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4. Kishkindha Part

1. Rama describes spring and the sentiments it evokes in him

2. Sugriva sends Hanuman to interview Rama

3. Hanuman's meeting with Rama

4. Hanuman brings Rama and Lakshmana into the presence of Sugriva

5. The alliance between Rama and Sugriva

6. Sugriva shows Rama Sita's coat and jewels

7. Sugriva consoles Rama

8. Sugriva implores Rama for his help against Bali

9. The story of Bali and Mayavi

10. The origin of Bali's hatred of Sugriva

11. Sugriva tells Rama of Bali's exploits

12. The fight between Bali and Sugriva

13. The hermitage of the Saptajanas

14. Surgriva again challenges his brother to fight

15. Tara's advice to Bali

16. Rama inflicts a mortal wound on Bali

17. Bali reproaches Rama

18. Rama answers Bali

19. Tara's grief

20. Her lamentations

21. Hanuman's speech

22. Bali's last words

23. Tara weeps over the body of Bali

24. Sugriva's remorse

25. Bali's funeral rites

26. Sugriva is installed as king

27. Rama describes Prasravana

28. Rama describes the rainy season

29. Hanuman urges Sugriva to honour his promise

30. Description of autumn

31. Lakshmana goes to Kishkindha

32. Hanuman's speech

33. Tara pacifies Lakshmana

34. Lakshmana reproaches Sugriva

35. Tara defends Sugriva

36. Lakshmana is reconciled to Sugriva

37. Sugriva assembles his troops

38. Sugriva goes to meet Rama

39. The arrival of Sugriva's forces

40. Sugriva sends his monkeys to the east in search of Sita

41. He sends other monkeys to explore the southern region

42. Searchers are sent to the western region

43. Other monkeys are sent to the northern region

44. Rama gives his ring to Hanuman

45. The departure of the monkeys

46. Sugriva narrates his travels through the world

47. The return of the monkeys

48. Angada slays an asura

49. The monkeys search the southern region in vain

50. Hanuman and his companions enter the Rikshabila cavern

51. The tale of the ascetic

52. Swaymprabha frees the monkeys from the cave

53. Angada and his companions consider what course to adopt

54. Hanuman seeks to discourage Angada from his design

55. The monkeys decide to die of hunger

56. The intervention of Sampati

57. Angada's narrative

58. Sampati tells the monkeys where Sita is hidden

59. He encourages them to pursue their quest

60. The story of the ascetic Nishakara

61. Sampati tells his story to the sage

62. Sampati learns from him where Sita is

63. The wings of Sampati grow once more

64. The monkeys are discouraged on seeing the ocean

65. The leaders of the monkeys, each state what they are able to accomplish

66. Jambavan appeals to Hanuman to sacrifice himself for the good of all

67. Hanuman prepares to go to Lanka


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