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Unrest first, troubles later? ☼

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose. - George Carlin

Clear thinking

"For every evil under the sun there's a remedy or there's none. (American)"

Silphion cyrenaiucum on a Cyrenean gold drachme With aging comes a need for added carefulness, or lots of care. So being extra careful counts much. Seeking to remedy what has gone wrong through lack of care or otherwise, may not work a lot.

Being extra careful calls for foresight, but not beer.

  1. To correct the life-field is most likely what healing attempts through homeopathy are about.
  2. More than medicine will be needed. Truthfulness and sincerity and corrections should be embarked upon along with the pills for the attempt to be a morally worth while enterprise, methinks.
  3. As the Vital Force [prana and so on] is modified in its outlets, a betterment or complete cure may take place It depends on the origin of the disease also, i.e., on what has caused it.
A corrective: "What lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

George Burns: An American Life (2011) is a story of a life that lasted for one hundred years. It is filled with constant laughter, incredible tensions and struggles all along the way - between obscurity and fame, great love, tragic loss, resilient triumph, and entry into the limited pantheon of the greatest American entertainers . . . but not yet well understood. (Epstein 2011, 3)

Burns told anyone who listened that he lied when he told his stories, but even that wasn't true. He didn't want to hear life's horrors; he had seen enough of those. (Ibid. 6).

First you forget names, then you forget faces. Next you forget to pull your zipper up and finally, you forget to pull it down. - George Burns

I can remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty. Too bad that all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving taxicabs and cutting hair. - George Burns

You know you're getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do while you're down there. - George Burns

I look to the future because that's where I'm going to spend the rest of my life. - George Burns

When you stop giving and offering something to the rest of the world, it's time to turn out the lights. - George Burns

LoObserve tact or rules of well-being first

Unrest, troubles and diseases suggest compressed adaptation troubles. Stay out of trouble and get out of trouble as soon as can be. Unrest of spirit may be the first thing you notice of something unwelcome. Next restless nerves (mind); then various "knots" instead of being tender and fond of children and yourself, perhaps, and who knows what will be next.

By attuning to yourself and by its very delicate, existential self-care you may develop bodily health and well-being, become less offensive, and communicate for your own good. And go for building health reserves too. You can rank your life commitments and your progress in such matters. You can build on basic things after things seem secure enough, and "the child who means business learns to walk", finally.

Instead of strangling another's higher nature, or the higher nature of yourself, communicate safely at its best. And go for solid objectives that last longer than flimsical ones. You who care for your family, what exactly do you care for, and what do you communicate? Is it solely servile conformity that endangers health and well-being? Isn't there anything better to go for? Think about it.

Ardent self-care doesn't have to be plainly defensive. To get able to handle things, learn to compress or sum up. The essence is: lay bare the best cores and key sentences, fit them into a structure that is not bad for yourself, and rise into surveying that - in part by a symbol, if you find one. Tony Buzan's mind mapping does it in its own way, by way of example.

Nightly dreams often crown our experiences with vivid, baffling sceneries. Some may be fit as symbols too. You may learn to tune in to them and their variegated reports or messages and learn ways to crack possible dream codes involved. It is helped by training. Nightly dreams are often bodily feed-backs, or reflect the preceding day.

LoDon't get whipped - your heart may be

Find fit allies on your own. Life is very often compressed into that too, in some of its important aspects.

Try to enrich your character through step-by-step progress. For better results, all in all, see if there is anything you can do with the roots of your problems. It could be a non-healthy life-style, a not healthy enough adaptation, and much else. Real progress doesn't maim your higher sense of fair play, doesn't go roughshod over innocent ones, and may leave a way out for opponents after some time. Justice is not abstract; it has to do with hearts too. Character may be improved and enriched too. Enrich yourself to provide sound nourishments of many sorts and levels and care for your own family.

Lo"Control your destiny or somebody else will do it." (Jack Welch, formerly of GE)

Go for living in and preferably having a decent building which is good for one's own control. As for indoor climate, "It's better to have bad breath than no breath at all (American)." ✪ 


In sum
  1. Observe the 'laws and rules' of well-being first.
  2. Don't get whipped into something like sour cream inside.
  3. Get the support you need to "control your destiny" somewhat better. I bet there are not a few options at hand.

In nuce

Since well-being and a good life can be whipped out of you in more than one way, stay on the sane and safe side as much or as long as you can. You are free to use honorable, well-timed scheming for augmenting your necessary control.

Common citizens were helped

Anec. Theodore Roosevelt was the sickly boy who became the 26th president of the United States (1901-09).

Roosevelt grew up to become a tough and self-sufficient man. He worked as a rancher and fought in the Spanish-American War (1898). As president, he centred his domestic policies on his Square Deal program to improve the lot of common citizens. His foreign policy was somewhat different: "Speak softly and carry a big stick."

Some of Roosevelt's critics complained of his tendency to introduce moral issues in matters where none existed. Speaker of the House Thomas B. Reed once told him, "If there is one thing more than another for which I admire you, Theodore, it is your original discovery of the Ten Commandments."

A "Little Bible of Homeopathy"

Homeopathy was founded by the German Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) in the late eighteenth century.

Dr William Boericke (1849–1929) was born in Austria and emigrated to the United States. There he became the first professor of Materia Medica [homeopathic remedies and similar] at the University of California at San Francisco. This is the complete Homeopathic Materia Medica by him. It is from William Boericke and Oscar Boericke's Homoeopathic Materia Medica. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Boericke and Runyon, 1927. William furnished the Materia Medica, and his brother Oscar added a repertory later.

"Many a homeopathic professional has depended on this work for daily practice." And between 1880 and 1920 Dr. Boericke "was the physician of choice in San Francisco. Patients came from all over the world to be treated by him homeopathically." The Boericke work is called "the Little Bible of Homeopathy . . . a must have reference book for anyone going beyond the beginning stages of using homeopathy." The book contains lists of symptoms attached to the remedies. Symptoms put in italics by Boericke were felt by him to be particularly telling (significant). This much said, there is no guarantee the remedies actually will benefit a patient.

As for the medicinal words and the at times obsolete terms in the book, you can find most of them them in the ◦Farlex Medical Dictionary (The 'search' botton on top of the page opens a meny of dictionaries, including a Farlex page). With modern terms 'oe' and 'ae' are turned into 'e' - for example, edema replaces oedema, and dyspnea replaces dyspnaea. And 'c' is turned into 'k' in some words, for example leukorrhea (from leucorrhea).

