TantraLife is difficult when the cow has no milk. (La vita è difficile quando la vacca è senza latte. - Proverb from Trentino The proverb works with sheep too. Not every shepherd is served by hindering his cattle or sheep from begetting youngs and by that stop the milk from flowing after some time. We speak of "the milk of human kindness." Human milk is a mark of having had sex. Now, there is tantra yoga too, including sex yoga. Kriya yoga may be called kundalini yoga, tantra yoga, or hatha-yoga. There are many forms of yoga, and many forms of tantra yoga, he also tells. So many forms intermingle. To elaborate on that, in the twelfth chapter of The Deeper Dimensions of Yoga (2011), Georg Feuerstein discerns between forty types of Hindu yoga. Several of these yoge forms involves kundalini yoga, and tantra is kundalini-based too. Georg Feuerstein and Larry Payne (2010) write: In the West and in India, Tantra Yoga is often confused with "spiritualized" sex; although sexual rituals are used in some (so-called left-hand) schools of Tantra Yoga, they aren't a regular practice in the majority of (so-called right-hand) schools. . . . This is to say that there are many forms of tantra yoga, and that tantra yoga not solely about sex. [See Satyananda Yoga] Anyway, some may enjoy sex, life, success and wise yoga. Feuerstein (1990) explains that tantra (literally "loom") specifically refers a work in a genre in the tradition of Buddhism and Shaivism. There are many dialogues between God and the Goddess. The Tantras cover a wide range of subjects. There are also instructions about activating what is called kundalini-shakti, which is much of what Tantrism is about. The origins of Tantrism are obscure, but Tantrism emerged as a distinct tradition within Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism in the early post-Christian era. Tantricism has a long history and great diversity, which makes it hard to generalize about it. Yet the pivot of most Tantric schools is the idea of somehow enlisting the help of shakti, the feminine principle the Goddess. This is expressed in many ways, including kundalini-yoga. (Source, Feuerstein 1990, "tantra, tantricism") Tantra or sex. If it works, fine. If not, "There is nothing more dreadful than a fool and a lunatic (Japanese proverb,). They may get many children, though. There is a knack to lots of things, including happy and fulfilling mating. Kriya yoga is tantric, as shown in Satyananda Yoga. The tantric tradition denotes teachings and practices found in the scriptures known as tantras or agamas. The tantras are varied scriptures. The agamas are scriptures that teach regulations of worship, deities, philosophical doctrines, meditation practices, attainment of desires and various sorts of yoga. Agamas speak of Kundalini Yoga as well. Vajrayana, "the diamond way", denotes tantric Buddhism. Hindu and Buddhist yogas contain tantra teachings. They are varied. Here is one understanding among many; John Blofeld writes, "my Lama teachers summed up the general requirement for developing a Tantric attitude in three injunctions: "Recognize everything around you as Nirvana; hear all sounds as Mantra; see all beings as Buddhas." (Blofeld 2002:40)
Tibetan TantraThe Six Yogas of Naropa and the Six Yogas of Niguma . . . these lineages came through Naropa, although the latter was further developed and refined by Naropa's female disciple Niguma (cf. Harding 2010). Today Tibetan sects like the Karma Kagyu (see Thinley 1980) often use a blend of these two. . . . The sixth yoga in the Naropa system, known as "forceful entry," . . . The Niguma system does not incorporate this yoga . . . The transmission of the Six Yogas of Naropa was imported and translated into Tibetan by Marpa Lotsawa (Heruka 1982) . . . the transmission of the Six Yogas of Niguma (Mullin 1985) was imported and translated by Khyungpo Naljor (see Riggs 2001, 44-93) a generation later . . . These [two] "Six Yogas" systems are fusions of various elements extracted from various Buddhist tantras. (Mullin 2006, 85-87, passim) |
Blofeld, John. 2002. Tantric Mysticism of Tibet. Revised and edited by Allan R. Bomhard. Charleston, SC: Charleston Buddhist Fellowship. Feuerstein, Georg. 1990. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Yoga. London: Unwin Paperbacks. ⸻. 2003. The Deeper Dimension of Yoga: Theory and Practice . London: Shambhala Publications. Feuerstein, Georg, and Larry Payne. 2010. Yoga for Dummies. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing. Harding, Sarah. 2010. Niguma, Lady of Illusion. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications. ⍽▢⍽"The Six Dharmas of Niguma" in it is The Six Yogas of Niguma. Heruka, Tsang Nyon. 1982. The Life of Marpa the Translator: Seeing Accomplishes All. Trs. Nalanda Translation Committee as directed by Chogyam Trungpa. Boulder, CO: Prajna Press. Lie, Kåre A, tr. 1992. Buddhas samtaler: De lange tekstene. Digha Nikaya. Bind 1: Moralavsnittbindet Silakkhandhavagga. Oslo: Solum Forlag. ⸻. 2005. Buddhas samtaler: De lange tekstene. Digha Nikaya. Bind 2. Det store bindet: Mahavagga. Oslo: Solum Forlag. Mullin, Glenn H, tr., ed. 1985. Selected Works of the Dalai Lama II: Tantric Yogas of Sister Niguma. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications. Mullin, Glenn H, tr., ed. 2006. The Dalai Lamas on Tantra. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications. Riggs, Nicole. 2001. Like An Illusion: Lives of the Shangpa Kagyu Masters. Eugene, OR: Dharma Cloud Press / Red Eye Books. Satyananda Saraswati, Swami. 2001. Kundalini Tantra. 8th ed. Munger: Yoga Publications Trust, 2001. Thinley, Karma. 1980. The History of the Sixteen Karmapas of Tibet. Boulder, CO: Prajna Press. Wik, Mieke and Stephan. 2005. Beyond Tantra: Healing through Taoist Sacred Sex. Ed. Kate Keogan. Findhorn, Forres: Findhorn Press.
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