AIMED AT (possibly): Hyperaesthesia Coordination of function is interfered with Hysteria Hysterical aphonia Superficial and erratic symptoms Results of some old spinal injuries Excited by cold air Great sensitiveness to the open air
Ignatia can/should be tried as a prophylactic against such as unjustified worrying first.
Wish adieu to
Grief Love of solitude
Disappointment Disappointed love Tearful sadness
Dark, rigid and mild disposition Fright
Some characteristic emotional states: Exaggerated and outlandish - Hysteria sets in
Worrying Despair of being cured
Fidgety/: anxious to do now this, now that
Ought to be serious, but laughs
Is ill bred/
- Head: Congestive headache Headaches Stinging pain, from within to without in the forehead
- Eyes: Inflammation of the upper part of the eyeball, the part that is covered by the upper lid
- Face: Twitching of muscles of face and lips
- Mouth: Toothache
- Throat: Sore Constriction of the gullet
- Stomach: Relieved by taking a deep breath Empty
retching Bitter and putrid taste of food, esp. of beer Hiccouch Vomiting of food, even
at night Painful sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach to the touch
- Abdomen: Distended Stitching up the rectum Pressure as of a sharp instrument from within outward
- Stool: Smarting in the rectum during the loose evacuations
- Urinary: Urgent and irresistible want to make water
- Male: Aching at the pubis
- Female: Sexual frigidity pains in the region of the uterus
- Respiratory: Catarrh, with coryza and headache Little
mucous Hoarse dry cough Cough as from inspired feathery dust Nervous cough
- Chest: Breathes slowly Constriction of the chest
- Heart: Smarting in precordial region on expiration/
- Back: Pain in the os sacrum, when lying on the back in the morning
- Limbs: Trembling of the limbs Locomotor ataxy When walking, the knees are involuntarily drawn up Starting of the limbs on going to sleep
- Skin: Itching around vagina and mouth
- Sleep: Jerking of limbs on going to sleep
- Fever: Not relieved by external heat
- More: Epileptic convulsions