Bad Commands Are Not Worth Going For
❋ Teachings of Jesus in all the gospels are for Jews only, on his word. But there is more to it still. To clarify these matters still further:
The four requirements for non-Jewish Christians are simple to learnNot a Jew? In Acts 15:17-29 and 21:25 the four requirements that apply for Gentile Christians are: No to (1) blood food; (2) choked animals, including wrangled chicken and other poultry; (3) Adultery; (4) one more thing. Yes, for non-Jews, removing the foreskin was foregone, and no morbid self-maiming, poverty-embracing, give-in-to-bullies commands of Jesus were included as requirements for all. These decisions of all the apostles and the Holy Spirit together in Acts - called the Apostolic Decree from 49 or 50 CE, form the basis of all later Christianity. There were probably no written gospels at that time. The oldest of the written gospels may have been written around 70 CE. No commands of Jesus were included in the Pact for Gentile followers either. In such "good old days" before martyrisating of millions set it, people became Christians by the Holy Ghost descending on them, and some without knowing what Jesus commanded for Jews only. [Wikipedia, s.v. "Council of Jerusalem"] ❋ All the apostles and the Holy Spirit formed the gentler deal for Gentiles, which is known as Christianity.
Unbearable, intolerable commands are dispensed withA "good old Christian" did not have to comply with commands of maiming one's body parts for lust in the mind; giving up one's valuables to be poor, letting bullies win by turning the other cheek, and letting insistent ones have one's home, possessions, by just asking. Mind how Jesus has decreed many things that in sum make life miserable and unbearable to his poor followers, even without the violent persecutions that came in time too. Those who heed the words by Jesus today without being Jews, without qualifying, must be misled, as compared to the huge majority that keeps beggars at a distance, never give up their homes gladly just by being asked, who pluck out their eyes and tear of limbs, and swear on the Bible, despite Jesus' "Do not swear." Look around and hold on to what you see: The vast majority of Christians do not maim themselves, not physically, that is. They cling to treasured possessions, including boat houses and cottages in the countryside or in the mountains, cars and more, and shield themselves against thieves the best they can by gated communities and other alternatives to fortresses. But whether they understand it or not, they may live according to the Deal vouchsafed to non-Jewish followers in Acts 15, and are not obliged to obey commands of Jesus in any way, since it is said twice in a gospel that those teachings are for Jews and only Jews. In other words, Jesus' violent denunciations of hypocrites do not seem to apply at all. Very many stake their future in the great beyond on that. Mind they are in line with all the apostles, the Holy Spirit, and the early Church, and that is nothing to be trifled with. Should Jesus be allowed to condemn anyone acting in accordance with the Holy Spirit and the apostles of old? that Great Deal of Acts 15? You must ask what right he has, in case! Granted that his supreme task was to be sacrificed and die for the benefit of Jews. The sacrifice design was a whim, a flight of fancy, it showed up - for it did not work well. The vast majority of Jews refused him and preferred Barabbas when it came to preferences in those days. A Christian nowadays prefers to live out that the one thing that matters is that the failed sacrifice allowed the Holy Ghost to descend on Jews, and later on Gentiles, and that is what being saved means, and that is the basis of the Church, with four requirements added to it. So if you are saved in that biblical sense, you have got the Holy Ghost in you, are taught from within, it says, and may not eat black pudding and choked chickens. To those who have said "Jesus is my Master, Lord, or whatever," there is good reason to pinpoint that he said you are meant to surpass him in the Right Spirit (John 14:12), and if you don't believe it can be, try to stand up to his gospel words in the matter:
❋ All things possible? Everything impossible? Nothing impossible? Then why doesn't it happen a lot more often? "Big words don't fatten the cabbage (Proverb)."
