"It may seem easy, but it doesn't come naturally." Major advances that require much and careful thought are like that. On this and the next few pages is the utterly simple (to look at) philosophy that might help men and women and their children to find and perhaps also gain essential solvency or solvencies - and go on to gain 'gold eggs' (assets) if the times, hovering conditions and perhaps associates favour it or do not use negative sanctions too much and often against it.
Implementing strong, good solvency-measures may take time. One should beware of that and bulwark good things to one's ability.
Simplified Pictural Survey
Meanings of modelThe word 'model' comes from Latin 'modulus', small measure. 'Model' means many things today, including:
On this page and one or more following pages, several models will be shown and explained somewhat. These models are for operating well and not fooling oneself. But the intrinsic value of models is one thing; how they are actually made use of is another, and far more important. A fine model may assist solvency. Solvency is a key concept below. the quality or state of being solvent. It suggests being able to pay all one's debts. There are many ways of assisting it, and many levels or fields of solvency. Debts are of many kinds too. A debt is something owed, an obligation that can be due to demand, promise, contract, responsibility and duty, and so on. But let us adopt a wide look into this, much in tune with a recent Nobel-prize-winning theory in economy in 1992, minimal solvency is had by a balance between what comes in and what goes out. If more goes out than what comes in, you get impoverished, and as a result lose in the competition of making a living quite easily. One should try to preserve one's assets and make them work to one's benefit, and go for more in all right ways. That is included in the quite all-round model. Solvency of 'Capital'In a 1989 lecture, Nobel prize-winner Gary S. Becker (1930 -) described the idea of human capital, the core of his approach:
Building assets or reserves and conserving enough of them is what much is about. There are health reserves, mind reserves (education should ideally help it), and reserves of material wealth. Humans need a blend that works on all levels. With enough reserves we are able to take part in social life and "blend in" - to give and take, share benefits, and so on. Much depends on solid reserves. Below are philosophy parts - simple things simply told. You do not have to be a physicist or economist to get the gist of the models. From myth to basic philosophy
In Chinese mytology, before the world began there was chaos shaped like a hen's egg. The huge Pan Gu separated this egg into Yin and Yang. Yin formed the earth, Yang formed the sky. Yin stood for all the female, wet, dark things of nature, while Yang stood for all the male, dry and bright things. There could be no perfect happiness till there was a balance between Yin and Yang.
Tao-aligned Theory FirstThe first topics revolve about Dao (Tao) theory, which some famous physicists hold dear. It gives a much unified, over-all picture (scheme) of a totality. The totality (field) is divided in two, a limit is between them, and "the next you know" is a theory fit for getting gold eggs.
The "Get Tao"simplified symbol (fig.3a) that is used on this site, is allied to fig. 2. Here are two variants of the trek, or route, to get to where yin meets yang at the periphery. The two images (fig. 3) mean just the same. And what is that? The essential meaning is that by ideas you move outward toward a basis - home, place to stay, etc. (the green oval). When you have accessed enough there, you may feel for venturing toward the welcoming arms (get a Tao that suits you), by putting your best foot forward, which might be by focusing on your best feats and skills and so on (orange, left-turned arrow). And there is a Tao (the larger, red circle), which represents where yang meets yin and a Tao-fare (way, ways, means, and so on) is developed, more or less so (red arrow upwards). In India, a whole may be represented by a circle or a square (fig. 4). The little Get Tao-icon is derived from a square with Tao (a Way) shown as a diagonal from the bottom left and upwards. The basics are like that. Much else goes into the scheming, though (further down).
The little Get Tao-figure above above is used as an iconic marker on top of essays that present a likely and somehow handy enough route; a route that may yield both a balancing and a way out if followed. An underlying, existential philosophy ties in with and relates to the icon and larger image (fig. 3). The connection between the two of them may be clarified - they stand for features in basic Taoistic philosophy. The figures indicate how to build or get Tao. Below there is more on how to go for it too.
In Figure 4, a unity (whole) is represented by a circle (left) or a square (right). Both are old symbols in use. Each is divided in halves. The left circle is a simplification as compared to the yin-yang figure (fig. 1). Figure 4 is to indicate how a a yin-yang figure can be converted into a circle of halves, which equal a square of yang and yin, with a diagonal.
