Golden text — Gem remedy. G is put behind it.
Violet text — Remedy a là Bach. B is right behind it.
— Poisonous in substance form and in dilutions up to D50 - it's hard to tell -
— Very poisonous in substance form and dilutions up to D50 perhaps. It is hard to tell, for bacteria may cluster and form strings, and have been found in D30-dilutions (Source: Det danske sunnhedsministerium). Otherwise D30-dilutions may be free of the starter substances, according to Avogadro's number.
So, some plants, germs, and chemicals are poisonous, even deadly. Not all of them are marked off as so below.Better take heed. Homeopathic germ preparations (called nosodes) around the 30c potency (D30 also) might perhaps be too low to be safe. For minerals, plants and the rest, the 6c or D6 potencies are considered safe.
- Abhal (= Juniperus communis Linn. berries) -
Juniper berries, Hauber Abhal (Berries)
- Abies borisii regis* - Boris fir
- Abies delavayi faxonia* - Delavay fir
'faxonia' Blend 4
- Abies webbiana (A. spectabilis)* -
Himalayan fir
- Abrotanum - Southernwood
- Acacia armata* - Kangaroo thorn
- Acanthus mollis 'Lactifolius'* -
Bear's breech var. 'Lactifolius', Grecian pattern plant var. 'Lactifolius'
- Acidum benzoicum - Benzoic acid
- Acidum bromum - Bromic acid
- Acidum carbonicum - Carbonic acid (H2CO3)
- Acidum fluoricum - Hydrofluoric acid
- Acidum formicum - Formic acid
- Acidum gallicum - Gallic acid
- Acidum phenyl-aceticum -
Phenyl-acetic acid
- Acidum phosphoricum - Phosphoric acid
- Aconitum septentrionale - Wolf's-bane
- Actaea racemosa - Bugbane, Black cohosh
- Actinium metallicum - Actinium (the
- Adamite - Adamite (a zinc arsenate
- Adansonia digitata - Baobab B
- Adenoidum - Adenoids nosode
- Adonis vernalis - Pheasant's eye
- Aesculus carnea - Red chestnut
- Aesculus hippocastanum - Horse
- Aesculus hippocastanum -
Chestnut bud B
- Aesculus hippocastanum - White
chestnut B
- Aesculus parviflora* - Bottlebrush
- Aethiops mineralis (Aethiops
mercurialis-mineralis) - Black Sulphide Mercury
- Aethusa cynapium - Fool's parsley
- Agapanthus 'Headbourne'* - African
lily 'Headbourne'
- Agaricus phalloides - Death cup
- Agaricus silvicola (Psallista
silvicola) - Wood agaric
- Agate G
- Agave americana - Century plant, Agave
- Agave parviflora* - Small-flowered agave
- Agrostema githago - Corn cockle
- Agnus castus - Chaste tree
- Agrimonia eupatoria* - Agrimony
- Agrimonia eupatoria - Agrimony
- Ailanthus glandulosa - Tree of
heaven, Chinese sumach
- Almandine G
- Albumen ovi* - The white of hen's egg
- Alcohol sulphuris - Carbon disulfide
- Allium cepa - Red onion
- Allium sativum - Garlic
- Alnus glutinosa* - Alder
- Alnus glutionosa var. laciniata* -
'Cut-leaved' alder
- Alnus rubra - Red alder
- Aloe socotrina - Aloe
- Aloysia triphylla* - Lemon verbena
- Alstonia constricta - Australian fever bark
- Alstonia scholaris - Dita bark
- Althaea officinalis - Marshmallow
- Aluminium chloride - Aluminium chloride
- Aluminium hydroxyde - Aluminium hydroxyde
- Aluminium phosphoricum - Aluminium phosphate
- Aluminium sulphuricum - Aluminium sulphate
- Alyssium saxatile - Basket-of-gold
- Amanita phalloides - Deathcap
- Amber G
- Ambra grisea - Ambergris
- Amelanchier spicata - Service-berry, Juneberry
- Amethyst G
- Ammonium carbonicum - Carbonate of Ammonia
- Ammonium chloride - Sal Ammoniac
- Ammonium iodatum - Iodine of Ammonia
- Ammonium nitrate - Salt Peter
- Ampelopsis trifoliata - Virginia creeper
- Anagallis arvensis - Scarlet pimpernel
- Andrographis paniculata -
- Anemone hepatica - Liverwort
- Anemone sulphurea* - Alpine wind-flower (yellow)
- Anemone sulphurea - Anemone* B
- Anemone x fulgens - Flame anemone
- Anethum graveolens - Dill
- Anguillar ichthyotoxin serum - Eel serum
- Angustura vera - Bark of Galipea cusparia
- Antimonium arsenicosum - Arsenite of antimony