Poor Jewish followers and eaters of black pudding!Obdurate ones have failed in much so far, such as in grasping fairly well that Jesus says in Matthew 15:24 and 10:4-9 that his teachings are for Jews only. Later-added missionary commands are forgeries, Joseph Wheless points out, as Dr Vermes has mentioned already. Those who do not believe in Jesus here, may kindly explain why no non-Jewish Christians so far have talked Himalayan mountains into thowing themselves into the sea - You may cry, "Poor Jewish Jesus-follower who have not even tried to talk a mountain into throwing itself into the sea! He or she may get hell for it. It is in the gospels, and Jesus is credited with it." You should also ask; "What was he up to?" It appears he wanted followers to be poor, homeless, hated, self-maiming and wincing in lots of ways. Compare 1 Samuel 8, where the Jewish king (messiah) is explained to act like an enemy to his people. Take a stand. All the apostles and the Holy Spirit did. With Jacob (James), the brother of Jesus, they agreed: "What is valid from now on is to get the Holy Spirit and stick to all the four requirements." It may sound easy, but many who mar the lives of adulterers might have something just as loathsome to deal with: a mean of black pudding here, a wrangled chicken there - who knows? It is according to the gospels and Acts, basically. If you say yes to the Deal and should happen to break any of the four, one or more, what will happen to you beyond? That is the question to ask carefully and well in advance to prepare for sad things happening to you. There is the worst-case scenario about a valley in Jerusalem, Gehenna and being destroyed there. To become a Buddhist, for example, is that a way to reduce much unsavoury in your way? It could be, and it depends in part on how many you are that go Buddhist together and what or whom you are surrounded by or even dependent on. One or three good Buddhist might be overwhelmed - it could help to be many. "The more the merrier" is a saying. Act according to the lay of the land and stop paying just lip service. A repeat: the commands of Jesus - each and every meant for Jewish followers only or mainly - were not included in the deal for non-Jewish followers, and for a reason. That is what the New Testament says. There are many Bible translations online, and NIV (New International Version) is a reliable one. To check, write the name of the gospel, add the chapter (and verses) and see what is in that haul. Example: Search for "Matthew 15:24". A believer, confused or hardened, needs to check the bible passages and stop taking everything on faith. ❋ There are things to believe and not to believe. ❋ Inherently harmful commands are seldom worth going for in times of peace and prosperity. ❋ A Buddhist is not called to believe, but to go along the path of enlightenment. A conviction is a tall beliefPropagation takes many forms. Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952) once said, "You don't have to believe; you can know. If I had a thousand mouths, I would speak through them all to convince you (1982:111)." He did not have a thousand mouths. Considering dentist bills and mouth care, having one mouth and one tongue in it is quite enough. Moreover, having one, well unified and careful teaching is better than saying this and that and regretting parts of it after some time. Not regretting mishap statements and contradictions of oneself is not a good sign; it speaks of lack of consideration too, not only lack of careful thought. One should go for fair, central issues in the first place and a non-branding approach as far as can be. Ultimate Reality is also called Essence embodied in phenomena or things that may be perceived by the mind-and-senses. Learning and schooling can both assist soundness. In schooling the focus needs to be main ideas, and methods need to be well adapted to to how memory and solid learning work in unison. Many sorts of learning citations and curriculums form attitudes and social skills. You can profit from mind-mapping, at least a little bit. [More] ❋ It matters to get aware of the lack of consideration that is revealed where they sacrifice innocents and make herds out of formerly sound people. It matters even more to stay away from there, for getting out of sects may become difficult.
Sound Teachings Help Everyday Living a LotTake a quick look at the basic, best teachings of Buddhism for all instead of being taken in and profited from by many who seek to ride on top of confused members and children and rake in money, prestige and wealth from many of them.