Figure 5 shows the right part of Figure 4. A pair of axes, the x axis and the y axis, are introduced, and their origo (0). By converting the main yin-yang figure (fig. 1) to a square with a diagonal dividing line between the halves, we get access to much elaborate idea-making - in stages. Basic cybernetical handling is into it
There is a philosophical side of cybernetics. We take off from the thinking of Dr. Norbert Wiener. The square has been allotted three layers. They correspond to the three aspects of matter in the view of Dr. Wiener, founder of cybernetics. They are:
The scales of the x axis and y axis do not have to be of equal length in a representation model like this one. Conservation of assets |
In addition to horisontal layers, vertical strands may be had too. Here they are. The segments speak of accruements and their possible conservation or dwindling along the x axis. How to interpret it, basically: The farther to the right, the more accruement.
Figure 7 helps us see just how Tao may be accessed. A route opens in the middle of the yang field (Cf. Fig. 4) and goes on from there to the Boden, ground, along the x axis, where it turns left toward Origo; that's where the two axes meet in the left bottom corner of this figure. From Origo the route (slanting line upwards) is told of as the Way, or Tao. The Way is the diagonal dividing area between ying and yang, and represents balancing and tact that is required to carry on too. Further, Tao may be divided in steps according to the three layers of cybernetics. The next figure helps to see more of this:
Figure 8 suggests how the tao route of Figure 2 comes about, and the next figure is a mnemonic help that focuses on the nose, just like Pablo Picasso in very many fine pictures. A mnemonic figure is a figure that amounts to help against forgetting.
Figures like these are for appropriating the main content with ease.
Figure 10 helps us to see how fields (areas) of the Tao figure are linked in a string that can suggest a string of accomplishments. You build from the first bead (to the right on top), try for a foundation or groundwork where bead 3 is, roughly, and then you may sift your assets well far and wide and reach Origo too, bead 6. We have divided this trek in steps and stages for you, to make it very, very easy to accomplish things that may please, gratify and satisfy you if you exercise (train yourself or kin) according to them in good, tenable ways. That vital part is up to you. It is wholly your responsibility how you use this research information. Yes, we need that safeguard. In the light of this, the connection betwen the two images of Figure 1 is had. If you learn and master the select stages of accomplishments and attainments involved in this sort of essays (tables), you could reap much benefit as time goes by. You may need lots of tact if you ascend in social life. How to use the basic ideas of the Tao essays on the site, is much elaborated here: [LINK] and here: [LINK] Structuralist thinking is integrated in the Gain Tao design too |
This accentuated Tao route of attainments with its steps and stages is very much like "the trek of accomplishments" in the structuralist ideations of Algirdas Greimas (fig. 11). My Greimas-allied route starts - as his "conflict axis" too - in the middle of the Yang field, as marked by a purplish circle, reaches the Boden (periphery) (red circle) and goes to the left from there till it reaches the Origo (golden circle), which is the postulated Tao point of departure. The diagonal represents Tao (also written Tao in Pinyin), a middling way between darkness and light, yin and yang, and the diagonal is divided into three spans in the model. The spans are between the coloured circles of the diagonal. Each Tao span corresponds with postulated attainments of Greimas. To know rises above to do in this scenario, and to know how to do, or be able to do, lies in between. Each span has a corresponding "layer" in the cybernetics of Norbert Wiener (fig. 5). Another System Anchorage too |
In Asiatic teachings, there are constructive outlets and destructive ones. Rudeness tends to belong to the destructive elements of a life. In a simple way these teachings are depicted in the yin-yang teachings at bottom of acupuncture. The so-called constructive and destructive cycles at the bottom of classical Chinese acupuncture show the same idea in a more complete form, and these models are applied in a acupuncture treatment sessions. And sure enough, ancient Chinese included elements (system elements of acupuncture have half-poetic names, for sure) in it too. Ancient Indian scriptures call these elements bhutas. There is yet another and simpler way of depicting such deep-going "cycles" - to depict the constructive tidiness and elegance (Norw: Lødigheit) involved in order-building and basic, health-rewarding issues. The "cycle" involved in constructive outlets is represented by a spinning sun. But there is another "spiralling influence" too, another spin that is possible, and that is one of disorder, discord, derangement fit for destructive agents that can be "all around". Both ways are found in nature. Do not get any wrong ideas at this point; the latter image was made infamous in the reign of Hitler, but it is many thousands of years old, and is, among other things, a religious symbol. Depictions are found in Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism, Indian Tantra, and also on the bandolær of the nearly 1500 years old Snartemo sword found in Norway; it is now at Historical Museum in Oslo.
