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Vedic Astrology with Positive Thinking
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A posture fit for positive thinking - Modified section of Sweet Dreams by Marianne Stokes. 1875
Some sweet dreams reflect positive thinking

Advancing Happily

Solve problems by sleeping and dreaming up solutions

Let us learn to dream, gentlemen; then perhaps we shall find the truth. - August Kekule, German scientist

Indian universities offer advanced degrees in Hindu astrology, or Vedic astrology. It is based on "There is a semblance between the microcosm (human being) and the macrocosm (an earth-centred display of the world)." The term "Vedic astrology" is about a generation old and has struck root. However, the Swiss licentiate Dieter Koch (1959-) points out:

By designating [Hindu] astrology as "Vedic", i. e. connecting it with the sacred writings of Hinduism, the Vedas, [some] claim superiority of their teachings over Western astrology. . . .

Traditional Hindus believe that the Vedic culture, including Indian astrology, was revealed about 5,000 years ago by holy Indian sages in India. . . .

Vedic religion as it has been handed down in Vedic literature, has nothing to do with the so-called "Vedic astrology" as practised today. . . .

Indians themselves traditionally do not call their astrology "Vedic", or have not done so until recently. [However, the term] enjoys increasing popularity even among Indian astrologers.

The Vedas themselves, the core corpus of sacred writings of Hinduism [are] mainly interested in the position of the moon in the 27 or 28 lunar mansions, as well as in the lunar phases, eclipses, the solstices, and the equinoxes. . . [◦Dieter Koch: Vedic Astrology - critically examined (Article)]

Summa summarum: When we say "Vedic" in this astrological context it means "of knowledge". 'Veda' is Sanskrit for knowledge. A free-standing use of 'vedic' must be OK, as long as it relates to the essential meaning of the word. The further meanings annexes the term to the corpus of the four Vedas and other Vedic scriptures.

But are there only twelve constellations around?

Current practice of what is called Vedic astrology today, or jyotish, relies primarily on the sidereal (or visible) zodiac, wich understands the astrological signs based on the constellations. The constellation boundaries as defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 1930. The IAU defines the constellation boundaries without considering astrological uses of it. The angular constellations are patterns between a selected "cluster" of stars as seen from Earth. The angled patterns are of unequal width and shapes, and not on a line. This causes problems which are settled in different ways: A few sidereal astrologers define their signs based on the actual width of the constellations in the sky.

Many sidereal astrologers divide the ecliptic into 12 equal signs of 30 degrees each, and overlook there are 13 constellations with Ophiuchus included.

Koch also points out that in some modern Indian textbooks the interpretation of zodiac signs differs a lot from western interpretation. As an example, Fundamentals of Astrology by Ramakrishna Bhat, the star sign Cancer (which in our times differs from the Cancer constellation by ca. 25 degrees of arc)

He will be intelligent, virtuous, will command his relatives, be proud, troubled by fire and wind, talkative, of strong body, with a few children, will have connections with many women, be an astrologer, prompt, happy, of low income, learned, having secret sons, knower of many languages, always in company and receiving wealth from a king. (Ibid)
This is Bhat's complete description of the Cancer sign, Koch says. Bhat also says the Sun in Cancer: "He will be poor, sharp, doing other's work and be tired and constantly going on tiresome journeys." — But what happened to the sign's "learned . . . always in company and receiving wealth from a king"? we may well wonder.

Astrology and dreamwork can both be coupled to positive thinking. In that way astrology and dreamwork may be good for us. Have a look at the evidence that is gathered so far. Much is written on the value of dreaming, also for scientists that try to find out of problems they are confronted with. Besides, being deprived of sleep and dreams for a couple of months can lead to insanity.

More on dreams and dreaming:

  1. Calvin S. Hall and Edgar Cayce on Dreams and Dreaming
  2. Dreams and Dreaming with Bible References
  3. Carl Gustav Jung on Dreaming

Sound astrology

The more we elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate. - J. B. Priestley

Astrology that is good for an involved person, can be called sound astrology. It had better be fit too, and not too unrealistic. But that part could be up to you to find out of. There are several things that may help. Combining some of them might help even better.

  • Going deep within (meditating) may be done in the hope or expectation of getting better attitudes and elaborating on thoughts. The crucial factor is hardly the hope, but the firmness of ideas one is aligned with: Visualisation practices has demonstrable effects, writes Buzan and Gelb (1995:54-55, 57).

  • Visualisation may also be a feature of positive thinking, which borders on affirmations and lojong too.

  • Calculated optimism is another helpful influence in a life. (Inman 2007). Well balanced optimism can be good for us, research demonstrates. (Smith et al, 2003:522-23.).

