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The Set

Three Premises

Silphion cyrenaiucum on a Cyrenean gold drachme (1) The mind and body of a human being form a unit that is capable of thousands of anomalities and diseases.

(2) Among homeopathic remedies some are said to have a much broader range of action than others. That idea may, if it is true, be due to that some remedies have been put to the test - subjected to homeopathic provings ("testings") - a lot more than most others over the past few centuries. But anyway, let us stick to the idea of broad-ranged remedies, or polycrests, as homeopaths like to call some of the remedies.

(3) The main idea behind kits of homeopathic remedies is that several remedies of broad ranges each, may "cover" many diseases and troubles and anomalities. The amount that is estimatedl to be needed, would depend on the remedies that go into the kit, if they are documentedly broad-ranged, and how well they complement each other.

From within

To the degree that some diseases are developed from the mind within, wholly or in part, to the same degree non-physical assistance holds a possibility of being helpful. This "golden premise" may not look as much, but medical doctors estimate that at least fifty percent of all common diseases are at least partially caused by emotional stress - in other words psychosomatic. [Smith et al, 2003:505] Many doctors estimate a higher percentage than fifty - up to at least seventy.

If this sounds remarkable, it ties in well with the placebo effect, which is rather remarkable too: It shows up that up to seventy percent of the healing effects of medical drugs are due to the placebo effects (a blur of of faith, suggestions, helping conversations and coincidence). It is well known. If you read Norwegian, here is some more about that phenomenon [More]. It has been documented that sugar, the placebo (fake medicine), works just as well as some of the antidepressiva in testings. Now, if faith in a cure helps the cure, it had better be employed, says Olof Lindahl (1978), a Swedish professor in medicine.

Granted that some diseases may be "reached" and modified by mind-means, homeopathic mind-influences (others may say 'remedies' less accurately) might work. Do they? And how? All of them? If so, what are their actions, and what does each remedy offer help against? Even homeopaths do not agree on all these issues, but many keep on trying to map the symptoms that may be alleviated or removed - for a short time or more permanantly - by homeopathic pills. The "best shots" of such investigating medical doctors and others that find it interesting, are known through 'remedy collections' (Materia medicas) and 'remedy finders' (Homeopathic repertories).

From among the inadequately mapped remedies some may be selected for some remedy kit in order to make it easier to choose remedies. In simple cases, the remedies that are listed in homeopathy books for lay people, are such selections, mingled with remedies for particular problems, though.

From deep within, and from not so deep within

Let us speculate a bit together, saying that (4) some diseases and problems come from deep within, and others form not so deep within.

Let us speculate further, saying that (5) some impressions go deep within, and others do not go that deep. A gullible person gets impressions that may go quite deep within, and thereby he or she is stuck with some unproved, unverified or untenable hope or faith, regrettably.

As for homeopathic influences and other influences that may affect your guts, let us suppose for a second that (6) some may have a broad range because they go deep, (7) and others have a wide range because they are of a broad and not very deep-going kind. (8) There should be room for many so-called remedies in between the deep-going and more superficial remedies. But to simplify matters: some homeopathic remedies work deeply, and others not so deeply, according to much common homeopathic thinking.

To the degree that a certain disorder brings with it that some "chunks of mind" get unsettled or brought out of order deep inside, that marring, inward setting may manifest as disorder or disease if given time to manifest full well. And to the degree than a certain homeopathic remedy or Bach flower essence can normalise and even stabilise the unsettled "chunks of mind" - gauged by main symptoms - to that degree an insubstantial remedy really helps. We must add: "more or less, for the time being and maybe for long, depending on the stresses and strains and imbalances from the surroundings and circumstances and associates."

Because of that tug-of-war between harmonious influences and the other, non-harmonious ones, the chosen remedies may or may not bring good effects, even if they seem well-chosen. In such cases a homeopath tends to increase the "potency" of the remedy or select another remedy, in a nutshell.