Eggs of Gold
There are two types of gold eggs, as we call them: (a) ideas and (b) accomplishments. Thoughts are good and tact is too. Skills and handling routines can be had on top of good thoughts and practice. Practical accomplishments may be the most valuable to attain, but one should gather what one can - if proverbs like "One pound of learning requires ten pounds of common sense to use it", "An ounce of practice is worth a pound of precept" and "If skill could be acquired by watching, dogs would be butchers" are laden with significant all-round value. How to arrive at eggs of gold - ie, selfhood, has been suggested. One may use our basic design to arrive at ideas and relevant forms of sound mastery learning, which may be crowned by likable accomplishments. It is not as easy as it sounds. Meticulously had: handling wisdom
There are many forms and facets of knowledge. The Tao system divulged here, allows a man to build handling knowledge in a string (row) of beads (accomplishments). Words that give vent to such a row (stretch) of thinking, are favourable summaries. They are fit for that sort of kings who claim "My home is my castle". Fgreigure 14 shows when stringed ideas in an essay have been grasped and gathered in such a way. They are not easily arrived at, and some may help you.
When you reach all right satisfactions, it should be time to move on or up toward
some next stage(s).
Layout MeritsCybernetically aligned Tao wisdomThis cybernetical Taoism shows how to build relevant Tao forms and facets, whereas the ancient philosophy of Taoism of Tao Te Ching and the Chuang Tzu and other Taoist classics tends to portray the decline of Tao. There is one more difference between such Taoism and this new form: whereas philosophers like Lao Tzu fairly often seem to dethrone adult thinking, or the Adult in Dr Eric Berne's terminology, we do not. The Adult (rational instance) is also rationality, which is needed for gathering and gauging old and new wisdom. Structuralism of Design
Doing research and writing research papers - including term papers - conforms to the pattern shown under the "Writing Process" on another page: (Thesis making in short]. The numbered stages are embedded in the all-over stretch (route, trek) that needs to be built up. The solvency giving scheme behind it is a structural grid which is shown in considerable detail here. [Link]. According to this solvency giving scheme we sift and sort and serialise good points and find solutions to many problems of life, and could work very well for home-making - but results also depend on understanding things, on circumstances, accomplices, associates and so on. A few more words on schemas: A schema (pl. schemas) is a cognitive structure that helps us perceive, organize, process, and utilize information. It guides our perception in basic ways, and helps us identify what is important by providing a regular structure within which to organize and process information [Smith et al. 2003, 474, 475]. Dale Schunk gives this definition: "A schema is a [cognitive] structure that organizes large amounts of information into a meaningful system." (Schunk 2012, 189) Thus, a schema is a stereotype specifying a standard pattern or sequence [or both] of steps associated with a particular concept, skill, or event. Schemata are types of plans we use during our environment interactions [emphasis added]. Schemata aid in comprehending information. (Ibid. 189) Also, from the same source:
Schemas (or schemata) are large networks that represent the structure of objects, persons, and events (Anderson, 1990) (in Schunk 2012, 195) Schemas are important during teaching and for transfer (Matlin, 2009). Once students learn a schema, teachers can activate this knowledge when they teach any content to which the schema is applicable. . . . Once students learn the schema, they can employ it to categorize new formations they study. (Schunk 2012, 1996) Also, according to Jean Piaget, human development involves the acquisition of schemes, which are types of cognitive structures that underlie and make possible organized thought and action. [Schunk 1996, 104].