CAVEAT. Much of what Boericke writes of doses and non-homeopathic uses of remedies at the end of a great deal of his entries, and all he says concerning homeopathic potencies - there are good reasons to disregard much of it:

1. The lowest potency should be about c6 or D6 to minimise the chances of poisoning. Besides, in some countries D6 or c6 are the lowest potencies that can be got at pharmacies.

2. And in the case of nosodes (preparations made from living germs): refrain unless you are an experienced professional. The Danish ministry of health has discovered that D30 potencies of homeopathic nosodes still contain harmful microbes, even though Avogadro's Constant indicates that remedies with such potencies are without any molecules of what gives the remedy its name. The explanation is clustering in some cases.

Below are four samples. They show how Boericke's Materia Medica is designed: he makes use of a homeopathic scheme and fills in the client's obvious and other disorders in it.

REMINDER: Any information given on this site is not intended to replace mature, solid medical advice and/or treatment. Those in need of medical attention should consult a well qualified practitioner or therapist. And one should seek professional medical advice even if minor symptoms persist, as they could be signs of more serious underlying conditions.

Boericke's remedy descriptions on Google Books:

  1. ◦#9702;One - from 1927
  2. ◦Two- also from 1927
  3. ◦Three - enlarged and revised edition from 2000 (recommended)
More on William Boericke: [Link].


Mucous membranes are affected by Abies Can. and gastric symptoms are most marked, and a catarrhal condition of the stomach is produced. There are peculiar cravings and chilly sensations that are very characteristic, especially for women with uterine displacement, probably due to defective nutrition with debility. Respiration and heart action labored. Wants to lie down all the time; skin cold and clammy, hands cold; very faint. Right lung and liver feel small and hard. Gleet.

Head. — Feels light-headed, tipsy. Irritable.

Stomach. — Canine , hunger with torpid liver. Gnawing, hungry, faint feeling at the epigastrium. Great appetite, craving for meat, pickles, radishes, turnips, artichokes, coarse food. Tendency to eat far beyond capacity for digestion. Burning and distention of stomach and abdomen with palpitation. Flatulence disturbs the heart's action. Pain in right shoulder-blade, and constipation, with burning in rectum.

Female. — Uterine displacements. Sore feeling at fundus of uterus, relieved by pressure. Prostration; wants to lie down all the time. Thinks womb is soft and feeble.

Fever. — Cold shiverings, as if blood were ice-water. [Acon.] Chills run down back. Cold-water feeling between shoulders. [Ammon. mur.] Skin clammy and sticky. Night-sweat. [China.].

ABIES NIGRA (Black Spruce)

A powerful and long-acting remedy, in various forms of disease, whenever the characteristic stomach symptoms are present. Most of the symptoms are associated with the gastric disturbances. In dyspeptic troubles of the aged, with functional heart symptoms; also after tea or tobacco. Constipation. Pain in external meatus.

Head. — Hot, with flushed cheeks. Low-spirited. Dull during the day, wakeful at night. Unable to think.

Stomach. — Pain in stomach always comes on after eating. Sensation of a lump that hurts, as if a hard-boiled egg had lodged in the cardiac end of stomach; continual distressing constriction just above the pit of the stomach, as if everything were knotted up. Total loss of appetite in morning, but great craving for food at noon and night. Offensive breath. Eructations.

Chest. — Painful sensation, as if something were lodged in the chest and had to be coughed up; lungs feel compressed. Cannot be fully expanded. Worse coughing; waterbrash succeeds cough. Choking sensation in throat. Dyspnea; worse lying down; Sharp, cutting pain in heart; heart's action heavy and slow; tachycardia, bradycardia.

Back. — Pain in small of back. Rheumatic pains and aching in bones.

Sleep. — Wakeful and restless at night, with hunger. Bad dreams.

Fever. — Alternate heat and cold; chronic intermittent fever, with pain in stomach.

Modalities. — Worse after eating.

Relationship. — Compare: Lump in stomach - China, Bryon., Pulsat. also other Conifers - Thuja, Sabina, Cupressus (painful indigestion) also Nux vom. Kali carb.


ABROTANUM (Southernwood)

A very useful remedy in marasmus, especially of lower extremities only, yet with good appetite. Metastasis. Rheumatism following checked diarrhea. Ill effects of suppressed conditions, especially in gouty subjects. Tuberculous peritonitis. Exudative pleurisy and other exudative processes. After operation upon the chest for hydrothorax or empyaemia, a pressing sensation remains. Aggravation of hemorrhoids when rheumatism improves. Nosebleed and hydrocele in boys.

Great weakness after influenza. [Kali phos.]

Mind. — Cross, irritable, anxious, depressed.

Face. — Wrinkled, cold, dry, pale. Blue rings around dull-looking eyes. Comedones, with emaciation. Nosebleed. Angioma of the face.

Stomach. — Slimy taste. Appetite good, but emaciation progresses. Food passes undigested. Pain in stomach; worse at night; cutting, gnawing pain. Stomach feels as if swimming in water; feels cold. Gnawing hunger and whining. Indigestion, with vomiting of large quantities of offensive fluid.

Abdomen. — Hard lumps in abdomen. Distended. Alternate diarrhea and constipation. Hemorrhoids; frequent urging; bloody stools; worse as rheumatic pains abate. Ascarides. Oozing from umbilicus. Sensation as if bowels were sinking down.

Respiratory. — Raw feeling. Impeded respiration. Dry cough following diarrhea. Pain across chest; severe in region of heart.

Back. — Neck so weak cannot hold head up. Back lame, weak, and painful. Pain in lumbar region extending along spermatic cord. Pain in sacrum, with hemorrhoids.

Extremities. — Pain in shoulders, arms, wrists, and ankles. Pricking and coldness in fingers and feet. Legs greatly emaciated. Joints stiff and lame. Painful contraction of limbs. [Amm. mur.]

Skin. — Eruptions come out on face; are suppressed, and the skin becomes purplish. Skin flabby and loose. Furuncles. Falling out of hair. Itching chilblains.

Modalities. — Worse, cold air, checked secretions. Better, motion.

Relationship. — Compare: Scrophularia; Bryonia; Stellaria; Benzoic acid, in gout. Iodine, Natr, mur in marasmus.

ABSINTHIUM (Common Wormwood)

A perfect picture of epileptiform seizure is produced by this drug. Nervous tremors precede attack. Sudden and severe giddiness, delirium with hallucinations and loss of cbnsciousness. Nervous excitement and sleeplessness. Cerebral irritation, hysterical and infantile spasms come within range of this remedy. Poisoning by mushrooms. Chorea. Tremor. Nervousness, excitement, and sleeplessness in children.

