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6. Lanka Part

1. Rama felicitates Hanuman. His perplexities

2. Sugriva consoles Rama

3. Hanuman describes the strength of Lanka to Rama

4. The army reaches the shores of the sea

5. Rama is affiicted when thinking of Sita

6. Ravana consults his subjects

7. The titans persuade Ravana to make war and remind him of his former exploits

8. The boasting of Ravana's generals

9. Bibishana advises Ravana to send back Sita

10. Bibishana insists that Sita should be given back to Rama

11. Ravana summons his assembly

12. The discourse between Ravana and Kumbhakarna

13. Ravana tells the story of the nymph Punjikasthala

14. Bibishana blames the attitude of Ravana's courtiers

15. Bibishana reproaches Indrajita for his boasting

16. Ravana rebukes Bibishana who takes his departure

17. Words of the leading monkeys regarding Bibishana

18. Rama listens to the advice of the monkeys about receiving Bibishana

19. Bibishana is brought before Rama

20. Ravana sends Shuka to Sugriva

21. Rama looses his arrows on Sagara

22. The army crosses the sea

23. Rama sees diverse portents

24. Shuka describes his reception by the monkeys to Ravana

25. Ravana sends out Shuka and Sarana to spy on the monkeys

26. Sarana tells Ravana of the principal leaders of the monkeys

27. Sarana continues his deposition

28. Shuka in his turn enumerates the enemy

29. Ravana sends out fresh spies

30. Shardula gives an account of his mission to Ravana

31. Ravana deceives Sita about the death of Rama

32. Sita's despair

33. Sarama consoles Sita

34. Sarama spies on Ravana's plans

35. Malyavan advises Ravana to make peace

36. Ravana directs Lanka's defences

37. Rama makes his plans for the attack

38. The ascent of Mount Suvela

39. Description of Lanka

40. The extraordinary combat between Sugriva and Ravana

41. Rama sends Angada to Ravana

42. The titans make a sortie

43. The conflict between the monkeys and the titans

44. Angada's exploit

45. Rama and Lakshmana are struck down by Indrajita

46. The despair of Sugriva and his army. Bibishana reassures him

47. Sita sees Rama and Lakshmana lying on the battlefield

48. Sita's lamentations

49. Rama returns to consciousness and weeps over Lakshmana

50. Garuda liberates Rama and Lakshmana

51. Dhumraksha goes out to fight the monkeys

52. Dhumraksha fights and is slain by Hanuman

53. Vajradamshtra enters the lists

54. Angada slays Vajradamshtra

55. Akampana goes out to fight against the monkeys

56. Akampana is slain by Hanuman

57. Prahasta goes out to fight

58. The death of Prahasta

59. Ravana's prowess. Rama overcomes him but grants him his life

60. The titans rouse Kumbhakarna

61. The story of Kumbhakama

62. The meeting between Kumbhakarna and Ravana

63. Kumbhakarna consoles Ravana

64. Mahodara's speech

65. Kumbhakama enters into combat

66. Angada reproaches the monkeys for flying from Kumbhakarna

67. Kumbhakarna's exploits. He is slain by Rama

68. Ravana weeps for Kumbhakarna

69. Narantaka is slain by Indra

70. The death of Devantaka, Trishiras, Mahodara and Mahaparshwa

71. Lakshmana slays the titan Atikaya

72. Ravana, overcome by anxiety, makes further plans

73. Indrajita, making himself invisible, puts the monkey army out of action

74. On Jambavan's instructions, Hanuman goes to the Mountain of Medicinal Herbs

75. Lanka is set on fire by the monkeys

76. The prowess of Angada and Kumbha: Kumbha is slain

77. The fight between Nikumbha and Hanuman

78. Maharaksha goes out to meet Rama and Lakshmana

79. Maharaksha falls under Rama's blows

80. Indrajita sets out to fight once more

81. Indrajita's stratagem. Sita's apparition

82. Hanuman rallies his forces: Indrajita's sacrifice

83. Lakshmana's speech

84. Bibishana consoles Rama

85. Lakshmana goes to the Nikumbhila grove to fight Indrajita

86. Indrajita breaks off his sacrifice to fight with Lakshmana

87. Indrajita and Bibishana denounce each other

88. The Combat between Lakshmana and Indrajita

89. Lakshmana and Indrajita continue to fight

90. Indrajita loses his charioteer, chariot and horses

91. The death of Indrajita

92. Rama commends Lakshmana who is cured of his wounds by the monkey Sushena

93. Ravana's grief on hearing of his son's death

94. Rama's exploits

95. The lamentations of the titan women

96. Ravana goes out to fight and encounters ill omens

97. The fight between Virupaksha and Sugriva: Virupaksha's death

98. Mahodara is slain by Sugriva

99. The combat between Angada and Mahaparshwa

100. Rama and Ravana fight with magic weapons

101. Ravana flees from Rama

102. Lakshmana's miraculous recovery

103. Rama and Ravana renew their combat

104. Rama arraigns Ravana and reproaches him for his misdeeds

105. Ravana reproaches his Charioteer

106. The sage Agastya instructs Rama in the Hymn to the Sun

107. Sinister portents appear

108. The fluctuations of combat

109. The duel continues

110. The death of Ravana

111. The lamentations of Bibishana

112. The lamentations of Ravana's consorts

113. The lamentations of Mandodari: Ravana's funeral rites

114. Bibishana is installed as king of Lanka

115. Hanuman carries Rama's message to Sita

116. Rama sends for Sita

117. Rama repudiates Sita

118. Sita's lamentations. She undergoes the Ordeal by Fire

119. Brahma's praise of Rama

120. Sita is restored to Rama

121. Dasaratha appears to Rama

122. On Rama's request, Indra restores the army

123. Bibishana places the chariot Pushpaka at Rama's disposal

124. Rama sets out for Ayodhya

125. Rama tells Sita of the places over which they are passing

126. Rama's meeting with the sage Bharadwaja

127. Rama sends Hanuman to seek out Bharata

128. Hanuman tells Bharata of all that befell Rama and Sita during their exile

129. Bharata sets out to meet Rama

130. Rama is installed as king. The benefits that accrue from reciting and hearing the "Ramayana"


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