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"He honours me best who practises my teaching best." - Buddha

"One should put forth some effort to get rid of evil and unwholesome states of mind that are there (have arisen)." - Buddha

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"Let us all be thankful for today, for if we did not learn a lot, at least we learnt a little. And if we did not learn a little, at least we did not become ill. And if we became ill, at least we did not die. So let us all be thankful." - Buddha, attributed.

"I have set forth the Dharma without making any distinction of esoteric and exoteric doctrine; nothing is held back. The Truth-arriver (Tathagatha, Awakened One) holds no idea that he should lead the community of bhikkhus [monks], or that the community depends upon him." - Buddha in Maha-parinibbana-suttanta 2:32.

Thoughts of Buddha from ancient discourses, Buddhist living, early Buddhist ideas, Buddhism, Thoughts of Buddha from ancient discourses,  sayings ascribed to Buddha, help for Living, Apannaka Sutta Highlights, Buddha's Kalama Sutta translations, Buddha advice to householders, Buddha on women and growth, Buddha on filial Piety, Factors Leading to Welfare, Great Wealth and Happiness, Karma Teachings, Buddha Sayings and Teachings, Causes of Downfalls, Buddha's Final Teachings, Discourses, Parables and Stories of Buddha, Buddhist Teachings Meditation in Buddhism, To top    Section     Set    Next

Thoughts of Buddha from ancient discourses, Buddhist living, early Buddhist ideas, Buddhism, Thoughts of Buddha from ancient discourses,  sayings ascribed to Buddha, help for Living, Apannaka Sutta Highlights, Buddha's Kalama Sutta translations, Buddha advice to householders, Buddha on women and growth, Buddha on filial Piety, Factors Leading to Welfare, Great Wealth and Happiness, Karma Teachings, Buddha Sayings and Teachings, Causes of Downfalls, Buddha's Final Teachings, Discourses, Parables and Stories of Buddha, Buddhist Teachings Meditation in Buddhism,. User's Guide   ᴥ    Disclaimer 
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