- Antimonium crudum - Black sulphide of antimony
- Antimonium sulphuratum auratum - Golden sulphuret of
- Antimonium tartaricum - Tartar emetic, Tartrate of antimony and
- Antipyrine (antipyrinum) - Phenazone
- Apatite G
- Apis mellifica - Honey-bee
- Apium graveolens - Celery
- Aqua fontana - Rock water B
- Aragallus lamberti (also: Oxytropis lamberti) - White loco-weed
- Aralia hispida - Wild elder
- Aralia racemosa - Spikenard
- Arbutinum - Arbutin
- Arbutus andrachne - Strawberry tree
- Argentum crystals - Silver crystals
(also: Argentum metallicum)
- Argentum iodatum - Iodate of silver
- Argentum metallicum - Silver, the metal
- Aristolochia clematis - Birthwort,
- Arnica montana - Leopard's bane
- Arsenicum album - Arsenic trioxide
- Arsenicum bromatum - Bromide of Arsenic
- Arthrospira platensis - Spirulina B
- Arum triphyllum - Jack-in-the-pulpit
- Arundo mauritanica - Reed flos B
- Arundo mauritanica - Reed
- Asarum canadense - Wild ginger
- Asa foetida (asafoetida) - Giant Fennel, Gum of the Stinkasand
- Asclepias curassavica "aurea" -
Silky Gold Milkweed
- Asclepias syriaca - Milkweed B
- Asclepias syriaca - Milkweed
- Asclepias vincetoxicum - Swallow-wart
- Asimina triloba - American Papaw
- Asperula odorata - Sweet Woodruff
- Aspidosperma: Schinopsis lorentzii - Quebracho B
- Astilbe thunbergii 'Ostrich Plume',
Astilbe thunbergii 'Straussenfeder' - False spirea, False goatsbeard, Japanese astilbe
- Astragalus mollissimus - Wooly
- Aurum metallicum isotope 198 - Gold
isotope 198
- Avena sativa - Oat
- Aventurine G
- Eilat G
- Eleagnus commutata - Silverberry
- Eleutherococcus senticosus - Siberian ginseng
- Elymus arenarius - Lyme-grass B
- Emerald G
- Emetine hydrochloride - Emetine hydrochloride, Amebicide
- Ephedrine hydrochloride - Ephedrine hydrochloride,
- Epifagus virginiana, Epiphegus, Orobanche - Beechdrops
- EQ parts (Rae) - EQ parts (Rae)
- Equisetum fluviatile - Water horsetail
- Erica arborea - Tree Heather, Erica* B
- Eriodictyon glutinosum - Yerba santa, Beersweed
- Erodium reichardii - Cranesbill
- Espongilla, Luffa operculata - Sponge gourd, (= Luffa
purgans, Momordica operculata)
- Etylendinitrilotetra-aceticum* -
- Eucharis amazonica, (E. grandiflora) - Amazon lily
- Euonymus nanus turkestanicus - Dwarf burning bush
- Eupatorium perfoliatum - Boneset, Thoroughwort
- Eupatorium purpureum - Queen of the meadow B
- Euphorbia lathyris - Gopher spurge, Caper spurge B
- Euphorbia pulcherrima - Poinsettia, Christmas flower B
- Magnesium arsenicosum - Magnesium arsenite
- Magnesium carbonicum, Magnesia carbonica - Carbonate of Magnesia
- Magnolia sieboldii, = M.
parviflora - Oyama magnolia B
- Magnolia x soulangeana - Tulip tree,
Saucer magnolia
- Malus sylvestris - Crab apple
- Malus theifera, Malus hupehensis, Pyrus hupehensis - Tea crabapple
- Mancinella, Hippomane mancinella - Hippomane, Manganeel apple
- Manganum sulphuricum - Sulphate of manganese
- Medicago arborea - Tree medick B
- Menyanthes trifoliata - Bogbean, Buckbean, Water trefoil
- Mercurius corrosivus - Mercuric chloride (HgCl2), Corrosive sublimate
- Mercurius dulcis - Mercurous chloride (Hg2Cl2), Calomel
- Mercurius nitrosus - Nitrate of mercury
- Mercurius praecipitatus albus - Ammoniated mercury (chloride), White precipitate of Mercury
- Methylas salicylas, Methylium salicylicum - Methyl salicylate
- Micrococcin - Micrococcin (an antibiotic)
- Micrococcus neoformans -
Micrococcus neoformans (a microbe)
- Mimulus guttatus - Mimulus, Common (yellow) monkey flower B
- Momordica charantia - Bitter melon, Balsam apple, Balsam pear
- Mygale lasiodora - Black Cuban spider
- Myrica cerifera - Bayberry, Wax-myrtle
- Myrrhis odorata - Sweet cicely B
- Myrrhis odorata - Sweet cicely
- Paeonia lactiflora - Peony, Garden peony, Chinese peony
