and not just isolated minor parts of it. Teachings and teachers that allow you affluence - unlike Jesus - can work for good in a life that is well lived. Such teachings are found in Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism. ◇
3. Be polite enough to escape being sacrficed by gutsy fools
Some customs and ceremonies keep many people tied to ideas of little use. Discard them.
Some customs and ceremonies uphold decency. Hold on to them and give ear to what Jesus says, that healthy ones do not need him and his teachings are for Jews only, and only depraved ones among Jews. ✪
You may not be able to help others if you go down through adhering to commands of Jesus for ill Jews only, as he said several times. (Matthew 20:27; Mark 10:44). Why? Acts 15 and 21:25 say the Ghost and all the apostles did not include anything by Jesus in the Apostolic Decree that founded the Church. Yes, commands by Jesus were not included by all the apostles and the Holy Ghost when they founded the church. (Acts 15; 21:25) Also consider that two goats a year should make the Father's sacrifice of Jesus completely unnecessary. (Leviticus 16). Let that be "a testimony to all nations".
Refrain from bragging wildly and thereby making it harder to advance upstream by vainglorious showing off. ◇◇◇
Let goats roam free where conditions allow for happy long-range outcomes.
There are few who do not mask themselves. Refrain from putting faith in parables and sayings that tell irreconcilable things. See what the teachers say and compare with what they do or say yes to themselves. For example, to sacrifice innocents for the sake of nasty rascals equals corruption.
Do not be taken in by big words like "almighty" and "infinite. Strive to benefit from Buddha's solvency-aiding teachings instead. ◇◇◇◇ ⚴
Ehrman, Bart D. 2001. Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium. Paperback ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. Fuller, Edmond. 1970. 2 500 Anecdotes for All Occasion. New York: Crown.
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