REin handfull yrke kan vere verdt meir enn ein dobbel handfull gull.* A handfu' o' trade is worth a gowpen o' gold. (A little knowledge of a trade will pay dividends in the end.) La heller vitsen fare enn vennen. [La fare å fortelje vitsar på ein venns rekning, fordi vennskapet er verdt mykje meir enn ein latter.] Rather spoil your joke than tine your friend. (Do not tell jokes if it is at the expense of a friend, as their friendship is worth a lot more than a laugh.) Overveg vinsten din på sengekanten. [T.d. "Kva har eg vunne i dag?"] Reckon up your winning at your bedstock. (Kelly gives another version: 'Reckon on your winning by your bed stock'.) Kjerneved blir gode spindlar. Red wood maks gude spindles. (Red wood' is the name given to the dark-coloured wood found in the heart of trees.) Rikfolks vidd riv sund kjevane til fattigfolk. Rich folk's wit rives poor folk's jaws. Moden frukt rotnar snarast. Ripe fruit is soonest rotten. La han rotne vekk med skinke og egg. [Humoristisk vink til ei ung kone om korleis ho kan bli av med ein gammal ektemann.] Rot him awa' wi' ham an' eggs. (A humorous suggestion to a young wife on how she might get rid of an old husband.) Skildre noko av verdi som er funne, slik det er. Ruse the ford as ye find it. (Speak as you find.) |
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