No to self-Molesting deals of Jesus is in the Right Spirit
You will have to look up the whole citations to see what the gospels tell. Jesus means that some could get a following as christs by deception. Better say yes to the good compact and take proper care of your health too (Cf. Matthew 9:12-13). ❋ Some who address basic, low instincts and get a following by such means, may derange and in turn get deranged, if not exposed,
Do Not Worry about Which Words Passed AwayThe end of the world and of ChristianityGoing to the most ancient sources is not much, where for example Peter says, The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. Do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering. You are blessed. . . . It is time for judgement to begin with the family. Continue to do good. [1 Peter 4:7, 14, 15, 17, 19, passim] Luckily, the end that Jesus allegedly "foresaw" and Peter too the Holy Spirit of Truth and correct prophesies had descended on him, has not appeared so far. Jesus seems to say:
"The four winds" may need some elaboration. Which are they? And are not the winds from south-west and north-west among the great winds - capable of hurricane strength? And what about the wind from north-north-west? Are there no elect to gather in it? "The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. The answer is blowing in the wind," sings Bob Dylan. Did the presaged, tragic things happen at the time the apostles expected? No. And they had allegedly been given the spirit of truth to inform and remind them, Jesus is quoted to say in gospels. Can words remain if the universe disappears? How can it be ascertained without a shadow of doubt? ❋ North-north-west and other things - like gospel sayings - count for nothing if the whole world should disappear.
The end of the world, will it be quick?As luck would have it, the end of the world did not come at the time that Jesus prophesied. But study what the Bible says about false prophets and how to deal with them before rejoicing too much: the Old Testament demands false prophets must be killed and not feared, and Jesus vouched for that Law completely in Matthew 5:17-19. A prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to say . . . must be put to death. You may say to yourselves, "How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?" If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him. Deuteronomy 18:20-22)". Granted that Jesus foretold the end of the world would come in the lifetime of his apostle disciples - according to gospels -, it matters to know how the good old Bible wants him to be handled. Check Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium by Dr Bart D. Ehrman (2001) for more, if you please. [Bart D. Ehrman books] ❋ Lying fakers are in for hard times where there is an unquenchable hellfire - even after heaven and earth are gone - is that it?
Another problemJesus says his words will not pass away (Matthew 24:35). Initial query: Just where are those words when earth and heaven are gone?" Speaking of recordings, here on earth many words of Jesus are missing so far. Mere fragments left in such as in the gospel of Thomas show it, and some lacunas (missing parts) in other ancient texts too. And compare John: "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written [John 21:25]." Much is missing, since the world is big, and bigger than formerly thought. How big is it? Interestingly, scientists have no idea.
Here are good tidings: Almost all the words of Jesus were not written down, the gospel says, and all the apostles and the Holy Spirit agreed there was no need for them in the reminding and comforting Spirit of Truth either, and Christianity was founded in 50 CE or a year earlier. (Wikipedia, "Council of Jerusalem") Consider it good luck that you do not have to read all the now missing words of Jesus - the commands for self-maiming, poverty and giving up tell so much already in the light of Acts 15:19-20; 28-29 and 21:25. A "Hurra for James, the brother of Jesus," might be fit for many who do not want to play the common hypocrite game: "I am a follower of Jesus without doing all he commands", and seemingly being aware that a non-Jewish follower has not been called to it and does not seem to qualify either, unless he or she is Jewish, is from the New Testament's five first books. ❋ Bigger and bigger, and yet smaller and smaller to the detecting eye and its "agents" (equipment) that make efforts to peer into what might be far out there.
Can Bornean folks take part in preventing the world from being ended?You do not have be termed a Buddhist to derive benefit from the self-help teachings of Buddha and go on smoothly, as fit. As for forgeries in the Bible, there are many of them, and forgeries are not fit for placing trust in. What about the much later-added Missionary Command? "This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come (Matthew 24:14). "It's a forgery!" thunders Joseph Wheless. Just ask yourself: "Did the end of the world come during the generation of Jesus, or the first, second, third, or fiftieth after him?" Not so. What is more, one a very bright and positive note, perhaps, as long as the gospel is not preached among all the nations in Amazonas and New Guinea and wherever they might be, there is great hope. Grasp the Egg of Columbus: to hinder much devastation - of rainforests too -, keep some areas on New Guinea and Borneo and many other places free from the infiltrating Christian agents, or missionaries, modern communications, Bibles and more in such a vein, to prevent the end of the world, a horrible thing. All along, be on your guard that no one deceives you - sstand firm against the demagogy of sallow ones: those who actively work to usher in the end of the world by spreading the gospel "everywhere", but are victims of ancient forgeries, very likely. ❋ Did the apostles of Jesus do their parts in preventing the end of the world in that they did not write any gospels we know of, just as Bart D. Ehrman points out in such as Forged: Writing in the Name of God (2011)?