Mind. — Hallucinations. Frightful visions. Kleptomania. Loss of memory. Forgets what has recently happened. Wants nothing to do with anybody. Brutal.

Head. — Vertigo, with tendency to fall backward. General confusion. Wants head low. Pupils dilated unequally. Face blue. Spasmodic facial twitching. Dull occipital headache. [Gelsem. Picric ac.]

Mouth. — Jaws fixed. Bites tongue; trembles; feels as if swollen and too large; protruding.

Throat. — Scalded sensation; as of a lump.

Stomach. — Nausea; retching; eructation. Bloated around waist and abdomen. Wind colic.

Urine. — Constant desire. Very strong odor; deep yellow color. [Kali phos.]

Sexual. — Darting pain in right ovary. Spermatorrhaea, with relaxed, enfeebled parts. Premature menopause.

Chest. — Sensation of weight on chest. Irregular, tumultuous action of heart can be heard in back.

Extremities. — Pain in limbs. Paralytic symptoms.

Relationship. — Compare: Alcohol; Artemisia; Hydrocy. acid; Cina; Cicuta.


Defence Mechanisms and Subtle Remedies


Knowledge of defence mechanisms can perhaps make you more fit for life. The major defence mechanisms are found below, and other, less known ones. Alternative remedies are here too: Dr Bach flower essences, homeopathic remedies and some Gem therapy items - all aimed at major defence mechanisms.

There is no good enough reason to idealise alternative treatments or attempts at that. Why? Idealisation tends to cost more than it gives in return. Instead be realistic, fair, and find out of things. It may be wise to take into account that in alternative ventures, there may be no guarantee given of anything, and the public health insurance does not cover it where you live.

If you want to try the three ways that are illustrated below, make sure you have knowhow if you make efforts to heal yourself and close ones. Books and tutors may offer help. If not, seek professional assistance and be willing to pay. First, find the trouble(s) you want to deal with, and select one to three of them at the time. Feel free to choose and blend up to five of them for a "round" of 5-7 weeks at a time. Then take a pause of a week or so, weigh your problems or troubles anew, and choose one or more remedies to try out again, if you do not repeat the first remedies for another 6-7 weeks after a brief pause, for example ten days.

For severe ailments you should go to a doctor. For minor ailments, use such homeopatic-like remedies at your discretion, but tell your doctor of it, and your ailments too, in case they are symptoms of something else - And get proficient supervision if you need it. Play safe. Note the site's disclaimer. If you cannot get a remedy through av pharmacy or health shop, you might want to make it yourself: [How to prepare homeopathic remedies by hand] -- [How Bach essences are made].

Are homeopathic preparations fake medicine without effects other than sugar? Dr Karin Lenger documents there is something about them, after she subjected homeopathic remedies to a new magnetic resonnance method. Through her research, various sides to homeopathic remedies have been measured. A summary and a link to her research report(s): [Link]

The following information is for self-help purposes. Descriptions of how remedies are told to work, whether they do it or not, is found in many books on homeopathy. Some are written for beginners, while others cover a lot more. Boericke's remedy descriptions are at Google Books - ◦One and ◦Two and ◦Three (recommended).

As for taking remedies, here is detailed information:

- The briefing and the crash course complement one another.

Unhealthy Defence Mechanisms

Just to make it clear: The suggested remedies to try out are not to be used if such a program interferes with either competent medical diagnosis or medical treatments. [Needed caution]

The defence mechanisms of psychoanalysis are understood as unwholesome manoeuvres aimed at defending the faith in oneself as not too bad, or OK. If such stratagems of the depths become too tense, or conditions very bad, the grip of the defence mechanisms in themselves may become largely unhealthy. There are many such instances.

We typically need to ward off degrading circumstances and persons on the one hand, and build for safety and fluent, all-round living with the other, and so on. Maybe then we can afford to drop some defence mechanisms - because they no longer serve upholding a "good faith" by tricks or many small or major devious means inside.

Also, when defence mechanisms are unhealthy, you should try to get rid of them for the sake of health and recuperation. Relaxing is a good way to find out about things like defence mechanisms. The Freuds (Sigmund and his daughter Anna) used that method, among others.

To try for being instead of seeming. That could help, along with adjusting more or better to who you are deep inside, and how things are, as year follows year.

Alternative and complementary remedies

An alternative remedy is a remedy that is tried out to the preference of medical treatment with prescribed drugs, counselling or other sorts of sessions. The same remedy is complementary if it is tried out along with medical diagnosis and treatment. The uses determine what is alternative and complementary.

The benefits of homeopathic remedies, Bach remedies and Gem water (or Gem references like it):

  • They are thought to be harmless, due to little or no substance to them. The self-preparer has to make absolutely certain that the stuff he makes is not poisonous. Some plants and minerals used for homeopathic remedies are poisonous to begin with - such as Belladonna and Plumbum metallicum (lead). So take care and adhere to 'Safety first'.
  • Hardly any long-lasting side effects in dosages that are generally recommended for self-help trials.
  • A self-help approach, if carefully done, and with skill, may be much cheaper than other attempts at treatment.
  • Faith is not a problem for self-helpers or family-helpers. If faith in a remedy helps health, it helps for as long as it lasts, and one may thus have faith to one's advantage (!) (Lindahl and Lindwall 1978:109-20)

The parent or self-helper is encouraged to keep a little diary (log) and daily write down how things feel. In this way it may be far easier to note if changes appear in two or three months, and how such changes may be. The net result is of the type "before and after". That is, "Before I started the trying out according to a good plan, my troubles, disorders, symptoms and condition was such-and-such. After the trying-out of some remedies, I feel better - the same - worse."

The codes in this survey

These codes are typically used on the site:

  • B (for Bach): Bach remedy. There are two types, as described in the Bach essence literature. In our times there are other such essences made from other flowers than those Bach used and sought to describe the influence patterns of. If you mean to prepare the remedy yourself, also consider the life quality of the plant part (is it strutting or wiltered, for example?), and what in the flowery part of the plant is markedly different from the root or branch.

  • G (for Gem): Gem water (possibly other liquids too). If a gem is left alone in a little bottle of water overnight, the result is called a Gem remedy. Other ways with gems are around too.
  • D and c and various numbers refer to homeopathic remedies and their "strengths": The higher the number after D or before c, the stronger, homeopathically. That is an old belief in that tradition.

    Homeopathic remedies comes in various "strengths" called potencies. The lower are thought to be safer, the higher are to be kept out of reach for children and beginners. Homeopathic potencies come in several scales. In mainland Europe, the D-scales may be the most common, while the c-scale is used in England etc.

