SOURCES (B) = Bach, (C) = Clarke, (/) = Kinnes, Unmarked = Boericke |
- Eilat G
- Eleagnus commutata - Silverberry
- Eleutherococcus senticosus - Siberian ginseng
- Elymus arenarius - Lyme-grass B
- Emerald G
- Emetine hydrochloride - Emetine hydrochloride, Amebicide
- Ephedrine hydrochloride - Ephedrine hydrochloride,
- Epifagus virginiana, Epiphegus, Orobanche - Beechdrops
- EQ parts (Rae) - EQ parts (Rae)
- Equisetum fluviatile - Water horsetail
- Erica arborea - Tree Heather, Erica* B
- Eriodictyon glutinosum - Yerba santa, Beersweed
- Erodium reichardii - Cranesbill
- Espongilla, Luffa operculata - Sponge gourd, (= Luffa purgans, Momordica operculata)
- Etylendinitrilotetra-aceticum* -
- Eucharis amazonica, (E. grandiflora) - Amazon lily
- Euonymus nanus turkestanicus - Dwarf burning bush
- Eupatorium perfoliatum - Boneset, Thoroughwort
- Eupatorium purpureum - Queen of the meadow B
- Euphorbia lathyris - Gopher spurge, Caper spurge B
- Euphorbia pulcherrima - Poinsettia, Christmas flower B
AIMED AT sick headaches that come on when deviating from ordinary pursuits.
Adieu to
AIMED AT nightmare incontinence
Adieu to
Incontinence Dreams or nightmares in childen
- Bladder: Frequent urging with severe pain
- Urine: Mucous in it Incontinence after passing urine
MODALITIES: Better from lying down in afternoon
AIMED AT those who strive to appear (too) sympathic after falls Left out,
excluded. /
Go for it
Adieu to
- Head: Coryza
- Respiratory: Asthmatic affections, gasps for breath
Bronchial affections Cough after influenza Bronchial tuberculosis
- Male: Sore Dragging in testicle
- Female: Preeclampsia
AIMED AT brunettes Those behaving like ruddy idiots and overly irritable in
distress Those with passive congestion, torpid liver, and gout Those having certain
mental disturbances.
Go for it
Adieu to
Mental confusion A tired feeling Unability to recall familiar names Irritable
- Head: Frontal headache with a tired feeling Vertigo
- Stomach: Pasty taste of stomach
- Abdomen: Constipation Burning anus Severe backache Bloody, profuse
- Back: Pain in shoulders Pain in renal area
- Limbs: Aching Swollen and tired ankles
- More: Cancer of the autonomous nervous system /
MODALITIES: Better in back from lying down.
AIMED AT persons in general poor health Worn-out people feeling washed up
Pesons avoiding tight clothing (in up to febrile ways) Sluggishness of all organs and
functions Symptoms that have marked periodicity General, severe bone-pains Much damp or wet weather by bogs, swamps, lakes, and rivers Long-run effects of vapours from lacquer,
varnish, paint, and wood stain: i.e., could work well for painters etc. Cacexia, i.e.,
general physical wasting of a chronic disease.
Go for it, Good for
Operating one's resources Being art-wise (and hence fit for painters)
Advocate really comfortable clothing.
Adieu to
- Sensation of falling to the left
- Head: Sore Periodical headache As if a cap of lead
pressed over the whole skull Throbbing pain
- Eyes: Sore eyeballs
- Mouth: Of salivary glands Cracks in corners of mouth Yellow, coated tongue Great thirst
- Stomach: Hiccups Vomiting bile
- Stool: Cramps of descending colon Problems of sigmoid colon
- Respiratory: Coryza with sneezing Hoarseness and cough with soreness in chest Influenza-like symptoms with sore muscles and bones Cough relieved by getting on hands and knees
- Fever: Sweating relieves all symptoms except headache Soreness and aching of bones Drinking is difficult if one has become much chilly
- Limbs: Soreness of flesh Aching in arms and wrists
Swelling of left great toe Gouty soreness Inflamed nosodities of joints, assocciated
with headache Dropsical swelling
MODALITIES: Worse: periodically Better: on hands and knees.
AIMED AT pains.
Adieu to
- Head: Worse in cold air
- Abdomen: Swollen and irritable Liver pain Irritable
- Urinary: Bladder problems Constant desire Irritable,
painful bladder Sensation of enlarged prostate Vesical irritability in women
- Male: Impotency Pains
- Female: Genitals feels as though wet
- Fever: Bone-pains
AIMED AT: Garrulous persons Hallucinating and itching persons Vomiting Bloody
Go for it
Greater ease of dealings / Adhere to comme il faut /
Adieu to
Hallucinations Sleep disturbances
- Eyes: Staring look Brilliant eyes Dilated
- Nose: Oedematous membranes Eruption Smarting
- Face: Deadly pale Hot cheeks Stinging eruption
- Mouth: Coated tongue
- Stomach: Violent vomiting Gelatinous lumps
- Stool: Frequent stools Bloody stools Constipation
followed by stools mingled with blood
- Male: Inflamed scrotum Burning Inflammation of
scrotum and perineum
- Respiratory: Rattling/
- Heart: Weak and fluttering Irregular pulse
- Skin: Fine bran-like desquamation (scales to peel off)
Itching Glowing, burning or smarting skin in places.
- Sleep: Disturbed
- Fever: Coldness of surfaces.