There are many good reasons that we cannot ascertain with much confidence that a homeopathic remediy (read: influence) has helped us, even if our conditions improves much right after we have attempted a homeopathic cure or Bach remedy cure. The reason is we cannot tell with certainty if we would have improved anyway, without the remedies. Conversely, many seem bent on thinking that if they get worse after they start a cure, it is the remedy that has caused it. It may or may not be so, but the evidence must be better for a scientist to accept it. "Anecdotal evidence is a low rung on the ladder of scientific proof-making." There are research designs aimed at controlling outer influences somewhat - and many other influences. Scientists must learn to judge research designs and the research outcomes by certain parameters - (sub-factors involved).

Still, a verification process has to start with something other than a verification process. A hypotheses has to be forged in the smithy of the mind - ideas must be brought together and sampled and arranged neatly, equipment to investigate or look into the hypotheses must be had - statistics is a main way of modern medicine research.

So it is good that some launch ideas for others to test or disprove, if the ideas look interesting. It is part of the "games" of scientific disciplines. What is more, it may be needed to discard old ideas by research, in order to find out of things better. Therefore we look for what appears to be tenable and bases our hypotheses on such thoughts, and do not disregard that the practice may work even if the theory attached to it contains much old rubbish and does not reflect high skills.

According to design

Here is the way to give examples of how wisely you manage to handle many ideas brought into a system according to a design, and with many remedies that are there for the testing, one by one or many brought together into blends of remedies: At set of interrelated ideas is launched along with a set of remedies to tackle:

If you choose to try them and see if anythings changes, it can be all right. If you go further and want to do research on the effects of many remedies - beware. It may cost you much, for the field is unwieldy and not as clear-cut as many desire.

It works fine for a methodical research-bent individual to investigate remedies one by one in some scientifically acceptable way or other. If instead you want to look into remedy blends (often called complex remedies) you may not get any evidence of which remedy works for or against what - and that is a drawback. But such research is not useless either. You may get evidence that a certain remedy blend works against something, and thus find that "homeopathy works" - but there is not much more specific to tell, and guesses are not supposed to be popular in the realm of science. If you test one remedy at a time, you can say more - or maybe not. It depends on how well designed your test has been, how sensitive the measurements are, and much else.

The set

There is a singled-out set of potentised impressions on the site. Theoretically speaking, the selected remedies can have benefits (below) as compared to the bulk of other and similar-looking remedies. But the list given is far from conclusive: there are millions of potential essence remedies to look into further, for any substance and chemical compound can be turned into a homeopathic remedy. It is likewise with any insect, animal part (tongue, liver, glands etc), and various parts of plants - and whole herbs. The combined concentrations of chemical elements can differ from one plant part to another, and from plant to plant of the same species, depending on the soil and regular conditions. Much depends on the growth conditions of the plants - potato should not be exposed to sunlight, or it may become toxic (the green parts that develop in such cases)

A further thing worth noting is that by heating and drying plant products, their chemical properties change. Thus, some plant parts that are somewhat poisonous while fresh, become eatable products when cooked for a while - and sprouting changes the seeds remarkably too, as a result of the work of enzymes.

This simple scenario shows that it is possible to produce millions of different homeopathic remedies, and thereby add to the few thousand conventional ones.

My select set contains several remedies that are not described in ordinary texts on homeopathy, and others that are only meagrely described elsewhere. To try them, you could have to prepare them yourself, as most pharmacies do not sell them. ◦Magneto-Geometric Applications, MGA, in London sells software for producing most of these added remedies, though, and have made their so-called simulator cards for almost all of them already.

Why one more set of select remedies?

Question: Why focus on these remedies and not others?

An answer: For the sake of administering clearly defined remedies with the prospect of more success.

After examining the human life and conditions I saw that some remedies help more and better in setting it in order than other remedies. And I love to think I have come up with a pack of more helpful remedies than other current ones. Others may benefit from the remedies too - it can't be all wrong to give them the benefit of doubt and test them thoroughly and well However, what some persons may truly need in the long run, are clear-cut, helpful moral stands taken into lots of problem fields where troubles indicate needs for moral development "between the lines". Proficient changes in the ways of living may be contemplated.