    The scales refer to how much the original substance is diluted for each round of shaking-and-pouring-out of almost all content in a little bottle or phial. This process of shaking-and-dilution is called succusion, which is also described as "the act of shaking diluted homeopathic remedies as part of the process of potentisation."

    The potencies D6 to D100 may be safe enough for self-helpers with basic knowledge of homeopathic practice. The same goes for the potencies 6c to 100c. A general counsel: Better stay at the lower ends of this range to begin with, and perhaps step it up later, stagewise.

Various remedies are listen alphabetically beneath some of the defence mechanisms. The numbers behind remedies suggest quite general effects (how good the remedies might be for the troubles they are listed under. The informal ranking list goes 0 to 6, with 6 as a postulated general top. However, the ranking is tentative, and comes with many caveats. One is that cases are individal, and that it is good to take into account the totality of symptoms and peculiarities for a person. This is the aim in classic homeopathic note-taking of symptoms, where a schema is used to that end. As a result of this more laborious process, a lower-ranked "general" remedy in the list may be the best. That is one caveat. There are others still. One more is that people understand terms differently. They may mean different things by the same label, such as "Compensation", for example.

Example: Under the heading "Idyllisation", Apatite G 5 is found. This tells the informed reader that a remedy to try out, is the gem remedy "Agathe water" and similarly, a fair amount of Agathe worn on the body close to the skin, and for long. The number 5 suggests it could be very helpful too.

And then the caveat: The very informal ranking-list of presupposed "averages" can be misleading in some sets of circumstances. If someone suffers from "enthusiasm versus appearances" and idyllises things from it, the remedy Diamond may not help so much (2). But if something seduces and causes idyllisation thereby - for example plots of negative snobs, plots of not really good groups, or faking persons - it is supposed that Diamond could up to a lot (up to 6)..

Caveats are really necessary
Not interested in beliefs in remedies? Proficient testing is the way out to find out if a remedy helps against specified troubles and disorders per se (in itself, by itself), and is advocated.

It is far too easy to praise or blame a remedy if marked changes go along with it. Either the remedy works or it does not: If you get better after a trying-out of one or several remedies, you might have become better for other reasons. The same goes for feeling worse and being worse: You might have become worse for other reasons.

Those who feel worse or get worse after trying an alternative remedy, may stop using it. They may next discredit it, the whole treatment system and worse, and rather typically do not take into account that it was possible the remedy helped them, even a lot. But they were not aware of that help because they got worse, and cannot tell they could have got far worse without it.

The same goes for those who get jubilantly worse when their symptoms disappear after a homeopathic cure, for example: They could (theoretically at least) have gotten better anyway (or worse, far worse).

It is for reasons like these that skilled research into the effects of various remedies is rallied here on this site, and not vagaries.

Thus it makes good sense to keep a diary and take notes. If that is done as the Swedish Dr Olov Lindahl tells, it may build up proof by "alternative research".

Basic ideas have to be explained well if much abridged lists are to make sense and be useful. This said, you may not get all the remedies listed below in a pharmacy. But with some luck you could get most of them through MGA in London. They prepare simulated homeopatic remedies and many other sorts of remedies and sell instruments to those who qualify also. [MGA, Magneto Geometric Applications]

Administering homeopathic pellets

You should seek better help if self-help efforts with homeopathic remedies, potencies, dosages and ways of administering the globules do not seem to work well or well enough, or good effects do not last. Perhaps the problems and conditions that need help call for other treatments - complementary or otherwise. Do not get discouraged. It takes time to get very proficient. Consider the wealth of homeopathic literature and opinions, for example. [Homeopathy literature]

The potency rang from D6 to D30 could be fit for beginner's self-help. Homeopathic remedies from pharmacies come in the form of sugar globules or tablets. Grown-ups may suck 10-12 small globules (pellets) once a day, and refrain from all sorts of warm food and from drink for about 15 minutes before and after. Let the globules (pellets) melt on the tongue - or the tablets, if that is what you find; let them melt in the mouth and blend with the saliva, and keep in the mouth for about ten minutes. Then swallow if you stand sugar. If not, let the pellets dissolve in the saliva and spit out after ten minutes.

The remedy is hardly about substance: According to the theory, the influence of homeopathic remedies is absorbed in the mouth, and more specifically the tongue area - around it and beneath it too. There are many other ways to administer homeopathic self-help or family care, but the suck-slowly-and swallow method is much common. ⚬⚪⚬⚪⚬

Acting out

Expressing impulses or fantasies directly in overt behavior without modification or without complying enough or well enough with social norms.

Larynx 5

Saxifraga nivalis 4


Turning to others for help, support or comfort in emotional turmoil and conflict.

Aim inhibition

Placing one of more limitations on the instinctual side of oneself.


Dedicated to meeting the needs of others, gratification vicariously.

Aluminium sulphuricum 6+

Ammonium carbonicum 6

Aristolochia clematis 6+

Cina 6

Cuprum arsenicum 5

Dolichos pruriens 6+

Eupatorium purpurea B 6

Falcon's Eye 5

Hepar sulphuris calcarea 6+

Kalium muriaticum 6

Larix leptolepis B 5

P-benzoquinone 5

Plumbum metallicum 5

Pothos foetida 6

Rhoisiccus sessilifolia 6

Stachis palustris B 5

Williamsite 6+

Zoisite 6


Emotional reactions in advance.

Blocking (rude and advanced)*

Obstruction of attainments of others, also legitimate ones. Largely unfounded obstruction of justice, or of opponents. It may include preventions and restrictions, probably for the sake of security.


Separating parts of the self from awareness of other parts, unintegrated.

Cyclamen persicum 5

Eleutherococcus senticosus B 5

Hepar sulphuris calcarea 4

Opium 5


Making up for deficits and real weakness in one area or sphere of life by over-emphasising some other(s). Compensation is quite semiconscious.


Fantasy as an escape. Fantasy may then become part of the problem, in time.


Redirecting attention to another thing, or turning aside or off course. Hallmark: marked departure from the proper course to take.


Implicating another is demoniac and going on from there, treating the other meanly with contempt, for the most part in fiendish, very cruel and indifferent ways. "Give a dog a bad name and hang him" suggests the projective measure involved, and a possible scapegoating effect too.

Aragallus lamberti 6

Ferraria densepunctulata 6+

Pearls 5

Saxifraga nivalis 6+


Going against an anxiety provoking stimulus, protecting oneself from unpleasant acceptance of a problem, even conscious refusal. Refusing to admit or face a situation. Easily observable in childhood development.