- Panax ginseng - Jungle ginseng, Wild Chinese/Korean panax ginseng
- Papaver nudicaule (P. croceum Ledeb.) - Arctic poppy B
- Papaver rhoeas - Corn Poppy B
- Passiflora incarnata - Passion-flower B
- Pastinaca sativum - Parsnips
- P-benzoquinone - P-benzoquinone (=
1,4-benzoquinone - C6H4O)
- Pearl blend - G
- Pedicularis oederi - Oeder's lousewort
- Pedicularis sylvatica - Lousewort B
- Pentymalum - Pentymalum (5-ethyl-5-isopentylbarbituricacid)
- Peridot G
- Pertussin, Coqueluchinum - Pertussin (the nosode of whooping-cough)
- Petiveria tetrandra -
Petiveria tetrandra
- Phenyl-acetic acid - Phenyl-acetic acid (C8H8O2)
- Phillyrea angustifolia - Phillyrea angustifolia, Narrow-leaved vetch B
- Physostegia virginiana - Obedient plant, False dragonhead
- Physostigma venenosa - Calabar bean
- Pilea cadierei 'Nana' - Aluminium plant B
- Pinus bungeana - Lacebark pine
- Pinus contorta murrayana - Tamarack pine, Lodgepole pine
- Pinus silvestris - Scotch Fir, Scotch Pine
- Pinus sylvestris - Pine, Scotch
Fir B
- Pisonia umbellifera 'Variegata' -
Birdcatcher Tree B
- Pisum sativum var macrocarpon - Mangetout B
- Platanus orientalis - Oriental planetree
- Plumbum metallicum - Lead
- Polygonum bistorta (= Polygonum viviparum,
Persicaria vivipara) - Bistort, Knotweed, Snakeroot
- Polygonum viviparum (= Persicaria vivipara
etc.) - Alpine bistort, Viviparous knotweed
- Populus tremula - Aspen B
- Porphyra perforata - Porphyra perforata (seaweed), California nori, Purple laver
- Pothos foetida (= Dracontium foetidum) - Skunk cabbage
- Prenanthes serpentaria - Lion's foot
- Procainamide - Procainamide
- Prunus cerasifera - Cherry plum B
- Pulmonaria vulgaris (= P.
officinalis) - Lungwort
- Pyrarara - Pyrarara (yellow colored fatty tissue of the Piranha fish)
- Pyrus americana - Mountain Ash (American)
- Pyrus communis 'Fertility' - Pear 'Fertility', Urojainaya B
- Pyrus malus var. 'Transparente Blanche' - Apple 'Transparent Blanche'
- Salix alba - White willow
- Salix hastata - Halberd willow,
Halberd-leaved willow
- Salix lanata - Woolly willow catkins
- Salix vitellina - Willow, Golden willow,
Yellow-twigged basket willow B
- Salvia officinalis - Sage
- Sambucus nigra - Elder B
- Sanguinaria tartaricum - Tartrate of Sanguinarine
- Sanguisorba officinalis - Great burnet, Garden burnet
- Santolina neapolitana - Cotton lavender B
- Sardonyx G
- Satureja acinos, Acinos arvensis - Savory, Basil thyme
- Satureja thymbra - Barrel sweetener, Roman hyssop B
- Saxifraga albertii -
- Saxifraga burserana -
- Saxifraga cochlearis - Encrusted
Saxifrage, Silver Saxifrage B
- Saxifraga nivalis - Alpine saxifrage,
Snow saxifrage
- Saxifraga tridactylites - Rue-leaved
- Saxifraga x 'Kellereri' -
- Scheuchzeria palustris -
- Scleranthus annuus - Scleranthus B
- Sedum oreganum - Creamy stonecrop
- Sedum pulchellum - Widowscross, Lime
stonecrop B
- Senega - Snakewort
- Senna - Cassia Acutifolia
- Sepia - Inky juice of cuttlefish
- Silphium cyrenaicum, Silphion cyrenaicum - Laserwort, Cyrenaic silphion (!)
- Sinapis arvensis - Mustard, Wild
- Sinapis arvensis - Wild mustard,
Mustard B
- Sisyrinchium gramineum - Grass-leaved sisyrinchium
- Smodingium argutum - African poison oak Blend 4
- Solidago odorata - Sweet goldenrod
- Solidago virga - Golden rod B
- Sphagnum girgensohnii - (White) Bog
- Spinel G
- Stachis palustris - Woundwort B
- Stachys byzantina (= S. olympica - Lamb's ear, Betony
- Staphysagria, Staphisagria, Delphinium staphysagria - Stavesacre
- Streptococcin - Streptococcin (a
- Strychnos nux-vomica - Poison-nut flos B
- Strychnos nux-vomica - Poison-nut
- Strychnos toxifera - Woorari (Curare) B
- Strychnos toxifera - Curare
- Sulfamic acid - Sulfamic
acid, Amidosulfonic acid; Amidosulfuric acid; Sulfamidic acid; Aminosulfonic acid
- Syzygium jambolanum - Jambol seeds Blend 4