"He honours me best who practises my teaching best." - Buddha
"One should put forth some effort to get rid of evil and unwholesome states of mind that are there (have arisen)." - Buddha |
"Let us all be thankful for today, for if we did not learn a lot, at least we learnt a little. And if we did not learn a little, at least we did not become ill. And if we became ill, at least we did not die. So let us all be thankful." - Buddha, attributed.
"I have set forth the Dharma without making any distinction of esoteric and exoteric doctrine; nothing is held back. The Truth-arriver (Tathagatha, Awakened One) holds no idea that he should lead the community of bhikkhus [monks], or that the community depends upon him." - Buddha in Maha-parinibbana-suttanta 2:32.