Asclepias aure 6

Emerald 5

Gentiana cruc B 6

Nephrite 5

Kalium oxalicum 6

Rhodonite 6

Sardonyx 6++

Derniere cri: Resorting to even ugly fashion for the sake of acceptance

Arnica montana 5

China 6+

Ferrum metallicum 6

Hematite 5

Nephrite 6

Mercurius nitrosus 6+

Salix hastata 6+

Taxus baccata 'Dovastonii' 6

Mercurius corrosivus 5


Attributing exaggerated negative qualities to others.

Displacement (due to unsatisfied impulses and needs)

Redirecting impulses (such as anger) from a too dangerous or violent target to someone safer. Unconscious transfer of thoughts. Even conscious acceptance of a substitute. Example 1. Yelling at your spouse after an argument with your boss. Example 2: "Turning against self": instead of hating others, hating oneself.

Aesculus carnea B 6

Aesculus hippocastanum B 5

Fagus sylvatica heterophylla 6

Lilium tigrin 6

Rhodonite 6+

Sepia 5


Splitting off thoughts from consciousness, and detachment from negatively charged experiences. Dissociation can lead into mental illness.

Emotional insulation

To protect oneself from harm or hurt.


Here, esp. explaining away things. Also, avoiding facing up to issues; avoiding the performance of things. (Norw: tyr bl.a. til bortforklaringar)

Arthrospira platensis B 6+

Arundo mauritanica V 6+

Boracid acid 6

Euporbia lathyrus BV 6+

Lachesis muta 5

Menyanthes trifoliata 6+

Ruby 6+

Strychnos toxifera B 6+++


Cessation of a process that leads to quite mature independence.

Help-rejecting and complaining

Complaining and asking for help repeatedly, with hidden feelings of hostility and reproach.


Irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals.

Aethiops mineralis 6

Arnica montana 6

Benzoin 5

Fraxinus americana 6

Hepatica triloba 6

Mercurius corrosivus 6

Strychnos nux-vomica 6


Overestimating and/or over-expounding the desirable qualities of someone desired or a desired object.

Apatite G 5

Aralia race 4

Argentum meta 3

Cypripedium pube 3-4

Diamond 2-6

Kalium muri 6

Ornithogalum umbe B (Star of Bethlehem)

Xantium spin 5

Saxifraga albe 5

Yucca elep 4

Identification, rooted in imitation and pooling of such as libido

Similar to introjection (q.v.). There is intentional identification


Sustaining the wrong notion that a situation is pleasing or good (idyllic), while it is not.

Aesculus hippocastanum B 6

Gentiana cruc B 6+

Opal: Fire opal 6

Tiger's Eye 5


Cutting off affective and/or emotional charge from hurtful situations or experiences by use of logic and rational activities that seem helpful.

Alyssium saxa 6

Falcon's Eye 6

Etylendinitrilotetra-aceticum 6

Kalium hydr-oxal 6

Kalium muriaticum 6

Papaver nudicaule B 6

Tanzanite 6


Incorporating external values and standards into the self (ego) to the end of not being at the mercy of police officers or other scary authority figures.

Isolation of affect

Splitting off feelings from thoughts unhealthily.


Use or control or play on someone(s) by crafty, artful, skilful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage. Changing something or influencing someone's mind by artful or unfair means so as to serve some ulterior motive. Scheming may lie at the back of it.


Lessening the importance and/or significance of an affect or experience.

Omnipotence (feeling omnipotent)

Claiming he or she possesses special powers or abilities and is thereby superior.


Aristolochia clematis 6

Cuprum arsenicum 6

Cuprum sulphuricum 5

Emetine hydrochloride 5

Hepar sulphuris calcarea 6

Hypericum perfolatum B 6

Hypericum perfolatum V 6++

Manganum sulphuricum 6++

Polygonum viviparum 6++

Stachis palustris B 6

Viburnum tinus 6+

Zoisite 6+

Passive aggression

Unassertively expressing aggression toward others. A harsh facade of neurotic compliance usually covers hostility and resentment.

Projection + laughs at others

Placing unacceptable impulses or undesired feelings and traits in yourself onto someone else that is far away too - perhaps. Attributing self-critical feelings to others. Attributing one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially by way of externalising blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety.

Abies webbiana 6

Adansonia digitata B 6

Agate opal 6

Cassiterite 6

Elymus aren 6

Kalium hydr-oxal 6

Petiveria tetrandra 5

Quartz, Rose quarts 4

Argentum chrystal 6

Projection 2

Panax ginseng

Apium graveolens (advances: Don't appear too modest, especially when talking)

Projective identification

Falsely attributing to another his or her own unacceptable feelings, impulses, or thoughts. One does not fully disavow what is projected, unlike what takes place in simple projection (q.v.). Misattributing feelings and perhaps going so far as to induce them in the victims of the "charade" too.


Attempting to show one's conduct is justifiable by some feigned or facade reason as opposed to the real reason(s) involved, which may feel threatening to one's sense of self as OK or good. Often involving unconscious or semi-conscious efforts to justify unacceptable behaviours, thoughts and feelings.

Arum triphyllum 5

Anagallis arvensis 3

Fagus sylvatica heterophylla 5

Hydrobromic acid 6

Populus tremuloides 5

Rhodonite 6

Reaction formation (Hi 472)

When a genuine belief causes anxiety, taking the opposite stand (belief) because of the anxiety. Converting wishes. Example: becoming overly solicitous and overprotective in consequence of not wanting the child somehow, etc.

Amber 4

Cassiterite 3

Cuprum arsenicum 5

Fucus vesiculosis B 5

Lilium maculatum 6

Ruby 6

Topaz 5

Wyethia helen 5

Zoisite 5


Return to more infantile behaviours and thoughts. Return to some previous, or earlier, less mature stage of development or a lower level of aspiration. Examples: bed wetting and thumb sucking.

Repression (internal, inside oneself, of memories and perhaps also impulses) (Hi 461)

Preventing quite threatening thoughts from entering consciousness. Blocking of unacceptable impulses, even sympathy and friendship, if they seems dangerous. Repression is unconsious, suppression (q.v.) is not wholly outside the range of a normal consciousness.

Asclepias aure 6

Gall 6

Prunus cerasifera B 6+

Senna 4

Ligustrum ovafolium 4

Repression or suppression or both - going into decadance

Repression is a process by which unacceptable desires or impulses are excluded from consciousness and left to operate in the unconscious, whereas suppression involves conscious, intentional exclusion from consciousness of one or more thoughts or feelings.

