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Bøker attåt innleiingaKronman, Anthony T. Education's End: Why Our Colleges and Universities Have Given Up on the Meaning of Life. London: Yale University Press, 2007. Maslow, Abraham. The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. Preston, David Lawrence. 365 Ways to Be Your Own Life Coach: A Programme for Personal and Professional Growth - In Just a Few Minutes a Day. 2nd ed. Oxford: How To Books, 2009. Schiraldi, Glenn. 10 Simple Solutions for Building Self-Esteem: How to End Self-Doubt, Gain Confidence and Create a Positive Self-Image. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2007.
Kapittel 1. Sjølvtaksering, sjølvverd, læringBarrett, Jim. The Aptitude Test Workbook: Discover Your Potential and Improve Your Career Options with Practice Psychometric tests. Rev. ed. London: Kogan Page, 2008. Bennie, Michael. A Guide to Good English Communication: How to Write and Speak English Well in any Business Situation. Oxford: How To Books, 2009. Berne, Eric. Games People Play. Reissue ed. London: Penguin, 2010. Braiker, Harriet B. Who's Pulling Your Strings? New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004. Caunt, John. Boost Your Self-Esteem. London: Kogan Page, 2003. James, Muriel, and Dorothy Jongeward. Born to Win: Transactional Analysis with Gestalt Experiments. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley, 1971. Vogt, Peter. Career Wisdom for College Students: Insights You Won't Get in Class, on the Internet, or from Your Parents. New York: Ferguson Publishing, 2007. Dittmer, Robert E. 151 Quick Ideas to Manage Your Time. Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press, 2006. Preston, David Lawrence. 365 Ways to Be Your Own Life Coach: A Programme for Personal and Professional Growth - in just a Few Minutes a Day. 2nd ed. Oxford: How To Books, 2009.
Kapittel 2. Å finne den rette hylla. Meir læring. Betringar og modning kjem vel tilAdair, John, and Melanie Allen. The Concise Time Management and Personal Development. Reprint. London: Thorogood Publishing, 2003. Barrick, Murray M. and Ann Marie Ryan. Personality and Work: Reconsidering the Role of Personality in Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003. Brown, Duane et al. Career Choice and Development. 4th ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2002. Chambers, Johs., main ed. Career Discovery Encyclopedia. 7th ed. Vol. 1 (of 8 Vols.). New York: Ferguson Publishing, 2009. Enelow, Wendy, S., and Shelly Goldman. Insider's Guide to Finding a Job: Expert Advice from America's Top Employers and Recruiters. Indiananpolis, IN: JIST Works, 2005. Goffman, Erwing, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Monograph No. 2. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Social Sciences Research Centre, 1956. Goffman, Erwing, Relations in Public: Microstudies of the Public Order. New York: Basic Books, 1971. Hartung, Paul J., and Linda M. Subich, eds. Developing Self in Work and Career: Concepts, Cases, and Contexts. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association (APA), 2010. Hirsch, Arlene J. Job Search and Career Checklists: 101 Proven Time-Saving Checklists to Organize and Plan Your Career Search. Indianapolis, IN: JIST Works, 2005. Jongeward, Dorothy, and Philip Seyer. Choosing Success: Transactional Analysis on the Job. New York: Wiley, 1978. Leech, Corinne. Managing Time: Learning Made Simple. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007. Lemert, Charles, and Ann Branaman, eds. The Goffman Reader. Oxford: Blackwell, 1997. Leonard, George. Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment. London: Plume /Penguin, 1992. Neale, Stephen, Lisa Spencer-Arnell and Liz Wilson. Emotional Intelligence Coaching: Improving Performance for Leaders, Coaches and the Individual. London: Kogan Page, 2009. Pyke, Gary, and Stuart Neath. Be Your Own Career Consultant: How to unlock your career potential. London: Pearson Education, 2002. Watson, Tony J. Organising and Managing Work: Organisational, Managerial and Strategic Behaviour in Theory and Practice 2nd ed. Harlow: Pearson Education, 2006. Yarnall, Jane. Strategic Career Management: Developing Your Talent. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008. Yeung, Rob. The Ten Career Commandments. Oxford: How To Books, 2002.
