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5. Glorious Events

1. The departure of Hanuman

[Key] duties not performed, invite the wrath even of the good. (1.97)

2. Hanuman arrives in Lanka

3. He enters the city

4. He observes the city and those who live there

5. He ranges the city without finding Sita

6. He explores Ravana's palace

7. Description of the aerial chariot Pushpaka

8. Further description of Pushpaka

9. Hanuman searches the inner apartments

10. He perceives Ravana in the middle of his wives

11. Description of the banqueting hall

12. Hanuman becomes despondent

13. Hanuman's dilemna

14. The Ashoka Grove

15. Hanuman sees Sita

16. His reflections on seeing Sita

17. Description of the female titans guarding Sita

18. Ravana goes to the Ashoka Grove

19. Sita's grief

20. Ravana begs Sita to wed him

21. Sita rejects Ravana with disdain

22. Ravana's threats

23. The female titans seek to persuade Sita to wed Ravana

24. Their menaces

25. Sita gives way to despair

26. Sita prophesies the titan's destruction

27. Trijata's dream

28. Sita's lament

29. Sita observes auspicious portents

30. Hanuman's reflections

31. Hanuman praises Rama

32. Sita sees Hanuman

33. Hanuman's converse with Sita

34. Sita's hesitations on seeing Hanuman

35. Hanuman makes himself known to Sita

36. Sita questions Hanuman

37. Sita refuses to be rescued by Hanuman

38. She gives Hanuman her jewel

39. Hanuman calms Sita's fears

40. He takes leave of Sita

41. Hanuman destroys the Ashoka Grove

42. He slays the kinkaras

43. He burns the temple and monument

44. The death of Jambumalin

45. Hanuman slays the sons of Ravana's ministers

46. He annihilates five generals and their forces

47. The death of Aksha

48. Hanuman allows himself to be taken captive by the titans

49. His astonishment on beholding Ravana

50. Hanuman is questioned by the titans

51. His words

52. Bibishana pleads for Hanuman

53. Hanuman is led bound through the city

54. He sets fire to Lanka

55. Hanuman's fears concerning Sita

56. He takes leave of her

57. The return of Hanuman

58. He recounts his experiences

59. Hanuman apppeals to the monkeys to rescue Sita

60. Jambavan rejects Angada's project

61. The devastation of Madhuvana

62. The fight between Dadhimuka and the intruders

63. Dadhimuka relates how Madhuvana has been laid waste

64. Sugriva consoles Rama

65. Hanuman tells Rama of his meeting with Sita

66. Rama's grief

67. Hanuman describes his Interview with Sita

68. He repeats his words of consolation to Sita


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