Baryta oxydata 6+

Brass 6+

Helichrysum bracteatum 6+

Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii' 6

Populus tremuloides B 6

Williamsite 6

Rhodonite 4


Deep-seated opposition to memories and other data that evoke anxiety.

Rubbish-fencing off (Norw: "det er rusk"-avfeiingar)

Rejecting someone or something as worthless.

Arundo mauritanica B 6+

Arundo mauritanica V 6

Daphne x burkwoodii 'Somerset' 6

Dioscorea villosa 5

Papaver nudicaule B 5

Salix vitellina B 6

Thymus serphyllum 5

Viburnum opulus B 6+

Sarcastic, biting ironical "humour"

Sarcasm involves feigning (q.v.). Sarcasm can be sharp and often satirical or ironic, and designed to cut or give pain. Scorn may or may not be involved.


Expressing one's feelings and notions and so on in some directly manipulative ways.

Slave of fashion, not just a follower of it any longer (Norw: tynast slik)

Clematis vitalba B 6+

Fittonia verschaffeltii B 6

Influenzinum Bach 'Poly Flu' 6+

Paeonia lactiflora 6+

Pearl 6

Santolina neapolitana B 6++

Viola odorata B 6+


Not managing very well having "two minds" about some things. Handling contradictory states or sets of feelings badly.

Splitting may be looked on as a continuation of unresolved, severe ambivalence (being of "two minds", harbouring weighty, simultaneous and contradictory feelings toward something or someone largely important.


Channeling or deflecting unacceptable impulses in some socially acceptable way. But the fruits (long-term consequences) of that may interfere with a life by demanding disproportionately much efforts and other resources, and there is an element of faking (q.v.) at the bottom of things later on, perhaps.


Going for alternative substitutive gratification. Replacing an unreachable or unacceptable target or solution by a more acceptable or attainable goal.



There are more sides to potentised preparations than what has been described here [More]. You may also want to know where to get them. You could try the nearest pharmacy or health store in your country, or ask The Bach Centre for information. There may be other and better ways for you in the country you're inside. It generally helps to check out (look before you leap).

Now well chosen homeopathic remedies, flower essence remedies and other such remedies may or may not help (more or less, for a while or longer, and so on) against some mental disturbances, and perhaps some of the defence mechanisms too, before they have turned severe.

You do not have to have faith in such remedies to try them out for some months. Just trying them is what it comes down to.

It is best to detect and correct disorders and ailings as soon as possible, and before they get serious - or more serious. And preventing them is better still.

Please note that the remedies listed under the ego defence mechanisms are suggestions, and in order to use the suggestions, proficiency in the use of homeopathic remedies and essence remedies "on their own terms", so to speak, is called for. There is much literature about homeopathy and Bach remedies, and less on Gem water and Gem therapy. A book or more is included for each therapy at the bottom of the page, so you can read up on them as you like.

The Church of Good Living for all, unbelievers and believers

In Norway, the state church has believers, half-believers and non-believers as members. Its current foundations are ceremonial displays and life-state rituals. The state church is dwindling, but that is another tale.

If your healing efforts along alternative or complementary lines are unduly thwarted, rise to the church level - get your own little church. In some states it is possible, at least. There are many such churches around today also. If you learn to make fit and fair use of the religious rights, you could end up being allowed to administer Gem Water or similar instead of holy water. It depends on how you go ahead, how you present the Gem Water, and how well you get received. A diploma may be of quite little worth compared to having a Good Living church to run yourself at first. If it grows bigger, accommodate to that again.

Using alternative or complementary remedies may go well in the social circles too, if you refrain from promising too much to those you mean to help. If the rounds of trying-out remedies that you recommend should end up with no perceivable results, these clients of a sort may get disappointed and tell others how little you help, and then some authority may strike down on you like a hawk on a hen. If there is a need to try to hinder that, here is the free suggestion once again:

Set up a Church of Good Living, using the needed formal applications, and dispense Gem water and such things as one regular ceremony in your little church society. If you act like a clergymen who profit from blessed water and the like, including ceremonial displays, it might be good for you and those you try to help. Use of religious freedom may come with tax benefits as well, depending on the circumstances. If you get more than, say, thirty members, you could end up safer or less stigmatised by an uninformed or informed environment than being three or four - as "There is safety in numbers". The more members, the nearer a world religion, for that matter.

If you hold on to scientific sceptism, Buddhism has a basis for you in that. And that signals you might present your church as very liberal Buddhism. "Don't believe, make sure," is a Russian proverb in a similar vein, aligned to Buddha's counsel:

DHARMA WHEEL Do not believe something just because it has been passed along and retold for many generations.

Do not necessarily believe something merely because it has become a traditional practice.

Do not necessarily believe blindly in common opinion.

Do not necessarilybelieve something just because it is cited in a text or solely on the grounds of logic, or accords with your world view.

Do not necessarily believe something because it appeals to "common sense" or you like the idea, or due to some preconceived notions, or because the speaker seems trustworthy.

And do not be gullibly, blindly led by what your teacher tells you is so.

Yet when you yourselves directly know [after sound testing and other procedures etc.] , "These things are wholesome, blameless, praised by the wise; when adopted and carried out they lead to well-being, prosperity and happiness," then you should accept and practise them."

[A condensed redition from Gautama Buddha's Kesaputti Sutta, 5th sutta (sutra) in the Book of Threes (Mahavagga) in the Gradual Sayings (Tika Nipata). - More]

Troubles and Remedies

Attempts to get more robust and perhaps neat too, could bring on progress. In Dr Eric Berne's TA (Transactional Analysis), making good progress signals getting Game-free. "Game" means hanky-panky in such a jargon. (James and Jongeward 1971) [More on TA, with literature references]

We can work towards health and great health, and maybe there are herbs and other preparations to strenghten us towards it as we go on. There is a book on Ayurvedic herbs included.



Survey based on Big Five factors

Below are listed homeopathic and other said influences that could help against some OCEAN factors, also called Big Five factors. The said influences should be sought and tried out carefully to the degree they seem OK or helpful, if you can find out of it. My opinion is that the higher the number after a said influence (below), the better chances of effect, so I for one would have focused on the said influences with the highest putative "effect numbers" and made a blend of some of them too - 3 or 4 said influences together, for example, could work just as well as one, and maybe much better.

Read 'remedy' for 'said influence' if you like. And do read 'said influences' for "influences" all the way below here too. Dr Karin Lenger has conducted research that confirms that homeopathic influences do exist. [A look into Dr. Lenger's research]

Why are there several influences aimed at coping with one trouble? Different influences are aimed at different sides to a problem and can stimulate different qualities too. That is the theory.