Kapittel 3. I det vande gjenget. I arbeidslivetAshton, Michael. Individual Differences and Personality. 2nd ed. London: Academic Press / Elsevier, 2013. Ashworth, Peter. Psychology and Human Nature. Howe, Essex: Taylor and Francis e-Library, 2002. Bird, Polly. Improve Your Time Management. London: Teach Yourself / Hodder Education, 2010. Chandler, Steve, and Scott Richardson. Ways to Motivate Others: How Great Leaders Can Produce Insane Results Without Driving People Crazy. Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press, 2008. Corrie, Sarah. The Art of Inspired Living: Coach Yourself with Positive Psychology. London: Karnac Books, 2009. Donnelly, Jim. Career Development for Teachers. 2nd ed. London: Kogan Page, 2002. Forsyth, Patrick. Career Management. Oxford: Capstone Publishing 2002. Green, Graham. The Career Change Handbook: How to Find out What You're Good at and Enjoy - Then Get Someone to Pay You for It. 4th ed. Oxford: How To Books, 2008. Kilburg, Richard. Executive Coaching: Developing Managerial Wisdom in a World of Chaos. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association (APA), 2000. Kofodimos, Joan. Your Executive Coaching Solution: Getting Maximum Benefit from the Coaching Experience. Mountain View, CA: Davies-Black Publishing, 2007. Langdon, Ken. The 100 Greatest Ideas for Building Your Career. Reprint ed. Chichester: Capstone/Wiley, 2003. Management Extra. Manage Yourself. Oxford: Elsevier, Butterworth, Heinemann, 2005. Maslow, Abraham. Motivation and Personality. 3rd ed. New York, HarperCollins, 1987. Monroe, Josephine. Brilliant Career Finder: How to Find the Right Career for You. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2003. Morgan, Paul. Managing Yourself: Coach Yourself to Optimum Emotional Intelligence. Harlow: Pearson Education, 2003. Mullins, Laurie J. Management and Organisational Behaviour. 9th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education, 2010. Otazo, Karen. The Truth About Managing Your Career: . . . and Nothing but the Truth. Harlow: Pearson, 2006. Quick, James C. Preventive Stress Management in Organizations. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association (APA), 1997. Svebak, Sven. Forlenger en god latter livet? Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 2000. Watson, Tony. Organising and Managing Work: Organisational, Managerial and Strategic Behaviour in Theory and Practice. 2nd ed. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education, 2006. Zeigler, Kenneth. Getting Organized at Work: 24 Lessons to Set Goals, Establish Priorities, and Manage Your Time. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008.
Kapittel 4. Verksemda og flyttingarFekete, Sandra. Companies Are People, Too: Discover, Develop, and Grow Your Organization's True Personality. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley and Sons, 2003. Ferguson Publishing: Organization Skills. 2nd ed. New York: Ferguson Publishing, 2004. Gallagher Richard S. The Soul of an Organization: Understanding the Values that Drive Successful Corporate Cultures . La Crosse, WI: Dearborn Trade Publishing / Kaplan, 2003. Jongeward, Dorothy, et al. Everybody Wins: Transactional Analysis in Management. Rev. ed. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley, 1976. Kay, Frances. Successful Networking: How to Build New Networks for Career and Company Progression. London: Kogan Page, 2010. Nelson, Beth, ed. Building a Sustainable Business: A Guide to Developing a Business Plan for Farms and Rural Businesses. College Park, MD: Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, 2008. Ryan, Rosemary. Leadership Development: A Guide for HR and Training Professionals. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008. Zelinski, Ernie J. 101 Reasons to Love a Recession. Edmonton, AB: VIP Books, 2011.
Kapittel 5. LeiarskapAmos, Julie-Ann. You're in Charge Now! The First-time Manager's Survival Kit. 3rd ed. Oxford: How To Books, 2002. Baruch, Yehuda. Managing Careers: Theory and Practice. Harlow: Pearson Education, 2004. Carnall, Colin. Managing Change in Organizations. 5th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education, 2007. Cook, Marshall J. How to Be a Great Coach: 24 Lessons for Turning on the Productivity of Every Employee. London: McGraw-Hill, 2008. Driver, Matt. Coaching Positively: Lessons for Coaches from Positive Psychology. Maidenhead, Berkshire: Open University Press, 2008. Drucker, Peter F. Managing for the Future. London: Routledge, 2011. Ferguson: Career Skills Library: Professional Ethics and Etiquette. 3rd ed. New York: Ferguson Publishing, 2009. FitzPatrick, Bill. The Action Principles: How Americans Get Rich. St. Wellesley, MA: American Success Institute, nd. Glei, Jocelyn K., ed. Manage Your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routines, Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Creative Mind. Las Vegas, NV: Amazon Publishing, 2013. Grey, Christopher, and Hugh Willmott, eds. Critical Management Studies: A Reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. James, Muriel. The OK Boss. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1975. Maslow, Abraham H., with Deborah C. Stephens and Gary Heil. Maslow on Management. New York: John Wiley, 1998. Mollicone-Long, Gina. The Secret of Succesful Failing: Hidden Inside Every Failure Is Exactly What You Need to Get What You Get. Seattle, WA: Pathfinders Publishing, 2007. Morris, Robin, and Geoff Ward. The Cognitive Psychology of Planning. Hove, East Sussex: Psychology Press, 2005. Navarro, Peter. The Well-Timed Strategy: Managing the Business Cycle for Competitive Advantage. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Wharton School Publishing / Pearson Education, 2006. Price, Bette, and George Ritcheske. True Leaders: How Exceptional CEOS and Presidents Make a Difference by Building People and Profits. Chicago, IL: Dearborn Financial Publishing, 2001. Timmons, Joe, et al. Career Planning Begins with Assessment: Guide for Professionals Serving Youth with Educational and Career Development Challenges. Rev. ed. Washington DC: National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth / Institute for Educational Leadership, 2005. Toastmasters International. District Leadership Handbook: A Guide to Effective District Management. Mission Viejo, CA: Toastmasters International, 2014.
Yuki, Gary. Leadership in Organizations. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2010.
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