Stand firm against outdated viewsAs an example of further obsolete thinking, Jesus also said right before a cloud hid him: "You will be my witnesses . . . to the ends of the earth." [Acts 1:8] Luckily, the earth has no corners, no ends. It is round and spinning. According to that, there will be plenty of time, plenty of time. Paul too is occupied with the end, the day of the Lord. [1 Cor 1:8; 15:24; Hebr 9:26]. The first Christians were convinced by faith that the end was near, and many might even have welcomed being massacred. Which Generation Is Going to Count in the End?The prophesy about the end of the world by Jesus is false, and the earth still turns. Who tells he is the truth and is much mistaken, is not someone to go for, then, like false prophets of the Old Testament. Go on and be happy with no misplaced faith. Try to live soundly and well, rather. Why not try out sound, sustainable, beneficial and biological farming and gardening instead of getting bible-phrase-dependent? We can let there be room for much else that helps in your life too. You, on the other hand, may get into a good way of living, one that helps you onward and inward. That is what good meditation and a good and coping lifestyle can do. False is false. False teachings can harm, so dscard the false when you meet it, and it may not envelop you. We may also rise above fanatics. Buddha holds that "The noble method is rightly seen and rightly ferreted out by discernment." [Anguttara Nikaya 10:92] In Buddhism and Hinduism it is fit for many to try to get rich and healthy and develop the higher sides to oneself and life. If admire you must - it is natural to id through some phases - to admire the killers in the Bible or elsewhere may not put anyone that we care for on the right track. But to admire the wise instead of the filthily rich guys may lead to improvements. ❋ The Old Testament glorifes butchery and killings, vicarious sacrifices and ruthless massacres if God is on their side. Buddha gives a better religion than that through "the fourth sort" of persons. [Apannaka Sutta]
Butchery and killers hand in handMoses killed a man in anger. Those who were made priests in Israel, killed thousands. David was a killer, and Uriah was one victim. The apostle Paul was a mass murderer of Christians before his conversion. When Jesus says the servant is the master's better, Abraham's son Ishmael, born to his slave woman Hagar, should be more worth than Isaac, and Hagar better than Sarai who had two innocents sent into the wastelands to die. It may be better not think so much of servants and positions in a society based on slavery, but favour true worth above it. Tend to yourself. Machines may help you out and do the work of ten and many more slaves nowadays. It can be checked rather easily and loosely. How much work and time does a washing-machine spare you, the refrigerator, the oven, the water closet, water in the house, and the shops close by? Do not be reckless or confused by bible stuff, other demagogical works and propaganda aimed at catching you, fishing you, and using you from there. Besides, good friends are not good friends on sunny days. [Buddha on good friends]. We may benefit from keeping much terse and relevant to get quality time for wider pursuits. It may be very wise to master several Hindu virtues in time, as we grow older: wealth, sexual prowess, health, increased freedom degrees (many come with riches). The four relate to the Hindu life ideals and attainments of artha (wealth), kama (lust), dharma (righteous way of living), and moksha (freedom). Health may be added as part of holistic wealth. According to psychoanalytic thinking, a sound mind and partly a sound body could depend on unhampered flow of "source libido", a fit and developing moral (decency), and skills of living too, or adequacy. As you get skilled and not killed, there are finer fares and nuances to venture into, such as the arts of writing, painting, science disciplines, and so on. Terseness and blandness have their price. As a result of quality education and study you may not succumb to fervent religiousness and get abused for it. ❋ "Spare me from Jehovah-butcherer-bullies and thieves," said a coping man.