Have you recently checked your personality traits informally? Then you can read the influences selected to match such traits, and maybe get a bit motived somehow. There is a Big Five page on the site about the five personality factors that seem most stable, and otherwise known by the acronym OCEAN. Find a Big Five self-test online [◦Link]. With the results in hand you may feel more confident about the factors that are treated below.

Each OCEAN linked category comes with a list of homeopathic preparations, Bach flower influences and a few selected Gem remedies, and some others. There is a site disclaimer to note too. The following information should be treated as merely educational, then.

Dealing with mental and relational disturbances

Thanks to much statistical research since the late 1930s and onward, several factors have emerged as probable indicators of personality. They are clustered and annexed to five dimensions known by the acronym OCEAN, where O stands for Openness, C Conscientiousness, E Extraversion, A Agreeableness, and N Neuroticism. Today's specialists agree that OCEAN's (the Big Five's) parameters furnish a better basis for understanding the evolving personality than any other similar test, for example the MBTI, which is still much used.

The first standard counsel is: Stay out of harm's way. It could be that well chosen homeopathic influences, flower essence influences and other such influences could help against some mental disturbances even their effects go largely unproven still. The deeper the disturbances go, the more they affect the lives and personalities involved. So there may be good reasons to try if disorders are lessened after you have tried out alternative or complementary remedies for at least weeks according to a well laid plan.

Such attemps may be for good if remedies are applied before anything gets serious or dead serious. Better still, "Prevention is better than (attempts at) cure," the proverb says.

This is to say you may "try and see" real good if you can, or refuse to succumb to diseases if you can.

On a previous page there is information for studying the essence influences in the light of such as OCEAN aspects of ourselves. Maybe it works best to read that page first, and then come back to read further, so as to ensure a better grasp of the "quark charged" impressions, potentised preparations, and influences, and what they could do for people if they are found to work well in your case.


OCEAN is a acronym gleaned from the first words on the five lines below:

  • O - Openness to new experiences (versus being close-minded)
  • C - Conscientiousness (versus being disorganised)
  • E - Extraverted (versus introverted)
  • A - Agreeable (versus disagreeable)
  • N - Nervous, high-strung (versus calm, relaxed).

Each of these five dimensions of human personality have poles in each end, then, and a cluster (group) of human qualities associated with each of these ten poles.

OPENNESS is related to being original, creative, curious and else. It is well worth noting that "curiosity killed the cat" - the proverb is from an old fable, and suggests that one may be open to one's loss. So as much openness as possible is not an ideal - and ot fit under all circumstances, such as under a despot.

Opposite is "close-minded" , which is associated with being conventional, having narrow interests, being uncreative, and so on. It would be a mistake to think that being "close-minded" would be wrong under all circumstances in this world. To be conventional may be very good, for example, where conventinality is good. Among head-hunters and cannibals and child-warriors, however, it may not be good to be conventional (as them).

So the terms are relative, and we can live with that. Circumstances often determine how much interest and openness can be worth while, or good enough.

In the list below, many categories from the OCEAN or Big Five parameters are found, and helpful influences are listed under them again. If your health and vivacity suffers from 'openness', your deep need might be to get less open, less frivolous. And conversely, if your health and vivacity and children suffer from your closed mind, maybe you should make real efforts to loosen up somewhat. Thus, the key to determine whether a parameter such as being 'CONSERVATIVE' is good for you or not, or how good it seems to be, is determined by your health and vivacity, and maybe the health and vivacity of those very close to you, in your care. We don�t say in what ways persons may be too conservative than what is good for them. The influences may bring to light a variety of angles, and some of those "angles" may seem more suited that others. If so, use them.

On other Gold Scales pages you can study said and proposed influences in detail - their said, prominent effects according to such as homeopathy and Dr. Edward Bach and so on - and what they may be good for. - [Link].

There is in addition a page of problems and suggested influences - [Link].

All this is to say we have to consider carefully in order to make effective use of the information here.

If you think you or your partner is too CARELESS, make no big shouts about it. Instead talk about the Puff-ball (Bovista), and how you might make a home remedy out if its flowers in the way of Dr. Edward Bach. And then stick to having or giving the regulated amount of drops as many times a day for as many weeks as seem profitable. That's how to do it. Or you may ask others close to you to help you. Such amateur detective work can be fun, and should not deteriorate into sulking.

WHERE TO GET SOME: Many of the influences below can be bought or ordered at homeopathic pharmacies. Maybe you want to learn how to make your own influences at home and save hundreds of dollars in time too. Making your own influences is not difficult. However, it takes time for the higher potencies. In case you make influences yourself, make sure you don't use poisonous parts of anything. That is your responsibility - making sure.


Personality Factors

These factors or traits can be understood through their general meanings without refrence to the OCEAN. Still, we have furnished the acronym letters that seem appropriate for those who would like to follow up self-test findings some way or other. The numbers 1 and 2 refer to high scores and low scores on the online ◦Big Five (OCEAN) personality test, respectively.

The list of influences for each parameter is a meny to select from. Proficiency in homeopathy and flower influences cannot be dispensed with to make fit and safe use of the findings.

PS. The word 'remedy' is not exact. Homeopathic remedies are thought to carry an influence in a carrier, such as water, sugar, or alcolhol. See Dr Karin Lenger's magnetic study of homeopathic influences. To be under the influence has taken on quite a different meaning. [More] - TK