Jeanne Ellis OrmrodIn contemporary cognitive theory, the term schema usually refers to a closely connected set of ideas (including concepts) related to a specific object or event. (Ormrod 2012, 243)
The tick tack tao table that we use, is designed for sensible schema learning, and what is more, research also says that icons help identifying various levels that go into it. Icons are image expressions aimed at efficient communication, drawing better attention to what is meant to be essential information. Schemas helped by iconsSchemas are helped by carefully designed icons. Not all icons are equal in how they affect people. Some icons are arbitrary, others are apt. Intrusive icons are a bother - deceptive icons are far worse. Icons communicate through shapes, lines and colours. Icons can be quick to recognise and process. Icons can make handling of textual information much easier. Iconic forms can be quickly recognized and processed, and their meanings are memorable. Icons also build context in that they give a sense beforehand of what its aligned text will be about. It puts the information in context, which may save time and improve comprehension. Use of apt icon devices helps memory, as images can do - for people have a better memory for pictures than for words. And when images and words are used together, learners are likely to remember the image and associate it with the key point. Icons may enhances aesthetics when designed with enough care. Aesthetically pleasing materials are preferred by users and can increase their motivation. Chunking information into categories - for example 'anecdotes' - can be a good way to help people learn. Categories provide a framework for storing information. Icons can enhance the framework by being associated with various categories too. (Cf. Malamed 2016; 2011, 133 -) People form more cohesive representations of content (and more accurate schemas) when they acquire the content both visually and verbally (called dual coding) rather than acquiring it through visuals only or text only (called single coding), says Karen Schriver (2010). Related infographics: Infographics can be implemented to explain things such as a process and structure to help understanding of different relationships and how ideas are connected. (Smiciklas 2012, 35) The science bitFinally, our basic way of stringing topics into spans or stages is like the scientific ways of handling things in research and report-making. It conforms to all right scientific basis procedures. [Master a thesis: basic steps] Research GateIn basic research there are steps and stages. One switches to and fro many of them. What follows is a mere sketch of the steps. Rigid training may be needed and useful in science accordingly:
You will find that the steps indicated thought this very allround solution finder - or problem solving allround methodology - are linked to the tick tack toe schema above and the mainframe schema [Link]. Through exploring and scientific knowhow man gradually rises above the "monkey" level of aping and conformism, and that is thought to be good and wise, but it can be hard work too, both advancing and keeping the hard-won assets may be hard. All the same, one may reduce the toil more or less by sensible use of the advance modifiers, the "well-wells" we have devised. Many of them are found on another page. [Modifiers]. These very basic steps and stages of research in general correspond very well to a very useful semi-cybernetic scheme that we have developed, and which lies at the bottom of some of our essays. [Defining scheme] Four into OneThe unified, novel Taoism model solves hard problems too. It is a powerful tool for thinking and forming routines that can assist constructivist activity. Good condition are needed along with it, too. The model may be put to work for "all" and one may further be taught how to catch gold eggs through it (a metaphor is there). Gold in this context represents (pleasant) selfsameness, selfhood is another term, and both are linked to the Sanskrit word 'swa' or 'sva', which means self. In other contexts (settings) we use 'gold' as a synonym for handy, all right handy, which is specially valuable.
It is also good to form neat and elegant keyword poetics from the gist of the allround solution finder. Keywords and key phrases may work well when thus stringed. There are several ways of doing it. [Aligned metrics] |
George, Frank H. 1976. Cybernetics. Teach Yourself Books / Hodder & Stoughton. George, Frank H. 1970. Cybernetics in Management. London: Pan Books. George, Frank H. 1979. The Philosophical Foundation of Cybernetics. Tunbridge, Kent: Abacus Press. Greimas, Algirdas. 1983. Strukturel semantik. Odense: Borgen. (the same as Structural Semantics: An Attempt at a Method., University of Nebraska Press, 1983) Krum, Randy. 2014. Cool Infographics. Effective Communication with Data Visualization and Design. Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley and Sons. Malamed, Connie. 2011. Visual Language for Designers: Principles for Creating Graphics that People Understand. Reprint ed. Beverly, MA: Rockport Publishers. Malamed, Connie. 2016. How To Use Icons In eLearning. The eLearning Coach. [theelearningcoach.com/media/icons-in-elearning/] Nearman, Hubert, tr. 2007. Shobogenzo: The Treasure House of the Eye of the True Teaching. Mount Shasta, CA: Shasta Abbey Press. Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis. 2012. Human Learning. 6th ed. London: Pearson Education. Schriver, Karen. 2010. Review of Connie Malamed's Visual Language for Designers (see above). In Information Design Journal 18:1, 84–87. Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Schunk, Dale: 2012. Learning Theories. An Educational Perspective. 6th ed. Boston: Pearson Education. Schunk, Dale, 1996. Learning Theories. An Educational Perspective. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Merrill/Prentice-Hall. Smiciklas, Mark. 2012. The Power of Infographics: Using Pictures to Communicate and Connect with Your Audiences. Indianapolis, IN: Que Publishing. Smith, Carolyn D. (ed) et al. 2003. Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology. 14th ed. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth. Wiener, Norbert. 1964. The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society. London: Free Association. von Foerster, Heinz. Understanding Understanding; Essays on Cybernetics and Cognition. New York: Springer, 2003.
Wiener, Norbert. 2010. Cybernetics or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine. 2nd ed. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
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