Who is a vehement hypocrites, now?Jesus condemned hypocrites [Matthew 7:5; 15:7-8; 23:14.-33, etc], but two gospels present him as one. He condemned people who did what the gospels say he himself did: In one place he said he had told nothing in secret [John 18:20]. In another place he said he had taught his disciples the secrets of heaven [Matthew 13:11]. The "Spirit of Truth" was supposed to guide the early Christians too. Either someone had "bad days at work" or was missing when forgeries were written "all over the place" by competing fractions of early Christianity, Gnostics and all. ❋ Not to misstep a lot is what Buddha's general guidelines are for, in the main.
Jesus Said the Law is Valid, the Reminding Ghost Did Not
Most people have worked on Saturdays and Sundays too, and Jesus says that the Law is wholly valid. Ahem. Not everybody is stoned for working on Saturdays all the same. And this pinpointing of how things are in the main, is indeed no recommendation to get gruesome either. (Matthew 5:17-19). Many Yahweh-decreed" rituals demanding goat skins, scapegoats, and the like are defunct by now. Jews have no great temple in Jerusalem today, so many temple practices are similarly dropped. Gentile followers got a laxer deal. All the apostles and the Holy Ghost agreed to it. Let bygones be bygones: for your own good try to live a moral and decent life, a righteous life, and develop both inner qualities and skills of coping and handling. Do it for you. Do not be too scared by the story of two old people who died after having put aside some money for their old age. (Acts 5:1-11)
A ConclusionChi g'ha 'l lof 'n bocca el lo g'ha drio ala copa (Proverb from Trentino)."When you gossip about someone, that one at once appears," is the meaning of the proverb. It is related to "Cry wolf [lof], and he will appear", but it is seldom true, especially where there are no wolves. Jesus, gospel writers and many, many more have talked about the end of the world for nearly two thousand years, and we know it has not come, not yet. Even though the Revelation in the Bible says "the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy" [Revel 19:10], the sorry end of the world did not come when his apostles and the Holy Ghost thought, after listening to him and cutting out all his commands and leaving just four requirements for non-Jewish followers [Acts 15 and Acts 21:25]. It might do us good learn to sort out essentials in good time. It is in part what good study depends on. Ecologically sound farming is a good thing. And the farming methods of Jesus were not good, not advanced, not biologically oriented either, in that he decided to let weeds choke the wanted plants. What well-meaning farmer would mismanage his or her farm or garden like that? You can apply what you get at by getting into settings that fit your calibre and insights - good company also lifts up up. If some insight does not suit your calibre and stage of development, you are likely to ignore it shortly after. If you do not live up to your highest potential, you may start a process of suppressions, which tend to make unwelcome, maintains Rollo May. So get away from sacrificing innocents and consider it to be corruption imposed on the flocks - You could do well not to allow yourself to be compromised, then. |
Ehrman, Bart D. Forged: Writing in the Name of God: Why the Bible's Authors Are Not Who We Think They Are. New York: HarperCollins, 2011. ⸻. Forgery and Counterforgery: The Use of Literary Deceit in Early Christian Polemics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. ⸻. Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium. Paperback ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. Raffaelli, Umberto. Antica saggezza dei nostri nonni: I più bei proverbi del Trentino Alto Adige. Treviso, Veneto: Editoriale Programma, 2015. (p. 66) Vermes, Geza. From Jewish to Gentile: How the Jesus Movement Became Christianity. Biblical Archaeology Review (BAR) 38:06, Nov/Dec 2012. Yogananda, Paramahansa. Man's Eternal Quest. 2nd. ed. Los Angeles, CA: Self-Realization Fellowship, 1975.
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