Careless - C2

Alnus rubra 4

Ammonium nitricum 5

Arsenicum album 6

Bovista B 6+

Colchum autumnale 5

Frontal bone 6

Mancinella 3

Mercurius dulcis 6

Micrococcin 6+

Nosose struma adenom 6

Pulmonaria vulgaris 6

Salix vitellina B 6

Saxifraga nivalis 6

Tanzanite 6

Viburnum opulus B 6

Zoisite 5

Conservative - E2

Asclepias syriaca 6

Hydrocotyle B 6

Plumbum metallicum 5

Pyrus americana 6+

Conventional - O2

Adansonia digitata B 6

Aristolochia clematis 6

Carnelian 4

Dolichos pruriens 5

Erica arborea B 6

Falcon's Eye 6

Micrococcus neoformans 5

Prunus cerasifera B 5

Satureja acinos 4

Saxifraga nivalis 6

Goody-goody (agreeable) - O1

Carnelian 6

Crataegus oxyacantha 6

Jasper 6

Rosa 'Irene' 6+

Santolina neapolitana B 6

Viburnum opulus B 6+

Inhibited - E2

Arsenicum album 5

Asa foetida 6

Eleutherococcus senticosus B 6+

Juniperus communis Abhal 6+

Panax ginseng 6

Paeonia lactiflora 6

Tanzanite 5

Saxifraga nivalis 6

Thymus serphyllum 6

Insecure - N1

Apatite 5

Arundo mauritanica B 5

Calluna vulgaris B 5

Dolichos pruriens B 5

Fagus sylvatica heterophylla 6

Falcon's Eye 6

Hypericum perforatum B 5

Kalium muriaticum 6

Lathyrus sativus 5

Tourmaline 6

Negligent - C2

Aragallus lamberti 5

Asclepias curassavica 'aurea' 6

Bismuthum subnitricum 6

Eilate 5

Myrrhis odorata B 6

Myrrhis odorata V 5

Viburnum opulus B 6

Retiring (socially) - E2

Aluminium phosphoricum 5

Amethyst 5

Argentum iodatum 5

Hibiscus esculentus B 6+

Malus theifera 6+

Ruthless (too severe) - E2

Aloysia triphylla 5

Amethyst 6

Arundo mauritanica 6+

Bovista B 5

Cyclamen persicum 5

Dolichos pruriens 6

Fraxinus americana 5

Helichrysum bracteatum 6

Juglans cinerea 6

Mancinella 5

Panax ginseng 6

Polygonum viviparum 6

Rosa 'Curly Pink' 6

Saxifraga nivalis 6+

Selfish - A1

Acidum phenyl-aceticum 6

Baryta sulphide 6

Emerald 6

Ferraria densepunctulata 5

Kalium chloricum 4

Lilium maculatum B 6

Pulmonaria officinalis 6

Quartz, Rose quarts 6

Satureja thymbra B 6

Saxifraga nivalis 4

Sepia 4

Taciturn, very t. (= quiet) - E2

Arum triphyllum 6

Fucus vesiculosis B 6

Opium 4

Pentymalum 6

Saxifraga tridactylites 6+

Almandin 6

Talkative - E1

Aluminium sulphuricum 4

Arundo mauritanica B 6

Asclepias vincetoxicum 4

Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii' 6

Linaria vulgaris 6 (p: somewhat cowardly)

Satureja thymbra B 4

Undependable - C2

Amanita phalloides 5

Aristolochia clematis 6

Clematis vitalba B 6

Dulcamara 4

Eleutherococcus senticosus B 6

Hepar sulphuris calcarea 5

Hydrobromic acid 6

Kalium bromatum 6+

Magnesium arsenicum 6+

Paeonia lactiflora 6

Pearls 6

Polygonum bistorta 6

Pothos foetida 6

Satureja acinos 6

Solidago virga B 6++

Vitamin K 6

Zoisite 6+

Vulnerable - O1 (or E2)

Foeniculum v dulce 6

Clematis integrifolia 'Hendersonii' B 6

Porphyra perforata 6

Santolina neapolitana B 5

Zoisite 6

Worrying, worrier - N1 (E2)

Aesculus hippocastanum bud B 6+

Aralia hispida 6+

Asclepias syriaca 6+

Arundo mauritanica B 6+

Bromelinum 6++

Calluna vulgaris B 6+

Cina 6+

Fragaria 'Alexandria' 6

Fumaria officinalis 6

Hura braziliensis 4

Lachnanthes tinctoria 6

Magnesium carbonicum 6+

Micrococcin 5

Oncidium varicosum B 6

Pothos foetida 6++

Salix vitellina B 6

Thymus serphyllum 6++

Zoisite 5


Complementary medicine, homeopathy, getting old, remedies and other essences, Literature  

Bach, Edward. The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies. Reprint ed. Brightwell-cum-Sotwell, Oxon: The Bach Centre, 1952. ⍽▢⍽ Also in the form of an e-book from 2005.

Ball, Stefan. Bach Flower Remedies (Teach Yourself). London: Teach Yourself Books, 2000. ⍽▢⍽ A self-teaching guide written by a Bach Centre expert.

Boericke, William, and Oscar Boericke. Homoeopathic Materia Medica. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Boericke and Runyon, 1927. ⍽▢⍽ More recent editions are from 2008, 1999, 1993, 1990 and further.

Chancellor, Phillip, ed, comp. Handbook on the Bach Flower Remedies. Reprint ed. Rockford: C. W. Daniel, 1971. ⍽▢⍽ Dr Chancellor cooperated with the Bach Healing Centre. This is an ancillary to Edward Bach's basic work, The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies. The book combines remedy descriptions and case histories. Further, each Bach remedy is compared to similar remedies.

Clarke, John Henry: A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica. 3 vols. London: The Homeopathic Publishing Company, 1900 (vol 1) and 1902 (vols 2 and 3).

Epstein, Lawrence J. 2011. George Burns: An American Life. London: McFarland and Co.

Gienger, Michael, and Joachim Goebel. Gem Water: How to Prepare and Use More than 130 Crystal Waters for Therapeutic Treatments. Findhorn, Forres: Earthdancer, 2008. ⍽▢⍽ Many enthusiastic responses. Some like reading it and some have tried some of the methods.

James, Muriel, and Dorothy Jongeward. Born to Win: Transactional Analysis with Gestalt Experiments. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley, 1971.

Khalsa, Karta P. S., and Michael Tierra. The Way of Ayurvedic Herbs: A Contemporary Introduction and Useful Manual for the World's Oldest Healing System. Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press, 2008. ⍽▢⍽ Herbs can be helpful to many. Ayurvedic herbs have reached the mainstream of health care, Here is an excellent and easy to read book with appendix, glossary, bibliography, recommended reading suggestions, herbal resources, etc.

Lad, Vasant. Ayurveda. The Science of Self-Healing: A Practical Guide. Reprint ed. Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press, 2009. ⍽▢⍽ Ayurvedic diagnostic methods are laid bare.

Lad, Vasant. The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies. New York: Three Rivers Press, 1998. ⍽▢⍽ It contains more specifics on illnesses and remedies than the other Lad book. Lindahl, Olov, och Lars Lindwall. Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet [Science and Tested Experience]. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur, 1978.

Lockie, Andrew and Nicola Geddes: The Complete Guide to Homeopathy the Principles and Practices of Treatment. London: Dorling and Kindersley, 1995.

Smith, Carolyn D. et al., eds. Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology. 14th ed. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth, 2003.

Voegeli, Adolf: Homoeopathic Prescribing. Wellingborough: Thorsons, 1976.

Symbols, brackets, signs and text icons explained: (1) Text markers(2) Digesting.

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