  • Have some apt faith also, as long as you can benefit from it - by for example making deft use of what the so-called placebo effect shows: Faith in a thing influences a mind. The art of having faith consists in believing to your benefit. Considering how influential the placebo effect can be, one should seek to make decent use of the factor or factors underlying it, as the Swedish professor Olof Lindahl proposes. (Lindahl and Lindwall, 1979)

  • Have in mind to get lucky as well. (Wiseman 2003:1)

In short: Set your mind for good outcomes too. Try to act positively (Clements, 2000).


If you are lacking in luck, get proficient.

Luck and "constructive optimism" may go hand in hand. Dr Richard Wiseman explains that when lucky people meet their perfect partners, achieve their lifelong ambitions, find fulfilling careers, and live happy and meaningful lives, their success appear to have an uncanny ability to be in the right place at the right time and enjoy more than their fair share of lucky breaks. He goes on:

Lucky people are, without realising it, using four basic principles to create good fortune in their lives. . . . These principles can be used to enhance the amount of good luck that you experience in your life. (Wiseman 2003:1)

Here are the four principles of luck that Dr. Wiseman identified:

  1. Maximise your chance opportunities;
  2. Listen to your lucky hunches;
  3. Expect good fortune;
  4. Turn your bad luck into good. (Wiseman 2003:38-172)

Combining helpful factors in some sane and fit way and get synergic effects in one bold stroke may be wise along life's journey. Positive thinking coupled to lucky thinking and handling can be applied to one's birth horoscope too, can't it? However, for great, outward success we could need to be specific and follow up in some suitable ways too.

It could be good to focus on positive goals or end results we want, above mere characteristics, if we are up to that. If we dive deep into the sea of mind first, and then affirm and visualise or just wish good, positive things to happen in our lives, our lot in life could improve. And if not, can we tell for sure that they have not backed us up anyway? Simply put: You may not know how much worse you might have fared without these four factors put to work for you from deep inside.

Christopher Hansard teaches how to use such positive thinking for great ends, including living well enough. (Hansard 2004)

An optimist may expect good fortune from his horoscope too and keep his luck factors going for him.


Thinking Positively about Astrology

To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to. - Tony Dorsett

Traditionally, a horoscope may be interpreted by the help of various keys to warn against some possible untoward happenings and encourage other happenings or trends within limits; that is part of its usefulness, it is held. Does it seem too outré for us? Also, will it help us to relax for coping, or better: cope better, so that we can swim along in life better? After all, your attitude to things may determine it.

Depending in part on our attitude and positive interpretation of our horoscopes, it can make us better off than by mere chance. Is it worth a try? That is up to you to decide. There is a challenge in this: To learn to deal positively and constructively with lots subjects. Going about it in relaxed manner is good. How to deal with a horoscope to train ourselves in positive thinking and staying relaxed or alert? In part by going on. And if we don't perceive any treasures when we get to them, maybe someone will tell us about them if we are born under a lucky star, as they say.

Horoscope Lore for You and Me

There are different forms of astrology around. Try not to be taken in by any of them; better make sure and doubly sure if you can.

Making sure can be done through simple tests and better, more elaborate ones. The results of well conducted tests may in time offer our general chances, or odds, about what assertions of astrologers are spot-on, if any, and how often they are not right, and so on.

To sum up: There is astrological theory, which varies, and astrological practice, which also varies. It can be time-consuming to learn it beyond the superficial levels. Also, it can be very hard to validate the outcomes of the practices. One reason is that what is frequently told, is airy and potentially able to lock one's views significantly anyway.

Astrology as an academic subject

I believe in a lot of astrology. I believe in aliens. . . - Katy Perry

Astrology is not spoken hightly of among Western scientists of today. What about tomorrow? Who knows? And what about astrology's goings in India?

Jyotish (jyotisha) (Sanskrit jyotisha, light, heavenly body) is the traditional Hindu system of astronomy and astrology. It is also known as Hindu astrology, Indian astrology and Vedic astrology. Following a judgement of the Andhra Pradesh High Court in 2001, which favoured astrology, some Indian universities offer advanced degrees in astrology.

The University Grants Commission and the Ministry of Human Resource Development of the Government decided to introduce "Jyotir Vigyan" (i.e. jyotir vijnana) or "Vedic astrology" as a discipline of study in Indian universities, saying that "vedic astrology is not only one of the main subjects of our traditional and classical knowledge but this is the discipline, which lets us know the events happening in human life and in universe on time scale." The decision was backed up by the Andhra Pradesh High Court.

Also, the Supreme Court in 2004 concluded that the teaching of astrology did not qualify as the promotion of religion.

In 2014, astrology was taught at various universities in India, and there is a movement in progress to establish a national Vedic University to teach astrology together with the study of tantra, mantra, and yoga. I applaud it. After all, a westerner could benefit for openness to that "There may be sensible astrology and worse." Actually, horoscopy has a basis, which is astronomical, and then it contains patterns that to some degree are open to different interpretations. They vary.

The many facets of Jyotish-astrology are too many for a brief article, but there are books about the subject.