As we have dipped into here and there, there are no particular substances in most homeopathic remedies (of potencies of D5 and above), nothing physical that can work effectively on organisms. Granted that, homeopathic remedies may be tried against mind problems and psychogenic diseases and various ◦psychological and relational disturbances. Some common diseases are clearly stress-related, and they point at problems (read: challenges) to be solved to one's ability. Both the psycho and somatic aspects of psychosomatic symptoms may vanish if people improve their relationships.

Extensive research on the claimed effects of this select kit of some 500 remedies is just missing, so keep your guard of mental reservations up, please. That is the correct standpoint for now. One may also do well to take in Buddha's words on healing efforts.

Essence influences (some call them 'remedies') may be applied to many fields or walks of life as soon as they have been documented to work, how far, how long, under what conditions, and further. How valuable or valid individuals are when talking of good results, depends on how coherent those individual talk, how many they are, and much else to take into consideration when dealing with such "anecdotal evidence", of course. The findings depend on how carefully or properly the persons have discerned and reflected on various changes, and how massive the changes get after the remedies first was put to the test. In-depth examination of individual cases is permitted today under the name of qualitative research.

Room for More

Testing out properly the workings of each added remedy is thought to be be time-consuming and wearisome. And the said effects of the remedies - both old and newer ones - needs to be debated, because not all homeopathic provings are extensive enough to be taken as final words of wisdom. There are some sources of error to take into account as well; it is not at all certain whether all homeopathic provings are sound provings either.

Nearly three decades ago I thought it best to limit the array of remedies according to plan. I looked into several thousand of possible remedies as the set began to take shape.

Basic Priorities behind It

The Kinnes set of homeopathic remedies was made to favour simpler remedy selections with a nice coverage of reported symptoms, ultimately. Initially the aims of the set involved:
  1. GET A WIDE, DECENT COVERAGE: We want a wide enough range of remedies - in other words a set of remedies that together may cure the recurrent troubles that homeopathic remedies may help against - and correct the most severe imbalances in human beings in general, and can blend well with one another in any combination. And a minimum of overlaps among these remedies.

  2. EXCLUDE REMEDIES THAT APPEAR TO HAVE SIMILAR WORKINGS AS FAR AS IS CONVENIENT: We don't really need many remedies that are very similar in their effects and thus overlap a lot. We want the remedies that cover major symptoms (diseases) best in the most frequent maladies or cases.

  3. INCLUDE NO COUNTERACTING REMEDIES IN THE SET: Since the homeopathic texts tell that some remedies counteract others, the set of remedies ideally needs to exclude homeopathically counteracting remedies (agents).

  4. TOP STURDY REMEDIES: Since the possible or claimed effects of many homeopathic remedies - but not all remedies - are said to be weakened and disappear in the continued presence of such as coffee and other stimulants (possible foods too), let the chosen remedies be the most sturdy ones too - or at least as sturdy as possible too.

  5. MINIMUM DANGERS OF USE: It is thought in homeopathic texts that some remedies have a more violent (severe) and prolonged aggravation effects ("healing crisis effect") for some time than others. Find the gentle ones.

  6. (ADDED AFTERWARDS:) STABLE UPKEEP of the health-favouring remedy influence after intake in the face of untoward influences, "barricading", and so on. This means the effects are to be as lasting as can be. That seems favourable in the face of chonic diseases.

The set of some 500 remedies should conform to the first five preconditions formed. In special cases other remedies, and some of those in current homeopathic lists, could serve particular needs better, though. There is such a possibility.

Now you can take turns and set up your own wish lists for Christmas and further and thank for the gifts you get.


Homeopathic Kit, remed set, complementary medicine, homeopathy, getting old, remedies and other essences, Literature  

Lindahl, Olov, och Lars Lindwall. Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet [Science and Tested Experience]. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur, 1978.

Lockie, Andrew and Nicola Geddes. Complete Guide to Homeopathy: The Principles and Practice of Treatment. 2nd ed. London: Dorling Kindersley, 2000.

Smith, Carolyn D. (ed) et al. Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology. 14th ed. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth, 2003.

Symbols, brackets, signs and text icons explained: (1) Text markers(2) Digesting.

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