However, the validation of Hindu astrology theory seems to lag behind. So far not so much statistical main evidence has been put forth to support any of the premises or grand claims. What is more, astrologers regularly fail in predicting election results in India, and failed to predict the assassination of Indira Gandhi.

Checking claims in retrospect of such events may courage better understanding of what is or is not "written in the stars" - in horoscope charts, and instigate better tests. A belief that everything in a life is determined beforehand. However, in life, new happenings and developments intertwine with some of them. If a murderer was put to jail for something more trivial the day before he had in mind / was fated to kill someone, he could escape being executed for the murder he did not commit, for example. More and better astrology research also needs to take into account intertwining destinies and fine effects they give - and be less eager to stamp some happenings as bad and others as good. A wider perspective: "What once seemed good, can later show up to be bad, and what once seemed bad, can later show up to be good, as interchained events evolve." That is a certain part of life for astrologers to tackle too. The old man who did not jump to bad conclusions].

If assertions of astrologers prove helpful in a life, should they be banished because of lack of scientific proofs so far? I should say no. One reason: Life is a complex web, and research designs are narrow. The narrower they get, the less the results are transfer-valid onto real life of complexity. A wise and neat balance may be sought here.

(WP, "Hindu astrology")

It may be good for a human to swim deftly among the currents of higher justice to one's benefit

Is any of the following balanced and wise? I leave to you to decide if you have a basis for drawing valid, reliable conclusions in the matter.

Astrology remains an important facet in the lives of many. In Hindu culture, newborns are traditionally named based on their jyotisha charts, and astrological concepts are pervasive in the organization of the calendar and holidays as well as in many areas of life, such as in making decisions made about marriage, opening a new business, and moving into a new home.

Astrology remains an important facet of Hindu folk belief in contemporary India. Many Hindus believe that heavenly bodies, including the planets, have an influence throughout the life of a human being, and these planetary influences are the "fruit of karma." The Navagraha, planetary deities, are considered subordinate to Ishvara, i.e., the Supreme Being, in the administration of justice.

One is, ideally, not to be governed by astrology and astrologers, but take advantage of good findings, making solid, deft use of the best shots, or most promising topics, if that can be. That is how expediency has it.

[WP, "Hindu astrology"]

Here is "the deal": To avoid mishap and benefit from "well oiled" heavenly aspects, try and see if there are any clues among the heavenly bodies in relation to the moment. If there are and Western scientists are on the side-line, you could get benefits by deep-going knowledge.

To avoid mishaps and draw benefits in many walks of life may amount to harvesting less stress to relax from. Astrology tidings could amount to refreshing one's mind and preserving one's human sides too - the human heart may get into it somehow.

Think positively of Indian astrology and it should help you along unless you are old and feeble, set in your ways and faking a lot.

Vedic astrology, Jyotish, Indian astrology, Jyotisa, Jyotisha, Jyotishyam, positive thinking, sound astrology, Literature  

Behari, Bepin. 2003. Myths and Symbols of Vedic Astrology. Ed. David Frawley. Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press. ⍽▢⍽ The navagraha, the twelve rashi, and the twenty-seven nakshatra (lunar mansions) are explained somewhat.

Charak, K. S. 1995. Elements of Vedic Astrology. Vol 1. New Delhi: Vision Worldtronic.

⸻. 1995. Elements of Vedic Astrology. Vol 2. New Delhi: Vision Worldtronic.

Clements, Phil. Be Positive: A Guide for Managers. 2nd ed. London: Kegan Page, 2000.

de Vore, Nicholas. 1947. Encyclopedia of Astrology. New York: Philosophical Library.

Gelb, Michael J., and Tony Buzan. Lessons from the Art of Juggling. Aurum Press. London, 1995.

Hansard, Christopher. The Tibetan Art of Positive Thinking: Skilful Thoughts for Successful Living. New paperback ed. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2004.

Inman, Nick[olas]. The Optimist's Handbook: Facts, Figures and Arguments to Silence Cynics, Doom-Mongers and Defeatists. Petersfield, Hampshire: Harriman House, 2007.

Lewis, James R. 2003. The Astrology Book: The Encyclopedia of Heavenly Influences. 2nd ed. Canton, MI: Visible Ink Press.

Lindahl, Olof, and Lars Lindwall. Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet (Science and Proven Experience). Stockholm: Natur och Kultur, 1978. ⍽▢⍽ When definite research findings are not at hand, some may "try and see" for themselves. In this book, the Swedish professor Olov Lindahl explains one way of fit ("longitudal") self-testing and much else. (p. 109-16).

Ostrander, Sheila, and Lynn Schroeder, with Nancy Ostrander. Superlearning 2000. London: Souvenir Press, 1995.

Smith, Carolyn D., ed, et al. Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology. 14th ed. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth, 2003.

Wiseman, Richard. The Luck Factor. London: Arrow Books, 2004.

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